Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 4 Chapter 85: Zhang Sanfeng

"Tai Chi, Zhang Sanfeng?"

Almost everyone in the city raised a frown, showing doubt.

"Who is Zhang Sanfeng? Taiji, I know, but when did Zhang Sanfeng appear in the world?" Li Shenji looked at Ye Shenzhen.

"Zhang Sanfeng? Tai Chi? Is it the Taishang vein of Wanshou Taoism?" Gongyang Sheng also looked at Ye Shenzhen.

Long Shenwu also looked at Ye Shenzhen.

Ye Shenzhen: "………………!"

Ye Shenzhen really didn't know. Although Ye Shenwei had probed the news in the world, Ye Shenzhen had never heard of Zhang Sanfeng.

But, a sword just now, if this person is not famous, how could he be so powerful? Ye Shenzhen was also puzzled.

"It's still my brother-in-law!" Long Wanyu was smug.

In the city, Waner Fairy showed a touch of complexity.

"Tai Chi's way? When it comes to Taishang's pulse on my Wanshou Road, it's perfect, but why did Gu Hai realize this? Zhang Sanfeng? Was it my Taishang's pulse?" Long Wanyu showed a daze.

Taiji sword, pulled by a sword, instantly let the other side of the blood army die and wound nearly 10,000.

The strong men of the Divine Blood Army also looked gloomy.

The commander of the Second Corps stared at Zhang Sanfeng, the old man in white.

"Huh, it's just a coincidence, Arrow Rain stopped, give me up and kill it!" The leader of the Second Army screamed.

"Drink!" The army sang in unison.

Immediately, they each pulled out their long swords and patted their horses towards Zhang Sanfeng, who had gathered in the ancient sea.

Gu Hai's eyes narrowed slightly, and there was a dip in his eyes.

Zhang Sanfeng was restricted by the formation and could not leave too far, so he could not go straight to the commander of the Second Army. He could only passively defend the enemy. Fortunately, in this ancient sea simulation, Zhang Sanfeng, Taiji sword, and Taijiquan all came first.

When thousands of horses and horses came, Zhang Sanfeng's long sword turned, and the round Taiji sword became more rounded. The whole Zhang Sanfeng looks like a round sphere.

"Kill my brother, give me death!" The soldier who rushed to the front screamed loudly, and a huge sword came straight to the door of Zhang Sanfeng.

Zhang Sanfeng's long sword immediately greeted.


The swords collided.

"Dead to me!" The soldier's eyes glared, chopping out his greatest strength.

However, after beating down with one sword, I suddenly felt that Zhang Sanfeng's sword was soft, wasn't it hard to touch it? As soon as Zhang Sanfeng's sword was pulled, the soldier's sword was deflected, and his strength was not reduced, and he turned to another soldier.

"General, what do you do to me?"


With a scream, the general killed one of himself.

In the distance, Ye Shenpin and others widened their eyes.

The battle between Mo Yike and the First Army also paused slightly, looking towards the north of the city together.

Zhang Sanfeng has been surrounded by countless soldiers, and countless swords were cut to Zhang Sanfeng for a long time. For a time, the sword was like the sea, shaped like a large net, and came toward Zhang Sanfeng.

Zhang Sanfeng revolved in place, and the sword swayed down, as if forming a spherical airflow.

"A round wishful wish, four or two pounds!" Zhang Sanfeng yelled.

The sword spirit surrounding Zhang Sanfeng's long sword suddenly greeted a large number of swords and swords. The force on each sword and sword was not great, but it just made the swords and swords deviate from the original trajectory. What was originally beheaded to Zhang Sanfeng was suddenly beheaded to his own people.

"Well? My sword is skewed?"

"Hurry away!"

"You got it wrong, you got me!"




"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

There was a loud noise, and Zhang Sanfeng stayed in place. About 500 soldiers and soldiers led their horses, and they were chopped in an instant.

The most important thing is that they were not cut by Zhang Sanfeng, but by their own?

"Wow ~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

There was a sudden uproar in the city.

"Wish you good luck? Four or two pounds?"

"I saw Zhang Sanfeng. It didn't seem like much effort!"

"Yes, that power, I have also exerted it, but Mr. Gu let Zhang Sanfeng destroy five hundred soldiers with one sword?"




Hundreds of people were surprised to see Gu Hai and Zhang Sanfeng.

Gongyang Sheng had his eyes narrowed: "Four or two pounds? Tai Chi? Take advantage of strength? Isn't this, the more people, the more freely Zhang Sanfeng exerts?"

"The more people, the better for Zhang Sanfeng?" Long Shenwu also narrowed his eyes.

"It's really strange to use other people's power to kill others. How few people make Zhang Sanfeng trouble, but how many people make Zhang Sanfeng freely?" Ye Shen raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Of course, that's my brother-in-law!" Long Wanyu was proud, like drinking a bowl of ice water in the summer.

In the city, Wan'er Fairy also widened her eyes.

"Is Zhang Sanfeng really my pulse? Why don't I know that there is this weird sword technique?"

Zhang Sanfeng's first sword, killed and injured more than 10,000 soldiers and horses, is now one sword, four or two pounds, and 500 wounded.

The blood soldiers on the opposite side sank.

"Kill me!" The generals shouted.

Suddenly, another blockbuster rushed to Zhang Sanfeng.

Zhang Sanfeng wielded his sword. Tai Chi was used to the extreme. He faced the incoming soldiers and refused to resist, and Zhang Sanfeng, who used the matrix method, had the power of Zhongtian Temple. With this peculiar Tai Chi sword, he was in the army. Be invincible.

"Ah! Ah! Ah! ........."

