Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 4 Chapter 66: Will drink

This is the second more!


When Ziwei and Changsheng are seated!

King Xikang looked ugly, but had nothing to say.

"Return to the Army" and "Xia Ke Xing", a pen and a storm, a poem into a crying ghost, is not a grade at all, it is simply crushing. 200 million people live broadcast. I can't deny myself.

However, is it possible that the well-designed game will fail?

Not only was he unable to press his head, but he lost his face.

Live broadcast, this is not only a shame of himself, but also a shame of the Emperor Yuan Dynasty.


Especially remember that Mo Yike once said, ‘I ’m just worried, Lord Wang is counterproductive! ‘It ’s more than the opposite today. King Xikang's heart even held an insufferable anger.

It's as if someone said to you that you are a silly hat, but you can only nod your head and admit it. Because you just did a silly hat thing.

The pain in my heart is not the taste.

Until I don't know which official whispered a word and stole poems?

Stealing poems?

One word seemed to be shining across King Xikang's mind. At that moment, it seemed like Mao Saiton opened, and all the sweat pores in his body were widened.

"Yeah, stealing poems and stealing poems? Gu Hai steals poems and steal poems? I would say that he, a man who came out of the world, how could he write such a good work? Impossible! Wen Xiu, he is proficient in piano and chess. Already the limit, how could it be possible to master the book?

That's right, my "Return to the Armed Forces" was written a long time ago. Gu Hai may have heard it long ago, and then asked Shu Dao to write a poem for him, waiting to insult me ​​today?

Gu Hai has long been prepared? Actually he doesn't write poetry at all!

All this is the plot of the ancient sea? "

Having figured everything out, King Xikang suddenly became cold.

"Hum, hum!" King Xikang sneered for a while, apparently all the faces that had just been lost turned back into anger.

Gu Hai is just a fake Shu Taoist. An Xia Ke Xing is already its limit. Almost cheated by him?

King Xikang exhaled. Eyes gradually became cold.

At this moment, everyone at the banquet was quiet. Looking at Ziwei and Changsheng together.

"Here, these two evildoers, aren't you the wicker?"

"How much have you eaten? Just so much and just so much alcohol?"

"Originally, the amount of wine and meat was small, and they still ate so much?"




Everyone looked around with wide eyes. At this moment, 200 million people in the metropolis were also staring at the two rice barrel demon.

"Is Li Gang wrong earlier?"

"King Xikang was not trying to get a share, but the food at Wuyue College, was he really eaten up by these two foodies?"

"In the end, is Mr. Gu saying true, or is Wang Yeah saying true? Why did I start to doubt Mr. Gu again?"




Not a few hundred people questioned, and a lot of officials questioned. Only King Xikang's eyes lit up.

"Come on, get the wine, why is it gone?" Changsheng cried instantly.

"You're too stingy, eat a meal, and don't care if you're full?" Zi Wei also stared.

They were filled with empty wine barrels and meat and bones.

"No, no more!" Said the waiters anxiously.

"Why not?" Changsheng glared.

"These wines are all supplied by work. One of them is at the tables of adults, and you are drunk by Jiucheng!" Said the servant bitterly.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha! What a great man!" King Xikang laughed suddenly.

"Huh?" Everyone turned to look.

King Xikang sneered at Gu Hai.

"Mr. Gu, you two friends, it seems that I have not wronged them, Li Gang has also been wronged by them, oh, the two strong men of eternity, it is a pity that you wrote an article." King Xikang sneered.

"Oh? What a pity? Why didn't I see it? If you eat too much, you're not a strong man?" Gu Hai chuckled.

"Gu Hai, he is jealous of you!"

"Yeah, what **** that he wrote is too narrow-minded, you're better than him, he's targeting you everywhere!"

Ziwei and Changsheng cold eyes.

King Xikang's face was stiff, but now it is live broadcast. How can you two stupids talk about anything?

"Oh, is it a strong man? I don't know. I just feel that these two people insulted Xia Ke Xing! They don't deserve it!" Xikang sneered.

"Oh?" Gu Hai frowned.

"You don't deserve it!" King Xikang glared suddenly.

"What did you say?" Long Wanyu screamed suddenly.


Officials were in an uproar on Thursday.

In the city, 200 million people were also uproar.

what's the situation? Why did King Xikang say that the ancient sea is not worthy? Started tit-for-tat? Is it really narrow-minded and cannot allow others to be better than you?

My face was crackling just now, and now I jump out again?

"Huh? Why don't I deserve it?" Gu Hai said coldly.

"I said, you don't deserve that" Xia Ke Xing ". This poem was not made by you, right?" King Xikang sneered.

"Oh, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!" Gu Hai laughed. Without explaining.

Because at this moment, everyone here is staring at King Xikang in surprise.

The 200 million people in the city also looked at King Xikang in surprise.

"King Xikang is crazy? It was just the beginning of Shu Dao, the poem written by Gu Hai!"

"What does the Lord say isn't Gu Hai's poem? This is obviously what Gu Hai did!"




Countless questions sounded.

King Xikang calmly said: "Poems become weeping ghosts, I admit that the Xia Ke Xing is awesome, but I don't believe it was made by you, an eternal masterpiece, don't you even think about it? Come with your mouth open?"

"Uh?" Numerous officials froze slightly.

In the metropolis, there are a few people without a few words. Yes, it seems that Gu Hai really came here just now.

