Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 4 Chapter 58: Four big families


Gu Hai shoved the door open, carrying a purple spatula and exited.

"Brother-in-law, you finally came out." Long Wanyu jumped up immediately.

In the rear, Montai, Tang Chu, Bing Ji and other ministers immediately surrounded.

"Welcome to the emperor."

Gu Hai nodded, suddenly, frowned, looking at a gray robe man not far away, the man was very ordinary, but very eye-catching, because Gu Hai actually did not know who it was.

"Dagan Tianchao, Ye Shenwei, Baihu, have met the owner of Yipintang." The gray robe man respectfully said.

"Night God Guard." Gu Hai wondered.

"There is a decree for the ancient church on the holy." The gray robe man handed out a decree.

"I'll just say, don't give it to me earlier, trouble." Long Wanyu rolled her eyes.

"The lord of the county forgives me, the sacred will, and I dare not violate it. The sacred decree is handed over to Mr. Gu, and I will not disturb it." The man in gray clothes respectfully said.

The decree was taken in the doubts of the ancient sea.

The gray-clad man gave a slight ritual, stepped, and immediately flew out of the palace.

Ye Shenwei, Gu Hai was the first time to hear.

When the gray man left, Gu Hai opened the decree.


The imperial edicts began, and Gu Hai carefully looked up, looked at it, and raised a brow.

"Brother-in-law, what the old man said." Long Wanyu curiously.


Gu Hai tore the decree in half and handed it to Long Wanyu.

The crowd was puzzled for a while, but here are all ancient sea people, who said nothing.

Long Wanyu immediately rushed to read it carefully, reading and reading, her eyes suddenly flashed.

"Ha ha ha ha, the old man finally got rid of it, let me go to the metropolis to play, great, brother-in-law, when are we going to start?" Long Wanyu said extremely excited.

Gu Hai was silent for a moment, thinking slightly, and finally nodded.

"Wait a minute. It said, after a few days, Li Shenji will come, and then he will set off. When he returns, just take a break and see if Master Liunian has been out." Gu Hai laughed.

"I've been to Chaoge for a long time, so you didn't go out. I've seen it. The old bald man hasn't come out yet." Long Wanyu shook her head immediately.

"Okay, but still have to wait for a while. I just came back to deal with the government."

"Okay." Long Wanyu nodded.

After appeasing Long Wanyu for a while, Gu Hai retired the ministers, returned to the study, and began to deal with some backlog of government affairs.

Accompanied by some important officials, if there is a problem, the first explanation.

Gu Hai watched the memorial for two days, and approved it at an extremely fast speed. Some accompanying officials were also arranged to leave, leaving only Bingji, Mengtai and Tang Chu.

"Some emergency matters, Bingji handled it well." Gu Hai laughed.

"Thank you, Emperor, these days, Chen also trained a Jackdaw Army." Bingji solemnly.

"Oh." Gu Hai wondered.

"The minister is the leader of the Third Army. How can he be called the leader without an army? Emperor, this is a memorial of Chen Jianjun. Please ask the emperor for approval." Bingji took out a memorial again.

"No need, the head of the Dahan Dynasty Army Corps has the right to set up a million private army by himself. If it exceeds one million, he will ask for approval." Gu Hai laughed.

"Yes." Bingji nodded, his face still looks like an iceberg.

"Bingji, you said to you in the past, you know the major forces in the world, the Yuan Dynasty." Gu Hai Shen said.

"The Emperor Yuan Dynasty and his officials also knew a few things. The Emperor Yuan Dynasty and the Emperor Xiyu created it with one hand, and within the Emperor Yuan Dynasty, there were four major families." Bingji explained.


"Changjia, Mojia, Qinjia and Xijia," Bingji explained.

"Four big families." Gu Hai's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Yes, the Chang family owner, Chang Sheng, the vampire family, the emperor has seen, and that Chang Ming, are all from the Chang family, the Mo family, Mo family members are all in Dayuan. Unfortunately, the Mo family is thin and basic. It was a single biography. The old owner arrived 50 years ago, Shou Yuan, and was stunned. He thought that the Mohist was depressed, but he didn't want to. The second generation of Moist had a Mo Yike, and the emperor also knew. "Bingji explained.

"Chang Sheng, Chang Ming, Mo Yike." Gu Hai frowned slightly.

"The Qin family, the emperor has also seen one of his second generation disciples, Qin Zibai, is the most outstanding representative of the second generation of the Qin family." Bingji explained.

"Where is the Hee family, not the Emperor Yuan." Gu Hai wondered.

"No, Emperor Xiyu, like Huangfu Chaoge, was not married, so there is no Houyi emperor's room, but this Xi family is a cousin of Emperor Xiyu, and he is a family. The owner of the academy, in the Yuan Dynasty, was extremely revered and had great rights, "Bingji explained.

"King Xikang, Wuyue Academy." Gu Hai frowned slightly.

Turn over, take out the imperial edict sent by Dagan Sheng, tore two halves, half to Long Wanyu, and half to Gu Hai.

"The Wuyue Academy is not the top, but because of the fact that King Xikang is a scholar, everyone has supported this academy. King Xikang's poetry and poetry are all perfect. Challenging the Guozijian, but unfortunately eventually defeated and left. Later, Daqian Tianchao Guozijian offered wine tours around the country and went to the Wuyue Academy, but on the way back, there was no news. "Bingji recalled.

"Dagan Heavenly Dynasty, Guozijian sacrificed wine, ram holy." Gu Hai eyes narrowed slightly.

"That's right, it's Ram Ram, but it's gone." Bingji nodded.

Gu Hai took a deep breath and looked at half of the imperial edict in his hand.

