Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 4 Chapter 64: The pen was shocked, the poem became a crying ghost!

As soon as the first four sentences of "Xia Ke Xing" came out, "Zhan Han Returning to the Army" could not breathe.

People who do n’t understand the book can also see that the white light of Hao Ran's righteousness to Han's army is getting dimmer, like a small stream, compared with a large lake, without control.

Those who know the book of Taoism experience it even more profoundly, especially that 'kill one person in ten steps, leave nowhere for a long time, and go to work to get rid of clothes, and conceal the merit and the name' one sentence at a time, I do n’t want to go to see what ’s Han is back ".

The so-called Wen Wu No. 1 and Wu Wu No. 2 is that the competition can distinguish between the two. It is difficult for Bi Wen to distinguish between victory and defeat, because everyone has different appreciation. Some people like this article, and some people like that article. In the article, there is a controversy with different preferences, and there is no way to tell a winner.

But this is not the case at all. Both articles are easy to understand, even those who do n’t practice the book can instantly feel the crushing of more than one level.

In just four sentences, it describes the strong image of the knight.

The first four sentences have completely crushed "Return to the Army", but everything is not over yet, and the ancient sea is still voicing new verses.

On the one hand, Li Shenji's face changed. Li Shenji, like almost everyone here, guessed a lot, but how could he guess that Gu Hai's ability to write poems is so powerful that chess and piano are now spoken out? Amazing.

Although Long Wanyu couldn't understand the poems, when she saw Hao Ran's positive pressure, the article that scolded her brother-in-law didn't light up. It was also inexplicable at the moment. When looking at the ancient sea, there were little stars in her eyes. My brother-in-law was really powerful. .

Bing Ji was sitting behind Gu Hai, and now looking at Gu Hai was also shocked.

Bingji was sent to help the ancient sea. He also studied a lot on the ancient sea. From the time of the nine-five islands, the chess course has been crushed all the way. When encountering gods, killing gods, and encountering Buddhas, even the first nine sons of the nine sons who watched chess. Did not win the ancient sea.

This should have been the ultimate of a person, after all, Gu Hai was only in his seventies.

However, it didn't take long for Qin Dao to start rolling all the way, invincible all the way. Among the many battles in Luzhou, Gu Hai's Qin Dao only had one word and won.

Victory wins victory, and it is invincible.

Nowadays, the most difficult way to distinguish between winning and losing the book, the first exit, but also shocking the world, that is, in the Sun Temple, Bing Ji has never seen such a monster of such evilness.

Do you want to complete the Qin Qishu book, and that's it, you are still so powerful.

Xia Kexing.

Bingji also has a certain literary cultivation of the book. At the beginning of the first sentence, Bingji suddenly raised his heart. Sure enough, the sentence was fierce than one sentence, singing all the way, as if he was trampled on by the ferocity of "Return to the Army". Who is this ancient sea following?

Gu Hai continued to sing verses.

"Through Gu Haiyin, take off your sword and cross it.

Will be ridiculed purple Wei, perseverance to persuade longevity.

Three cups of Torano, Wuyue fell light.

After dazzling ears, Yiqi Nisheng was born.

Jiuwan waved her hammer, and Chaoge was shocked.

The two strong men of all ages, the big capital city. "


With Ziwei falling down one by one, the paper was full of righteousness, like huge meteors one after another. One, ten, twenty or even hundreds of them appeared at this moment. Gushing out.

The artistic conception of the book is rushing, the pen is dying and the world is discolored.

Previously, there were light beams, but in the later period, they looked like fireworks.

The dark clouds disappeared, the strong wind disappeared, and only that vast white light remained, shining the heavens and the daylight.

Wuyue Academy is still a long way from the metropolis. People in the metropolis originally looked at the scene in the Xuanguang mirror, but now a meteor shower-like light surges up into the sky, far away, through the gap of white clouds, the whole city. The people saw the dazzling white light in the north of the city.

Previously it was Haoran Zhengqi Stream, but now it is Haoran Zhengqi Sea, countless practitioners who watched were stunned.

Those who do n’t understand the book have long understood that King Xikang is going to insult Gu Hai. At this moment, a poem by Gu Hai keeps pumping his face. Each sentence has to be drawn a few times, looking at the picture, watching King Xikang ’s dumb chicken His expression was as if he saw that his face had been swollen, and he could not help silently for a while.

But those who know the book can understand everything from these six sentences.

Said that Ziwei and Changsheng associate with Guhai, Guhai set a banquet, and the two placed their swords horizontally on their knees. Guhai asked Ziwei and Changsheng to eat meat and drink. Guhai asked for help called 'waner' 'Ladies, three cups of hot wine underneath their belly, they generously promised to be willing to intervene for the sake of their confidants, a promise is heavier than the mountains of the Five Sacred Mountains. Waving the golden hammer, this feat shocked both Chaoge and Shangge. The two heroes made a grand move, and after a long time, it will surely spread in the metropolis.

"It's a strong man with a long history." Sima Changkong stood in the courtyard and raised his fist, apparently completely attracted by this poem.

Within a restaurant.

Fairy fairy looks at the ancient sea that is constantly uttering words in the picture. Fairy's eyes are slightly red.

The woman named ‘wan’ is me. It turned out that although Gu Hai had been separated, Gu Hai kept thinking of me. He could n’t come because of the taboos between the two countries, and invited the two to protect himself secretly.

"Fool." Wan'er's eyes were slightly moist.

The other people in the city, as explained to each other, were utterly astonished.

"That's what happened."

"King Xikang misunderstood the two strong men."

