Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 4 Chapter 79: They are blind

Chengxi Bat Valley!

The battle between two masked men immediately attracted the attention of the metropolis.

Qin Zibai and King Xikang led a large number of troops straight to Bat Valley to help vampires and bat monsters deal with the two masked masked people.

"Boom, boom, boom ...............!"

The west of the city was in chaos.

Outside, Sima Changkong took a deep breath: "Blood in the big net array? Unfortunately, it ’s not time for Wang Ye to show his full strength at this moment, otherwise, Emperor Xiyu will be attracted, and this time he will return without success!"

Speaking, Sima Changkong slowly left.

Sure enough, with the arrival of Qin Zibai and the King of Xikang, the two masked men were helpless for a while.


A masked man yelled, and the sword in his hand suddenly burst into the sky.


The large **** net ripped apart.

"Oh!" The two flew out instantly.

"Don't let them run away!" Sifang, a large number of strong pursuit.

However, the strength of the two masked men was too strong, even though Qin Zibai, the Zhongtian Palace, pursued it with all his might, he eventually lost it.

"Hum!" Qin Zibai snorted coldly.

He turned around and flew back.

"What's going on? Why would anyone want to break into Bat Valley?" Qin Zibai looked at the bat monsters in doubt.

The bat monsters shook their heads for a while, expressing confusion.

"Did you?" King Xikang's face changed.

King Xikang apparently knew that the ram saint was imprisoned here, and his expression moved at this moment. Suddenly thought of something.

"Master Wang, you know?" Qin Zibai wondered.

King Xikang's face was gloomy and said, "He is a man of great dynasty!"

"Oh? The two Zhongtiangong strongmen just now, as well as those who led away the bat ancestors are also Zhongtiangong? How did the Lord know that he was a big man?" Qin Zibai was surprised.

Come to save the Rams Saint, then only the talented people will do it, and actually found out here, King Xikang's face sank.

"It must be a Dagan person. You cannot be wrong. You must have come with the Dagan mission. You must search them immediately!" King Xikang said with a dark expression.

"Search? Isn't this good?" Qin Zi smiled bitterly.

The two waited here for a while.


A gale struck in the distance, but it was Batman who returned.

"Bat ancestor, have you caught it?" King Xikang looked forward to Bat ancestor expectantly.

"Big man!" Batman said coldly.

"Batzu also guessed it was a big deal?" Qin Zibai said unexpectedly.

The two were not guessing, this fact was in front of them, but Qin Zibai didn't know the inside story.

"I've injured the arm of the person you were chasing, you're doing a mission, one by one! Qin Zibai, you led the army to search outside the city, King Xikang, follow me to Mofu, hum!" Bazu said coldly Humph.

Suddenly, a large number of troops went to the metropolis under the command of King Xikang and Batzu, and surrounded Mofu all around.

Mo Yike frowned at the people in front of him.

"King Xikang and Batman, why are you here again?" Mo Yike said in a deep voice.

"Master Mo, Dagan Mission, someone sneaked into Bat Valley, we want to find out!" King Xikang said in a whisper.

"How can you be sure that you are a ambassador?" Mo Yike said in a deep voice.

"I don't have time to explain it to you, what about the ambassadors?" King Xikang said in a voice.

Mo Yike looked at King Xikang and Batman coldly.

"I just attacked someone in Batgu just now, and I hurt my arm. I knew it when I checked it, Mo Yike, cooperate with me to check!" Batzu said coldly.

Mo Yike shook his head: "Your Majesty asked me to receive, I can't let you mess around!"

"Your Majesty is clear about this, I have something to bear!" Shen Xikang said.

Batman eyes are imperative.

Mo Yike also wanted to insist that King Xikang even took out a Zilong token.

"If there is something wrong, I bear all the blame! Your Majesty gave me this order, and when I encountered this, let the parties alleviate it!" King Xikang said coldly.

"Purple Dragon Order?" Mo Yike narrowed his eyes, "King Xikang, I hope you don't regret it!"

"Hurry up, how many more do you have in Mofu, come out first, and then we will go out and search out!" Shen Xikang said.

"Go and ask everyone from the Dagan Mission to come out!" Mo Yike had no choice but to help.

Soon, Bing Ji and others came out.

"Oh? Just like that?" King Xikang said.

"That's it!" Mo Yike said in a deep voice.

"Mo Yike, what do you mean? You treat my big mission like this?" Sima Feng glared.

