Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 4 Chapter 78: so easy

Metropolis, west of the city!

In the west of the city, there are overcast clouds, mountains and mountains, countless cliffs and canyons, and the surrounding environment is extremely humid.

Li Shenji stood in a valley and listened to the reports from his subordinates.

"Owner, there are too many bats here. It's not easy for us to investigate!"

"Yeah, living with vampires and bat monsters. We had pretend to be vampires passing by all over the place and were almost spotted!"




A group of subordinates are complaining.

Li Shenji's face was dull, and he turned to look at Ye Shen Needle aside.

Ye Shenzheng shook his head slightly and said, "Master Li, I can help you. I naturally give my full assistance, but the Holy Spirit did not let us risk attacking, in case the Ram's Holy Saint was harmed! Please continue to find it!"

Li Shenji looked gloomy: "The environment here is full of bats on all sides of the sky, and bats are everywhere. How can I find this?"

"I can't help it!" Ye Shen shook his head.

"In addition to me and Gu Hai, there should be other people sent in the holy place?" Li Shenji looked at Ye Shenzhen with his eyes narrowed.

Ye Shenzheng remained silent for a while and did not answer.

Li Shenji smiled slightly: "We are in the light, they are in the dark? We know, how dangerous are we in the light?"

"The divine nature naturally takes into account the danger, so it is first-class skill to rescue the Ram!" Ye Shen shook his head.

Li Shenji nodded gloomily.

At this time, another group of Shenjiying disciples came quietly.

"Owner, we just caught a few bat monsters and conducted some interrogation. We finally locked a place, but the ground palace. They haven't been there. Only the bat ancestor is included. I don't know if it is there!" Shenjiying disciple Shen Shen.

"Oh? Find somewhere, that's fine!" Li Shenji said in a deep voice.

The Shenjiying disciple immediately pointed out his position.

"That foggy area?" Li Shenji said in a deep voice.


Li Shenji glanced at the distant surroundings.

"Gong Ye, why don't you take the shot and lead the bat ancestor out, let me go in and see?" Li Shenji looked forward.

Ye Shen shook his head and said: "Master Li, I'm sorry, you want me to drive away the ancestor of the bat? Hehe, I'm just helping you, it won't be dangerous!"

Li Shenji looked ugly for a while.

Looking at the distance, it is extremely unfortunate to give up like this, and let my own people lead the bat ancestors. These subordinates cannot achieve the purpose of bat ancestors at all. The bat ancestors came out and swallowed them in one go.

"Also, I'm going to lead away the ancestor of the bats, Ye Gonggong, I'm bothering you to go out where the ancestors came out, and find out!" Li Shenji said in a deep voice.

"This is fine!" Ye Shenzhen smiled slightly.

Li Shenji nodded, and the detective took out a mask to cover his face. After making a few arrangements, Li Shenji avoided the crowd and fluttered towards the overcast area.


"Somebody, stand still!"

"Jack, what, dare you break into Bat Valley?"

"court death!"


Suddenly, Li Shenji deliberately chose a problem. Suddenly, a long sword killed the Quartet around Battalion.


Looking for a gap, Li Shenji chopped on the rocks in the foggy area. Suddenly, a mountain burst into pieces.

"First ancestor, it's not good, someone breaks in!"

"Extreme, help!"




In the roar, Li Shenji made a mess in the foggy area.


In the foggy area, a roar suddenly.


Suddenly, the bats covering the sky erupted, and the ancestor of the bat appeared suddenly with a somber face.

Li Shenji cut off with one sword.


Li Shenji was defeated and suddenly shot into the distance.

"Where to go!" Batzu chased after staring.

"call out!"

The two powerful men disappeared into the sky.

Ye Shenzhen's eyes narrowed for a moment, and he staggered towards the area.

And on the edge of the mountains.

Long Shenwu and Sima Changkong also looked coldly into the distance.

"Oh, Li Shenji has led away Batman, Mr. Sima, please pay attention to your own safety, I will go as soon as I go!" Shen Wuwang said in a voice.

During the conversation, the King of God Wu flickered and disappeared into place--

In the palace. Before Li Shenji shot.

The ram saint sat in the cage of **** water, sneer and looked at the ancestor in front of him.

"Returning without success? Hahahaha, it's no use to fight with me. You have the ability to go to my ambassador to trouble? Hahahaha!" Said Ram coldly.

"Well, don't be complacent. You don't crack the eighty-one palace map one day, and don't want to go out one day!" Batzu said coldly.

"A map of the Eighty-One Palace? Oh, if I crack, you will let me go?" Sheng Ram said coldly.

"Oh, that's not necessarily, it depends on Xi Yu's attitude. Who made you study in Jiu Gong Tu so deeply?" Batzu said coldly.

"A map of the Eighty-One Palace? Is this a seal? Or an entrance? What is sealed?" Wondered Ram Ram.

"You don't need to know, you just have to untie it!" Batzu said coldly.

The ram Saint smiled coldly and closed his eyes.

"Well, if you don't untie it, your book will be wiped out! Do you really care about your book?" Batman Shen cried.

