Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 4 Chapter 54: Quantcast

As soon as he swallowed the red day, as soon as Jiang Yan came out, he swallowed up the projections of Taiyi, Tongtian and Xiyu.

"Roar ~~~~~~~~~~~~"

After swallowing the red sun's ginger, a loud roar suddenly appeared, and the roar shook the sky. Numerous cultivators suddenly covered the ears and fell to the ground in pain.


"Help me."

"Don't shout."




Numerous practitioners shouted in horror, but Jiang Yan's roar was too violent, completely overshadowing everyone's voice. At this moment, there was only one voice in the world, Jiang Yan's roar.

"Boom boom boom ..............."

The army of 100,000 arid moors gradually woke up, and looked up at the **** man in the center one by one, all showing respect.

The ancient ship flying in the distance opened the hood, but the huge roar shook the flying ship still shaking.


Suddenly, the shield of Feizhou was smashed by Jiang Yan's roar.

"Ah." Lin Waner and others immediately covered her ears.

"So loud." Long Wanyu shouted in pain, covering her ears.

However, Jiang Yan's roar was so loud that no one could hear what they shouted.


Tianzhen Shenxi trembled violently, and a force rushed into the ears of Guhai, protecting Guhai's hearing.

Gu Hai's ears were not disturbed by Jiang Yan, but his clothes were trembling all over, and his powerful body blocked the sound waves. Unlike others, he leaned inwardly.

A roar, as if venting the boundless anger of Jiang Yan.

"Taiyi, Tongtian and Xiyu, the projection of the three of them was swallowed, and they did not shoot again, they did not project again." Lin Waner was surprised.

What Lin Waner doesn't know is that at this moment not only everyone is hearing the sound of roar.

Jiang Di shouted from the ground of Shenzhou.

Almost everyone heard Jiang Yan's roar in Wanshou Taoism in the south, Dagan Heavenly Dynasty in the north, Lingshan Holy Land in the west, and Sun Temple in the northeast.

On the island of Nine Five.

Gu Qin was directing the generals, setting up a large array, suddenly heard a roar, his face changed, and turned to look at the direction of the land of Shenzhou.

Chaoge City.

Shangguanhen stepped out of his mansion and turned to look southwest, his face suddenly sinking.

"Jiang Ye, she came out, haha, haha, there is some trouble now, Jiang Ye, so much resentment." Shangguan marks showed a sneer.

At the entrance of Huangfu Palace.

Bing Ji looked to the southwest, and her face suddenly sank.

"She came out, is she going to get revenge, but it's a disaster." Bingji looked ugly.

The West is a land of mountains and forests.

The Bodhisattva Bodhisattva is taking the ancient Chinese to an abandoned temple with a ruined wall.

Weeds and gravel were everywhere, and the two slowly cleared the surroundings, cleared a plaque, and wrote the four characters "Nalanda Temple".

The merciful Bodhisattva was waiting to speak, and suddenly there was the roar of Jiang Yan from the east.

"Master, where does this voice come from," the ancient man was surprised.

The pity Bodhisattva looked to the east with narrow eyes.

"Jiang Kang, she came out." Liansheng Boss frowned suddenly.


"You've seen it in previous lives. Her Buddhism has come to my western practice, the Buddha, the demon, and the demon. She is so proficient. She came out, and, or she's going to be charred again." The pitying Buddha was slightly sighed.

"Roar ~~~~~~~~~~~~."

Jiang Yan's roar continued for a while, and then stopped.

Looking up at the sky, looking around, Jiang Yan showed a fierce slap, as if he had vented before, and did not let out all the anger.

"I know that you are all looking at you, and you can hear your voice." Jiang Yan snorted.

Jiang Yan seemed to be speaking into the air, but his eyes were full of resentment.

"In those days, you could not kill you, now, you can't kill you, hum, seal for three thousand years, and give you three thousand years of development. What about the three thousand years of development, you can press you back then, you can press you now." With a cold drink.

The surrounding practitioners fled and looked at Jiang Yan in surprise, who she was talking to.

But the practitioners did not dare to approach, but could only escape.

In Jiang Yan's eyes, the crowd didn't even look at them, so they had the chance to escape. The roaring voices couldn't bear it, let alone other, flee, flee, flee.

Flying above the ancient sea.

Wan'er fairy sank.

"Who is she talking about?" Gu Hai asked curiously.

"The three major dynasties in the world, only Dagan Tianchao and Jiang Yan have no cause and effect. The other two major dynasties have complaints with her, and they should be talking about them." Lin Wan'er frowned.

"Ji's, Ji Dihong, ha, ha ha ha, ha, come back. The accounts of the year are slowly calculated, slowly calculated, what can you get for you and what you can lose." Jiang Yan looked at him with a faceless look. Head southwest.

Turning his head, Jiang Yan looked south.

"Jiang family, old things, ha ha ha ha ha, then I did not expect ah, but you will in turn cooperate with Ji Dihong to deal with the uncle, Jiang family, Jiang family, from the Jiang family, whenever Wherever I am, I will leave a room for the Jiang family. It has always been the same, never changed, but how did you confront each other three thousand years ago, oh, this account, slowly calculate, slowly calculate. Jiang Yan looked coldly to the southeast.