"Sorry everyone, Batgu was attacked. Both Batzu and King Xikang suspected the Dagan Mission, so please cooperate with me. If you didn't do it, I will let them return to you!" The great ambassadors gave a deep gift.

"Cooperate? Cooperate? Emperor Yuan Dynasty? What a Emperor Yuan Dynasty! Dagan mission is in your eyes, just a sneaky? Humm!" Sima Feng said coldly.

"I attacked the people in Batgu, and my right arm was injured. Let me look at your right arm!" Batzu said coldly.

Said, Batzu's cold eyes looked more at Bing Ji.

Bingji smiled coldly: "Bat ancestor? Excuses you won't find? Are you going to trouble me again while the emperor is away?"

"Smelly girl, I'll want you to look good. If you, even if your Majesty stops you, I want your life!" The ancestor of the bat appeared coldly.

Bing Ji opened the sleeve of his right arm, his arm was crystal clear and white, and there was no scar.

"Hum!" Batzu grunted.

A large group of envoys were forced to open their sleeves, and no one was injured.

"Not them?" King Xikang sank.

"We haven't been out for a day, and you really make a good excuse!" Bingji said coldly.

"Dagan Mission? Those who are not present are only Li Shenji's Shenji Camp, and Gu Hai, Wanyu County Lord, Ziwei, and Changsheng?" Shen Xikang said in a voice.

"Is this one of them?" Batsman looked dumb.


Perhaps there was too much movement in the city. Suddenly, the disciples at the Shenjiying camp returned quickly.

On the other side, the crane crane rided by Gu Hai and his party also returned slowly.

The crane crane has a box. Everyone sits inside and can see the outside through the window.

"What's going on?" Li Shenji and Gu Hai on the other side sang loudly.

"Everyone is here, and they are all back!" King Xikang moved.

Batman's face was gloomy, looking at the people on both sides.

Li Shenji looked as usual, his eyes cold.

Gu Hai even said in a deep voice: "Mr. Mo, can you explain to me what is going on? Why have all my envoys been surrounded? Why, you want to tear up the covenant, kill the sacrifice flag, kill What are you doing? "

Mo Yike smiled slightly bitterly: "Mr. Gu is serious, but Batgu was attacked, and one of them was seriously injured by the bat ancestor. Now it is suspected that the assassin is in the Dagan mission, to find out!

"Oh? Checked seriously? With only a little suspicion, treat me as a thief? Hahahaha, what a great yuan!" Gu Hai said coldly.

"Huh, Gu Hai, the assassins are among you! Don't even want to run!" King Xikang said coldly.

"King Xikang, are you a communist feud?" Gu Hai said coldly.

"Hum, too lazy to talk to you!" King Xikang shook his sleeve.

"Mr. Mo, do you let them be rude?" Gu Hai said coldly.

"Mr. Gu forgive me, Zilong Ling, if you see His Majesty, you dare not violate it!" Mo Yike smiled bitterly.

"Hum, the master of Wanyu County wants to check it for you?" Gu Hai said coldly.

"Long Wanyu? No, she doesn't have that ability!" Batzu said coldly.

The one who was seriously injured by himself, but Zhongtian Temple, how could Long Wanyu.

"What about me? By the way, I still have Ziwei Changsheng in the crane truck, check it together!" Gu Hai sneered.

"Three of you? Not worth it!" Batman murmured again.

Obviously, the repairs of Guhai, Ziwei, and Changsheng are too weak. They are still ten thousand miles away from Zhongtian Temple, and no inspection is needed at all.

"Hehe, not worth it? Hahaha!" Gu Hai sneered.

"Mr. Mo, it seems that your Mofu is not a place of safety and health. If you live in your Mofu, you still need to search? It's so disappointing. Forget it, let's find an inn to stay!" .

"Mr. Gu, don't, this is really an accident!" Mo Yike bitterly.

"Let's go!" Gu Hai didn't even bother, he snorted.

Bingji, Sima Feng, and others went to the interior of Mofu, quickly packed up something, followed the ancient crane crane, and slowly left Mofu.

"Mr. Gu!" Mo Yike screamed wryly.

But Gu Hai never looked back.

"The ancient sea can go, you are not allowed to go!" But King Xikang and others are the people who blocked the Shenji Camp.

"Huh, everyone in the Dagan Mission, I remember clearly, all here, they have no ability in the ancient seas, that is only your God machine camp, Li God machine, please cooperate!" King Xikang said coldly.

Li Shenji's face was gloomy.

