Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 4 Chapter 77: Gourd into the palace

"Eat? What kind of gourd?" Gu Hai curiously asked.

"I don't know!" Zi slightly shook his head.

"I don't know, you guys want to eat?"

"Uh, does this matter?" Changsheng wondered.

Gu Hai: "………………!"

"What if it's poisonous?" Long Wanyu also rolled her eyes. When they saw what they ate, they ignored everything?

"What is poisonous gourd, even if it is poisonous, we are not humans anyway!" Ziwei shook his head.

Gu Hai and Long Wanyu: "………………!"

"But with this blue enchantment, you all feel the boundless fire, how do you eat?" Long Wanyu wondered.

"This blue enchantment was the oldest magic weapon of the old man, uh, a seal magic weapon. We can rely on it to approach the fire gourd." Changsheng said from his channel.

"Old man? Did he say, what is this place? The environment is strange, fire gourd, **** water up and down? Is there such a fire, there is no response on the ground?" Gu Hai wondered.

"I remembered it!" Ziwei looked suddenly.


"The old man mentioned that his tunnel was not shuttled under the ground, uh, I can't tell. I only know that this fire gourd seems to suppress something, and the location here is between the two circles of Yin and Yang!" Road.

"Why don't I know?" Changsheng stared at Ziwei.

"You were at Harrah's, how could you have time to listen to the old man?"

"You are almost the same! In the end, it wasn't the old man who held your ears that took you away?"

The two numbers fell on each other.

Gu Hai was carrying Long Wanyu with a hint of doubt.

"Go, I'll start the seal formation, let's try it!" Ziwei excited.

The detective pushed on the blue transparent enchantment.


The blue enchantment suddenly seemed to move, and suddenly shrank back, wrapping the four in a blue ball.


The enchantment was loose and the fire was rolling down the tunnel towards the distance.

Standing in the blue enchantment ball, the four slowly moved to the center of the fire and to the fire gourd.

The ancient sea looked strangely at the blood pool above and below.

It looks like there is a blood pool above and below, floating above in the air, and the waves below can not stand, but above the blood pool below, there are a large number of red runes, like a matrix, suppressing the blood pool below. And 90% of the fire emanating from the fire gourd penetrated into the red runes, supplementing the red rune energy.

"The fire gourd is really suppressing the blood pool below?" Long Wanyu stared.

"Come, come, it's been three thousand years to grow so big, it must be a wonderful baby, grunt!" Changsheng swallowed the throat.

"The old man drooled when he saw it, it must be a good thing, hahaha, I'm here first, I'm here first!" Zi Wei put his face in excitement.

Face slowly stretched out the blue enchantment ball.

"You shameless?" Long Wanyu was surprised.


Sure enough, a raging fire rushed towards his face, and Ziwei's face was suddenly burnt red, but the food was right next to his mouth. How can he let it go?

At a sip, Ziwei bit her fiercely on the gourd.



Ziwei covered her mouth and returned with a crying face.

"Alas?" Changsheng wondered.

Ziwei let go of her hand, and two teeth in her mouth fell apart.

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" Long Wanyu smiled heartlessly.

"It's so hard? Your teeth chewing steel and broken copper are broken?" Gu Hai was surprised.

"Stupid, wouldn't you swallow it all? What was the effort? See me swallowing it all." Changsheng disdain immediately.

"Shit, you swallowed it, let's eat a fart!" Ziwei was suddenly anxious.

"What then?" Changsheng wondered.

"I'll try again!" Zi Wei shook his head.

Face stretched out again.

Open your mouth and **** suddenly!

"You won't let me swallow, do you swallow yourself?"

But saw the fire gourd suddenly came towards Ziwei's mouth.


The fire gourd hit Ziwei's face, and Ziwei's face flushed, covering her face.

"What happened to you?" Long Wanyu curiously.

Ziwei covered her face, her face in pain. not talking.

"Alas?" Changsheng wondered.

Ziwei did not speak.

"If you don't say it, I'll start talking!" Changsheng wondered.

Open your mouth, learn Ziwei, and **** suddenly.


"Your turtle son, don't you tell me, this fire gourd can't be sucked into your mouth, your face will be burnt, I'm hurting!" Changsheng covered his face in pain.

Gu Hai: "………………!"

"You are fighting for food!" Long Wanyu said with a strange look.

After tossing for a while, still unable to speak, the fire gourd emitted a fire that could not be eaten at all.

Tried all kinds of methods, all useless, Ziwei, Changsheng showed desperate eyes.

One day, I was defeated by eating, and I couldn't keep my mouth open with such delicious things?

"The old man lied to me? He couldn't eat it!" Said Changsheng in despair.

"Want to cook before eating?" Zi Wei frowned.

Everyone turned around to look at Ziwei, and that look, are you stupid? The fire gourd emits a fire. How to cook it?

Ziwei and Changsheng looked with a resentful look. Only for a while.

"What kind of flame? May I help you to break through?" Gu Hai said with a look of expectation.

The drought fire of the past can help you break through, but after the breakthrough, the drought fire is no longer enough.

At this moment, this fire gourd may take you to the next level?

"You try it!" Ziwei and Changsheng were listless.

Gu Hai put down Long Wanyu, closed her eyes, slowly stretched out her enchantment, and suddenly a catastrophic disaster swept through.


The fire seemed to burn Gu Hai's right hand in an instant, but the power of the deadly sword quickly repaired Gu Hai's injury. The fire was absorbed by Gu Hai and went straight to the Temple of Fire.


The fire went straight to the fire baby. For a moment, the fire baby felt a great nourishment, and the rolling flame energy was quickly absorbed by the fire baby.

