Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 4 Chapter 60: Eaten up

This is the second more-

The messenger of the Daqian dynasty will soon arrive in the metropolis.

The news spread quickly throughout the city, in a restaurant, at the moment some alcoholic chat.

"What, great messenger, there is Gu Hai, that villain."

"Vider, how do you know Gu Hai is a villain."

"Master Xikang has already written, you don't know," Return to the Army "."

"Ah, that villain is Gu Hai."

"Yeah, Master Xikang is a huge master of calligraphy, and he is righteous. How can he lie? Twelve cities such as Qinglu City and Butian City are already my Dayuan. There is a yin hand under your back. This is not a villain act. "

"By the way, I heard that in the Wuyue Academy, they also caught two villains with their hands behind them, and they were also Guhai friends."

"Things are grouped together, people and groups, this ancient sea is really a evil villain."




Everywhere in the restaurant, the voice of the ancient sea was discussed.

Upstairs in a private room.

King Xikang sat in the private room with a slight smile, beside him was a group of men in white robes.

"Master Wang ..." one of the men in white said.

"Oh, this place is not North Korea, no need to be polite." Xikang shook his head.

"Yes, Dean, the news has spread, and now everyone in the city is talking." The man in white laughed.

Xikang nodded: "Gu Hai, my Yuan Yuan Northern Expedition, the only failure, Gu Hai's loss of fame can help me easily regain the twenty-four cities in the Yuan."

"The dean is exhausted for Da Yuanzhang. When there is a dean sitting, I am the blessing of Da Yuan." The man in the white robe smiled.

"Sorry for your Majesty, it is my duty." Xikang shook his head and smiled.

"Dean, it's just, what about the two people?" The man in the white robe frowned suddenly.

"Well, Ziwei and Changsheng." Xikang wondered.

"Yeah, since we are under control, we have been locked in Wuyue Academy. Although the disciples, regardless of the internal affairs, also listen to the internal affairs people saying that these two are particularly good, we ..." The man in the white robe frowned.

"Eat," Xikang wondered.

"Yeah, the chief in charge of dietary supplies has complained to me several times, but I don't know ..." the man in the white robe wondered.

"Miscellaneous account." Xi Kang's face sank.

"Uh." The crowd was silent.

"It's Li Gang who is in charge of the meal. The small actions he has done in these years. When I didn't know, I only tolerated it when he was a teacher in my Wuyue Academy when he was a father. Give me a complaint. "Xikang looked coldly.

"Uh." The crowd nodded instantly.

Yeah, what a big thing, let them eat if they want to eat, just how much they can eat, this Li Gang is getting more and more outrageous.

"Ziwei, Longevity, these two little people, I have a lot of usefulness in the past few days, give me a bad breath for Dayuan, and then count on these two people, don't get me into trouble, they can eat, let them Eat, how much to give, and, in the future, such trivial matters, do n’t report to me. I have to deal with the Wuyue Academy. I have to deal with the government affairs of the Central China. Two people also come to me for dinner. Done, teach them to eat. "Xikang said coldly.

"Yes." The man in the white robe nodded suddenly ashamed.

"Keep an eye on me all the time, the Dagan mission arrived and introduced them to the Wuyue Academy." King Xikang whispered.


Twenty days later.

The Dagan Mission finally arrived in the Metropolis.

In the distance outside the metropolis.

The ancient sea flying boat and Li Shenji flying boat stopped together, and everyone looked at the metropolis together.

Standing on the deck, Gu Hai's eyes narrowed: "This is the imperial dynasty."

But I saw a huge city three times larger than the Chaoge City in front of me. The white walls stretched infinity.

Over the metropolis, there is a sea of ​​clouds of gas transport. The amount of gas transport covers the entire metropolis, boundless and radiant.

The amount of luck is more than ten times that of the Dahan Dynasty.

In the sky of Qiyun Cloud, it is different from the Dahan Dynasty, but it is a golden dragon that is thousands of miles long.

Long miles, lying on top of the clouds of luck, seemed to be asleep.

One inhales during sleep, and draws endless air into Jinlong's nose. When exhaling, he vomits out of Jinlong's mouth again.

