Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 4 Chapter 83: Precarious

"Kill me, don't leave one!" The former leader of the blood army screamed, and the army of the first army suddenly killed the city fiercely.

Six hundred thousand under heaven. It's the rhythm that sweeps the world.

Almost all the people in the city showed despair.

Seeing that the First Army was about to rush into the city, Mo Yike's face sank, and he suddenly screamed, "The twenty-nine heaven and earth in the west of the city are in a vertical array, open!"


In the western part of the city, the people who own Mofu ordered Mo Yike to make a huge fog suddenly.


In just a short while, the west of the city was covered by dense fog, as if a city wall was standing in front of the First Army.

"Master Mo! It is Master Mo!" Some people shouted gratefully.

Mo Yike stepped on the flying boat and quickly headed for the fog in the west of the city.

The head of the First Corps of the God Blood Army narrowed his eyes and snorted, "Kill!"


Suddenly, 100,000 troops entered the foggy area.

However, there was no news when entering the foggy area.

"Huh?" The head of the First Corps sank.

The army stopped for a while, but Mo Yike's flying boat arrived at the big battle.


Within the large array, there was a sudden buzz, and countless bats burst out.

"Master Mo blocked the army of 100,000?" Someone cried in surprise.

"Chess battle formation?" The First Corps leader looked cold.

In the city, Guhai Manor.

"One hundred thousand is under heaven, are all gone? Twenty-nine days and nights?" Li Shenji's face changed, and he turned to look at Gu Hai.

Ye Shenzhen and Long Shenwu all looked at the ancient sea because of this time, the ancient sea was laid out.

"Brother-in-law, are all 100,000 troops dead?" Long Wanyu curiously.

Gu Hai shook his head: "The twenty-ninth major battle, but without that ability, the 100,000 army is only temporarily trapped. If it cannot be resolved as soon as possible, they will soon break the battle!"

"Ah? Fake?" Long Wanyu looked sad.

"So, Da Zhen is about to be broken from the inside? Mo Yi Ke's Da Zhen is useless?" Ye Shenzhen frowned.

Gu Hai looked at the distance and shook his head: "Maybe!"


When everyone was confused, the leader of the First Blood Army in the distance seemed to lead the troops into the large array. The large array of fog suddenly converged, almost all disappeared, leaving only hundreds of pillars of smoke, like a huge Keel frame.

Inside, everything at a glance, the First Army suddenly stopped.

The army of 100,000 is intact, but just a little dizzy and turning, and Mo Yike is standing on top of a huge cloud beast at this moment. The appearance of the cloud beast is exactly the bat ancestor.


In the distance, the bat stubborn with Ma San's eyes stubbornly saw that there was a prototype of his own cloud beast in the Mo Yike formation, which was also a little faint.


Cloud Beast roared. Suddenly, countless bats soared into the sky, and the powerful power of bat ancestors suddenly emerged.

"Twenty-nine heavens and earth swarms? Is this simulating me?" Batman was surprised in the distance.

"The expedient, don't blame the ancestor!" Mo Yike solemnly said.

Batman squinted his eyes, didn't care, and continued to look at Ma San's eyes, but from time to time, Yu Guang looked at his original cloud beast.

Under the control of Mo Yike, the cloud beast suddenly surveyed his hands, and countless bats slammed at the blood army in front of them.

"Boom, boom, boom ...............!"

The large array simulated the bat ancestor of Zhongtian Temple, and immediately blocked all the front soldiers and horses.

The head of the First Army squinted his eyes: "Hmm, is the chess line formation? Is it Yitiange formation? If I were not to be self-proclaimed in the past, I have already set foot on Yitiange, and now I want to stop me? Give me arrows! "


Suddenly, hundreds of thousands of troops pulled their long bows, and Arrow Rain blasted towards Mo Yike.


The cloud beast shouted suddenly, and the big sleeves were flung, and countless bats slammed into the arrow rain directed at themselves. The Cloud Beast is dazzling in shape, and instantly splits his palms on the dozens of Xiatian Palace soldiers in front of him.


Suddenly, the dozens of soldiers were shot out with a palm shot.

"Blood the blood army? But so, ha ha ha ha!" Mo Yike laughed.

With that said, Cloud Beast quickly rushed to the generals, Zhongtian Palace and Xiatian Palace, but that was a huge gap. Even if there were many people on the other side, Mo Yike was also at ease.

However, there are too many opponents. Mo Yike didn't dare to fight in one place for too long. He could only kill the Quartet constantly. Distract the attention of the First Army, while constantly insulting each other.

The head of the First Army Corps looked at Mo Yike coldly, showing a sneer: "Isn't my **** blood army able to kill anyone? Kill!"


The army immediately killed the cloud beast to Mo Yike.

In the distance, Li Shenji's eyes narrowed slightly: "Mo Yike kept taunting the other party to attract the other's attention and attract the First Army to target him?"

"The large array of mist disappeared, leaving behind those smoke pillar frames, which are not real frames, they have really been hidden by Mo Yike. With only one cloud beast, the 600,000 army cannot be stopped at all, and they can only go around Pull hatred, oh, this blood army is still too confident in himself! "Gu Hai squinted and looked at the distance.

In the roar, the southern Mo Yike used the 29th large group to drag the First Army.

Just as the people of the city were lucky, the northern part of the city.

"The Second Legion obeyed, attacked the city, and slaughtered the city!" The leader of the Second Legion screamed.


The north of the city roared, and the people in the city suddenly changed their faces.

The west is blocked, but what about the north? How to do?