The screams of screaming hurting the soldiers are constantly heard. But Taiji doesn't hit you hard at all, but it is soft. It uses Rou Kegang, four or two pounds, and exerts strength, so that the leaves do not stick.

The soft swordsmanship, however, is like the leeks, the life of the harvesters and soldiers.

The speed of death was stunned by people inside and outside the city.

Of course, Gu Hai's biggest gain at the moment is the chemical industry to make up the sky.

Countless evil-stricken, evil-ridden ghosts entered the chemical industry pool, and quickly transformed into the celestial power, entered the celestial pool, and killed this person, more than the thousands of evil men killed by the ancient sea in the past.

Zhang Sanfeng raged and killed.

In the distance, the commander of the Second Army could not stand it anymore, and the subordinates who followed him were all sent to kill you?

How long has it been since the South expeditionary battles, and the invincible subordinates they have attacked and wounded nearly 10,000?

"Hum, I haven't waited for the soul to return, otherwise, you must be mad?" The commander of the Second Army snorted.


Sitting down, the giant horse roared, carrying the commander of the Second Army to kill in the direction of Guhai.

"Where to go!" Qin Zibai yelled.

"You look at him!" The leader of the Second Army snorted.



A large amount of arrow rain suddenly went straight to Qin Zibai. Qin Zi's white face changed and he was seriously injured, and he did not have Zhang Sanfeng's ability of four or two pounds, so he could only be forced to avoid the arrow rain.

"Let's go!" The leader of the Second Corps yelled.

Suddenly, the soldiers surrounding Zhang Sanfeng gave way, leaving the commander of the Second Army to face Zhang Sanfeng.


The commander of the Second Army jumped off the horse and took a sudden inhale.


The body of the commander of the Second Army suddenly rose up, and in the blink of an eye, he reached the same body shape as Zhang Sanfeng.

"One-on-one, boy, you try me four or two pounds?" The leader of the Second Army snorted.

The huge body burst into a raging atmosphere.

Gu Hai's face sank, but she saw a trace of fierceness from the eyes of the commander of the Second Army, not violent. Violence was stunned, but this fierce look was still very calm.

calm? Calm fierce look?

Gu Hai instantly understood that this person still didn't see Zhang Sanfeng's strength. In this case, he would probably give an order later to let his subordinates leave Zhang Sanfeng and go directly into the city.

After all, his purpose is not to kill the enemy, but to block and block the Second Army, not only to kill the enemy.


But he saw Zhang Sanfeng suddenly insert the sword into the scabbard, and the sword slowly disappeared.

"Oh?" The second army chief narrowed his eyes.

Countless people in the city showed doubts.

"Why did Zhang Sanfeng close his sword?"

"The second army commander, but he is holding a long knife!"

"I know I'm out of reach? Impossible!"




Hundreds of people appeared blank.

Zhang Sanfeng suddenly gave a slight chuckle: "There are many people, so I use a sword! To deal with you alone, I still use a sword, didn't I bully you?"

"Uh?" People froze slightly around.

The commander of the Second Army Corps also sank. Seeing that this is Zhang Sanfeng ridiculing himself.

Decisive battle between life and death, at this time, you have to deal with my sword with bare hands?

"Look for something dead!" The leader of the Second Army snorted, and was slightly enraged, and the sword in his hand was chopped over.

However, Zhang Sanfeng waved his hand, and all the sword energy disappeared, but there were numerous airflows around Zhang Sanfeng, which was still the pattern of Taiji.

At the slash, Zhang Sanfeng not only did not step back, but took a step forward.

"Lake the tail!"

Zhang Sanfeng grabbed the wrist of the commander of the Second Corps violently, but did not slam the head, but dragged it suddenly, giving him an added strength by the power of the commander of the Second Army.

"Single whip!"

After a drag and a shake, the commander of the Second Army flew out by his own strength.

"What!" The face of the Second Corps changed.

But I didn't expect that I was thrown away, and more importantly, I was thrown away by myself?

how can that be?

The commander of the Second Army twitched suddenly in midair, as if to break away from this inertia.

However, Zhang Sanfeng's hand did not stop, grabbing the foot of the second army commander who was thrown out.

"Wild Horse Parting!"

Actually relying on the strength of the second army commander to twist his body, once again took advantage of strength. He threw it on the ground.


The earth trembled suddenly, and the commander of the Second Corps immediately fell down and turned over.

However, the commander of the Second Army also experienced a hundred battles and threw himself on the ground, not forgetting to cut Zhang Sanfeng.

"As closed as closed!"


It seemed as if rehearsing countless times before, one round at a time. When the commander of the Second Corps was cut, Zhang Sanfeng explored the area. The blade instantly deviated from the original trajectory and slashed towards the crotch of the Second Corps.



The second army commander screamed in his hands with a long sword, and his body suddenly bowed away from Zhang Sanfeng's body.

Good risk, just good risk.

The head of the Second Corps shuddered in shock.

Between the flashes of light, the confrontation between the two was over.

The commander of the Second Army was embarrassed, and the long knife in his hand was thrown away.

Opposite Zhang Sanfeng, he was slowly punching a set of soft punches.

Countless practitioners in the city widened their eyes.

It is really a soft set of boxing, slow and long boxing, but it happened to the extreme, which made the second army commander insulting.

It's really slow. It's as slow as everyone can see clearly, but I can't figure it out. How can this slow and slow boxing defeat the leader of the Second Army?

But no one knows. Zhang Sanfeng is best at Taijiquan. Taiji sword is just a branch of Taijiquan. Without the sword, Zhang Sanfeng's strength has not weakened, but has become stronger.

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