Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 4 Chapter 59: Zhihan returns

"People arrive, let's go." Long Wanyu said excitedly.

"It's okay to go, but our trip may not be smooth. Mr. Gu's reputation in the metropolis may have been wiped out. At that time, we must pay attention to safety." Li Shenji laughed.

"Oh, pay attention to safety and fame." Gu Hai wondered.

"Mr. Gu doesn't know yet." Li Shenji laughed.

"what do you know."

"The return of the Great Northern Expedition to the DPRK this time was a big victory. However, in Chaoge City, a series of eating crickets, especially the million soldiers captured by Dahan, were even more ashamed. Nothing exists, but the dean of Wuyue Academy, Xikang, wrote a seven-character poem for them and comforted them. "Li Shenji laughed.

"Xikang, write poetry."

"The poem title" Return to the Armed Forces "is a good poem with a horrifying storm. At that time, under a poem book, the situation changed, and an outrageous righteousness emerged from the paper. Millions of defeated troops were all excited, and the verse passed. All over the city, the whole metropolis is singing. "Li Shenji laughed.

"What is written in" The Return of the Supreme Han "," Long Wanyu curiously said.

Li Shenji glanced at the ancient sea and thought out slowly.

"Why does a gentleman go to a villain?

But it is encouraging to be naturalized, and there is no need to strive hard. "

Li Shenji read it sentence by sentence.



"Damn Xikang."




The ministers behind Gu Hai burst into anger.

This is calling Gu Hai a villain.

Their defeated army, the captives are gentlemen, and their aggression army is a gentleman, defeated again and again to the emperor. It is the emperor who defended Dahan's land. When he arrived in Xikang, he was a treacherous villain.

All the courtiers were extremely angry, with anger in their eyes.

"What does this poem mean?" Long Wanyu didn't know why.

Li Shenji looked at the ancient sea and explained with a smile: "Why does the gentleman have trouble with the villain? The villain is like a weed, and it will appear again after removal. Just encourage and inspire yourself. What do the little people fight for? ”When Han returned to the army, it was written to those defeated soldiers, and they lost to Mr. Gu, so this little man is talking about Mr. Gu."

"What, **** Xikang, scolded my brother-in-law, old things." Long Wanyu immediately became angry.

Li Shenji looked at the ancient sea.

But I saw the calmness of the ancient sea: "Thanks to Camp Li for his concern, we should go now."

When Li Shenji saw that Gu Hai was not angry, he seemed to be hitting cotton with a punch, and nodded in his heart.

Li Shenji lived on a flying boat with the disciples of Shenjiying.

On the ancient sea flying boat, with Bingji, Julu and some Dahan officials, together with a group of Long Wanyu, they slowly left Chaoge City.

"Congratulations to the emperor."

A month later, on the island of Jiuwu, in the palace.

Gu Qin is looking at a huge model, the shape of the model is the entire Jiuwu Island.

A lot of officials stood aside, and Gu Qin was pointing on the model.

"Here, here, here, there is no spiritual stone yet. You must arrange for people to go as soon as possible," said the ancient Qin Shen.


"This palace has promised his father the emperor. Within half a year, all the arrangements of the large array have been completed, and they can float and enter the land of Shenzhou. The relocation of the capital is imminent, and we must speed up the progress. No further conditions are allowed." Sound channel.

"Yes," a group of officials responded.


Suddenly, a roar came from outside the palace.

"The news of the emperor is back." As soon as the ancient Qin looked, he stepped out of the hall, and a lot of officials followed eagerly.

Eighty flying boats are parked above the sky, and Gao Xianzhi is standing above it.

"Gao Xianzhi, meet Prince." Gao Xianzhi said.

"It's not necessary for the Lord to be courteous. A letter from the Father is coming." Gu Qin's eyes flashed a look of expectation.

Gao Xianzhi jumped out of the flying boat and landed in front of the ancient Qin. He smiled slightly: "Yes, the emperor asked me to lead the First Army back to the Jiuwu Island to prevent any change."

"Oh, 800,000 troops." Gu Qin looked up.

Each of the 800,000 troops has an extraordinary momentum. Compared with those who are recruited by Chen Tianshan, they are even more numerous.

"Yeah," Gao Xianzhi laughed.

Most of the 800,000 troops were brought back by Gao Xianzhi from King Shenwu. The former Sixth Army of Zhennan Army led by the Battle of the Thousand Miles returned to Luzhou, and most of them remained under Gao Xianzhi.

At this moment, along with Gao Xianzhi came to Jiuwu Island.

"What else did the Emperor say?"

"The emperor is now heading to the Yuan Dynasty. The emperor will tell you to arrange as soon as possible. When the emperor returns from the Yuan Dynasty, when the capital is moved, the Jiuwu Island will enter the land of Shenzhou." Gao Xianzhi solemnly said.

"OK." Gu Qin nodded-

Emperor Yuan Dynasty, Metropolis.

The flying boat of Gu Hai and his party has not yet arrived. The earliest messenger has brought the news to the metropolis.

Outside the city hall, outside the chapel, a large number of officials have gathered at this moment, divided into four groups.

An official group based on Changsheng, an official group based on Mo Yike, and an official group led by Qin Zibai.

There is also an official group center. A middle-aged man wearing a gold python robe. The man has a broad face, long hair combed, majestic and arrogant, and there is a proud light in his eyes.

"Dagan's messenger, will soon arrive in my metropolis." Qin Zi frowned.