But seeing that half of the imperial edict, there is a line of words--

In the Dagan Heavenly Kingdom, the priests of the Imperial Court sacrifice wine, the ram saint is trapped in the Wuyue Academy, and the ram saint is rescued. For the first genius of the Dagan Heavenly dynasty, most of them are stationed at the night **** guard, and fully cooperate with the ancient sea and Li Shenji——

This is the message that Gu Hai ripped off.

Go to the metropolis, Ming, stop the war for the two countries, friendly exchanges, secretly, in order to save the Ram.

Gu Hai looked for a while, turned his hands, and put away this half of the imperial edict.

"Wuyue Academy, how far is it from the metropolis?" Gu Hai looked at Bing Ji.

"Wuyue Academy, just outside the metropolis, is next to it." Bingji recalled.

Gu Hai nodded his head: "Bing Ji, since you are more familiar with Metropolis, you can go with you."

"Yes," Bingji answered.

Turning his head, Gu Hai looked at Tang Chu and Meng Tai.

"Tang Chu, Meng Tai." Gu Hai Shen cried.

"The minister is here," the two responded.

"You should all know about Longmai City," Gu Hai said in a deep voice.

"Yes, the emperor retreat these days, the accompanying officials have said, the emperor is magnificent." The two immediately respectfully said.

"Well, at that time, I saved more than 100,000 people. They were all powerful in the Quartet city. They all received some favors from You. They should be able to help each other," Gu Hai laughed.

"Grace of life, they should remember." Montai laughed.

"Nan isn't Yan Enwang, nor do they want to do too much. Tang Chu uses this relationship to take care of opening the first floor of the world there, and Meng Tai, your Jin Yiwei uses this relationship to quickly lay his eyeliner." Gu Hai looked at them dumbly.

"The emperor rest assured that he will live up to the emperor's expectations." Meng Tai said with a look of relief.

"The minister complies," Tang Chu answered.

The life-saving grace, such a great kindness, if this little thing can't be done well, the two directly resign.

Gu Hai nodded--

Outside the study.

Long Wanyu was lying in a large yard on a fishing net hammock, looking at the big tree above her head, eating candied fruit, as if enjoying it very much.

"Weird weird, weird, weird." There was a depressed voice in the body.

"What's wrong," Long Wanyu asked comfortably.

"The purple knife on the back of Gu Hai is so familiar," said the ghost and ghost.

"You've seen it before," Long Wanyu wondered.

"No, I haven't seen it, it's just the material. How does it look a bit like a stone?"

"It's like a tadpole, what's this?" Long Wanyu said nervously.

"No, no, if the stone was destroyed by nature, this ancient sea would be too evil." Demon spirit said depressed.


"Two times, the situation of dying, the ancient sea actually turned the danger into danger. Last time, I told you about the natural destruction of the stone. He soon got it, even if he got it, he actually has the ability to refine it. This ancient sea is not evil, he is a demon. "Demon ghost spirit tangled.

"Well, demon spirit, you say bad things about my brother-in-law again, I will ignore you in the future, leaving you no one to talk about, uncomfortable." Long Wanyu stared.

"Uh, okay, okay, I won't say, but this ancient sea is really evil."

"You still say." Long Wanyu stared.

Ghost Spirit: "..............." ——

More than ten days passed.

Gu Hai arranged everything.

Li Shenji's flying boat also reached the capital.

"Mr. Gu, it's been a long absence." Li Shenji greeted Gu Hai with a smile.

At the moment, Gu Hai took Long Wanyu and others to welcome Li Shenji.

Looking at Li Shenji's peculiar smile, Gu Hai sneered: "Lee Ying, it's been a long time since last time, it's really thanks to you that Dragon Vessel City."

"Um." Li Shenji frowned.

How could the ancient sea know, what was mentioned on Dagan Sheng is impossible, what Dagan Sheng is impossible to say.

Gu Hai has been trying to figure out the unusual day, especially the words of Lushi people.

Xi Yan, Qin Zibai, the siege of Waner Fairy


haracter \ 'style = \' background-image: url (/img/1444040866548/32846786/8932551393840546029.png) \ '> What a hidden thing, the Lushi people actually found the place in a blink of an eye, too coincident, and too unreasonable After all, according to the analysis of the ancient sea, Lushi people are not so smart.

Gu Hai seemed to feel that his hands were behind the scenes.

Guessing several people, this Li Shenji is just one of the speculative objects. He just tried it out and it turned out to be him.

Taking a deep breath, Gu Hai's smile recovered slightly, and Li Shenji's expression was restored, but from this moment on, Gu Hai's alert to Li Shenji was even greater.

And Li Shenji was instantly alert to the ancient sea.

Whether Gu Hai tempted himself or not, but being able to guess oneself was also an ability.

"Mr. Gu's wisdom, this trip escorted the host of Wanyu County. If you have any doubts along the way, I hope Mr. Gu will not hesitate to enlighten me." Li Shenji smiled slightly.

"Don't dare to enlighten me, it's just a minor repair in Yuanying Realm, which is not as good as Li Yingzhu. If this trip encounters some inexplicable assassinations, I hope Li Ying takes more shots." Gu Hai laughed.

The two were fighting at the front of the machine, Long Wanyu didn't see it.

"People arrive, let's go." Long Wanyu said excitedly.

PS: The name of Sina Weibo has been opened, and the name "Guiqi" has been registered. This is also the reason why I have not been able to open for several years. Today I opened it, using my real name, Bai Yueyue, and paying attention to 'Bai Yueyue'. 'It's me. In the future, I will try to spend as much time on Weibo as it does in the QQ group. I go to the group every week, and the Weibo will be constantly updated.

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