Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 4 Chapter 72: Coincidentally Finding Ram Saint

"Batzu, this is a noble guest, you are rude!" A voice rang through the four corners of Wuyue Academy accompanied by the deep snow.

One finger solved the battle of Wuyue Academy?

Nearly all the people in the city changed their faces and then became excited.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty!"

"Long live Your Majesty, live long live!"

"Your Majesty? Your Majesty shot!"




The excitement of the people in the city was also inexplicable. One finger. With just one finger, is the war over? The bat ancestor who was so powerful just now is still not enough for the emperor to know.

The people's faces are filled with pride, this is my great emperor.

In the city, in the small courtyard.

Sima Changkong and Long Shenwu both frowned, looking at the palace together.

"Emperor Xiyu?" Long Shenwu said in a deep voice.

"The Heavenly Palace opens, and it's a real difference!" Sima Changkong also flashed a shock in his eyes.

Long Shenwu nodded.

In the city, the anxious Wan'er Fairy was in a stature, suddenly showing a smile, because the battle outside the city stopped.

Outside the city, Wuyue Academy.

It was snowing, and countless bats were already frozen.

When King Xikang and other Yuan officials heard the voice, they suddenly felt a joy on their faces.

"Meet Your Majesty, Long live Your Majesty, Long Live Long Live!" A number of officials worshiped.

"Oops, my ass!" The Changsheng who fell on the ground rubbed his **** and stood up.

"That was the power of the Heaven Palace just now? The Heaven Palace?" Zi looked at it slightly, and turned to look to the south.

Li Shenji's face was gloomy, but his figure fluttered to the place where Long Wanyu's flying boat. Obviously, Long Wanyu should be protected.

"Brother-in-law, are you okay?" Long Wanyu said anxiously.

In the distance, Gu Hai retreated with Bing Ji and turned to look at the direction of the metropolis. Gu Hai's eyes narrowed slightly, and her heart was inexplicable.

The ancestor of the bat ancestors has been fully recognized by the ancient sea, and even the ancient sea feels that the ancestors have not done their best.

But such a powerful bat ancestor was actually opened by a finger of Emperor Xiyu?

Batman also changed his face and turned his head to look at the city.

"Xiyu, aren't you retreating? Come out and stir up my business again?" Batzu cried melancholy.

Obviously, the ancestor also understood that his strength was definitely not as good as Emperor Xiyu.

In the distance, the entrance to the palace.

Emperor Xiyu put his right hand in his sleeve, and looked dullly out of the city.

"I was closed, but you were woken up!" Emperor Xiyu said lightly.

The sound was not loud, but it passed strangely through the snow to the Wuyue Academy.

Batman's face was impatient for a while, was this to blame me?

"Criminal sin should die!" King Xikang said bitterly at once.

Obviously, today's big movement, the culprit is still King Xikang, so much trouble, disturbed her retreat.

"I don't know what happened to me. How did this stinky girl humiliate me, I'll find it back! Also," Will Go Wine "is gone, and I want Gu Hai to write me another copy!" Bat Zou cried suddenly, as if talking to King Xikang.

"Huh?" King Xikang's face coldened slightly.

King Xikang didn't say anything else, but stared coldly at the bat ancestor, but with this glance, the previously lawless bat ancestor suddenly looked rigid, a little scared.

"It's a big deal, I don't force Gu Hai, but this stinky girl ...!" Batman still wanted the conditions to be normal.

"Go back to your Bat Valley!" Emperor Xiyu blandly.

Although the tone is flat, it has an irreversible meaning.

"I ...!" Batzu was depressed for a moment.

Emperor Xiyu looked at the bat ancestors so coldly. This look seemed to be very deterrent to the bat ancestors. The mouth of the bat ancestor who had seen it opened several times did not dare to continue.

"Hum!" Batzu snorted, flung his sleeves, and flew towards the west of the city.


In a blink of an eye, the figure of Batman disappeared in front of everyone.

Gu Hai looked at Emperor Xiyu in the distance, but frowned. Batman was so powerful that he did not dare to rebel in front of him?

In the city, there are no hundreds of people who are worshiping and looking towards the Great Hall.

The great emperor has never been more powerful.

Dayuan officials, however, booed.


At this time, Long Wanyu's flying boat suddenly flew in front of the ancient sea.

Gu Hai took Bing Ji and set foot on the flying boat.

Gu Hai paid attention to the Dali Temple in the distance, but didn't find that Bingji looked at his eyes with a different meaning.

Emperor Xiyu drank the bat ancestor and turned to look at Long Wanyu's flying boat.

"Dagan messenger?" Emperor Xiyu looked at Feizhou in doubt.

Gu Hai and his party have not spoken yet, and King Xikang aside immediately respectfully said, "Your Majesty, these are the ambassadors of the princes. Before His Majesty retreat, the officials did not dare to bother, they received it at Wuyue Academy, but did not want to ..."

Emperor Xiyu turned his head and glanced at the city, and the Xuanguang mirror on the side broadcast everything in Wuyue Academy.

Emperor Xiyu realized everything instantly.

"Mo Yike!" Emperor Xiyu suddenly said.

"Officials!" Among the officials, Mo Yike immediately stepped forward.

"I ca n’t disturb the retreat this time. Mo Yike now has full authority to receive the Dagan mission, and he must not lose the courtesy!" Said Emperor Xiyu.

