Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 4 Chapter 61: Make a share

Metropolis, the moment before the ancient sea arrived outside the metropolis.

King Xikang, Mo Yike, Qin Zibai, and Chang Sheng sat in a hall and drank tea.

"Master, you really want to get a horse off the horse." Qin Zi frowned.

King Xikang drank the tea and said in a deep voice: "Yes, Your Majesty retreats, but the national authority must not be weak, the frontline war, the army of the Northern Expeditionary Army is frustrated, and the existing twelve cities are lost. We compromised, but this mouth I ca n’t swallow it. It ’s true that my bully is not bullied, and this time in most of us, do we have to lower our heads. ”

"But ..." Qin Zibai smiled slightly.

The Northern Expeditionary Army was led by itself, and it was frustrated again and again. That is to say that it was not enough to lead its troops. However, King Xikang did not name him and said that he had given himself a face. If he refuted it, he would lose face.

"Master, is this really good, we ..." Chang Sheng frowned.

King Xikang sneered: "Dagan is the heavenly dynasty, and we are the emperor dynasty. Although the ranks are very different, His Majesty has a spirit of fortune to come. Unless Dagan Sheng is close to you, will my Dayuan be afraid of Dagan, even if he drives What about the proscription, Your Majesty can call Pan Taiyi and Tongtian not long ago. Does Your Majesty have a state of power. Will he be afraid of Dagan Sheng? Will he dare to drive a pro-Leisure? You must know that more than one of our empires is jealous of Dagan. "

"Uh." Chang Sheng frowned slightly, always feeling bad.

"The battle between nations is in Rong, in the situation. If the king is overpowering, it is giving me the strength of the Yuan. What's wrong," said King Xikang Shen.

"The prince is so radical, he will replace the just calm Da Yuan into the dispute again." Chang Sheng frowned.

"Be assured, King Wang has his own right. From the side shot, it strengthens my Yuanyuan momentum and leaves Dagan speechless." Wang Xikang said from his own channel.

"Start from the side, Oh, King Xikang wants to target the ancient sea." Mo Yike drank his tea and squinted.

"Mo Yike, oh, you are more awake than your father. No wonder your father pushed you to Shengzhou that year, it seems to be a great exercise." King Xikang looked at Mo Yike unexpectedly.

"Master Wang is polite, and just talk about it. Gu Hai accompanied the master of Wanyu County, crushing the ancient sea, that is, suppressing the ambassador, strengthening the power of the Yuan, but leaving the cadre speechless, oh, the plan is good, but Wang Ye got it. Quiet, isn't it too big? "Mo Yike said lightly.

"Large, my king asked the people of the whole city to observe the grand occasion of this ambassador. The state of affairs, in the presence of the DPRK, such a grand occasion, the people also liked to hear, why not." King Xikang laughed.

Mo Yike shook his head: "I'm just worried, Lord Wang, you have the opposite effect."

"Um." King Xikang frowned.

"The prince thinks that the ancient sea is a soft persimmon, and he can feel free to handle it. Oh, how many people thought this way at the beginning, King Lu Yang, Lu An, Ao Shun, Chang Ming, Qin Zibai, Xi Xi, I do n’t give many examples. Wang Ye should all know the result. If you think that the ancient sea is unsightly, if the result is contrary to your imagination, then it is not to strengthen the Yuan momentum, but to give him the ancient sea strength. "Mo Yike said lightly.

"Ha, ha ha ha, Master Mo, do you think that in the book, the king is not as good as he is a young boy." King Xikang sneered confidently.

Mo Yike shook his head: "Xiaguan didn't dare to say so, so, since the Lord ’s mind is determined, it is useless for the Xiaguan to persuade him, and the Xiaguan does not participate in the Lord ’s plan. . "

"Xiaguan didn't say anything, just watched the audience." Chang Sheng and Qin Zibai also said.

Xikang looked at the crowd, his eyes narrowed, and his heart was unhappy for a while, but the attitude of the three is very obvious. They cooperate with you but do not participate in you. They have given their faces. Although his official rank is higher than the three, the four Families are divided into factions, and no one is afraid of themselves.

This time, for the strength of the Yuan Dynasty, the three did not participate, nor did they sing the other way.

"Okay, okay, that's good, Xuanguang Mirror, I've set it up and wait for the work to come." King Xikang said in a voice.


Suddenly, a guard rushed into the hall.

"Master Qilu, in the north of the city, found two flying boats, corresponding to the newspapers of the past, and should be a team of leaders." The guard eagerly said.

"Come here so soon, the Quartet patrolled, we didn't find out early, how long it will be." King Xikang's face changed.

"About an hour," said the guard.

"Notify the ministers immediately, and immediately go to Wuyue Academy, quickly." King Xikang stared with a grimace on his face.


In the metropolis.

"Om." "Om." ...............

From all corners of the city, beams of light suddenly rushed into the sky, slowly projected onto the white clouds in the major areas of the city.

It seems to form a thousand light curtains, projecting a same picture in the sky, so that people around the city can see clearly.

