Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 4 Chapter 62: See the poor figure

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Hearing Long Wanyu's whispering complaint, hundreds of people also changed their faces for a while, apparently also extremely ashamed, King Xikang did not do too much.

"No. Why did King Xikang make mistakes in this matter?"

"It is rude to have a meeting between the two countries.

"King Xikang, don't eat anything like this"




The city is hotly debated.

Sima Changkong and Long Shenwu also looked at the sky picture in doubt, what kind of trouble?

Wuyue Academy, after slaughtering Ruibei for a while, the banquet slowly opened.

However, at this moment Dayuan Qunchen has no light on his face, and he does not speak at this moment.

Gu Hai, Long Wanyu, Sima Feng, Li Shenji and others were also very puzzled, for unknown reasons.

"Sit down, please." King Xikang sat inviting you.

Everyone nodded and sat down.

King Xikang was also holding on to his heart. After all, the banquet that was just made was not too bright, and he couldn't make a big effort, but he lowered his head, and then he couldn't get into trouble again.

"This time, the king is not thinking about it. Here, I respect the ambassador to make a cup to compensate for the disrespect." King Xikang raised his glass.

Everyone toasted.

Everyone had a drink.

"Mr. Gu, thank you for your banquet, just to say that today I had a meal without meals at Wuyue Academy, but there was a reason for Mr. Gu." King Xikang laughed.

"Oh, King Xikang, I haven't thought of it yet. I just arrived in the capital with the county master. You greeted me badly, but you blame me on your head. Is this the case with you alone or with the wind of the Yuan Dynasty? Was angry and laughed.

"Xikang, brother-in-law and I have just arrived. You can't put a banquet on your own, but you still blame us, what is it?" Long Wanyu stared.

Li Shenji sat aside, but smiled.

At this moment, the people in the city are silently looking at King Xikang, yeah, this is strange, isn't this a joke.

But King Xikang said in a hurry: "Just a few days ago, Wuyue Academy caught two villainous villains. They should have done all the evil work. However, they said they were Mr. Gu's best friends, and they said that Mr. Gu asked When they did that, the king thought that Mr. Gu was also the master of Dahan. Because of Mr. Gu's face, the king did not dispose of them and was placed in the Wuyue Academy. All the food in the academy makes today's embarrassment. "

"Oh." Gu Hai wondered.

"Bring them up," shouted King Xikang.

The crowd looked in doubt.

But at this moment, two figures, one fat and one thin, were being chained by chains and taken to the square.

"Xikang, you old thing, bind us up."

"Okay, good wine and good food, but locked us up, you can't believe it."

They immediately scolded.

"Well, it's Ziwei and Changsheng." Long Wanyu was surprised.

Hearing Long Wanyu's words, King Xikang also brightened his eyes: "Master of Wanyu County, you know them."

"Of course." Long Wanyu called.

"Mr. Gu, you also know." King Xikang suddenly smiled at Gu Hai.

Gu Hai saw two people, and they also saw Gu Hai.

"Gu Hai, you are here."

"Gu Hai, tell him quickly, take this chain off, there is a lot of pain in it."

Shouted Ziwei and Changsheng.

Gu Hai looked at the two. At this moment, King Xikang was staring at Gu Hai, waiting for Gu Hai's reply.

"Yes, they are my friends." Gu Hai nodded.

"Ha ha ha ha ha, then I have no wrong against Mr. Gu." King Xikang laughed.

"Can you unlock the chains on my two friends first?" Gu Hai frowned.

"Untie." Wang Xikang refreshed.


The chain was unlocked, and Ziwei and Changsheng jumped to Gu Hai.

"Gu Hai, he is not a good person." The two made a small report to Gu Hai.

"Oh, it's not a good thing. I think the two are villains." King Xikang's eyes were cold.

"What did you say." Ziwei stared.

"Oh, King Xikang, my two friends, where did you offend you?" Gu Hai frowned.

"Mr. Gu really wants to listen," Wang Xikang sneered.

"I would like to hear the details. Although my friends are more free and easy, they can't tolerate slander." Gu Hai sneered.

Gu Hai already felt that King Xikang intended to target himself, but instead of flinching, he greeted him coldly.

"Just talk about today's wine banquet, Li Gang, you say." King Xikang whispered.

"Yes." Li Gang, who had previously arranged the banquet, came forward.

"It is not possible to arrange a banquet in the next place, but it is these two people. They said that they were friends of Mr. Gu, so Wang Ye did everything he could to entertain, so the ingredients of Wuyue Academy were allowed to eat." Li Gang explained.

"Do them as much as you can." Long Wanyu stared.

However, Long Wanyu knew the appetite of these two people. This king of Xikang is too atmospheric, and let them eat.

When King Xikang saw Long Wanyu's expression, he immediately felt certain.

"Yes, Lord Wang eats whatever they want, but the food stored by Wuyue Academy for millions of people has been eaten up by them for almost a month. There is nothing left, nothing left." Li Gang Explained.