If it is an ordinary mind, the fire breaks in, and the mind may be destroyed instantly, but the ancient sea uses the Vulcan Palace forged by Vulcan.

Yuan Ying is slowly growing up, like a child, slowly becoming an adult.


Gu Hai swept an air current all over his body.

"Breakthrough?" Long Wanyu smiled.

"Yuanying Realm is the fourth most important!" Gu Hai was also surprised.

But at this moment, the fire gourd seemed to feel something ordinary, and suddenly trembled.

"Huh?" Gu Hai opened his eyes.


The fire gourd was suddenly disconnected from the rattan, then flickered and disappeared.

After losing the fire gourd, the vine quickly withered at an extremely strange speed until it became a pile of powder and disappeared suddenly.

"Where is the gourd? How about the gourd?" Changsheng exclaimed suddenly.

"Ah!" Gu Hai roared suddenly and painfully.

But it was the fire gourd, somehow suddenly came to the Temple of Vulcan in the ancient sea.

The horrible fire was raging, and flames seemed to tear the temple of Vulcan.


A fire broke out from the ancient sea.

Seems to burn all of Gu Hai's body.

Dantian and other shrines are guarding this one, and when the ancient flesh is burned in large quantities, it is fortunate that there is a deadly knife to quickly repair it, but even so, Gu Hai's body is also bursting with fire.

"Brother-in-law, brother-in-law, how are you?" Long Wanyu said anxiously.

"Gu Hai, what's wrong with you?" Changsheng was also surprised.

"Fire gourd, fire gourd has gone into the ancient sea?" Zi Wei's face changed.

"What do you do now?" Long Wanyu looked anxiously.

"Yeah, this fire gourd, Gu Haixiu, can't help it, he will be burned to death!" Changsheng also anxiously said.

"Put the seal enchantment of the old man into the ancient sea and help him seal the fire gourd!" Ziwei bit his teeth.

"it is good!"

Changsheng and Ziwei shot at the same time. This seal enchantment seemed to have some kind of organization, and they both knew how to manipulate it.


He waved suddenly.

The blue enchantment suddenly rushed into the Vulcan Palace in the ancient sea, and reached the fire gourd for a moment.


The blue enchantment enveloped the fire gourd. Suddenly, the fire stopped burning around, and the ancient sea was much better.

"Hoo, ho, ho!"

Gu Hai breathed a long breath and manipulated the grown-up fire babies to quickly absorb the remaining fire in the body, and the dead knife repaired the body.

The fire infant looked up at the Temple of Vulcan, the fire gourd wrapped in the blue enchantment in midair.

"This flame level is too high? Even my Vulcan can't stand it?" Gu Hai opened his eyes, showing a hint of horror.

Ziwei and Changsheng stared at the ancient sea with wide eyes.

"Gu Hai, how did you get it in your stomach?" Changsheng wondered.

"I don't know. Absorbing the flames for a while, Xiuwei improved, and then it went in by itself!" Gu Hai shook his head.

"This is the rhythm of confessing the Lord? Wipe, this shit! Why didn't you come to my stomach?" Ziwei suddenly stared and depressed.

"When it comes to your stomach, it is digested by you. How dare it recognize you as the master?" Changsheng smirked.

"Yes, this blue enchantment can't last long. You better practice hard to make your body more acceptable to this level of flame!" Ziwei shook her head and said.

"I'll look back and find a way to eat for you!" Gu Hai smiled bitterly.

"Don't, don't, although we like to eat, but others eat into the stomach, spit it out, or pull out something, really have no appetite to eat again!" Zi Wei waved his hand suddenly.

"It doesn't matter, you can figure it out, Ziwei and I will not eat anymore!" Changsheng smiled bitterly.

"Well, thank you Guhai, I will go to the Dahan Dynasty in the next day, you let go!" Guhai laughed.

"That's right!" The two were instantly excited.

"Look, the fire was all absorbed by the runes on the blood pool below!" Long Wanyu grabbed Gu Hai's arm and pointed at the blood pool below.

Above the blood pool below, there was no fire gourd supplying the fire, and the red rune absorbed all the flames around.


Suddenly, one of the red runes showed a lot of cracks, and it seemed to be broken.

"The old man said, what powerful things are suppressed under the fire gourd?" Ziwei wondered.

"I, I feel dangerous, fierce, there are fierce things underneath, let's avoid it?" Long Wanyu anxiously.

The ancient sea looked and nodded. Long Wanyu felt the fierceness, there must be nothing good about it.

"Where is the top?" Gu Hai pointed to the blood pool above.

"No!" Long Wanyu shook her head.

"I'll go and see!" Ziwei jumped, and immediately jumped to the blood pool above.

噗通! Go in for half a body.

"Huh!" Ziwei was back again.

"What's wrong?" Changsheng wondered.

"This is a two-way entrance? Xu Jin, not allowed out? Fortunately, I didn't go in half a body, otherwise, I can't come back?" Zi Wei was surprised.

"What's on it?" Changsheng asked.

"I don't know, it's all blood!" Zi Wei shook her head.

"I'll make a bond, you go in and see!" Changsheng said instantly.

"it is good!"

The people jumped into the blood pool together, and only Changsheng left half of his body to enter. In this way, everyone could pull Changsheng's body back.

Gu Hai, Long Wanyu, and Ziwei went deep into the blood pool.

The blood pool was very hot, apparently the fire gourd was previously burned, and some bubbles were rolling.

The crowd floated upward, the blood pool was deep, and slowly floated to the top.


Three people were bleeding from the pool surface. Appeared in an underground palace.

"Ram Ram?" Long Wanyu looked at the white man trapped not far away, surprised.

PS: When you go out, the update is unstable, and the update at night may be a little unstable, but it must be. Forgive me forgive me

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