Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 4 Chapter 70: Tearing "Will Go Into Wine"

"A poem becomes the first writing of the Weeping Ghost and God, is it used up? Waste!"

"Lengqi is coming? The book world enters the world?

"That's the first word of Xia Ke Xing, so it's torn off?"




Even though the people in the city were dissatisfied with the bat ancestors, it was a pity for Ziwei and Changsheng to tear up the initial writing of Xia Ke Xing in an instant.

"Shut up, dare!" Batzu stared suddenly and growled.

However, I saw that after the initial stroke of the Xia Kexing was torn, all the inner and righteousness in the Xia Kexing had entered Ziwei and Changsheng, and the volume of the Xia Kexing paper was reduced to pieces and slowly disappeared.

The body of Ziwei and Changsheng skyrocketed to ten feet, and a huge breath burst out.

"This is ...?" Gu Hai was surprised.

"Xia Kexing? It's a pity, this chapter is a waste of this chapter?" Sima Feng frowned.

"No, why are they physically ...?" Gu Hai was surprised.

"The breath of the book, the" Xia Ke Xing "contains a lot of righteous righteousness. As long as the initial pen is torn and torn open, the mighty righteousness in it will pour into the ripper's body, and it will turn into infinite strength in a short time. The more power, the stronger. Mr. Gu, don't you know? "Sima Feng said suddenly.

"I heard it for the first time!" Gu Hai's eyes lit up.

Sima Feng was dumbfounded, and even the bat ancestor's shots were forgotten.

First heard? real or fake? Shudao practitioners, almost everything they know, Guhai first heard? You are still not a Taoist practitioner.

Sima Feng has a bitter face, who can create such a chapter, how could he not be a Taoist practitioner?

But why is he so ignorant and able to create such a chapter! I'm so talented, can't I write it?

"Not only does the style enter, but also the book world's entry into the world, and the knights in the book possess them, the two of them are peerless knights in the book!" Sima Feng explained bitterly.

Gu Hai stared at the huge figures of the two.

"Dare your mother, Gu Hai said it was given to us, that's ours. We tear it when we want to tear it. I'm tearing it and it's not a piece of paper. It's so hard in front of me, you're looking for death!"

"Get off your mother, you're a baby doll, your whole family is a baby doll!"

Ziwei and Changsheng suddenly burst into swearing and each brushed past.

The brush brushed out, like the sword-shaped Changhong of the two knights, crashing into Batman.

"My" Xia Ke Xing ", you dared to ruin my Xia Ke Xing, to death!" Batman's face was bare, his left hand just paused, and then stretched out again.


Countless bats circled, following that palm, grabbed at the two giants.


The sword-shaped Changhong suddenly burst into a sudden burst.

"What?" As Ziwei and Changsheng's face changed, they could only reach the palm of their hands.

"Boom, boom!"

Two palms crashed against the right palm of Batman.

The two giants stepped on their feet sharply, and the peaks of Wuyue Academy shook for a while, seeming to collapse.

"Oops, fuck, forget my strength now, I only have the power of Jin Danjing! Even if Haoran is righteous, I can't exert much power!"

"It's over, I can't stand it!"

Ziwei and Changsheng suddenly changed their faces, and were severely pressed by Batzu's right palm. Numerous bats swarmed towards Ziwei and Changsheng, but the voices of countless ghosts and gods crying in the void surrounded them, hitting the bats with sound waves.

"Hum, you can't help yourself!" Batzu snorted, and his hands became harder.

Ziwei and Changsheng didn't calculate their strength, but Guhai was very bright.

Rip open the first verse, can you be righteous? Can the strength of the two Jindan Realms reach the strength of Kaitian Palace in a short time?

The bat ancestor pressed Ziwei and Changsheng with one palm, but the other palm was caught against a group of people around the ancient sea.

Grasp it with one hand, it is not weaker than that against Ziwei and Changsheng.

That's a big ambassador.

"Batzu, don't!" Exclaimed King Xikang, Mo Yike and Qin Zibai.

"First ancestor, no!" Chang Sheng anxiously said.

"Get away, you guys! Don't force me to get angry!" Batman sang coldly.

Many Yuan officials were helpless.

The left palm was grabbed towards the crowd, and Batzu's face was cold and cold: "Smelly girl, you have today, hahahaha!"

Batzu grabbed his left palm and seemed to overturn everyone. Li Shenji suddenly took out a long sword and rushed forward.

"Huh, old thing, really don't know what your last name is?" Li Shenji cut off with a sword.

Countless bats suddenly greeted.

When a sword was cut, countless bats exploded and opened instantly.

"Huh?" Batman looked cold.

"Boom!" The left palm greeted the sword with a loud noise.

A void storm rolled up.

The long sword and the left palm stalemate, Batman's face was gloomy: "Oh, Li Shenji? Some patience, have you arrived in Zhongtian Temple?"

Li Shenji's face was cold and he tried hard again. Batzu's left palm power also skyrocketed.

In sight, Batman's hands were entangled.

But at this moment, countless bats on the ancestor's chest suddenly condensed, and the roar turned into another palm.

"The third hand?" Long Wanyu's face changed.

"Emperor, he is dealing with me, take care of you!" Bingji pushed "Will Go Into Wine" into Gu Hai's arms and flew towards the distance quickly.

Bingji has to leave quickly, in order not to affect the ancient sea. In a blink of an eye has flew a distance.