There are 200,000 troops guarding the north of the city to prevent people from running away. Another 400,000 follow the commander of the Second Army toward the north of the city.


Passing all the way, invincible, passing Wuyue College, a crowd of college students, teaching and learning fled.

"Help, Your Majesty!"

However, where the students and teaching speed of the public colleges passed the blood army, a large number of them died from the sword.

"God blood army, your opponent is me, roar!" Qin Zibai roared and rushed forward.

Following Qin Zibai's army, all were arranged to enter the city, and only ten people dared to step forward to assist. Ten people are under the heaven, but there are 400,000 people across, and ten people are pale.

"Cut!" Qin Zibai yelled, and suddenly cut to the blood of the gods.

"Hum, let's die, let the arrow go!" The leader of the Second Army screamed.

Qin Zibai quickly escaped and headed for the second army commander of the center. The thief first captured the king.


Along the way, the resistance was countless, and the army also went all out to kill Qin Zibai.

The eyes of the commander of the second army squinted, because Qin Zibai was Zhongtian Temple after all, and his eyes were approaching.

There was a flash of excitement in Qin Zi's white eyes. If he beheaded the Second Army Commander, would they be in a mess?

"Oh, first entered Zhongtian Temple? Dare to arrogantly in front of me, to death!" The commander of the Second Army snorted.

Suddenly, the commander of the Second Corps cut it with one shot.


The huge sword-knife collided with Qin Zibai's hastily sword-knife.


A loud noise. Qin Zibai was actually backed off by this stabbing.

The whole city suddenly felt cold in their hearts.

"The Third Army listened to the order, attacked the city, and slaughtered the city!" Chengnan ordered.

"No!" Countless despair sounded in the city.

"The Chang family who opens the Tiangong Palace guards the south of the city!" Chang Sheng shouted in the city.


Suddenly, Chang Ming, his second uncle, third uncle and fourth uncle rushed to the south of the city.


A crowd of vampires rushed away, and the overwhelming bats suddenly appeared.


The vampire smashed into the blood army, and Chang Ming's second, third, and fourth uncles suddenly showed their powerful strength.

"New to Zhongtian Temple?" The head of the Third Corps squinted.

Three Jomtien?


Chang Ming's three uncles, like Qin Zibai, suddenly killed the head of the Third Army Regiment.

"Well, what about the three Zhongtian Temples? First-time entrants, vulnerable!"

"Drink!" The three Zhongtian Temples fell down at the same time.

"Boom!" A loud noise.

The three Zhongtian Temples retreated slightly. Obviously, the three Zhongtian palaces can't help the Third Army Commander.

Chang Ming's expression on the periphery changed.

Although Chang Ming got an adventure and had great skill, there is still a gap between Xiatian Palace and Zhongtian Palace. Now that 400,000 troops have been killed, Chang's strongest father is even seriously injured. What can we do?

"The first ancestor, the country is in trouble, please forgive my father for his crimes and let him do his crimes!" Chang Ming shouted suddenly to the distant bat ancestors.

Batman's face was gloomy, and he turned to glance at Changsheng in the cough.

"Hum, spare you this time, and next time, I take you!" Batzu snorted.

"call out!"

The bat ancestor turned his hands, and three bones sticking to flesh flew into Changsheng in an instant.


Three bones were inserted into Changsheng's body instantly, but Changsheng's body was suddenly twisted, and a burst of blood burst out of the body, which made him feel much better in an instant.

"Thank you, the ancestor!"

"Huh!" Batzu snorted, and Chang Sheng rushed to the commander of the Third Army instantly.

Chang Family, resisting the Third Army.

"The Fourth Army heard the order, attacked the city, and slaughtered the city!" The east of the city also heard a loud shout.

Divine blood army, fully deployed. The east of the city suddenly became frightened.

"Xi Family, keep the city with me! East of the city, open the Shudao method!" King Xikang burst into a loud shout.


Suddenly, in the eastern part of the city, the sky was filled with yellow fog. King Xikang flew quickly, and a large number of disciples of Xicang began to arrange a book-travel formation with King Xikang to resist the blood army of God.


Around the capital, all cities fought.

However, Da Yuan's troops are at stake.

In the west of the city, Mo Yike can only hold the First Army. The First Army is only provoked by Mo Yike. If Mo Yike is left aside, he can enter the city in a blink of an eye.

In the north of the city, Qin Zibai couldn't stop the commander of the Second Army, let alone the 400,000 army of the Second Army?

In the south of the city, the Chang family was able to block the Third Army. It was because Chang Sheng took the shot and went straight to the leader of the Third Army. The Third Army besieged a large number of strong men. The east of the city and the Shudao formation method had just opened. unknown.

The people in the city showed panic.

Mo Yike is also bitter.

"Mr. Gu, the gates of the Quartet, I have arranged twenty-nine heavens and earth, and I implore Mr. Gu to help me Dayuan!" Mo Yike took a moment to look at the city bitterly.

In the city, a large number of Mofu people naturally cooperated with Mo Yike, and someone quickly went to the Guhai Manor.

Gu Hai waved his hand, the manor was foggy, and the group of people kneeled outside the manor on one knee.

"Mr. Gu, it ’s difficult for the Yuan Dynasty. Please ask Mr. Gu to help defend the city!"

"Mr. Gu, after breaking the city, the creatures are covered with charcoal, and I ask Mr. Gu to help!"

"Mr. Gu, here are some of the starting pieces left by my family after they arranged the twenty-nine heavenly and horizontal array. I implore Mr. Gu to preside over the twenty-nine heavenly and horizontal array!"




In the thick fog, the ancient sea eyes narrowed.

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