Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 4 Chapter 67: can not stop at all

"Jun does not see the water of the Yellow River coming up to the sky, and rushes to the sea and never returns!

Jun doesn't see Gaotang Mingjing's sad white hair, and the blue sky turns into snow! "


At Wuyue Academy, almost all Shudao practitioners exploded instantly. King Xikang was suddenly ashamed.

Under the live broadcast, 200 million people in the metropolis were staring, but when they saw that, they suddenly burst into a stronger white light than the previous "Xia Ke Xing".

It was a kind of mighty righteousness like the sky falling, and the light was shining, but it didn't come out of paper. However, all the practitioners of the scriptures had tightened their bodies, and all the goosebumps came out.

"No, this is the first sentence. In the first sentence, I'm going to get goose-skinned?" "Xia Ke Xing" still from the third sentence 'kill one person in ten steps, do not stay forever! 'Beginning. Does this first sentence give me such a strong feeling?'

"Will you drink? What exactly did Mr. Gu write?"

"I'll come again with my mouth open? Even more gorgeous than the previous one?"




Countless practitioners held their breath.

Wan'er fairy looked at the ancient sea in the picture, her eyes blurred slightly.

In the courtyard.

Sima Chang breathed in an empty breath: "At the beginning of the first sentence, it was so magnificent? Jun did not see the water of the Yellow River from heaven, rushing to the sea and never returned? This is the magnificent Yellow River in the south of Shenzhou? Such as the blue silk twilight into the snow? Life and death will happen overnight? Mr. Gu just came out of the mundane world to see life and death so thoroughly, good poetry, just two sentences, enough to wash Wuyue Academy! Good sentence, good sentence! "

"Come with your mouth open? No thinking?" Long Shenwu's eyes narrowed.

However, in the picture, Gu Hai continued to spit poems, and Ziwei continued to write with the artistic conception of the book.

"Pride in life must be joyful, and Jin Jinkong will not face the moon!

Born to me, I will be useful. "


The paper under Ziwei's pen suddenly burst into a roar, as if it had a thunderstorm.

There is still no meteor-like outburst of righteousness, but the surrounding area is slowly hazy with a white mist, covering all directions of Wuyue Academy.

"A good life must be full of joy! A good Mo Jinjin Kong to the moon! A good natural talent will be useful! A good money will be returned and return!" Sima Changkong high-five excitedly.

Not only Sima Changkong, the Taoist practitioners in the whole city, now reading the wonderful things, also high-fiving to vent their excitement.

"Well, there is no meteor-like outburst of righteousness. Is this verse not as good as King Xikang's" Hamster "?"

"I don't understand the book, either, but it seems that Mr. Gu's is even better! Why is it worse than the rice hamster?"

"What do you know, the sound of wind and thunder was not heard? The white mist surrounding it was not seen, it must be stronger than the rice hamster!"




Those who do n’t understand the book are suspicious, but those who do n’t know the book do not explain at this moment, because everyone is attracted by this article.

Different from the previous Xia Ke Xing, Xia Ke Xing also has Zhang Youchi, let you gradually enter, but this piece will be drinking, starting from the first word, you will enter directly. , Never came down.

Around the banquet, the white mist filled. These white mists are concentrated from Hao Ran's righteousness.

Li Shenji looked at Gu Hai with a shocked face. Impossible, how could he write another article?

There was a light in Mo Yike's eyes.

King Xikang was so pale.

From the first two sentences of the wine, King Xikang understood that he lost, and he lost so thoroughly. Previously, Xia Kexing crushed himself, but now the wine will be compared with the rice hamster, which is Yun The difference of mud. One is like nine days above, and one is in the deep valley.

But everything is not over yet. The next two sentences of the ancient sea are even more overbearing. You must be happy in your life. It will not make Jin Zongkong to the moon. Natural talents will be useful. These four sentences must be sung by all ages. In comparing my "Hamster", the two foods mentioned in the same article, but the realm is not a level at all.

"Cooking sheep and slaughtering cattle is fun, and you will have to drink three hundred cups!

Master Zi, painting Changsheng, will enter the wine, stop drinking!

A song with Jun Ge, please listen to me! "

Rumble! There was more and more white fog around. The entire Wuyue Academy was completely shrouded in a sea of ​​clouds.

Before we can finish, the world of the void has heard the cry of ghosts and gods.

Not finished yet, this is not finished yet!

King Xikang's eyes had completely stared.

"Cooking sheep and killing cattle and having fun"? Isn't this the Ruishou cattle and sheep that the King Xikang slaughtered Wuyue Academy before? Gu Hai wrote it all out? Obviously it was temporary.

‘I ’m going to drink three hundred cups’? Does this mean that Changsheng and Ziwei can eat and drink?

It is also said that the two-person rice barrel is so free and easy, but the image of the two rice barrels is so wild and uninhibited? If you still care so much, how can you drink well?