"Want to run? Hahaha, my bat sea area, do you still want to run?" Batzu snorted.

That third hand suddenly straddled time and space, and went away in an instant, grabbing Bingji who was about to escape.

"Bingjing Dafa!" Bingji sang loudly.

Suddenly, a huge ice ball condenses in mid-air, and Batzu's third hand grabs it.


Bing Ji was trapped in the puck, and the bat ancestor grabbed it with his third hand, which immediately caused the puck to show numerous cracks.

"Little girl, are you going? Go away? Hahahaha!" Batman sneered sneer.

One bat ancestor controls the entire court.

Li Shenji didn't know if he was doing his best, but at this moment a sword froze Batzu's left hand.

Ziwei and Changsheng's body is getting shorter and shorter, and it is extremely anxious at this moment.

Bingji was even more anxious, but he could be caught by Batman's third hand and couldn't escape.

Hundreds of people in the metropolis looked anxious.

The peaks of Wuyue Academy have collapsed. At this moment, all the officials are anxious, trying to stop the bat ancestors, but they dare not.

Sima Kong took out the flying boat and flew up with Long Wanyu and Gu Hai.

"Sima Feng, protect Wan Yu!" Gu Hai Shen said.

With that said, Gu Hai picked up the "Will Go Into Wine" and snapped it!

"What? Don't!" Numerous Sutras in the city screamed suddenly.

For the first time, there is only one article in the world, and that will go into the wine, but all the Shushu practitioners have just been conquered, and they are all regarded as holy scriptures, but you have torn it?

"Jun does not see the water of the Yellow River coming up to the sky, and rushes to the sea and never returns!"

"Jun doesn't see Gaotang Mingjing's sad white hair, as early as the blue silk and dusk!"

"You must be happy in your life, and you won't make Jin Zunkong to the moon! Naturally, my talents will be useful, and all the gold will be returned!"




The loud cry of ghosts and gods rang again.

Gu Hai tore up a moment of "Will Go Into Wine", I don't know how many people have broken the heart. That's "Will Go Wine"!

"Gu Hai? You are bold!" Batsman yelled suddenly, staring suddenly.

At this moment, 200 million people are watching. Although the ancestors are mad, they have also converged a lot. As long as they give two articles to themselves, they will let you go.

But those two idiots just tore "Xia Ke Xing".

Gu Hai even tore up "Will Enter Wine"? That article, you are willing to tear?

At the moment of tearing, the huge weeping sound of ghosts and gods resounded all around the world, and the crack of the paper broke out the white light that radiated the world. At that moment, it seemed like a round of Hao Ri emerged from nothing.

The bat ancestor opened his mouth to swallow, but at the moment Hao Ri has a great force, but is slowly manipulating billions of horrific righteousness into the ancient sea.

Gu Hai felt that a holy force poured into his body, just as it was in the past to mobilize a country. However, it seems that these forces are more imaginary than the mobilization of a country.

However, after all, the power of the ancient sea was soaring in a geometric multiple.

Little by little, Hao Ri penetrated into Gu Hai's body.

The huge and vigorous righteousness enters the body, and it seems that it is necessary to support the large ancient sea body. This support is large, not uncomfortable, but very gentle.

However, Gu Hai did not let Hao Ran be upright to transform his body, but squeezed this force into the masses of Dantian and Jingu. And the dense body.


The ancient sea jumped out of the flying boat, and waves of air swept across the whole body, and the bats could not approach.

"Brother-in-law, be careful!" Long Wanyu looked anxiously.

Sima Feng was manipulating the flying boat and taking Long Wanyu back to the outside world.

No one dared to stop Long Wanyu.

Hao Ran's righteousness gradually poured into the ancient sea, and the ghosts and gods burst into tears and surrounded them, so that the ancient sea was full of white light and looked extremely sacred.

In the city, the fairy Fairy anxiously flew out of the restaurant to fly out of the city.

Sima Changkong and Shenwu King also sank, showing a hint of worry.

The strength of the ancient sea is getting stronger and stronger. With a round of Hao Ri entering the body, the power reaches its peak at this moment. The ancient sea feels such a sense of strength that has never been before.


Above the back, the Health Knife yanked out. Power poured into the shengsheng knives, and the shengsheng knives suddenly burst into dazzling purple light. It seemed to follow the ancient sea and chop to the bat ancestors.

"My" Will Be Into The Wine ", mix things up and kill me!" Batsman yelled, staring.

I came here to seize "Xia Ke Xing" and "Will Go Wine", but did not want Gu Hai and the two idiots to tear it up and not to myself. Batzu suddenly became angry.

"Roar!" Among the officials, a group of vampires suddenly showed their fangs, seeming to rush up.

"This is a big messenger, do you want my Da Yuan to be in war? Presumptuous!" Chang Sheng's eyes glared, stopping a crowd of vampires.

However, Qin Zibai rushed up.


Qin Zi grabbed the sword with a white hand and suddenly stood in front of Gu Hai: "Mr. Gu, stop, you are not the opponents of the bat ancestors, don't move forward!"

Gu Hai showed a hint of sneer, ignored it, stepped on Tianyuan, and the sword was chopped out.


Two hundred huge swords encircle the ancient sea. The knives seemed to seduce Jiutian Shenlei, and when they were cut down, they actually dragged down nine dragon-like purple thunderbolts.

PS: Promote my Sina Weibo. I use my real name 『柏跃跃』. If you are interested, you can follow me!

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