Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 4 Chapter 63: Xia Ke Xing

A pair of scrolls were sent to the banquet center, and after a while of discussion among officials of the Quartet, they were silent.

Most of the officials have seen that this is the poem "Returning to the Han", which specifically insulted Gu Hai. Now, in the presence of everyone, this poem is given to Gu Hai. Hit your face.

In a previous discussion, Gu Hai and his party immediately knew what was written in this scroll.

Li Shenji's eyes lightened, a slight smile appeared, holding a wine glass, taking a sip, looking in the direction of the ancient sea.

Long Wanyu also heard the name of Zhi Han's return to the army, and also knew what was in the scroll. This was scolding her brother-in-law. Long Wanyu was nervous, and she understood that King Xikang was uneasy and kind.

Long Wanyu's eyes widened and she stood up and kicked the wine table.

However, Gu Hai suddenly held Long Wanyu's hand and stopped her.

"Brother-in-law, what do you pull me for? This old thing is uneasy." Long Wanyu called immediately.

"Oh, it's okay, other people give gifts, we'll go, and I'll see, what exactly is written." Gu Hai said with a smile.

"But ..." Long Wanyu frowned slightly.

Gu Hai smiled and shook her head.

"Okay." Long Wanyu nodded, but still stared at King Xikang.

King Xikang looked at Gu Hai, Ziwei and Changsheng with a smile.

"Given to us, the three of us only gave us a gift. How can it be divided, it really dies," Changsheng said unhappyly.

"It's so stingy that we don't eat enough to eat. Just now I heard that a guest who banquets also wants the other party to take part in it. Now three people give a gift, really pull." Ziwei nodded.

The voices of Ziwei and Changsheng murmured were not loud, but at this moment everyone was quiet, holding their arms, waiting for Gu Hai to see the color change after the content, and the voices of both of them immediately spread to everyone's ears.

Also spread to the whole city.

Hundreds of people were also embarrassed.

King Xikang was even darker. He gave the poems in the scroll instead of scrolls, but three copies. If it was not a live broadcast, Wang Xikang really wanted to block the two men's mouths, and then stepped on both feet and pulled out Pick your mother.

"Mr. Gu, don't open it." Wang Xikang asked with a smile.

"Look what, in this book axis, either write two broken characters, or draw a broken painting, we all vomit, we really spit out the door, it ’s okay to send something to eat." Changsheng dissatisfied.

"Yeah, really stingy." Ziwei nodded.

Obviously, Changsheng and Ziwei didn't know what was inside.

King Xikang's right hand under the table has been squeezed into a fist, with blue tendons on his fists. These two idiots are really stupid or fake.

"Everything, King Xikang wants to give a gift, so let's go into the countryside and follow the customs." Gu Haiwei smiled.

What do you mean by giving gifts? Would you like to speak? Am I the kind of person? This ancient sea speaks the same as the two goods, so it is annoying.

However, Gu Hai promised the crowd to open the scroll, and King Xikang could only look at Gu Hai with a smile, waiting for you to open it and see how this poem made you step down.

"Come, take the desk, and let Xikang Wangxian present the gift he gave." Gu Hai ordered.

King Xikang chuckled without speaking.

A lot of officials and 200 million people in the metropolitan city saw the anger under King Xikang's stiff smile, and it was also a distress. Is this a fight against Gu Hai's face or his own face? Why doesn't it look wrong?

The desk was moved to the front and the scroll was placed on it.

"I'll open it. What's broken inside? I want to show it." Ziwei stepped forward.

Changsheng grasped the scroll, and Ziwei slowly exposed it against the desk.

The scroll was opened slightly, and a white light soared into the sky.


It's like a white shooting star, straight into the sky and clouds.


Suddenly, with a white meteor beam of light as the center, a gust of wind suddenly rolled around, like a tornado surrounding this white meteor beam of light.

"Booming ....................."

Above the sky, rolling clouds suddenly gathered around the top of the beam of light, slowly rotating, a thunder sounded, and suddenly a large amount of rain fell on the rotating giant cloud.

The rain fell and was rolled in all directions by the strong wind.

White light shines, magnificent.

"Haoran righteousness, this is the first volume, the first stroke of the book." Changsheng fainted slightly.

"The pen fell into a storm, and Hao Ran was righteous." Zi Wei was also slightly surprised.

The atmosphere of the storm and the storm blasted the Quartet. Although a group of practitioners were sitting on the square, and the wind and rain couldn't fall, the courageous momentum was a fascination among the officials watching the city. Surname is even more inexplicable.

