Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 4 Chapter 76: Fire gourd

Second more!


The position of Ram Saint was found!

Li Shenji and Ye Shenzhen moved.

At the same time, the news also reached the place of Long Shenwu and Sima Changkong for the first time.

The two listened to Ye Shenzhen's description for a while.

"Master Wanyu County? I waited for a long time without a clue, but she found it with a single thought?" Sima Changkong grinned bitterly.

"Long Wanyu? Oh!" Shen Wuwang also revealed a bit of bitterness.

"Yes, no matter what, Mr. Gu and Wanyu County have cooperated to find the main place of the ram's sanctuary. In Chengxi Batumi, the second place, then I brought it. How you can find it depends on you! Ye Shenzhen solemnly said.

King Shenwu nodded.

"Lee Shenji is moving?" Sima Changkong curiously asked.

Ye Shen nodded his head: "Sacred promise, rescued the ram saint, but first-class merits, Mr. Sima should be clearer than me. Will Li Shenji ignore it?"

"First-class Tiangong, it can be regarded as a death-free card. Except for the treason and treason, you can be spared even if you commit a capital crime? Li Shenji, how can you let it go?" Shen Wuwang said in a silent voice.

"Yes, the Shenji camp has all moved, and he is exploring around Batgu in the west of the city, but it is not easy!" Ye Shen nodded.

"It's not easy. Batzu is angry this time. If it wasn't for the Emperor Xiyu's pressure, he would have exploded long ago. As long as the ambassadors are close, he can't wait to pick up skin and cramps. Not to mention, all sides of Batgu It's the place where vampires and bat monsters live, and they are all ancestors of bat ancestors. How can it be possible for outsiders to approach! "Sima Changkong shook his head.

"Yeah, that ’s why it ’s tricky. That ’s why we have n’t been able to find out yet. Wanyu County Master is in the bright, you are in the dark, I hope you can rescue the ram saint as soon as possible!” Ye Shen nodded his needle. .

"Yes, is there any arrangement for Guhai?" Sima Changkong curiously asked.

"The ancient church owner? Oh, the ancient church owner did not move, I don't know!" Ye Shenzhen smiled bitterly.

"do not know?"

"Yeah, you said that the master of the ancient church did not look for it. It was the master of the ancient church who cooperated with the master of Wanyu County to find the ram saint firsthand. Now, the Shenji camp of Li Shenji has all moved, and the master of the ancient church The people who brought them were still playing around and didn't bother with the ram saint at all! So, I couldn't guess him a little. "Ye Shenzhen smiled bitterly.

"Gu Hai wants to protect the safety and security of Long Wanyu, so he doesn't want to take risks!" Shen Wuwang said in a voice.

"Maybe!" Ye Shen nodded.

"Well, he doesn't look for it, let's find it for ourselves! Chengxi Bat Valley? Let's find a way to go in!" Shen Wuwang said in a loud voice.



After the ancient sea released Changming, he did not go to the Rams Saint.

As Shenwu Wang guessed, Long Wanyu could not be allowed to take risks. No matter how important the ram saint is, how can it be better than Long Wanyu? The metropolitan city is in danger. Maybe when a cold arrow will come out, we must guard against it.

Chang Ming went back, but never came to trouble again.

Perhaps the irritation was a little big the other day. Gu Hai didn't bother, but came to the kitchen place of Mofu.

"Finally, I'm full for five minutes, so comfortable!" Changsheng rubbed his stomach.

Around the house, Mofu house servants who kept delivering food were frightened for a while.

I have eaten for a few days and nights without stopping. Do you say that you only ate half full?

It is also because of the profound Mohist knowledge that you are allowed to let go of your stomach to eat, and to be outside, you have eaten all the rations of an army.

"Two, aren't you full? Mr. Mo still has it at home!" Gu Hai laughed.

Mo Yike smiled bitterly. These days, Mo Yike has also tried to communicate with the two people, but his biggest gain is that they can eat, especially eat.

It ’s okay to raise your own house for ten days and a half months. You have been raising it, and you ca n’t afford it. Where's the evildoer?

"Don't eat, we still need to have some stomach, go out and eat something else!" Zi Wei wiped his mouth.

"Oh? You said most of the purpose of most of the last time?" Gu Hai stunned slightly.

Ziwei and Changsheng looked at each other. Silent for a while, the two nodded.

"Gu Hai, these days, Changsheng and I found out that you, my friend, can make friends, and we will take you to eat together!" Zi Wei suddenly flashed a trace of light in his eyes.

"What to eat?" Mo Yike curiously.

"Eh, that, this, it's nothing! Mr. Mo, if you are fine, go ahead first!" Ziwei shook off suddenly.

Mo Yike smiled bitterly for a while, co-authored, these days I invited them to dinner, please?

"Also, Mr. Mo, today I will accompany Changsheng and Ziwei around the metropolis. You don't have to worry!" Gu Hai smiled bitterly.

"Okay!" Mo Yike nodded.

Although they were a little curious about the food in the two mouths, everyone didn't bring themselves, and Mo Yike was not good to take the initiative to lean up.

