Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 4 Chapter 71: Emperor Heewoo

The twinkling knife came out, the sky was purple, and when it was cut down, it brought out nine dragon thunder and roared and chopped off at Qin Zibai!

"Sunday ~~~ Three!"

Two hundred swords of gas converged on the sword, and the impact of a great devastation went straight to Qin Zibai who was blocking the road.

"What?" Qin Zibai's face suddenly changed, and a sword greeted him.

Qin Zibai, who first entered Zhongtian Palace, was extremely powerful, but Gu Hai ripped "Will Go Into Wine" at this moment, and his strength soared in countless moments. The powerful force carried the destroying breath of the sword. Boom exploded at Qin Zibai's long sword.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

The dazzling purple light, the princely Siyuan Dayuan officials were blind for a while.

Mo Yeke showed a kind of worry.

A crowd of vampires seemed to rush up, but Chang Sheng stopped them all.

There was anxiety on King Xikang's face.


Ray of light exploded.

Gu Hai stood still, but Qin Zibai was blown out instantly.

The sword in his hand was completely shattered, and Qin Zi's white clothes were even shattered, revealing the armor on the inside. Above the armor, there were countless broken lines, and a lot of blood was spilled in the broken lines, as well as on the face.


Qin Zibai covered his chest, slumped on a mountain in the distance, and stared at Guhai in horror.

Last time, the last time in Chaoge, why could Gu Hai not help herself? This time, she has defeated herself?

Qin Zibai felt that the injury at this moment was heavier than that of Longmai City being digested by the blood dragon. He fell to the ground and could no longer fight.

"grown ups!"

Suddenly a crowd of officials rushed in horror.

Li Shenji, who dealt with the ancestor of the bat, suddenly changed his face and looked at Guhai in shock.

"Will you drink? How much strength have you improved?" Li Shenji was surprised.

In the small courtyard in the city.

Sima Changkong and Long Shenwu stared.

"Qin Zibai? He is in Zhongtian Palace. Although he first entered Zhongtian Palace, Gu Hai relied on his strength to .........? To what extent will the article go to wine? How could he give him such powerful power? Sima Changkong said in surprise.

"No, Gu Hai didn't seem to do her best!" Long Shenwu's eyes narrowed.


Gu Hai defeated North Qin Zibai sharply, and gave a cold glance at Qin Zibai. Gu Hai did not do his best.

Hao Ran was right in his body, and a force that had never been before flooded his body. Gu Hai felt that he could even cut off 'Thursday Thursday'. But just now.

Because the ancient sea could see it, the ancestor of the bat had just ordered Qin Zibai to come, not to kill himself, but to stop himself.

Maybe it's for the grace of the dragon vein city.

After all, the bat ancestors were so powerful that they died and stopped the ancient sea.

However, Bingji was imprisoned, and seeing that he would encounter the poisonous hand of the bat ancestor, how could the ancient sea let it go?

Let it go today, regardless of Bing Ji, how to convince the public in Dahan?

Without time to talk nonsense with Qin Zibai, Gu Hai cut it off with one stroke.

The figure flickered, and the ancient sea reached the third hand of Batman.

"Huh?" Batman looked cold.



The purple light pierced the sky, and the ancient sea was cut again.

"Well, you are still far behind, my wine will be drunk? Gu Hai, you will never write me a poem of the same level, I have eaten you!" Said the ancestor of the bat.


In purple light, a large number of thunder and lightning exploded in the third hand of Batman.

"Emperor, don't!" Bingji showed anxiety.

Only Bing Ji understood how powerful this ancestor was.

In the old temple of the sun, Bingji used ten of the sixteen ancient magic weapons to destroy him, only to hurt him and to run away.

Today, the bat ancestors have not exhausted their energy at all. The emperor could not save himself. Don't take the emperor in too.

However, Gu Hai rushed resolutely.

Looking at the nagging face of Gu Hai, Bing Ji in the ice hockey suddenly stopped.

Knowing nothing to do, but risking his life to save himself? Bingji thought that no such person would appear in his life. Those who scammed in the Sun Temple, Bing Ji's heart has become extremely cold.

But Gu Hai's nagging face penetrated into his heart like an arrow. The cold heart trembled suddenly.


A super loud noise.

The thunderbolt exploded and exploded, and Batzu's third hand exploded most of it.


Bing Ji's ice hockey immediately escaped.

The third hand exploded suddenly turned into countless bats, shuttled from the thunder and lightning.

"Oh? Wednesday? Oh, how about breaking my fake hand? You can't cut a fake hand, not to mention I have more than one!" The ancestor of the bat appeared.


The sky full of bats yelled suddenly, and they hurled towards the hockey puck of Gu Hai and Bing Ji together.

"Emperor, come in!" Bingji's face changed.

Suddenly, the ice hockey shattered, and another ice hockey condensed, wrapping Gu Hai and Bing Ji together.

Gu Hai went into the ice hockey, but his face sank.

Wednesday? That knife, but even Qin Zibai's defeat, can only cut off part of the third hand of the bat ancestor?