"Chen Zunzhi!" Mo Yike respectfully said.

Emperor Xiyu ordered it, but King Xikang's face changed.

This kind of thing is usually handled by yourself. Her Majesty actually named Mo Yike to take care of her, and she was obviously dissatisfied with herself.

But at the previous reception, I was completely messed up, Her Majesty did not count, it is already the greatest gift, but I dare not argue with Her Majesty.

Emperor Xiyu ordered Mo Yike and glanced at King Xikang.

This glance made King Xikang look so earthy, and he didn't dare to say more.

Instead, King Xikang looked over the flying boat again.

"Hey, things are not over yet, Mo Yike will receive you for the time being, forgive me!" Emperor Xiyu solemnly said.

Long Wanyu frowned, as if she was still worried about her brother-in-law just now and was about to argue.

Gu Hai pulled Lalong Wanyu and shook her head.

"Brother-in-law, what did you pull me for? I haven't said it yet, if Da Yuan is so dangerous, we'll go back to it!" Long Wanyu cried instantly.

"Forget it!" Gu Hai shook his head.

After all, this trip is also looking for ram saint. Now is not the time to leave.

Long Wanyu wanted to get justice for her brother-in-law, but her brother-in-law said that he had no choice but to hold back an uncomfortable feeling and prepare to go back to Emperor Xiyu.

"Well?" Long Wanyu's eyes glared and angrily.

But it was the Emperor Xiyu who did not wait for Long Wanyu's forgiveness at all, but turned his head into the hall of the Great God.

Emperor Xiyu turned and left?

Mo Yike was approaching immediately.

"Master Wanyu, Mr. Gu, and Yingying Li, forgive me, Your Majesty is in the process of retreating. It is rare to be able to resolve a misunderstanding for us, please forgive me!" Mo Yike said with a smile.

"Huh!" Long Wanyu snorted, still very dissatisfied.

Li Shenji also froze.

"Mr. Mo, long time no see!" Gu Hai said with a smile.

Gu Hai opened his mouth, but Mo Yike glanced at the ancient sea gratefully.

"Yeah, last time I said goodbye, I haven't played against Mr. Gu for a long time. I have been looking forward to it for a long time. Mr. Gu, Wanyu County Master, Li Yingzhu, it's getting late. How about taking a break? "Mo Yike arranged.

Long Wanyu was energetic and reluctant.

"Okay! Then trouble Mr. Mo." Gu Hai responded.

Seeing that her brother-in-law was about to leave, Long Wanyu could only say, "Well, don't let anyone attack us again!"

"No, no, thank you Mr. Gu!" Mo Yike immediately looked at Gu Hai gratefully.

"Ziwei, longevity, why don't you go with us!" Gu Hai cried to the two men who were not far away.

"Is it rice?" Ziwei's eyes lit up.

"Pipe full!" Mo Yike suddenly smiled bitterly.

The two don't forget to eat. However, since Gu Hai's "Xia Ke Xing" and "Will Enter the Wine", Mo Yike is also curious about the two.

Mo Yike knows the capabilities of Gu Hai. Would the two people so respected by Gu Hai be the easy generations? big eater? Not only that simple, right?

Mo Yike invited, and everyone went along with Mo Yike towards the city.

The Wuyue Academy left behind was a mess, at this moment.

King Xikang looked at his academy with a bitter smile, and turned to look at the direction that the ancient sea Feizhou left, but there was a hint of resentment in his eyes.

Going to drink? Xia Kexing?

After today, he will be known to the world, and he will be famous, a villain who invites guests to scorn the hero and is reluctant to spend money.

Xia Kexing and General will enter the wine, raising the image of Gu Hai, Ziwei, and Changsheng, and stepping on himself more severely. Would King Xikang feel comfortable? What's more important is that his own plans made the Emperor Yuan's face completely lost, and his Majesty was jealous of himself. Couldn't King Xikang resent the ancient sea?

It was getting dark. But the hearts of the people in the metropolis are still fiery.

No matter the two articles, or the bat ancestors' shots, and more importantly, His Majesty's strength, made countless practitioners sleepless overnight.

When Gu Hai arrived at Mo Yike's Mansion, Mo Yi Ke didn't bother much, and a little arrangement made Gu Hai and his party take a rest first.

After everyone arranged their accommodation, Gu Haicai looked curiously at Long Wanyu.

"Wan Yu, aren't you able to avoid bad luck? Why didn't you feel it before?" Gu Hai curiously said.

"I didn't predict danger, I don't know!" Long Wanyu shook her head.

"Oh? That's right, it's my turn. This is the metropolis, Emperor Xiyu. No matter what, Emperor Xiyu will shoot, then we definitely won't be in danger!" Gu Hai nodded.

"However, the bat ancestor was really annoying, really annoying. When he left before, I worried that he would come to trouble again, and predicted the future, but fortunately, he would not come, but was angry at a man Medium! "Long Wanyu hated.

"Oh? A man?" Gu Hai wondered.

"Yeah, a huge blood pool, a man in white was trapped inside, oh, by the way, I saw that the ancestor called him the ram saint!" Long Wanyu curiously said.

"Ram Ram?" Gu Hai opened his mouth stunned.

Now, does this count?

PS: Promote my Sina Weibo. I use my real name 『柏跃跃』. If you are interested, you can follow me!

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