Bat ancestors, King Xikang, and the Great Yuan Strong surrounded the Shenji camp.

And the ancient crane crane. Long Wanyu, Ziwei and Changsheng looked at the ram who was still fainted.

"Are they stupid? None of this?" Ziwei looked at Ram Ram strangely.

"They are blind!" Changsheng shook his head.

Everyone took a strange look at Ram Ram. The road seemed too smooth.

I turned around in the city a few days ago and I was familiar with some places.

The ram saint was also sent to the inner courtyard of the manor for cultivation.


In the evening, King Xikang and the bat ancestors left naturally depressed. The man who was seriously injured by the bat ancestor was not found. He lost a big face in front of the Dagan mission.

Li Shenji took the Shenji camp to find the manor bought by Gu Haigang.


As soon as he entered the manor, Li Shenji spit out blood.

"Owner!" Everyone looked at Li Shenji in anxiety.

"I'm okay. In order to hide the ancestor of the bat, I retrograde my blood and concealed the injury for a short time! I finally lied to it!" Li Shenji bitterly.

After speaking, a lot of blood burst out from Li Shenji's right arm.

"Bat poison?" Li Shenji looked ugly at his right arm.

"Don't move, the ancestor's poison is in your heart, it's bad!" Not far away, Ye Shenzhen suddenly appeared.

Along with Ye Shenzhen, there is also King Shenwu.

"Divine King? Is it you?" Li Shenji was surprised.

You are in the Ming, Shenwu King is in the dark?

"It shouldn't have happened, but Li Shenji, this time you were seriously injured in order to lead away the bat ancestor. This bat poison must be forced out immediately. Ye Shen and I shot it to help you drive the poison!" Wang Shen cried.

Li Shenji nodded.

The three entered the room prepared by Sima Feng for forcing. After an hour, the three men walked out with sweat, Li Shenji's face was pale, apparently the injuries were too severe.

Gu Hai heard the news, and Long Wanyu also came out.

"Long Shenwu? Li Shenji? Eunuch Ye? What did you do? It's so embarrassing?" Long Wanyu stared at the three.

The three skimmed Gu Hai and Long Wanyu.

"Guest, how have you been playing these days?" Ye Shenzhen smiled first.

"Okay!" Long Wanyu shook her head.

"Gu Hai, oh, the Holy Lord has arranged your mission, but you are travelling around?" Li Shenji chuckled with a pain in his right arm.

"What does Master Li mean?" Gu Hai looked at Li Shenji coldly.

"Huh, in Mofu, you walked free and easy, regardless of our **** camp? Dagan mission, is it because we have nothing to do with it? Huh, the Lord explained the rescue of the ram saint. It is self-knowledge and incompetence, so don't care, right? "Li Shenji laughed sarcastically.

"Oh? If you can't save the ram saint, you're incompetent, if you can save the ram saint, you're capable?" The ancient sea looked strangely at Li Shenji.

"Yes, huh, you wait, I will rescue the ram saint, it is better than someone who will only write waste poems, and make a splash!" Li Shenji said coldly.

"Master Li, now that the ancestors of the bats have guarded themselves, it will be difficult to go to Bat Valley again!" Ye Shenzhen smiled bitterly.

"It's man-made, we try our best, it's better than some people doing nothing! Huh!" Li Shenji still had a grudge against Gu Hai.

"What are you going to do in Bat Valley?" Long Wanyu said strangely.

"Country Lord, you can still enjoy the sea with the ancient sea. This kind of dangerous thing, don't participate anymore!" Li Shenji said in a deep voice.

On the one hand, Shen Wuwang's eyes froze. Li Shenji was running Long Wanyu. Want Long Wanyu to join in? Using Long Wanyu's ability to predict,

King Shenwu and Ye Shenzhen are about to stop.

"What's the danger, isn't it the ram saint!" Long Wanyu scorned.

"Li Shenji, you are bold! County Master, you do n’t want to listen to Li Shenji, rescue the ram saint, you own us, and do n’t need your drive!" Ye Shenzhen immediately said.

"What can you save, Ram Yang has been carried out by my brother-in-law!" Long Wanyu said with a strange expression.

"Uh?" Shen Wuwang, Ye Shenzhen, and Li Shenji blinked at almost the same time, but did not respond to the meaning of Long Wanyu.

"Shijun, don't listen to Gu Hai blindly say, how can he ...!" Li Shenji stared suddenly.

"The ram saint rests in the inner church, or else, you go and see?" Gu Hai looked weird.

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