"Hisse." The present ministers took a breath.

A million servings of food were eaten up by the two for a month, just kidding.

More than just the ministers, the people watching the live broadcast in the city also widened their eyes, as if they wanted to see these two people in general.

Long Wanyu flushed slightly.

Gu Hai was slightly surprised, but quickly suppressed the shock in her heart, but fortunately, they did not bring them back to Chaoge.

"Mr. Gu, you said, is there a reason for this?" King Xikang smiled at Gu Hai.

Gu Hai looked at the two of them.

Gu Hai immediately understood, but at this moment, he could not be taken away from King Xikang.

"Ziwei, Changsheng, are you full these days?" Gu Hai smiled.

"I'm full, how could it be, and when did they feed me." Ziwei glared suddenly.

Gu Hai turned his head and looked at King Xikang: "Thank you, King Xikang, for the past month, it has been bound by chains and not allowed to fill them up. It ’s really hard for you. Oh, I can make millions of food Eat up, so good imagination, two people eat a million people, ha ha, ha ha ......... "

Gu Hai smiled very lightly, but the meaning was obvious, who did you lie to?

Sure enough, most of the 200 million people watching the live broadcast suddenly turned black and looked at King Xikang.

"How can King Xikang do this, and scorn two people?

"Yeah, isn't this a loss of my courtesy?"

"Two people, eating one million people's food, joking, I don't believe it."




The ministers talked a lot.

On the square of Wuyue Academy, all the officials looked unbelieving, and frowned at Li Gang and King Xikang.

King Xikang's face froze, staring at Li Gang fiercely, and he was almost deceived by Li Gang. Who would believe this excuse?

"Master, what I said is true, they really ate all." Li Gang cried without tears.

"Take it." King Xikang glared and yelled.

Never trust Li Gang again.

"Two, two, you speak, I didn't lie, I didn't." Li Gang was dragged down by a group of soldiers.

Ziwei and Changsheng have stripped their teeth and ignored Li Gang's call for help. You really are stupid.

"The truth is clear, but I'm still curious, my two friends, why do you want to lock them up?" Gu Hai Shen said.

"Yeah, why?" Changsheng yelled.

"Hahaha, why, a few months ago, there was a demon girl in a secular mortal area in the west of the city. The king got the news, took a lot of food for disaster relief, and suddenly met the demon girl. The king wanted to kill the people, and he shot the demon girl with a bow, but was hit by two of them with a golden hammer in his head. The demon girl escaped, you know, there are millions of mundane people, these two people are hurting by secret arrows, sneak attack behind them, not ashamed, but proud, but also said that Mr. Gu directed, because of Mr. Gu's face, I Only left it to the present, Mr. Gu, do you say these two friends are insidious villains. "Wang Xikang sneered.

"Gu Hai instructed it." A lot of doubts appeared around the officials.

"The demon girl harms ordinary people."

"I heard that the people had the offspring of a distant relative of mine. The lord went to the disaster relief, but was attacked by a villain and released the culprit."

"Gu Hai was instructed. Sure enough, whoever meets any friend, Gu Hai is also a villain."




The 200 million people in the city immediately filled with indignation.

Gu Hai looked at Ziwei and Changsheng in doubt, "I want you to do it."

"Yeah, the demon girl he said was Waner Fairy." Ziwei explained.

As Ziwei explained, Gu Hai's expression suddenly changed, and he turned to look at King Xikang.

"Mr. Gu, you directed it."

"Oh, I ordered it." Gu Hai sneered.

In the city, Wan'er fairy bit her lip, her face ugly.

Because at this moment, the restaurant is around, almost everyone is insulting Gu Hai, cursing Gu Hai is a villain.

"Oh." There was a hint of joy in King Xikang's eyes.

"However, King Xikang is certain that the disaster in the mortal area was caused by my friend." Gu Haishen said.

"That demon girl is your friend." King Xikang smiled even more proudly.

"It's my friend, but I think you should have misunderstood her. She can't do this kind of thing." Gu Hai said coldly.

"Oh, since it is your friend, let's forget about it. For the time being, I don't have to mention those things. The King is fine. He likes to write something. This time Mr. Gu came from afar. "Xikang sneered.

Clap your hands,


kground-image: url (/img/1444204461678/32846786/-1851880863047645011.png) \ '> Someone sent a scroll and handed it to Gu Hai.

"Ah, isn't that the adverb," ​​Return to the Army "."

"Yes, that is the word. When the king wrote it, I was right next to it. This is a poem cursing Gu Hai."

"In front of Gu Hai, give this poem scolding Gu Hai to Gu Hai."




Officials talked about all around and looked at King Xikang in surprise.

This is to insult Gu Hai in person and these two people are villains. Seeing this, this is to step on Gu Hai.

PS: I'm going out soon, two more, and my Sina Weibo is open. I use the real name 『柏跃跃』. If you are interested, you can pay attention.

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