It was lying there, but it seemed as if a mighty mighty power was coming out, as if it were heaven, overlooking sentient beings.

"This is the golden dragon unique to the imperial dynasty. It is a chance to suffocate the heavens and the earth. It is to guard the imperial dynasty. The golden dragon is present, and the emperor is heaven." Bingji explained on the side.

Compared to the Dahan dynasty, it is true that the Dahan dynasty still has a long way to go.

"It is spectacular." Gu Hai nodded.

"It's far worse than the luck of the Dagan Heavenly Kingdom." Long Wanyu said nothing.

Gu Hai looked at Long Wanyu and smiled slightly.

The imperial dynasty is not comparable to the imperial dynasty. Of course, it is not as good as the imperial dynasty, and the angle of the station is different, depending on the situation.

"Mr. Gu, send your messenger to the Metropolis. We are waiting here, letting them open four doors to welcome us." Li Shenji stood on another flying boat and said.

Gu Hai looked at Li Shenji and nodded.

Just about to speak.

Suddenly, a white robe man flew in the distance.

"But the messenger came." The man in the white robe.

"Yes, it's us." Long Wanyu called immediately.

"Please follow me." The man in the white robe solemnly said.

"Uh." Long Wanyu showed a hint of doubt, and was about to call someone to fly a flying boat and follow along.

The ancient sea suddenly stopped Long Wanyu.

"Oh, the Emperor Yuan Dynasty, Emperor Xiyu, so big, I will send you a nameless person to meet the Dagan mission." Gu Hai sneered.

Li Shenji also looked coldly at the man in the white robe.

Obviously, this is totally out of order and greeted with such solitude, this is a serious neglect of the Dahan Dynasty.

"You misunderstood." The man in the white robe smiled immediately.

"Oh," Gu Hai said coldly.

"His Majesty is in the retreat period, therefore, His Majesty did not know who you were. My Ritual of the Emperor Yuan Dynasty took over the important tasks and prepared for many days. A large number of officials have been at the Wuyue Academy, waiting to prepare for the grand ambassador's mission. Everyone is in the wind to wash the dust, and it is just a passer-by. "The man in white laughed.

"Oh, grand welcome, oh, why not the Metropolis, but the Wuyue Academy outside the city." Gu Hai Shensheng asked.

"King Xikang said, Your Majesty is closed at the moment, and I invite you to enter the city, but you only live in the embassy. The embassy is quiet and comparable to the literary atmosphere of the Wuyue Academy. In order to welcome the Dagan Mission, it has vacated a best area. For you to live. "The man in white laughed.

Gu Hai looked at Li Shenji.

Li Shenji also frowned at Gu Hai.

In the end, the two nodded.

"Let's lead the way," Long Wanyu called.

"Okay, everyone."

The two flying boats, led by men in white, flew towards a cloud-covered area north of the city.

That mountain forest, misty, looming, is like a fairyland.

The flying boat flew all the way, but it flew into the top of a huge mountain peak in the center of the fog, which had a huge square surrounded by a large number of buildings.

Above the square, a lot of officials are indeed waiting at this moment.

However, Gu Hai's eyesight can still be seen, these officials seem to havetily come, and some people's clothes are not neat.

"Oh." Gu Hai didn't break, let the white robe man lead the flying boat to the square.

Gu Hai, an official above the square, looked at them and knew three.

Mo Yike, Qin Zibai and Chang Sheng are all there.

However, at the moment all three are standing behind a man in a gold silk robe.

The man stepped forward, with a smile on his face.

However, under the smile, Gu Hai seemed to be hiding something.

"The Emperor Yuan Dynasty, Xikang, led the Yuan Yuan ministers, met the ambassadors." Xikang stepped forward with a smile.

"Okay, okay, it's rude, get flat." Long Wanyu laughed.

Xikang's smile was stiff. Did I say something wrong just now? I said ‘Have seen’, not ‘See you’. No ritual, we need you to be flat.

If you change someone, Xikang will make her look good, but Long Wanyu finally represents Daqian Tianchao, and Xikang can only pretend that she didn't hear it.

Long Wanyu, under the leadership of Gu Hai, jumped off the flying boat, and Sima Feng and Li Shenji also approached.

