Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 4 Chapter 53: Jiang Yan wakes up


Sima Feng yelled, and drove the flying boat back quickly!

The immortality of Wuxian Sword was too fierce, and it flew all the way through. The accompanying sword spirit washed all the mountains and rivers on the earth into sword shape. ⊙

"Buzz .........!"

Sima Feng and a kind of Dahan official's long sword suddenly trembled, as if to drink the coming of Xianxian sword, worship the sword king.

The general situation passed, and everyone only felt their hairs exploded. Even in the ancient sea, his face changed at this moment, and a fierce and devastating atmosphere rushed to his heart.

"Tiantian Leader?" Gu Hai narrowed his eyes.

In the distance, Jianxian of the Xianxian sword has approached and headed for the red sun.


Jinwu's giant claws fell from the sky, and it was also a hot breath that oppressed them. Jinwu's golden claws fell, and many of the repairmen who escaped the city were unable to lift their heads, only showing the color of terror and fleeing.

Jinwu's claws, and Xianxian Swords arrived at the Red Sun almost at the same time.

Jinwu's giant claws slammed the top of Hongri. Xun Xianjian also brazenly withstood the south of Red Sun.

On top of the giant claws, the billowing flames spewed out, and the Xianxian Sword swarmed around. There were hundreds of millions of small swords flying around the Xianxian Sword, which seemed to drag the red sun away.


Red Sun trembled, seems to be pulled in two directions by two giant forces.

Suddenly, in the southwest, another huge scarlet handprint came straight.


When the blood-colored handprints arrived, the void was suddenly dyed with blood-red, and a cloud of blood covered the right palm, grabbing on the red sun.

"Big blood cloud hand? Emperor Xiyu of the Yuan Dynasty? He also wants to compete for the red sun?" Sima Changkong stunned.

Lin Wan'er had eyes narrowed slightly: "Emperor Xiyu? His practice can project a distance?"

"This is ...? The power of projection? The Emperor Xiyu is still in the capital, like Tongtian's leader, Taiyi, projection? Isn't that, he has broken the bottleneck ...?" Sima Feng's face changed.

"Heavenly Palace!" Lin Waner sank.


The three forces were deadlocked, and everyone wanted to take this red sun, the red sun trembled, unmoved.


Suddenly, the red sun burst with red light, and the thousands of droughts burst out again. It seems to be free from the struggle of these three strong.


Suddenly, the emperor in the ground palace sucked again.


The billowing fire was suddenly sucked into the empress's nose.

"Ginger?" Lin Wan'er sank.

Jiang Yan's closed eyes could see the eyeballs turning slightly, seeming to be awake.

"Taiyi, have you cultivated better yet?" Suddenly, a cry came from the south.

The sound was huge, and it exploded in the sky and the earth in an instant. Hundreds of swords trembled violently. Everyone was trembling in their hearts, as if a palm was holding the hearts of everyone.

"Tiantian Leader's voice?" Gu Hai's face sank.

I already have the third most important element in Yuanying Realm, but I can face the strength of the Master of Tongtian, it seems that the difference is too far, and that over an infinite distance, I feel really heavy in my heart.

"Improvement? Oh, Tongtian, I had torn three Tongtian masters. What do you want to do?" Sky suddenly heard a loud shout.


The voice made everyone gasp hard again.

Gu Hai looked at Fairy Fairy, showing a hint of surprise: "What does Taiyi mean?"

Lin Waner nodded with a bitter smile: "It is true, the God of Heaven has once held three positions, fighting with Taiyi and being torn by Taiyi, but those are the weakest Tongtian, and Taiyi is a reincarnation. Only One too one! "

"Oh? Reincarnation?"

"Yes, the monster has the special ability of the monster. The three main palaces of the Sun God Palace have existed since ancient times, but they have been reincarnated and reincarnated constantly. I heard that the former reincarnation was born in the endgame. However, I heard that it was too risky for her to reincarnate. At the time of her reincarnation, the earth soul was separated from the god. She wanted to keep the practices of the previous life, so ... ”Lin Waner explained.

"Oh?" Gu Hai's eyes narrowed.

Immediately remembered after the Empress, Xiaorou's soul, is Empress after the reincarnation?

"The palace of the Sun Gods is very profound, because the three main palace masters have existed since ancient times! So this one is also very powerful! There were three masters of the heavenly gods who were killed by them!" Lin Waner bitterly said.

"The fourth term? Hahaha, you can come and try, you don't remember who I am? It seems that you have forgotten the battle of Wuhai? I was able to chop you back then, and now it is also OK! Hum! Leng He came.


Jinwu's claw trembled suddenly.

"You? Are you? The first-generation Tongtian leader?" Taiyi's voice suddenly exaggerated.

"What?" Lin Wan'er also suddenly changed his face.

"What's wrong?" Gu Hai wondered.

"The first generation? The God of Heaven is actually the first reincarnation? Legend has it that the most powerful God of Heaven is the master? This, this ...?" Lin Wan'er was surprised.

"The most powerful Tongtian leader?" Gu Hai wondered.