"Haoran's righteousness has explained everything. Guhai didn't lie. The two strong men were invited by Guhai to attack King Xikang with the hammer."

"That demon girl, maybe it's a misunderstanding."

"Two strong men of all ages, how could I have thought he was a villain, how could a man who believes so much in righteousness be a villain."

"They are not villains, and Gu Hai is not a villain, isn't Wang Ye saying that things are grouped by people and groups? In this poem, every sentence is upright, how could he be a villain."




The wind direction of the people in the city has begun to change. Some scholars of the Taoism now look towards the ancient sea, and they are even exposed to infinite worship. Such articles are hardly ever seen.

It ’s more difficult than ever. The ancient sea was once the Earth. It took thousands of years for such a Li Bai to write such poems. No one has ever surpassed him. He is an immortal, standing in the clouds and overlooking sentient beings.

Where is Hao Ran's righteousness, the meteor is the meteor shower, and it is a dense meteor shower.

Above the square.

Mo Yike took a cold breath and looked at Gu Hai stubbornly.

Mo Yike is the most in-depth research on the ancient sea. From the beginning, Mo Yike was good at chess. Although rarely revealed, Mo Yike himself understood that an excellent conspirator is as good as his chess course. How far, but the most proud of the chess course, can not be compared to the ancient sea.

Qin Dao, the ancient sea of ​​Quzhou in the past, has blossomed into its invincible style.

Nowadays, the power actually surpasses King Xikang.

"I can't see you more and more, huh." Mo Yike looked at Gu Hai, showing a whispered wry smile.

Chang Sheng looked at the ancient sea, but his eyes narrowed.

Long Wanyu sat aside. Although she did n’t know much about the artistic conception of the book, she probably understood the meaning in the words. Just outside of Longmai City, the ancient sea invited two foods to eat, 10,000 servings, and then please The two helped take care of Waner Fairy, and the two did it, it was that simple.

What Long Wanyu didn't know was that in just a few words, the suspicion of the villain was thoroughly washed away for the three people, and it became even more important that the three people were deeply attached to each other.

Li Shenji pinched the glass, and his fingerprints were pinched.

At this moment, the most ugly face was King Xikang. He gritted his teeth and was stunned.

How is it possible that ancient sea poetry is so strong.

Gu Hai also uttered the last two sentences at this moment.

"The deathly chivalry of the heroes is not jealous of the world.

Who can write your Excellency, Baishou Taijing. "


The dense Hao Ran's righteousness suddenly burst out in geometric multiples in the pen, soaring into the sky, in an instant, in all directions, has been shrouded in white light.

The light soared, and even went straight to the four corners of the metropolis. For a moment, the metropolis in the evening was illuminated like noon, shining brightly, the light shining in the city, and the mighty righteousness mixed in the light was baptizing the whole city in an instant Body of the practitioner.

Numerous practitioners immediately felt comfortable all around, as if listening to this verse, cleared away all the accumulation of dirt in their bodies.

Hao Ran shines, all pollution is removed.

However, such a heavenly appearance is not endless. Suddenly, countless practitioners seem to hear the sound of this poem ringing between the heavens and the earth, as if countless ghosts and gods recite in an invisible place.

"" Xia Ke Xing, "

Han Ke 缦 Hu 缨, dry hook frost Xueming.

The silver saddle shines on a white horse like a shooting star.

Kill one person in ten steps, not staying for miles.

When things go, I hide my strength and name.

Leisurely past the ancient sea drink, take off the sword knee horizontal.

Will be ridiculed purple Wei, perseverance to persuade longevity.

Three cups of Torano, Wuyue fell light.

After dazzling ears, Yiqi Nisheng was born.

Jiuwan waved her hammer, and Chaoge was shocked.

The two strong men of all ages, the big capital city.

The death of the chivalrous bones, not the world.

Who can write your Excellency, Baishou Taijing. "

One, one hundred, ten thousand, one million.

It seemed to come from the ethereal ghosts and gods. A sound rang through the heavens and the earth. The ghosts and gods seemed unwilling to recite. However, there was a force in the underworld to force them to dictate. The sound was strange, as if they were crying and resisting. Baptism in general.

The quiet scene of 200 million people in the metropolis widened their eyes wide.

Wuyue Academy Square.

The group officials were quiet, and stared at Ziwei writing the last word.

After everything is written, the voice of the gods weeping, the skins of almost everyone who listens to it have stalked up, it is a kind of soul trembling.

"The pen fell into shock, and the poem became a weeping ghost." Someone suddenly read it.

"Shi Cheng Weeping Ghost God is really Shi Cheng Weeping Ghost God." In the metropolis, there were Shudao practitioners eyes staring, exclaimed.

Ghosts and gods wept for almost half an hour before calming down.

However, the adverb still shines infinitely and shoots the world.

As for the painting "Return to the Army", it has been suppressed and completely dim.

The banquet was quiet and quiet. Everyone held their breath until Gu Hai said a word.

"In the next book, Dao Pingping, thank you King Xikang for giving me a copy of" Return to the Army ", good poems and poems, I must be careful to keep your ink from dusting," Gu Hai said with a smile.

"Slap, pop."

Everyone seemed to hear two crisp applause on King Xikang's face.

On the live broadcast, most of the 200 million people seemed to have heard these two slaps.

PS: QQ chat at night


ckground-image: url (/img/1444297560492/32846786/-8849911733042465635.png) \ '> After half past seven, my Sina Weibo was opened, using the real name' Bo Yueyue ', interested You can pay attention.

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