"This is a pen and a storm. The first volume, the first stroke of the book, is the first time that King Xikang wrote the sealed breath of the book."

"Is that white meteor the righteous spirit? I have seen the teachings of Wuyue College before, and they can also write the righteous spirit, but there are only a few, but this is the meteor, so vast."

"A good book."

"What to write."

"Ah, Return to the Army."

"Why does a gentleman go to a villain?

But it is encouraging to be naturalized, and there is no need to strive hard. "

"Isn't this guilty of Gu Hai, saying that Gu Hai is a villain. It turned out that King Xikang gave this scroll, ha ha ha."

"The pen fell into a storm, and Hao Ran was righteous."

"Good poem, good poem."

"Well written by King Xikang, these three villains just don't give them face."




There are no hundreds of people applauding in the city.

In the restaurant.

Waner Fairy's face sank, revealing a trace of anxiety.

In another small courtyard.

Sima Changkong and Shenwu King looked up and opened the sky, seeing the huge sky in the picture, the two frowned slightly.

"The breath of Shudao, if this king of Xikang does not specialize in power conspiracy, he is indeed a rare talent in Shudao." Shenwu Wang frowned.

"This poem opens in this context, and they really attracted the city's attention for us in the ancient sea." Sima Chang said in a hollow voice.

"Mr. Sima, don't you think this poem is good." King Shenwu looked at Sima Changkong.

"OK." Sima Changkong didn't comment much.

"The name of the ancient sea, starting today, will be overwhelmed by this poem." Shen Wuwang Chang booed, a little pity.

Sima Changkong did not speak, but looked at the picture in the sky.

The people in the metropolis shouted, and some officials of Wuyue College also drank.

"Good poem, this poem by the grandfather, the world is hard to find."

"The pen fell into a storm, and it was awe-inspiring. The first scrolls of the book are all treasures from the world. Such a gift is a pity, hahaha."

"What a return to the army, what a shameless villain."




Some officials laughed with a drink, but their own advocates led by Mo Yike, Qin Zibai, and Chang Sheng did not say a word.

King Xikang touched his beard, showing a proud look, but stared sharply at the three.

Ziwei and Changsheng are both heaven-grade pens. They still have appreciation ability, and their faces suddenly sink.

"I don't know this poem, the three are still satisfied." Wang Xikang smiled lightly.

This obviously cursed his own poem. How did Ziwei and Changsheng applaud? The shouts of everyone around him also showed their ridicule for the three.

Long Wanyu suddenly froze.

Gu Hai chuckled suddenly: "Reluctantly smooth, but Seoul."

"Uh." The humiliating laughter of officials around came to an abrupt end.

"Yes, but Seoul." Ziwei and Changsheng cried immediately.


At this moment, the people in the city were also uproar.

The pen is shocking and stormy, and the spirit is righteous. This is no more. This ancient sea is intentional. Yes, a shameless villain, how do you understand the essence of King Xikang ’s Taoism, and how do you understand the morality of Shudao?

In the banquet, above the square, the officials were about to count, but King Xikang suddenly opened his eyes.

"Ha ha ha ha, Mr. Gu said, but Er, so surely Mr. Gu can write better than this. Today when the two countries met, Mr. Gu might as well give a poem, let us also see, Mr. Gu represents How many literary talents are there for the ambassadors of the army? "King Xikang laughed suddenly.

Let Gu Hai write poems on behalf of the Dagan mission.

A group of officials suddenly looked at King Xikang, and King Xikang really thought far and far, and let Gu Hai write. Gu Hai could not write. This is not only a humiliation of these three villains, but also a force of pressure.

The group officials quietly gazed at the ancient sea together.

You said it yourself, but Seoul's, then you write.

Li Shenji sat aside, not in a socket, as if waiting for Gu Hai to be ugly.

"Mr. Gu, why don't you dare to write it. It is an eye-opener for us to write a song that is not‘ But Seoul ’.” King Xikang laughed.

At the moment, in the metropolis.

Wan'er Fairy was anxious, the four sides were all over the voice of the ancient sea.

In the picture, Gu Hai picked up a glass of wine and took a sip with a smile: "It's mediocre in the next scripture."

"Mr. Gu dare not write." King Xikang was aggressive.

"Oh, but it's not difficult to surpass this poem," Gu Hai laughed.

"Oh." King Xikang frowned, revealing a hint of unbelief.

"Ziwei and Changsheng, this time the two of them were aggrieved by this, and this time, they sent two" Knights ", two of them were correct." Gu Hai said.

"Xia Kexing." Officials around him showed a hint of doubt.