In the picture, it is on a cloud-filled mountain, and at this moment a large number of officials of Dayuan are standing.

"The Xuanguang mirror was opened, what King Xikang said was true, and the process of welcoming the cadres this time was really open to the whole people."

"Look, look, that's King Xikang. He took his ministers to Wuyue Academy."

"The picture in the black mirror is too clear, and there is sound."

"Look, the messenger is here, just two flying boats, it's too shabby."




Around the city, there were no hundreds of people in a sudden uproar, looking up at the sky together, looking at the huge light curtain in the sky, but in the light curtain was the picture of Wuyue Academy.

This kind of banquet mirror has a happy scene in the whole city.

Many people have put down everything and looked curiously.

At the window of a restaurant, at this moment was sitting a woman in red, really Waner Fairy.

Looking at the picture of the sky, Waner Fairy's eyes have been staring at the ancient sea.

"Why are you here?" Lin Waner showed a hint of tangling.

In a small courtyard in the city, there are still two figures sitting, Long Shenwu and Sima Changkong.

There were guards around, and the two were holding glasses of wine and watching the picture in the sky.

"Oh, King Xikang, he wants to embarrass Wanyu County Lord." Long Shenwu's eyes narrowed slightly.

"The master of Wanyu County is in the Ming, and we are in the dark, hoping to find the Guozijian Jiujiu." Sima Changkong laughed.

"King Xikang's goals have been focused on Wan Yu and Gu Hai. Oh, I just hope that Gu Hai will not be insulted too much." Dragon God Shen said.

Sima Changkong frowned and did not answer.


The ancient sea arrived, and the two sides began formal contact.

After King Xikang and the host of Wanyu County met, the hair head pointed at the ancient sea.

"That's the ancient sea."

"The villain in" Returning to the Han "writes about him."

"It looks pretty Zhou Zheng, no, under the appearance of Zhou Zheng, there must be a treacherous villain in it."

"Hahahaha, look, there is Li Shenji of Shenjiying next to him. He actually proposed" Return to the Army ", and he can't stand the ancient villain behavior."

"King Xikang asked Gu Hai to evaluate and see what Gu Hai said."

"Awkward work, alas, it was King Xikang's modesty, his pen was shocked, and he was righteous. You really are a humble work."

"I still want a grand banquet, hum, this kind of villain shouldn't entertain him."

"The prince is about to banquet, hey, why is there no movement?"

"Li Gang."

"What does it mean? Can't you prepare for a few days?"




The scene in the picture shows that there are hundreds of people in the city who are extremely embarrassed, especially the worship of the literary cultivation of Wuyue Academy, which is ugly.

At this time, there was no banquet, didn't it make King Xikang unable to step down.


"It's true. The two of them were changed by the rice barrel demon. Lord Wang, there is really nothing." Li Gang wanted to cry without tears.

King Xikang looked at Li Gang coldly, "Why don't you say such a big thing."

"You, you confess that you don't want to report, let them eat, how much you give." Li Gang wanted to cry without tears.

King Xikang: "..............."

Manwu Wenwu: "……………………."

At this juncture, this important link, when you feasted, you dropped the chain.

Isn't this preventing Da Yuan Qun Chen from coming down to Taiwan.

Nearly 200 million people in the city are still staring at the moment. At the banquet, they said there was no food, wasn't this an international joke.

Mo Yike and Chang Ming looked at each other, and the two smiled slightly bitterly. They retreated and ignored the matter.

King Xikang's face was dark, and the heart that killed Li Gang was there. Who would have thought of ruining this festival? At the beginning, he could not come down to the stage.

The ancient sea on the other side looked slightly cold. Is this aimed at the envoys? No, it's not good for them, and their expressions don't seem to be fake.

"Well, since Da Yuan has won the wine banquet, it would be better, let me invite you." Gu Hai said.

King Xikang's face froze, and he stared at Li Gang who was crying hard.

Now the whole city is staring, Wuyue Academy has to go to the city to purchase at least half an hour. Wherever it is, Gu Hai nodded.

"Come, cooperate with this Mr. Li Gang for a feast." Gu Hai cried.

"Yes." There was a shout from behind him.

"Slay some of the monsters in Wuyue Academy." King Xikang commanded.

"Master, that's the Swiss beast in my academy, not the ingredients," Li Gang called.

"Well." King Xikang stared.

When all the ancient seas have failed to feast, what happened to Rui Beast? At this time, if you drop the chain, the king will kill you.

"Yes, come here, catch the bull demon and the sheep demon and slaughter the feast." Li Gang called quickly.

The banquet was finally held as usual.

However, Long Wanyu let go of her mouth and said, "It's really dying. Please invite us for a meal and make a contribution."

King Xikang was suddenly green for a while, red for a while, and white for a while, but now the whole city is broadcasting live, and 200 million people are staring at it.

King Xikang pretended not to hear it, but the whole city heard it clearly.

Hearing Long Wanyu's whispers, no hundreds of people have faces?


?? For a while, it was obviously very ashamed that King Xikang did not do too much.

PS: Something happened today, two chapters will be changed, the next one, ten minutes later.

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