Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 4 Chapter 82: Order the city


The blood cloud outside the city soared into the sky, and then coagulated with color and luck, and the **** golden dragon and the big energy lucky golden dragon roared apart from each other, and the metropolis was in chaos.

In a partial house in the city, Wan'er fairy frowned slightly towards the west.

"The west of the city? The Datiantian dynasty asserts itself in the west of the city? Isn't it wrong that my Wanshou Taoist record is wrong?" Fairy Fairy's eyes narrowed slightly.

In the city, the army went into combat readiness.

The blood cloud quarreled, bat monsters, vampires fled, and a **** breath spread around.

Metropolis mouth. The bat ancestor showed a little worry, and said in his mouth, "Live? Are they still alive?"

At last, no luck came out of the ground, but a cloud of blood mist shrouded all over the original Bat Valley.

The explosion stopped, and the metropolis was quiet, everyone's eyes widened.


On the edge of the blood mist, a huge horse silhouette suddenly emerged.

On top of each other, **** giant horses are riding a **** armor warrior. The soldier is holding a long knife in his hands, and his **** hair flutters suddenly and spreads against the wind.

"Ha, ha ha ha ha ha!" The soldier laughed loudly.


Suddenly, blood-stained horses condensed from the rear again. On top of the horses, one blood-stained soldier was riding.

"General, we are back!"

"General, we are awake, we are back to the land of Shenzhou!"

"Hahaha, we are back, my blood army, all are back, hahaha!"




All the scared soldiers laughed suddenly.

Inside the city, Gu Hai and his party looked intently.

But I saw that the **** army, as many as five million, suddenly appeared, exuding a fierce gas around his body. A long distance, there was a big blood coming from his face.

"Blood in the sky, the blood army of God?" The ram's eyes narrowed.

"Heavenly annihilation is notorious? Is that so much heavenly?" Li Shenji asked.

"Killing? Oh, to kill the nation, do you say that there are many killings? The world's first evil sword, blood prison, is the old weapon of the holy holy war! It is also made by the holy holy war." Ram Ram explained.

"Blood prison?" Gu Hai frowned.

Blood prison, Gu Hai heard it still, Long Wanqing's blood knife to herself was imitation blood prison. The world's first evil sword.

"Blood Prison? Now Emperor Xiyu's weapon? Is it made by the Holy Massacre?" Li Shenji's eyes narrowed.

"The big beast is the horse, the blood of the horse is the sun, and the sun and the moon can be swallowed. Did you see that the blood army of the gods is at the front? Eye! "Explained Ram Ram.

Sure enough, everyone saw that there was a giant horse in front of the five million army. On it stood an old man covered with blood. The old man had a seam on his forehead, like a third eye, his eyes narrowed, and his power was full.

"Divine blood army, head of the Eighth Army! Each is a peerless powerhouse, who has fought in the north for countless battles and committed monstrous killings!" Ram Ram pointed to the distance.

Sure enough, after the five million troops came out, they were quickly divided into eight parties. On top of the giant horses in each party, there was a powerful general in blood.

"Why are all these people blood?" Long Wanyu curiously.

"Not that these people are all blood, but that they are not humans at all!" Ye Shenpin's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Not a human?" Gu Hai looked at Ye Shenzhen in doubt.

"Soul body, they are soul, not body!" Ye Shenzhen affirmed.

The crowd suddenly looked.


But I saw that the five million **** blood army turned around and looked at the center of the blood mist at this moment. The blood mist slowly condensed on the side of the blood army, but it was much lighter.

At the center of the army, there is a huge cymbal above the cymbal. At this moment, there is a huge **** coffin.

The five million blood soldiers looked at the coffin, put their hands on their chests, and shouted as military salute:

"Long live Holy! Long live Long live!"

"Long live the big annihilation! Long live long live!"

The voice of the five million army was trembling.

The huge **** coffin trembled slightly, but it did not open.

Ma San's eyes in the forefront suddenly said, "The Holy One is not yet awake, so don't bother!"

Five million blood soldiers looked at Ma San's eyes.

"Generals, my capital city, seems to be occupied?" Ma San said coldly.

All the chiefs turned around and looked at the metropolis.

The five million troops looked fierce, and the people in the city were all excited.

Suddenly, one of the Scarlet Generals came out. Seems to be negotiating with people in Metropolis.

In the city, almost everyone mentioned his voice.

"The rules of the annihilation of heaven and earth, do not kill sincerely, now, open the city gate, and submit to me, the king of heaven, come on!" The general stared.

Don't kill yourself? Open the gates and submit to the massacre?

How is this possible. No one in the city could agree.

The general's eyes narrowed slightly: "Hum, the last time, the unsubmissive, slaughter the whole city!"


The general slaughtered the whole city, and immediately let the voices of the people in the city explode. What is called the whole city? Are they going to slaughter the city?

"The Twenty-Sixth Party!" The general sighed coldly.

"Yes!" Suddenly 10,000 soldiers stepped on the horse.