The holy eye of the ram jumped, but still did not agree.

"Oh, think about it slowly, don't wait until the book is exhausted before you decide, I see how long you can persist!" Batzu snorted.

Said, the bat ancestor sank into the bottom of the blood pool.

The bottom of the blood pool, the lower the temperature, the higher the temperature. Batman has never been able to find a reason.

Underground heat?

The bat ancestor has reached the bottom of the blood pond, and even smashed some earth and stones.

However, under the earth and stones, there was no heat at all. The heat seemed to come out of nowhere and was extremely hot.

Bat ancestors have been practicing here for a long time, and still can't find the reason.

"Well, where does the heat come from? How many years have passed? There must be a secret here, I didn't even tell Xiyu. But why can't I find it?" Batzu's depressed research.


Suddenly, there was a sound of fury.

"Huh?" Batsman's face became cold, and he suddenly floated to the surface of the pool.

"First ancestor, help!"

"Extreme, someone breaks in, ah, help!"





The outside world roared.

"Come to save me?" Ram Ram suddenly opened his eyes.

Batman coldly glanced at Rams Saint: "Save you? Oh, my big team outside, unless Dagan Sheng came up, no one would want to break open in a short time!"

"Not necessarily!" Ram Sheng laughed.

Batzu's eyes froze slightly: "It seems to save you, oh, just in case, you can sleep for a while!"

During the conversation, a sudden slap was shot on the forehead of the ram.


A large amount of red light suddenly appeared on the holy face of the ram, and then his eyes closed and he passed out.

Seeing that the ram Saint passed out, Batman rushed out of the palace.


The bat screamed and greeted the sword of the masked man.


One palm broke the masked man's sword, and the masked man turned and ran.

"Where to go!" Batzu snorted, chasing after him.

Outside, it was a mess.

Batman is gone. There are countless bat monsters in the Quartet.

Just then, two more airstreams struck.

"Huh! Huh!"

But another two masked figures suddenly appeared.

"Two more?"

"No, the Supreme has been cheated!"

"Stop them!"




A crowd of vampires and bat monsters suddenly angered and killed the two.

The two masked men stared at each other as if they had formed a tacit understanding. One masked man with a sword blocked the bat monsters and vampires. The other masked man was slammed in a sudden palm.


The earth trembled suddenly, but suddenly there were countless **** nets bursting out of the void, covering the two masked people.

"Not good, Batman left, deliberately, it was a trick!" The face of another man in a black robe changed.


The large **** net with a huge smell of smell instantly sealed all the way out of the two masked men.


The two men suddenly cut the sword to the big net, the big net trembled, but still not bad.

"Boom boom boom ...............!"

The two masked men struggled to deal with the blood web.

In the distance, Sima Changkong's face sank: "The strongest formation of the Emperor Yuan Dynasty? Bloody big net formation?" ——

There was chaos outside.

And in the palace.

"Guru! Guru! Grum!"

Gu Hai, Long Wanyu, and Ziwei suddenly appeared on the surface of the blood pool.

"Ram Ram?" Long Wanyu looked at the white man trapped not far away, surprised.

The ram Sheng passed out, with a lot of scarlet chains on his body.

"Sacred Ram? No, it's too easy to do the mission on the Holy?" Gu Hai showed a blankness.

This, is this too coincident?

Gu Hai and Long Wanyu approached slowly.

Not long ago, Ye Shenpin gave a portrait of his own ram saint, and he was right.

Gu Hai, Long Wanyu, and Ziwei made a circle in the palace. Suddenly saw some appliances.

"This is the place where the bat ancestors live? Bat Valley?" Long Wanyu was surprised.

"Where's Batman?" Ziwei said blankly.

"Don't think about it that much, let's go now!" Gu Hai cried suddenly.

When he reached the holy ram, he looked at the **** chains.


The health knife was cut off suddenly, and all the chains were cut off.

"Let's go, let's go! It will be awful when Batman returns!" Gu Hai Shen said.

"Huh!" The crowd nodded suddenly.


Where to come from and where to go, soon at the bottom of the blood pool, I saw a half-length eternal life.

"Well? Why are you holding someone back?" Changsheng looked at Gu Sheng, who was carrying Gu Hai's shoulder.

"Leave first, leave before talking!" Gu Hai shook his head.

Everyone grasped Changsheng and was pulled by Changsheng, all pulled out.


They immediately returned to the previous small space.

"Kaka Kaka Kaka!"

The blood pool above the small space is connected to the batman's palace. On the blood pool below, there is less suppression of fire gourds, and a large number of red runes have appeared a lot of cracks.

"Kaka Kaka!"

There were more and more cracks, and even a faint horseshoe sound came from below.

"What's below is about to come out?" Ziwei looked at the broken rune in amazement.

"Come on, brother-in-law, a terrible omen, too dangerous!" Long Wanyu said in panic.


The four men carried the ram saint, quickly passed through the tunnel when they came, and headed towards the outside world.

ps: I updated it before seven o'clock, but I didn't drag it. Today, Thursday night, qq chat, I will come when I have dinner, about half past seven to eight. I will appear.

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