Xikang has seen Long Wanyu, and also looked at the people behind Long Wanyu, and suddenly saw the ancient sea.

Xikang suddenly chuckled: "This is Emperor Dahan, ancient sea. Sure enough, the hero is a boy."

Gu Hai smiled slightly: "King Xikang is polite. I am now the owner of Yipintang. I am here to accompany Wanyu County Lord."

Then, Gu Hai looked at the crowd.

"Oh, Mr. Mo, I haven't seen you in a long time." Gu Hai skipped King Xikang and looked at Mo Yike.

Mo Yike smiled a bit bitterly. At this moment, Xikang welcomed the ambassador. He couldn't make a noise, and Gu Hai said hello to himself, but he dug a pit for me.

In front of the ancient sea, Mo Yike didn't say a word.

"King Xikang, I remember, you seem to have written a poem written by the ancient church owner." Li Shenji suddenly laughed in his mouth.

After speaking, Li Shenji looked at Gu Hai with a smile, as if watching Gu Hai's reaction, and at the same time, he was provoking the contradiction between King Xikang and Gu Hai.

"Poem, I wrote a poem. Oh, since Master Li already knows, Mr. Gu should know about it, I don't know what Mr. Gu thinks he is doing." King Xikang should drink to look at Guhai.

I scold you for being a villain, what do you think of it, King Xikang has a proud smile in his eyes.

Gu Hai turned his head and looked at King Xikang.

"Awkward work, oh, since King Xikang said it was a awkward work, I will not make an evaluation." Gu Hai shook his head and smiled.

The conversation was very harmonious, but Gu Hai said a word, but he heard Panic in his heart.

I said my poem was a humble work, that was modest, you really are a humble work.

"By the way, the person who said the way just said, King Xikang is here, prepared for many days, welcomed us grandly, and washed the wind for us, haha, I see some officials ...


6786 / 4746174063472443629.png) \ '> ”Gu Hai looked at an official.

The official might have been in a hurry, and the official hat was all reversed.

Obviously, if you are greeted at the gate of the city and you still have time to prepare, you can greet them at Wuyue Academy. When the officials get the news, they will rush to it nonstop, and there will be chaos in a hurry.

King Xikang sank and gave the official a glance.

"Yes, it was indeed prepared for many days, and the envoys came. How could my Da Yuan lose the politeness, and the banquet will naturally be grand, and the feast will be banquet ~~~~~.

A quiet piece behind him.

King Xikang waited for a while, but there was still no movement behind him.

The officials behind him also showed a daze. We and the prince have just arrived, but the operation of the Wuyue Academy has long been a system. How can such things be neglected?

Nothing happened for a long time, and King Xikang was depressed for a while: "Li Gang, come out for me."

Soon, a man in a white robe walked forward bitterly.

"I asked you to banquet, you didn't hear it." King Xikang chuckled coldly.

"Listen, hear." Li Gang bitterly.

"That's not going yet." King Xikang said depressed.

I knew that Li Gang was not fast enough, but he could not drop the chain on this important occasion.

"No more banquets," Li Gang said bitterly.

"Well, what a feast is impossible." Wang Xikang asked with a frown.

After this incident, Li Gang, the black sheep, must not stay in the academy. It is too much. At this time, you dare to talk back to me. Did you see any foreign messengers?

"Everything was eaten by those two people, and there was nothing to feast on." Li Gang said bitterly.

King Xikang's head didn't turn for a moment.

It took me a while to come to understand it: "What is eaten up, those two people, how did they eat up, you wanton."

"No, no, lord, you said they eat whatever they want, and I just eat them all, they really eat them all." Li Gang vomited bitterly.

"What did you eat all? My meal at Wuyue Academy was not enough for the two of them." King Xikang yelled.

"It's not enough. Most of us went to buy a lot of ingredients, but we still ate them all." Li Gang bitterly said.

"Presumptuous." King Xikang looked unbelieving.

"It's true. The two of them were changed by the rice barrel demon. Lord, really nothing." Li Gang wanted to cry without tears.

PS: I have to go out during the day, and it was updated in the early morning. In addition, my Sina Weibo is opened. I use the real name 『柏跃跃』. If you are interested, you can pay attention.

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