"Emperor, you shouldn't come!" Bingji bitterly.

"Since you have entered Dahan, you are the man of Dahan, and you have the obligation to protect you!" Gu Haishen said.

After speaking, Ignoring the suddenly silent Bing Ji, looked at the countless bats.

As the tumbling bats flew, a huge third hand was slowly gathered again.

No, more than one, but eight, the third hand, the fourth, the fifth ........., the tenth hand.

Eight palms condensed by bats, like the previous power, pressed from all directions towards the puck. Sealed all the way out of the puck.

"Huh, something that you can't control, since you want to accompany this stinky girl, it's no wonder I am, huh!" Batzu snorted.

"Brother-in-law!" Long Wanyu roared suddenly in the distance.

"Don't!" Waner Fairy in the city also exclaimed, rushing out of the city.

One prosthetic hand is so powerful. Now that eight are finished, ancient sea is finished?

In the city, hundreds of people also widened their eyes, and some scholars who just worshiped the ancient sea also exclaimed.

How can bat ancestors do this?

Da Yuan officials' face suddenly changed, but now Batman shot, but the officials did not know what to do.

King Xikang's face was as dead as a face. This time he played a lot.

Mo Yike's face changed, and he wanted to stop, but at this moment, no one can stop Batman.

The ancestor was angry, and the ancestor was lawless. Who can stop it?

In the city, Sima Changkong and Long Shenwu also stared at each other.

"Master Wang, you said that Gu Hai didn't make every effort just now? Then there is a glimmer of hope?" Sima Changkong worried.

Long Shenwu nodded his head and said, "The spirit of righteousness that is going to be in the wine shouldn't be that, Gu Hai must have reservations!"

"I hope!" Sima Changkong looked at the screen worriedly.

Li Shenji blocked his left palm with a sword and saw Gu Hai surrounded by eight palms.

Eight palms have wrapped the puck.

Inside, Bing Ji showed a hint of despair.

Gu Hai's face was cold, and the knife in his hand suddenly grasped, and his foot suddenly stepped on.


The sword air area, which is even more powerful than the previous one, suddenly tears out the puck and forms another chess area.

Gu Hai's face was cold and was about to be cut off on Thursday.


When the ancient sea tore up "Will Go Into Wine", the metropolis, the palace hall of the imperial palace, and the hall of the grand palace.

The gate of the Grand Hall suddenly opened.


The hall opened, and the guards around him suddenly changed their faces. They suddenly stopped paying attention to the war outside the city, but paid respectfully to the hall.

"Welcome your Majesty to exit the gate!" The guards said respectfully.


A storm of snow and ice gushed from the hall of the Great Hall.

The square in front of the temple was instantly covered by snow and ice, and the guards were suddenly covered with snow.


A fur boot came out of the hall.

But it was a man in a white fur robe, stepping out slowly, and the golden fur dragon was embroidered on the white fur robe. Through a very clean feeling.

The man had a handsome face, with a long hair **** with a gold rope. His expression was dull, but his eyes looked like deep pools, making people invisible.

White snow drifted, and the man in the white fur dragon robe stepped slowly on the square.

"Meet Your Majesty!" The guards said respectfully.

His Majesty? In the Emperor Yuan Dynasty, there was only one person who could have this title, the Lord of Yuan Yuan, Emperor Xiyu.

Emperor Xiyu put his hands in the fur sleeves, instead of looking up at the sky, he just looked to the north, but he could clearly see the distant scene.

"Is Tearing Into Wine like this? It's a pity!" Emperor Xiyu sighed slightly.

The guards didn't dare to plug in.

The battles outside the city became more and more fierce, and the bat ancestors used eight artificial hands to bombard the hockey pucks to Gu Hai and Bing Ji.

The ancient sea is about to be cut off on Thursday.

Emperor Xiyu was silent for a while, and finally moved.

I saw Emperor Xiyu poking out the index finger of his right hand and gently pointing one finger away.


The finger point is like a white light that travels through time and space. From the entrance of Dacheng Hall, it rushes out of the metropolis and continues to shoot.

As Bai Guang passed by, numerous snow and ice drifted along.

Wuyue Academy was suddenly immersed in a snowy goose feather.

"Kaka Kaka Kaka!"

In all directions, almost all bats froze instantly.

The ice and snow area seems to condense a transparent index finger and gently lift it from bottom to top.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

The three battlefields suppressed by Batman, almost at the same time, were lifted away by that finger.

Under this finger, Li Shenji's body suddenly plummeted and his face changed.

"Ah!" "Ah!"

The two giants, Ziwei and Changsheng, were even picked up by their fingers, and their bodies suddenly flew out.

When Gu Hai and Bing Ji's faces changed, their figures were instantly opened by that finger.

Even the bat ancestor was suddenly picked up by this finger, and eight prosthetic hands exploded, and the bat ancestor stopped flying.

"Huh?" Batman's face changed.

A fierce battle, one finger, all off?

"Batzu, this is a noble guest, you are rude!" A voice rang through the four corners of Wuyue Academy accompanied by the deep snow.

This book's first release comes from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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