"I have a record of Taoism in Wanshou. The first generation of God of Heaven is the most powerful. Rumors that he was powerful enough to sprint the fairyland, but he did not, but chose to reincarnate, leaving a sword, passed on to Throughout the ages, the sword species carried the will of the first generation of Kendo. It was passed down from generation to generation and accumulated from generation to generation. The kendo will of all generations of the Celestial Master will be passed down, but the new Celestial Master can only absorb a small part of the Part of it is impossible to understand, but the first generation is different. His sword type must be fully understood by himself. Not only has he returned, but he has also absorbed the kendo of all days. Is he not the strongest? .

"You are from Wanshou Taoism, don't you know?" Gu Hai wondered.

"I don't know, I only know that this generation of Tongtian leader is very cold and extremely powerful. I never thought he was ...!" Waner fairy said bitterly.

"Retreat!" The Tongtian leader gave a cold drink.

"Huh, was that what I was then? Am I today? I can tear you through three days, and I can also tear you! It's you who pulled back!" Tai snorted again and again.

None of the two strong players let.

"The two have crossed the border. This is the realm of my emperor's dynasty. My emperor's things, the two still don't think about it. Where do they come from and where do they go!" The **** palm suddenly heard the voice of Emperor Xiyu.

"Huh?" Both Tongtian and Tai sounded annoyed in their voices.

"The emperor of the imperial court? Well, you want to fight with me too?" Tai Yi said coldly.

"I can't help it! Hum!" Tongtian leader snorted.


The three parties contributed at the same time.

The blood palm of Emperor Xiyu's blood is not as powerful as the two.

"Here is my Dayuan Realm. Nearest to me, my projection power is naturally the greatest. Huh, I respect the two seniors, but my emperor's dynasty can't tolerate others' wanton pretensions!" With a domineering.



Both Tongtian and Tai roared.

"Aren't you afraid that I'll flatten your Yuan Dynasty?" Tai Yi's voice came, and the voice was extremely cold.

"Come on, wait in Dayuan, wait for the two, but now, this round of red sun is mine. In my Dayuan, no one wants to take it away, hum!" Emperor Xiyu hummed.


None of the three strong men let it go. At high altitude, they dragged that round of red sun and wanted to take it away.

The red sun trembled and the void shook.

But at this moment, Jiang Yan's body shivered suddenly in the ground palace.


Jiang Yan's eyes suddenly opened. For a moment, a bright red light burst out from his eyes.

The eyes opened for a moment, and almost all the practitioners were all around there for a moment, as if at that moment, everyone's soul was violently shaken, and everyone who was shaking was groggy.

Fortunately, the time is short, and everyone can see everything around them again.

The ancient sea soul was also almost shocked, but it was the town of Tianxi, the sacred seal of the heart of the eyebrows, which suddenly stabilized the ancient sea soul while suppressing the destruction of the stone.

Even so, Gu Hai looked at Jiang Yan, who was full of fierce faces, and sank.

Jiang Yan awoke and opened his eyes, but turned around to look at the Quartet, and then looked up at the red sun in the sky.

The golden black claw, the sword of the fairy, and the blood palm are pulling the red sun. He is grabbing Jiang Yan's treasure.

Jiang Yan's eyes gradually became cold.

"Taiyi? Tongtian? I don't know what else! Oh, you guys have the courage! Today, how dare you come to grab my possessions? In this case, no one should leave!" Jiang Yan said coldly.

While talking, Jiang Yan suddenly opened his mouth, spit out two blood-colored fangs, his eyes glowing red.


There was a loud roar.

Jiang Yan's mouth seemed to have a monstrous suction, and for a moment, he sucked it away against the sword fairy, golden claws, and blood palms.


Time and space seem to be distorted. The heaven and earth on the other side are all going to Jiang Yan's mouth.


诛 Xian Sword 诛, golden claws, blood palms all trembled.

"Jiang Yun? How dare you!"

"Jiang Yun, you are looking for death!"

Taiyi, the anger of the sky came again.


Jiang Yan opened his mouth and took a swift sip. Xianxian Sword together with thousands of sword qi, golden claws with endless golden flames, blood palms and billowing blood clouds, were instantly swallowed by Jiang Yan.

"His ~~ She swallowed the projections of Taiyi, Tongtian and Xiyu?" Lin Waner was surprised.

The projection of the three strong men who have just been overwhelmed by the number of practitioners in the Quartet can't lift their heads, was swallowed up by this empress?

Qin Zibai, King Wu, and countless practitioners all had scalp tingling at this moment.

That is the God of Heaven, Taiyi, Emperor Xiyu! Who is this woman?

But he saw that Jiang Yan once again opened his mouth and took a breath on the sky.


The huge red sun slowly settled into Jiang Yan's mouth, as if Jiang Yan opened his mouth and devoured a round of the sun.

"Jiang Ye?" Gu Hai frowned.

Numerous practitioners in the Quartet looked at Jiang Yan with shock. The birth of this woman, I do not know how many disasters to the world.

ps: Correct the time. Last Thursday qq chat, previously mentioned, transferred to next Monday, but there are a lot of recent things, readjust, to tomorrow night, qq tomorrow night to chat with you!

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