Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 4 Chapter 86: Blood prison

Hundreds of people in the metropolis have widened their eyes!

In the three directions of the southeast and west of the city, a lot of powerful people are already unable to stop, but in the north of the city, the ancient sea not only blocked thousands of troops, but also flew the Second Army out? unarmed?

"Where did Zhang Sanfeng come from?" Ram Ram looked at Ye Shenzhen.

Ye Shenzhen: "………………!"

You ask me, who do I ask?

The battle at the three gates was a slight meal.

Chang Sheng, Chang Ming and King Xikang all widened their eyes.

Mo Yike looked at Zhang Sanfeng, as if analyzing Zhang Sanfeng's moves.

The commander of the Second Army climbed from the ground, his face was gloomy, but even so, the commander of the Second Army was not stunned by anger, and looked at Zhang Sanfeng, looking at the ancient sea above Zhang Sanfeng.

The air flow of Taiji revolved around Zhang Sanfeng, but Gu Hai suddenly felt a little hesitant.

It is because Gu Hai feels that the simulation of Zhang Sanfeng consumes too much of the large array, and the large array of spiritual stones will run out.

Will the spirit stone run out?

Twenty-nine heavens and earth's vertical and horizontal arrays consume the spirit stone, which is terror.

If it comes down for a few days and nights, even the Yuan Dynasty will not be able to bear it.

"Did you control the chess beast?" The commander of the Second Army suddenly looked at Gu Hai and pointed directly at the origin.

Zhang Sanfeng didn't speak, but Gu Hai smiled coldly: "Why, afraid? Oh, how can you help Zhang Sanfeng without me?"

"Huh?" The commander of the Second Army stunned slightly.

In the distance Mo Yike was also a little surprised, what does Mr. Gu mean? This cloud beast, no one can control it, can not work?

But he saw Zhang Sanfeng's figure turn around to the northwest.

The commander of the second army looked at Guhai in doubt.

But he saw Gu Hai suddenly break away from Zhang Sanfeng.

With a leap in shape, he suddenly had another golden **** in his hand.


The golden chess pieces were pressed, and suddenly a thick fog burst from the northeast of the metropolis, and the ancient sea jumped into the fog, but Zhang Sanfeng trembled suddenly.


Zhang Sanfeng burst apart.

"Spirit stone has run out?" Mo Yike's face changed in the distance.

My bat ancestral cloud beast hasn't run out yet, and the ancient sea has run out.

"Jack, boy, you lied to me?" The commander of the Second Army stared and knew he was fooled.

The detective pulled out his bow and arrow, and shot a sword into the fog in the northeast.

"call out!"

Arrow rain shot into the fog instantly.

"Tai Chi is round!" A loud drink rang from the fog.

"call out!"

Arrow Rain turned his head, shot out of the fog, and shot at the commander of the Second Army in a blink of an eye.


The commander of the second army jumped away, and Arrow Yu shot a pit in the ground.


The fog dispersed, and northwest of the metropolis, Zhang Sanfeng reunited.

"By borrowing from the law, you can gather Zhang Sanfeng? Huh, I'm not the first army commander. I was stopped by you once, but I want to do it again? The captain's face changed.

"Yes!" The Second Army roared in unison.

"What?" The people in the city suddenly turned wild.

Zhang Sanfeng's head sank. It was helpless.

In the west of the city, the commander of the First Army also found that the work was delayed on Mo Yike.

"The First Legion listened to the order, don't bother with this formation, enter the city, and kill the blood!"

"Yes!" The First Army roared.

For a while, most people showed their horror.

Into the city?

Regardless of the two big battles at Chengkou?

This is going to enter the city, isn't the metropolis finished?

Mo Yike's face also changed wildly. At this time, no wisdom was of any use.

"Your Majesty!" Mo Yike only shouted in horror.

"Your Majesty!" The people in the city shouted in horror.

The army of **** blood, the eight major army groups, only four came out, four could not be blocked, and there were four still.

All the people were terrified.

No wonder the ancient sea and Mo Yike, the **** blood army ignored them, even if they have no matter how big the means are useless.

Everyone exclaimed.

The army was heading towards the city.

Gu Hai's face was gloomy.

"Help, escape!"

"Ah, the devil has entered the city, help!"




The people at Chengkou were anxious.

Qin Zibai came to resist, but Qin Zibai was not the opponent of the commander of the Second Army at all. It was imperative for the army to enter the city.

Just as the **** killing was about to begin.


All the army of the Quartet suddenly gave a slight meal. They all stopped and looked together towards the west of the city. There was a large army surrounded by the center of the car. The coffin suddenly moved.

"Kaka Kaka Kaka!"

The mouth of the coffin opened slowly. From the coffin, a storm-like breath suddenly burst out. As soon as the storm came out, the **** gas transported by the sky suddenly revolved, and the **** gas transported dragon over the sky seemed to be filled with countless power.


The dragon roared, and the huge momentum suddenly suppressed the momentum of the opposite Jinyun Yunjinlong.

"Kaka Kaka!"

All the army of **** blood suddenly faced the coffin, put their fists on their chests, and performed a military salute.

"Long live Holy! Long live Long live!"

"The annihilation of the heavens is forever and ever, dominate the world!"

"Long live Holy! Long live Long live!"




Shouting like a wave, straight into Jiuxiao.

