Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 4 Chapter 81: Massacre

Batzu and King Xikang led the army to inspect some Shenji camps, especially Li Shenji, but they did not check the results in the end! Can only watch as Shenjiying slowly leaves.

"King Xikang, Your Majesty asked me to receive the ambassador, but you used the Purple Dragon Order to annoy the ambassador. I see how you explain to Your Majesty, hum!" Mo Yike snorted.

Mo Yike stepped back to Mo Fu.

King Xikang and Batman looked ugly.

"Not them, any others?" Batsman looked dumb.

King Xikang looked bitter in his hands.

Not long ago, I lost all my face at Wuyue Academy, but now I make this mistake again, how can I explain to my Majesty?

"Xikang, you continue to search. The group must be still near the capital. They are looking for ram saint, ram saint?" Batman's face changed.


The bat ancestor flickered, flew out of town, and headed towards Bat Valley.

"First ancestor!"


Outside Bat Valley, a group of bat monsters and vampires respectfully said.

Batman ignored and stepped into his own palace.

Is the Ram Saint still alive?

As soon as he entered the palace, the blood pond was extremely calm, and the bat ancestor suddenly became agitated.

"Where is the human?" Batzu yelled, his eyes glaring.


The detective lifted, and the blood pool suddenly turned to the sky, but in the blood pool, except for the blood, there was no space at all. There was no trace of the ram saint.

Gone? The ram saint is gone?

Batman suddenly changed his face.


Suddenly, the bat ancestor stepped out of the earth palace, and his whole body broke out.

"Ah, the ancestor!"

"Extreme, what's wrong?"

A group of vampires and bat monsters were suddenly crushed to the ground by the great ancestors of the bat ancestors, and looked at them in horror.

"Say, who has gone in?" Batsman sulked.

"No one, no one!" The bat monsters panicked.

"No one? What's in me?" Batman's face was gloomy.

"The first ancestors, there really isn't, we don't even know where the entrance is, the first ancestors spare their lives!" The vampires screamed in horror.

Batman's face was cold and cold. After killing a few vampires and bat monsters, he was completely sure that no one had entered the underground palace.

But, Ram Ram is gone.

"Search, search for me, find out the masked man!" Batsman exasperated.


A crowd of vampires and bat monsters flew away. But the ancestors also knew how difficult it was to find the masked man with his group of men.

Bat ancestor returned to the earth palace with a great anger.

"Not from the outside, or from the ground? Impossible, I have a formation on the ground, no one can come in!" Batman checked with an unbelief at the bottom of the blood pool.

Sinking into the bottom of the blood pool, the ancestor suddenly changed his face.

"No, what's the heat here? Isn't it hot? Did the Ram Ram escape from here?" Batman's face was gloomy.

Carefully sense the areas that are no longer hot.


Suddenly, there was a faint sound of horseshoes.

There was a hint of doubt in Batzu, the sound of horseshoes? How can there be a horseshoe sound.

But it was the area where the fire gourd was located. Without the fire gourd suppression, the red runes below continued to shatter, as if a force was struggling here.

In the roar. The sound of horseshoes came from within. And it was getting louder and louder, the red rune was shattered, and the blood pool below was also tumbling, and there seemed to be something to come out.

Batman listened.

"Long live Holy! Long live Long live!"

"Large massacre, long live long live long live!"



A cry came from under the blood pool.

Batman suddenly changed his face.

"Big dynasty? Impossible!" Exclaimed Batzu.

There was a sudden loud noise. From the bat ancestors, countless blood burst out. Obviously, the red rune completely disappeared, and what was sealed under it completely burst.


With a loud noise, the ancestral palace of the bat ancestors, together with the Quartet Bat Valley area, was suddenly blasted by this huge explosion.


Countless bat monsters were killed instantly and scattered, and the vampires turned into countless little bats and fled.


The blood was soaring, the blood was rolling, and the sky was red in a flash.

The big bang instantly caught the attention of the metropolis.

In the city, Mo Yike, King Xikang, Chang Ming, and Chang Sheng all changed their faces and flew over the highest floating island, looking at the distance.

The manor where the ancient sea is located also has a huge floating island.

Everyone stood on the floating island, looking at the west of the city, where the blood shone soaring into the sky and seemed to form a huge cloud of blood.


The cloud of blood is full of luck.

"That's it?" Li Shenji frowned.

"That's luck? Why did Chengxi have a luck? Is it under the seal ...?" Long Wanyu's face suddenly changed.

"What seal?" Li Shenji and Ye Shenzhen wondered.

Long Wanyu was crooked and ignored the two.

"Luck? Luck from the ground? Is it still increasing?" Long Shenwu's face was gloomy.


Qi is mixed with blood, and it is tossed in the sky, the blood of Qi is getting more and more, slowly equal to the air in the capital city. And in the **** gas luck, a super huge **** gas luck dragon has slowly condensed.

A **** dragon came out.

The golden eyes of the golden dragon asleep over the metropolis suddenly opened.