"However, the Jiang family confronted each other so much that Jiang did not leave Jiang's family. From that day on, the blood of Jiang was also cleaned up. There is no blood from your Jiang family. This time, I will simply return the" surname "to you, starting today. , 朕 is no longer called 'Jiang 妭', 朕 is 朕, name '名'. '妭 said coldly.

"Oh, Jiang." Gu Hai raised a brow in the distance and looked at Waner Fairy.

Waner Fairy was silent for a while, and finally bit her lip: "The Jiang family and the Ji family each took charge of one heavenly dynasty, and tied with the Dragon family to join the three heavenly dynasties. Among them, the young emperor you are looking for is also the Jiang family. "

"Qing Emperor." Gu Hai's pupils suddenly shrank.

"Don't go to him now, now ..." Fairy Waner suddenly worried, and complained that she talked a lot.

Taking a deep breath, Gu Hai depressed the restlessness in his heart, and nodded his head: "I know, you can rest assured, I won't mess around, I will keep my useful body to avenge."

"Um." Fairy nodded.

On the other side, I finished everything and smiled coldly.

It's like speaking into the air, but everyone here understands that the sound of cricket has, by some means, reached the capitals of the two heavenly dynasties.

She fought against both heavens at the same time.

Most people don't know the details of the uncle, listening to his cold drink, all opened their mouths.

Only Qin Zibai and King Wu were guessing something.

Who is this woman? Does it matter? From then on, they called the Pan Jiang family and Ji family two powerful forces, and the two consciously continued to retreat. This woman is strong, which is evident.

Tongtian, Taiyi and Xiyu, the three strongest are also silent at this moment.

妭 After drinking everything, he turned to look at his subordinate on one hundred thousand knees.

At this moment, all soldiers and soldiers were awake.

"Long live Your Majesty, live long live your life." The 100,000 drought generals respectfully worshipped.

Flying above the boat in the distance.

Gu Hai frowned: "Well, she's the emperor of the imperial dynasty."

The imperial dynasty, imperial dynasty, and heavenly dynasty are differently graded, and their monarchs are called differently.

These 100,000 drought soldiers are called His Majesty.

"Yes, she did have an imperial dynasty in the past, as if it later fell apart, and I read the classics, like the old part of the uncle. During her seal, the independent portal opened her own dynasty. Even if she did not, her descendants of the old part, I'm heading for myself, maybe ......... "Fairy Fairy frowned.

"Waiting for the seal to come out, as long as she comes out, a command can quickly restore the imperial dynasty." Gu Hai's face sank.

"Maybe." Lin Wan'er nodded wryly.

One hundred thousand drought soldiers kneeled down, and his eyes slowly calmed down.

The fangs in his mouth slowly retracted, his face returned to normal, and he looked coldly at the soldiers.

"Get up," Shen Shen said.

"Yes." One hundred thousand drought soldiers responded.

Click, click.

The 100,000 droughts stood up very neatly.

The flames from the body burned the surrounding land, and the entire Longmai City, the earth has been burned into the color of glass.

I didn't care about the monks who fled from all directions. Perhaps these people were just ants in her eyes.

妭 Poke out his right hand, the index finger is slightly curved, the dark black nails, and Ling Xu strokes lightly.


The void seemed to draw a rift, and black gas burst out.

"That's it." Lin Wan'er's face changed in the distance.

"Yin Qi, this is the Yin Qi of the Underworld, she, she opened the gate of the Underworld." Sima Feng also exclaimed.

"No, no, alas, she is not only proficient in the Buddha and the Demon, she even knows the means of the master of life, how much she has learned." Lin Wan'er was surprised.

In the distance, Qin Zibai's face turned wild.

There is only one kind of person who travels between the yin and yang circles, that is, the shoushi. There are only eight shoushi in the world. The uncle in front of her is also OK, she is the ninth.

"Shuttle the yin and yang, such a probing stroke, leading people to enter, Mr. Dongfang who was previously killed by the ancient sea can not do it." Qin Zibai surprised.

In the distance, King Jue also turned wild.

In the past, when I was fighting for the earth's dragon veins, I thought that I was the most invincible, but now, what kind of thing is he in front of this puppet.

"Go." I asked coldly.

While talking, I stepped into the void and entered the environment surrounded by yin.

"Yes, Your Majesty," 100,000 Drought retorted.


On a neat pace, the army of one hundred thousand drylanders slowly entered the entrances of the two realms and slowly entered the underworld.

It wasn't until all the soldiers and soldiers entered, that the rift slowly closed up.


The rift was closed, and there was a slight wind blowing in the void.

Xun and her 100,000 dry-arms army disappeared, but the practitioners who fled the Quartet could not calm down for a long time, still immersed in the previous shock.

"He is born, he must report immediately to the Holy


852611303078287461.png) '> "Sima Feng changed his face.

"The old man must have known it, and you still need to report it." Long Wanyu dismissed.

PS: Correct the time, last QQ chat last Thursday, previously mentioned, transferred to next Monday, but, recently there are too many things, readjusted, transferred to tomorrow night, QQ chat with you tomorrow night.

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