But in this voice, almost everyone was cold.

Wake up to the holy grave?


The coffin lid was completely opened, and the scene inside the coffin was slowly exposed, but it was inside the coffin. At this moment, a figure wearing a red-bottomed gold dragon robe was wearing a flat sky crown, and his forehead was even closer to A golden rune.

As the upper finger of the massacre moved a bit, the golden rune sticking to his forehead suddenly appeared as if burning, turned into a fly ash, and disappeared.


Eyes opened on the holy massacre.


From the place of the coffin, it seemed that a violent wind was rolled up and straight into all directions, and some of the blood soldiers around them were shaking in shape.

The strong men who opened the Tiangong Palace were all turned upside down by this momentum?

King Xikang, Mo Yike, Chang Sheng, and Qin Zibai all had no idea of ​​fighting again. Even the bat ancestors who were suppressed by Ma San's eyes turned wild.

But when I saw the coffin, the holy grave lay so straight, then stood up strangely, without any trace of body bending, so it stood up straight.

The crown on his head is shaking, and the dangling beads shake.

The holy massacre seemed to return to God, and the slightly hollow eyes slowly became alive.

The Holocaust took a deep breath, as if feeling all the truth.


Suddenly, Zhangkou yelled at Tian.

Under the roar, the land, mountains and rivers of the metropolis shuddered, and the sound was loud, and it spread to all directions in an instant. There were more than ten cities around the metropolis, all of which were the sounds of the holy war.

The ancient sea standing on top of Zhang Sanfeng's head also changed his face.

"Well, come back again, ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

"Long live Holy! Long live Long live!"

"The annihilation of the heavens is forever and ever, dominate the world!"

Five million troops shouted.

Shouting for a while from the holy massacre, he stopped, and the voice of the blood army suddenly stopped.

Stepping on the top of the car, the holy grave looked toward the metropolis.

"Yi's central city? Metropolis? Hee family? You are here to guard you, but you want to replace it? Huh!" There was a trace of coldness in the eyes of the Great Slayer.

In the south of the city, King Xikang took a moment's notice. What happened? Hee family? Hee Jia is guarded here? I do not know how?

"Blood prison, come out ~!"


Suddenly, the metropolis trembled suddenly, and then a tumbling blood mist suddenly emerged from the city. The blood mist soared into the sky, and it filled the whole city in an instant, as if the blood mist covered the entire metropolis.


Suddenly, countless blood mists converged toward the center, and converged toward the center's large hall.

At the entrance of the palace, above the sky, a **** long knife floated in the air.

On the **** long knife, it seems that there is a blood vessel beating slightly. A large amount of blood mist is sucked into the blood knife, so that the ancient sea outside the city can feel a big blood coming.

A breath that killed all sentient beings left the city without fear for hundreds of people.

"The first evil sword in the world, blood prison?" Gu Hai sank.

Blood prison really has the fierceness of blood prison, and the breath radiates, even if the army of **** blood, some are also shocked. The ancient imitation knife of the ancient sea is far worse than the original version of this handle.

The holy grave looked at the blood prison in the distance, his eyes softened slightly.

"Her **** hell, come back!" The holy massacre sank.

During the talk, the probing hand suddenly stretched out, and in the void, a blood-colored palm phantom was formed. A long distance away, the blood-colored palm phantom had reached the handle of blood prison.

The blood was condensed, and the **** palm with an inviolable force was about to be caught.

The holy sacrifice will take back his weapon, the world's first evil sword, the **** **** sword.

But just when he was about to catch his weapon on the massacre. Suddenly, a scarlet palm ghost appeared from the palace hall, almost at the same time as the blood prison handle.


The two blood palms, almost at the same time, snapped on the handle of the blood prison.

Inside the big hall?

Countless people have wide-eyed eyes, who is in the hall? Isn't that the reclusive Emperor Xiyu?

"Huh?" The holy grave sank and sank: "Presumptuous!"


The blood prison knife trembled in the air, and both blood palms were holding the handle, both pulling on the handle.

The massacre was angered, his blood palm exuded more and more **** gas, and the power soared countlessly.

The blood palm of Emperor Xiyu was slowly changing color, from blood red to white, and for a moment, around the Great Hall of the Emperor, there was cold, snow and ice. The blood palm of Emperor Xiyu also turned into a white palm.

"Sacred slayer!" There was a whisper from Emperor Xiyu in the hall of the Great Hall.

"Xi Family, the current owner? Do you dare to disobey?"

"Xi Xiyu. There is no Xi family now, but the Emperor Yuan Dynasty. As for this blood prison knife, it does not belong to you anymore!" Emperor Xiyu's voice came out blandly.

The white palms suddenly burst into dazzling white light, the white snow billowed, and the entire city was filled with ice instantly.


With a loud noise, the Blood Prison Knife broke away from the blood palm of the Sacred Holiness, and fell completely into the white palm of Emperor Xiyu.


The gate of the Great Hall opened suddenly.

The snow and ice screamed out from the inside, silhouetted against the stepping out of the golden robe with white background, holding the **** sword of Emperor Xiyu.

ps: The WeChat public platform ‘aiguanqi’ of Guanqi is organizing a thematic submission activity. Participation is rewarded. Interested book fans can pay attention. Watching chess also participated in the whole process.

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