"Ang ~!"

Da Yuan's Qiyun Jinlong roared, as if he was announcing his general sovereignty, and looked at the **** dragon on the **** gas that suddenly appeared on the opposite side.


The blood dragon is also in the middle of a confrontation with Da Yuan Jinlong. If you don't let it go, it's also cheeky and fierce.


The people in the metropolis were suddenly shocked by the changes at this moment.

Fortune Golden Dragon, how many years have not moved, now howler?

"Why is there a sea of ​​luck in the west of the city? Still bloody?"

"Where did so much luck come from?"

"It's not as lucky as I am? Impossible, where's this?"

"Isn't it in the direction of Battalion?"




In the absence of hundreds of people exclaiming, the defensive circle of the metropolis was opened.

Hundreds of people were looking for a high place, looking at the countless bats scattered in the distance.

Batman also reached the edge of the metropolis in an instant.

"Hurry up, notify Xiyu! The big annihilation? It is the big annihilation!" Batzu shouted at the city with a change of face.

Hundreds of people in the city were at a loss, but Mo Yike, King Xikang, Chang Sheng, and others changed their faces.

Outside the city, Qin Zibai, who searched for the masked guest, suddenly changed his face and led the army to quickly guard the city.

"Heavenly?" King Xikang's face changed.

Suddenly, he ignored everything and quickly went straight to the palace. At the same time, a large number of officials went straight to the palace hall.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty ........." Xikang rushed forward.

However, at the entrance of the palace, a group of guards were stationed at the moment.

"My lords, please stay away, Your Majesty will explain, he will not come out, and no one will be disturbed!" A guard leader blocked the crowd.

"Fast, the national affairs, fast, I want to see Your Majesty, I have the Purple Dragon Order!" King Xikang immediately took out the Purple Dragon Order and shouted.

"Your Majesty's will, he will not come out, and no one will be disturbed, nor will the Purple Dragon Order! The matter of heaven, wait for His Majesty to come out by himself!" The guard leader yelled.

"What?" King Xikang's face changed.


Mo Yike stepped on the floating island in the house, looked westward, and looked at the **** luck, his face gloomy.

"Is it the case of the bat ancestors and the Xi Kang king hiding the armpits, is it the massacre?" Mo Yike narrowed his eyes.

Looking at the long-blooded dragon in the distance roaring, Mo Yike frowned: "Dad died early, and some things haven't had time to tell me, Da Yuan will be here, I always feel that this place is not the best place But, Your Majesty still chose this place, Metropolis? Is this a secret that only the first generation of senior officials who followed His Majesty knew?

Qin House.

"Homeowner, the chaos in the west of the city is chaotic, and luck is rising to the sky. The ancestors shouted. There is a big annihilation in the sky. What do you do, homeowners?" A group of family children shouted anxiously to a door.

In the room, Qin Zibai's father, but the blind old man was sitting in a chair, his frown was slightly frowned: "Datiantianchao? Is that your majesty's calculation wrong?"

Often home.

A lot of vampires also stared at the distance with wide eyes, showing horror.

"Ahhhhhhhh!" Chang Sheng was pumped out of three bones by the bat ancestor, and his injury was still not good. Looking at the distance, his eyelids flickered.

"How can it be in the west of the city? How can it be in the west of the city?" Chang Sheng's eyes were anxious.

"Dad, don't you know what? What a big deal?" Chang Ming was surprised.

Ancient sea manor.

The voice of Batman spread throughout the city.

Gu Hai and others also looked pale.

"Daqitian? This luck is from Daqitian? Someone?" Long Shenwu's eyes narrowed.

The ram saint stepped forward, his eyes narrowed: "I see the map of the eighty-first palace? I understand, the map of the eighty-one palace is basically the ninety-nine Fengyang big battle of the dynasty?"

"Master Ram, do you know this dynasty?" Ye Shen looked at the Ram.

"The Great Killing Heaven, six thousand years ago, was at the north of Shenzhou. At that time, the Great Dry Heavenly Dynasty had not yet been born. The Great Killing Heavenly Dynasty had countless killings. One day, six thousand years ago, suddenly, the massacre disappeared! Its most powerful army of **** blood also disappeared, and no one knew how to disappear. Some people speculated that the massacre of the massacre was too heavy and suffered The punishment from heaven will be destroyed once! Six thousand years later, they are out again? "The Ram's brow frowned.

"Oh? Six thousand years ago, the massacre of the world?" Gu Hai frowned.

"In the slaying of the dynasty, the capital was called 'Zhongdu City', and the Emperor Yuan Dynasty was here, calling it 'Metropolis'. Could it be that Emperor Xiyu had known what secrets? Yeah, yes, otherwise Will not imprison me, let me help them crack the eighty-one palace map? Huh? "The ram's holy face sank.

ps: The WeChat public platform ‘aiguanqi’ of Guanqi is organizing a thematic submission activity. Participation is rewarded. Interested book fans can pay attention. Watching chess also participated in the whole process.

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