The ancient masterpiece "Xia Ke Xing", do not need to think? Really made by ancient sea?

For a moment, countless people were lost in thought.

"Oh, just because I do n’t have to think about writing poetry, do you think that" Xia Ke Xing "was not made by me?" Gu Hai suddenly relaxed, showing a slight smile.

"Yes, hum, every poem must be carefully considered, and you must think about it. You haven't thought at all, so I'm sure it wasn't you." Wang Xikang sneered.

"Oh, King Xikang, don't you know? Poetry requires talent!" Gu Hai laughed.

"Huh?" Wang Xikang gave a slight hesitation, what did you mean?

"You have to think for a long time for poetry? Oh, that's because you have no talent!" Gu Hai shook his head.

You have no talent!

You have no talent!




Quietly above the banquet square, only Gu Hai's words kept echoing.

The voice echoed in the metropolis.

Two hundred million people opened their mouths and looked at Gu Hai's arrogant words.

King Xikang, no talent? The pen is stormy, and no talent?

This sentence was as fierce as all curse words, and King Xikang's chest was shocked. Almost spit out the old blood.

"Talent? Well, then you prove it to me. Talent? These two foods, I write a poem, and you also write a meal that they eat like a bucket, you ca n’t write me, then your" Knight "is steal Someone else! "Shouted King Xikang at once.

"Oh?" Gu Hai's eyes narrowed.

Isn't it enough for King Xikang to be beaten?

"Waiting for ink and ink!" Xikang called immediately.

Suddenly, the academy instructor brought his desk and waited.

King Xikang walked directly to the center of the square.

Officials looked around quietly, and 200 million people in the city frowned.

Some people expect King Xikang to tear through the ancient sea, while others are already on the side of the ancient sea.

"King Xikang is really narrow-minded and can't afford to lose. He has to force Mr. Gu to write!"

There was a lot of talk in the city.

Xikang's writing brush has fallen.

"Micang mice are as big as a bucket, and they don't leave when they see them!"

Jianer Wumi people are hungry, who condemns Chaochao into the rat mouth! "


Writing down myself, a spurt of righteousness burst out, but at the moment, it is much weaker than the previous version of "Return to the Army". It did not provoke the heavens, but Hao Ran was righteous. Obviously, it is worse than the previous return to the army.

However, the temporary creation of King Xikang was also extremely capable.


King Xikang lost his writing brush and sneered, "Mr. Gu, this" rice hamster "was given to these two rice buckets. I wrote this poem, not to prove how great I am, I just can't get used to some people, stealing theft Poetry is also a matter of course! My Emperor Yuan Dynasty treats guests with sincerity, but he does not want to be greeted grandly. He is a deceiver. Disgrace me!

King Xikang shouted loudly. It's as if venting all the inflections in my heart.

For Da Yuan, you need to take off the mask of Gu Hai?

The people in the city opened their mouths and looked at King Xikang, even if they were more discerning, they could not count King Xikang. This is a kind of integrity, for Da Yuan, no need to look back?

"He scolds us as rats?" Changsheng stared suddenly.

"Gu Hai, he also scolded you, saying that we ate the food of the army and the people. You feed the mice every day. You are an ancient sinner!" Ziwei also stared.

The ancient sea is slightly narrowed.

Scripture? Gu Hai does have a lot of poems, but I do n’t want to take them out casually, but a knight-killer thought it was enough to scare the other person to dare to mention the poems in front of himself. He did n’t want to, and Wang Xikang even dare to use poems to win. Isn't this death?

"King Xikang, oh, I don't know what to say. My two friends, they also ate some of your cows, sheep, and drinking wine. I brought them with me. How can you hold them to this extent? Is n’t it just out of wine? I told someone to buy it, or not? I wrote poems and scolded the streets, oh, I said that when the two countries meet, if you do n’t have talent, do n’t be ashamed! ”Gu Hai Cold channel.

"What did you say?" King Xikang suddenly stared.

"Ziwei, Changsheng, just like before, I dictate, Changsheng grinds, Ziwei writes, let King Xikang see, what is talent!" Gu Haishen said.

"Oh, okay!" The two came forward with the eyes that could kill.

King Xikang stunned in his heart. Is "Xia Ke Xing" really written by Gu Hai? Why is he so full of energy?

Officials looked around Gu Hai in amazement. Could Gu Hai still write a chapter like Xia Ke Xing? No, even with only half of Xia Kexing's pen power, King Xikang just jumped up and down, it seemed so ridiculous.

In the city, hundreds of people widened their eyes.

"Mr. Gu, can you write another" Knight "?"

"Impossible," Xia Ke Xing "is an eternal masterpiece, poems become crying ghosts. How could it be another one casually? Mr. Gu did not think about it this time!

"Why am I expecting something?"

"me too…………!"




Hundreds of people in the city held their breath and looked at the pictures in the sky.

Seeing that the ancient sea has already spoken.

"This article will enter the wine!" Gu Haikou said.

"Jun does not see the water of the Yellow River coming up to the sky, and rushes to the sea and never returns!

Jun doesn't see Gaotang Mingjing's sad white hair, and the blue sky turns into snow!



... "

PS: Something happened today and it was updated in advance. In addition, to promote my Sina Weibo, I used my real name 『柏跃跃』. If you are interested, you can follow me!

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