"Knight, the two dark arrows hurt people, and the villain behind them, hahahaha ..." King Xikang smiled disdainfully.

"In my case, troubles grow and grind, and Ziwei writes." Gu Haishen said.

"Okay." The two responded suddenly.

Suddenly, Bingji ordered to set up a desk again, Ziwei grew up, began to grind, and waited for the ancient sea to speak.

Everyone looked at Gu Hai and wrote poems. You should die, just because you can also return knights, these two villains are still knights.

No matter how disdainful everyone is, Gu Hai's dictation has already begun.

"Han Ke slaps Hu Hu, Xue Hou Xue Xueming.

The silver saddle shines on a white horse like a shooting star.

Kill one person in ten steps, not staying for miles.

When things go, I hide my strength and name.


......... "

With the ancient sea's dictation, Ziwei wrote it down one by one.

Ziwei is a heavenly pen, and the writing power is even more amazing, and the artistic conception of the book has reached the extreme


862872.png) \ '> Write down in one stroke, Bai Guang is soaring into the sky, Zhao Kehuan Hu Yan, Wu Gou Shuang Xueming, the silver saddle shines on a white horse, like a shooting star.

When two five-character poems came out, almost everyone's disdainful smile suddenly converged.

"Good neatness, free and easy poems, as if there is an indescribable air in it." Sima Changkong in the metropolis was surprised.


Two words came out, and a mighty spirit that was even stronger than "Returning to the Han" was soaring into the sky, like a larger meteor, bursting into the sky, illuminating the surrounding world.

King Xikang also changed his face, and Gu Hai could write poetry. How could that be.

The group officials also changed their face. How could it be that Gu Hai wrote five-character poems? The description of the artistic conception is definitely worse than the seven-character poems. Why does it come out of paper? There is a feeling of looking up. Most importantly, this seems to be the beginning of a poem.

Long poems are harder to do than short poems. Zhi Han's return to the army is just a two-sentence short poem. Can Gu Hai write more?

Kill one person in ten steps, not staying for miles.

When this sentence appeared, the officials present suddenly felt that their hairs were exploding, and a lot of goosebumps appeared all over the body.

The pen of the heavenly class expresses the artistic conception of this sentence to the extreme. For a moment, everyone seems to see a ghost image of knights, sprinting around with swords, and killing everyone.

The knight rushed to his face, pointing at people's hearts, killing one person in ten steps, leaving nowhere to go, and immediately depicting the image of the knight in the first two sentences.

"Boom, boom, boom."

Suddenly, from the rice paper under Ziwei's pen, there was another magnanimous righteousness rising to the sky that was larger than before, and ten meteor-like magnanimous righteousness, straight into the sky and clouds.

The storm raged, the righteousness soared into the sky, and the sky and the sky were bright. For a moment, the mighty righteousness formed by the return of Zhihan to the army seemed dim.

When things go, I hide my strength and name.


It is another twenty meteor-like towering beams of righteousness.

An air of dust rushed out at me.

In the metropolis.


Sima Changkong suddenly stood up.

"Killing one person in ten steps, leaving nowhere for a long time, and getting away with everything, hiding the power and name, good poems, good poems, hahahaha, Mr. Gu's writings are actually so powerful, so good. , Knight, good knight. "Sima Changkong said excitedly.

The people in the city were stunned at the moment.

"How is it possible that Hao Ran has righteousness, and that terrible Hao Ran has righteousness, which is dozens of words, more than King Xikang's, how can it be."

"Killing one person in ten steps, leaving nowhere for thousands of miles, and getting away from it, I have hidden my strength and name. Why do I see goose bumps all over my body when I look at it? It's so frightening and nice."

"Looking back at Zhihan's return to the army, how can I feel like I can't stand it."

"Xia Kexing, is that the two villains, are those two villains a knight?"




In the city, people who do n’t understand the book have been divided from that amount of righteousness, but those who know the book have a trembling feeling of ice in the summer, and all the goosebumps are out This is a kind of enjoyment.

This is the place where Shi Xian Li Bai's "Xia Ke Xing" was slightly changed on the earth when Gu Hai was young. However, the spirit of Shi Xian naturally came out of paper.

As soon as the four sentences came out, all the breath that caused Han to return to the army was completely suppressed, and the verdict was made.

Li Bai poems out, who is fighting.

"I'm still writing, I'm not finished, and there is." The faces of the people in the city changed.

But in the picture, Gu Hai continued to dictate, Ziwei continued to write, Xia Kexing, not just four sentences, there are still behind.

PS: Today Thursday, QQ chat as usual at night, I will be there after dinner.

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