"What good food to eat? I want to go too!" Long Wanyu cried instantly.

Changsheng and Ziwei looked at each other and thought about it.

Ziwei nodded and said, "Well, you are Gu Hai's little aunt, not an outsider. Just the four of us, don't follow anyone else!"

"Okay, okay, no problem, Sima Feng, you are waiting in the city!" Long Wanyu immediately commanded.

Gu Hai was silent for a while, and finally nodded.

Bingji and others remained in the city.

Gu Hai and his four were slowly out of the metropolis.

A corner of the tower.

King Xikang looked coldly in the distance and four figures disappeared into the forest.

"Master, that direction, isn't that the last time you went to the disaster relief, and then met the demon girl, where were the two rice barrels sneaking on you?" A subordinate behind him was surprised.

"Follow them and see where they go!" King Xikang commanded.

"Yes!" His subordinate should yell.

Another corner.

"Follow them!" Mo Yike ordered to his subordinates.

Another corner.

"Follow them!" Chang's elder also ordered.


……………… 、


The departure of Gu Hai and his party aroused the attention of all forces.

Four people in the ancient sea walked in the mountains and forests, but many people followed.

But, following it, I lost it.

In a mountain forest, Li Shenji looked at the subordinates in front of him, his face gloomy.

"Owner, they enter a foggy area, and then it's gone!"

"Gone?" Li Shenji frowned.

"Yes! We looked around for a long time, but there was none! There was no authentic! Also found a group of vampires!"

Li Shenji narrowed his eyes, and finally said, "No more, they go looking for food, let them go. This is the northwestern part of the city. We still have things to do. Regardless of them, we go to the west of Batumi. ! "


All forces were lost.

But it was Guhai, Ziwei, Changsheng, and Long Wanyu who arrived at a big tree and actually stepped into the big tree.

"This is it?" Gu Hai was surprised.

"An old man set an entrance that year. Only we know how to get in. Let ’s go! That thing should have matured. We were ready to go in last time. But we just saw that King Xikang wanted to shoot the fairy with arrows. Ziwei said excitedly.

Gu Hai nodded.

Long Wanyu didn't sense the danger either. The four entered the ground through a big tree, a narrow tunnel, and headed south.

The tunnel was very long, and the four of them walked slowly. After walking for almost two days, they did not reach the end.

People outside are looking crazy.

The people of Mo Yike, King Xikang, Chang Family, Qin Family, Li Shenji, and Ye Shen Needle have gone back and forth for four times, but I don't know how many times they found them.

Two days? Where did they go?

Underground tunnel.

The four felt deeper and deeper.

"It's not here yet!" Long Wanyu said depressed.

"It's coming, it's coming, there is still a day!" Changsheng explained.

Walking along, the other end of the tunnel seemed to be billowing with heat.

"Well?" Gu Hai showed a hint of doubt.

The deeper, the greater the heat wave.

The ancient temple of Vulcan opened, and while walking, it absorbed this heat wave, which made Long Wanyu feel much better.

One day soon arrived, and the four of them slowly walked deep into the narrow ground.

A blue enchantment blocked the entrance of the heat wave, but even if the blue enchantment blocked it, the surrounding rocks and stones still permeated the rolling heat wave.

"It's so hot! The earth and stones around this tunnel have been burned to fire red. What's in it?" Long Wanyu was surprised.

Gu Hai was carrying Long Wanyu at the moment, and Vulcan was absorbing the flame frantically.

Changsheng and Ziwei, as if not afraid of being hot, walked to the blue enchantment together.

"Three thousand years ago, we discovered with the old man. This enchantment was sealed by the old man! He used one of his most powerful treasures, but unfortunately, it doesn't seem to last long. Look inside!" .

"Oh?" Gu Hai looked into the blue transparent enchantment.


Inside, there is a fierce fire burning, and above the fire, there is a billowing blood and water, boiling constantly.

Under the fire, there were also countless blood boils.

In the center of the fire, a cyan rattan floated strangely at this moment. On the vine, a gourd, a red gourd.

Fiery calcination. The ivy is still there, and the gourd is in the fire. Instead of being burned, it is becoming more and more mature.

"This? No, this gourd is on fire? The fire inside is from this gourd?" Gu Hai frowned.

"Well! Why is there no root in this gourd vine? The vines are floating in the air?" Long Wanyu was also surprised.

"Of course, the root of this gourd is not in the middle of the sun!" There was a hint of excitement in Changsheng's eyes.

"Oh? In the underworld?" Gu Hai curiously asked.

In the past, the rhizomes of the peach tree were not in the sun.

"I don't know. Anyway, I wasn't there. Three thousand years ago, this gourd just started to grow a little bigger. Three thousand years ago, it finally grew up. Haha, it's ready to eat!" Changsheng said excitedly.

"Eat? What kind of gourd?" Gu Hai curiously asked.

"I don't know!" Zi slightly shook his head.

"I don't know, you guys want to eat?"

PS: Go out and update irregularly, forgive me!

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