‘Zi Zizi’, is this Ziwei? "Drawing Changsheng", Changsheng is good at painting? ‘I ’m going to drink, do n’t stop! ‘Consider drinking, do n’t stop? ‘A song with the king, please listen to me? ’Gu Hai has to say?

King Xikang stared at the pen.

The void sounded through the voices of many ghosts and gods chanting. Poetry is a crying ghost, no, it's more powerful than that.

There is no meteor-like upright righteousness, but the surrounding is full of upright righteousness.

Gu Hai continued to read:

"The bell and drum jade is not expensive, but I wish I would never wake up!

In ancient times, the sages were lonely and lonely.

When watching chess, the feast was too one, and the fight was over ten thousand.

What can a host do with less money?

Wuhua Zhou, Qian Jinqiu, Huer will change the wine, and go through all the worries with you! "

Each sentence was spit out by the ancient sea and written by Ziwei, and Hao Ran's righteousness had condensed a sea of ​​clouds and mist, and the roar grew louder.

In the end, Gu Hai did not hesitate to use the feast of the old man who watched chess and Taiyi to compare the two food items. At a moment, the images of the two food items became extremely tall.

At this moment, no one thinks that they are rice bucket monsters anymore. This is a big hero. Without this magnanimity, we still can't live up to this level.

Rice hamster?

At this moment, who remembers that **** hamster.

Compared with "Will Go Wine", I don't know how many streets have been dumped.

When the hamster came out, Hao Ran's righteousness came out, but now, this is a sea of ​​clouds.

Endless and endless.

Countless officials have long opened their mouths.

Is it another poem into a crying ghost?

No, it's even more fierce than the Xia Kexing just now. In the middle of the verse, ghosts and gods began to cry.

‘Why is the master saying less money? ‘This is a naked mockery of King Xikang, can you eat something and drink your wine? Not enough money? Just get it.

‘Wuhuazhou, Qian Jinqiu, Huer will change the wine and go with the old times! ’No money, use my flying boat and clothes to change wine. Let me dispel this eternal sadness with them!


In the sea of ​​uprightness and uprightness, when Ziwei dropped the last stroke, another great light finally came to the sky.

At this moment, the sky was already dark, but the final paper was suddenly soaring into the sky and rolling white light. It is many times bigger than the previous "Xia Ke Xing".


But when I saw the paper, something finally came out.

Not like the previous meteor, but one round, one round that instantly illuminated the world's Hao Ri.

A round of white Hao Ri slowly emerged from the sea of ​​clouds and mist.

Hao Ri was born and shines on the earth.

Wuyue Academy, the metropolis, and even tens of thousands of miles away, are now illuminated by this vast daylight.

In a round of rising sun, almost all the officials drank air from above the banquet.

At the moment, the 200 million people in the city also widened their eyes and looked at Hao Ri, which was getting higher and higher.

For a while, the Quartet quietly, only the voices of countless ghosts and gods kept crying "will enter the wine."

"Jun does not see the water of the Yellow River coming up to the sky, and rushes to the sea and never returns!

Jun doesn't see Gaotang Mingjing's sad white hair, and the blue sky turns into snow!

The joy of life must be happy, not to make Jinzun empty to the moon!

Born to me, I will be useful.

Cooking sheep and slaughtering cattle is a pleasure. You will need to drink 300 cups!

Master Zi, painting Changsheng, will enter the wine, stop drinking!

A song with Jun Ge, please listen to me!

Bell and drum jade is not expensive, I hope I will never wake up!

In ancient times, the sages were lonely and lonely.

When watching chess, the feast was too one, and the fight was over ten thousand.

What can a host do with less money?

Wuhua Zhou, Qian Jinqiu, Huer will change the wine, and go through all the worries with you! "

All the voices of ghosts and gods, endless chanting, accompanied by that round of Hao Ri, the spectacular look.

The title was chosen by King Xikang, describing the state of the two rice barrels eating. King Xikang wrote "Mic Hamster", which is both rice and mouse. I thought it was good before, but at this moment the contrast will be drunk, and it suddenly feels too vulgar. Vulgar.

Does anyone write for Gu Hai? At this moment, he was a fool, and did not believe King Xikang's guess.

This is what Gu Hai wrote.

Write it, it's so magnificent.

Stealing poems? How ridiculous this seems. Mr. Gu still needs to steal poems?

Write two sentences and leave your body intact in minutes. It's also a long poem. You can only write two sentences. Look at Mr. Gu, he doesn't bother to write two poems.

Actually complacent, looking for Mr. Gu fighting poetry?

"It's mediocre in the next book, but it's not difficult to write two small poems. It's not good. I don't know how it is better than King Xikang's" Hamster ". .


Almost everyone seemed to hear a series of clapping again on King Xikang's face. It's so crispy and refreshing!


can not stop at all!

ps: Promote my Sina Weibo, using my real name 『柏跃跃』, I can follow if you are interested!

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