"Master Mo, what did that come to say?" Chang Sheng frowned.

Everyone looked at Mo Yike together.

Mo Yike smiled slightly bitterly: "I didn't say a lot, but only said that the representative of Wanyu County, Dagan, made a diplomatic envoy, so that the two countries can pass.

"The Lord of Wanyu County." The crowd frowned.

"Did you only send the master of Wanyu County, not the prince? Isn't Dagan's specifications too low, just a county master." Qin Zi frowned.

Mo Yike shook his head and said: "Master Qin, Wanyu County Lord, this weight is heavier than Dagan Prince."

"Um." Qin Zibai froze slightly.

Everyone nodded.

Who is the lord of Wanyu County? One of the most favorite lords of Dagan Sheng is that if her status is low, no one will be high.

"Who's accompanying me," the middle-aged man in the golden python robe said in a deep voice.

"Li Shenji, Gu Hai." Mo Yike solemnly said these two names.

Speaking of these two people, Mo Yike's eyes were slightly stunned, and he was obviously very familiar with them.

"Oh." Chang Sheng and Qin Zibai frowned.

The middle-aged man in the gold silk python robe sneered: "Oh, Lee Shenji, Gu Hai, a traitor, a villain."

On the side, officials laughed and drank.

Mo Yike shook his head and said: "King Xikang, I know that you just wrote a copy of" The Return of the Supreme Han ", which counted the ancient sea, but Xiaguan still has to remind me."

"Oh." The middle-aged man in the golden python robe looked at Mo Yike in doubt.

"This ancient sea, don't underestimate." Mo Yike solemnly incomparably said.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha." King Xikang laughed suddenly.

"Master Mo, you think too much, have you touched the ancient sea, have you thought that the king hasn't studied him? Indeed, this person is extraordinary, but I called him a villain. Where was wrong, he stole the God's Foot Dynasty , Not a villain, he took advantage of the fighting between Dayuan and Dagan, and found fish in the muddy water. He was not a villain. What I said was wrong, yes, he is somewhat capable, but what about it, here are most of me. I Dayuan's capital, he is a dragon, and he also asked me when he came, not to mention him. "King Xikang said coldly.

Mo Yike was slightly worried.

An official on the side yelled, "Yes, Lord Mo, Lord Wang wrote a poem that revealed his true face. Guhai is a villain. He knows two pieces of music, he can play chess, but can he write, he From the barren Qiandaohai, how many books have he read? Is he capable of being able to compare with Wang Ye, and he hasn't said anything to him? If he doesn't control his own power, he will take his own shame. "

"Mr. Mo is more concerned. Wang Ye is right. Gu Hai is a villain. He is not worthy of today's achievements."

"The writing of" Return to the Armed Forces "is so good. The word of Lord Wang points out the essence of the ancient sea. This poem has benefited me a lot. The book states that it is not something that an ignorant child of the ancient sea can involve. Will only become a joke in the world. "




Officials applauded King Xikang.

Obviously, the effect of "Returning to the Army" is very great, and it was written by King Xikang himself. Most of the officials stood by King Xikang and thought that Gu Hai was the shameless villain.

Mo Yike smiled slightly bitterly and no longer explained.

The scripture does have the magic of scripture. At least this deceptiveness is incomparable.

"I'm here to do something, I don't know how to meet, Your Majesty has been unable to retreat, what should I do now?" Qin Zibai frowned and worried.

They waited patiently for a while.

A **** slowly walked out of the hall.

"My lords, Your Majesty's retreat seems to have broken, and for the time being, you can't go out of the customs, please come back." The old **** smiled bitterly.

"Your Majesty made a breakthrough." Officials were delighted.

However, at this moment such a major event, Her Majesty's retreat ...

"Since Her Majesty retreats, then to welcome the messenger of the Heavenly Kingdom, let the Ministry of Rites come." King Xikang said lightly.

"Um." The crowd nodded helplessly.

Only Mo Yike and Chang Sheng, but frowned slightly, looked at King Xikang.

The Ministry of Rites, the Book of Rites, aren't they the students of King Xikang?

Mo Yike and Chang Sheng looked at each other, and a bitter smile appeared in their eyes.

In this matter, King Xikang intervened, and the two were helpless for a while, and it was not easy to plug in, after all, according to the rules, this should be done.

"Master Wang, it's a matter of national affairs, and hopes for peace." Chang Shengwei smiled.

King Xikang shook his head: "Because it is a matter of national affairs, we must not let it go, so that the representatives can do it. The meeting between the two countries naturally cannot fall into the prestige of our Great Yuan, and the shame of Dahan in the past, this time Find it back. "

"But ..." Chang Sheng was slightly worried.

"Do you think I took everything for granted? Hehe, I said that Gu Hai is a villain, and it is well-founded, and that things are like people and people. Just yesterday, I just caught two friends who claimed to be Gu Hai. Villain, huh. "King Xikang said coldly.

"Friends of Gu Hai, two villains behind the scheme


= 'character'style =' background-image: url (/img/1444061612287/32846786/6058410407243319375.png) '> Who. Mo Yike wondered.

"One is Ziwei, the other is Changsheng." King Xikang chuckled.

PS: Something will happen tomorrow. I will stay up late to update it in advance. Forgive me, I will have a second update later. In addition, I just started to open Sina Weibo. The Weibo name is 『柏跃跃』. My real name, if you are interested, you can pay attention.

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