"Break the city!" The general shouted.


Ten thousand **** soldiers shouted and rushed towards the Metropolis and the West Gate.

"What? Ten thousand people came to break the city?" There were hundreds of people in the city who showed their unbelief. Do you think our gates are futile?

The bat ancestors did not act rashly, but watched the ten thousand **** soldiers step on horses to the tower.

"Breaking the city!"

Ten thousand **** soldiers, almost at the same time, raised their swords, fiercely chopped down towards the tower.

Ten thousand swords, as if converging into a river, crashed into the tower.

"The city guardian enchantment of the metropolis cannot be broken even by the people in the Heaven Palace, no, people in the Heaven Palace cannot be broken!" In the distance, Mo Yike said in a deep voice.

The next moment, there was a loud noise.

The big city's defensive formation burst into a blast and the West Tower exploded into the sky almost instantly.


The ground in the whole city was shaken suddenly, and countless buildings suddenly crumbled and collapsed.


"The west tower has blown up?"

"The Defence Town Explosion?"

"One million blood army?"

"This is impossible!"




Hundreds of people shouted in horror as they fled.

Mo Yike, Bat Ancestor, King Xikang, Qin Zibai, Chang Sheng, Chang Ming, Gu Hai and others were all shocked.

"Open the palace? Xiatian palace? Impossible, impossible!" King Xikang's eyes widened, revealing extreme disbelief.

"Xiatian Temple? All the blood gods are all repaired by Xiatian Temple?" Mo Yike was also surprised.

"This is the twenty-sixth party team, and there are five million over there! Hiss!" Li Shenji took a sudden breath of air.

Shenwu King also showed horror.

"Five million under heaven? There isn't so much in the whole land of Shenzhou!" Ye Shenzhen also horrified.

Is Xiatian Palace Wholesale? So much?

"No, it's worse than the power of Xia Tian Gong!" Shen Wuwang suddenly frowned.

"That's because they are just souls, not in full flesh!" Ram Ram also sank.

"Even if it is a soul, aren't these five million armies invincible?" Ye Shenpin said with a dull expression.

With the birth of the massacre, hundreds of people in the city that stunned the first time were scared.

Five million under heaven, resist them? This is the rhythm of death.

In the distance, the general who ordered the city break saw the gate open, and his eyes froze coldly, "The First Army will obey orders!"

"Drink!" About 600,000 **** soldiers drank together.

"Kill the whole city and collect the enemy's blood!" The general shouted.


The 600,000 troops drank with one voice, and stepped towards the city.

The speed of the Scarlet Malaysian is also astonishingly fast, and the horseshoes are constantly on, taking 600,000 Xiatian Temple to the city.

The people of the whole city were excited almost at the same time, and a cold froze from the soles of their feet to the top of their heads.

Slaughter the whole city?

"Help, escape!"

"Come on, let me go, I'm leaving!"




Hundreds of people fled in panic.

"The Second Legion obeyed the order and blocked the north of the city. No one wants to run! Cooperate with the First Legion and kill!"

"The Third Army obeyed the order and blocked the south of the city. No one wants to run, cooperate with the First Army, kill!"

"The Fourth Legion obeyed the order and blocked the east of the city. No one wants to run. Cooperate with the First Legion and kill!"

The three regiment commanders, with their armies, rushed quickly to the four sides of the metropolis. The blood horses were extremely fast. Before long, they surrounded the entire metropolis.

The First Army had reached the edge of the city and joined the 26th party. Everyone was holding a long knife.

"No, help me, Your Majesty!"

"Your Majesty, help!"

"Do not kill me!"




The people in the city shouted in horror.

Batman's face suddenly changed, and his big sleeves flung.


Suddenly, a gust of wind rolled up on the ground and rushed towards the 600,000 First Army.

"Presumptuous!" Batman yelled coldly.

An atmosphere suddenly released. For a moment, the bat ancestor's head was covered with dark clouds, and countless bats came out of nowhere, forming a huge bat army, which was about to rush to the enemy.

In the center of the blood army, Ma San's eyes suddenly narrowed and he looked at the bat ancestor.

"Oh? The pinnacle of Zhongtian Temple? Huh, the little bat that can't help it!" Ma San snorted coldly.

Ma San's eyes flickered, and he rushed towards Batzu in an instant, hitting with a single palm, and a **** palmprint suddenly condensed in the void.

Batman's face changed, and he greeted him suddenly.


The two palms collided in the void, and Ma San's eyes remained intact, but the bat ancestor went back a hundred feet.

"What? Are you just a soul?" Batsman horrified.

"Kill me, don't leave one!" The former leader of the blood army screamed, and the army of the first army suddenly killed the city fiercely.

Six hundred thousand under heaven. It's the rhythm that sweeps the world.

Almost all the people in the city showed despair.

ps: The WeChat public platform ‘aiguanqi’ of Guanqi is organizing a thematic submission activity. Participation is rewarded. Interested book fans can pay attention. Watching chess also participated in the whole process.

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