Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 5 Chapter 3: Skyless City

"Stop!" Gu Hai shouted loudly!


All the flying boats stopped in an instant.

Everyone, with the ancient sea looking far away towards the song city in the past.

The ruins of Chaoge City are still there, but in the air far from Chaoge City, at this moment there is a super floating island. The floating island is as big as the former Chaoge City.

For the first time on the flying boat, numerous soldiers and officials saw such a large floating island.

The floating island trembled slightly, as if it was slowly being fixed in the air. From a distance, one can see Dahan officials and soldiers greeted by flying boat from the floating island.

"Okay, okay, a big floating island!"

"Is this the Jiuwu Island?"




Officials behind Gu Hai were surprised.

Mo Yike's eyes narrowed slightly: "Floating giant island? Nine-Five Islands? No wonder there is no news. It turned out that the emperor sent it thousands of miles to the land of Shenzhou?"

"Similar to the Heavenly City of Dagan Heavenly Kingdom, floating giant city?" Master Liu Nian sighed.

"Dagan Tianchao? Tianting City?" Gu Hai looked at Master Liu Nian.

The master of the fleeting years nodded: "Dagan Heavenly Kingdom has floating layers like your Nine-Five Islands. Thirty-three seems to be arranged according to a specific matrix method to scatter the sky. The main city is called 'Tianting City' The other thirty-two are vice cities, each named after 'Tian' and also called 'Thirty-three Heavens!' "

"Thirty-three days?" Gu Hai's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Tianting City is the center of the capital, the main hall of the court, called 'Ling Xiao Bao Dian', the first hall in the world!" Master Liu Nian nodded.

"Thirty-three heavens, Tianting City, Ling Xiao Baodian? Dagan Sheng?" Gu Haining nodded.

At this moment, distant ancient Qin, Gao Xianzhi, Chen Tianshan, Bing Ji, and Miao Chen greeted with officials.

"Welcome the emperor back!" The ministers worshiped.

Gu Hai nodded.

"Father Emperor, why did you stop? Jiuwu Island has arrived. The final position is determined. You still need Father Emperor to host, and ask Father Emperor to return to the Temple of Heaven to preside over Jiuwu Island!" Gu Qin respectfully said.

The ancient sea looked at the sea of ​​Qiyun clouds over Chaoge City. At the moment when Da Yuan was destroyed, there was a lot of Qiyun rushing to Chaoge, which doubled the Qige ’s Qiyun.

"No, go to sacrifice the dead people!" Gu Hai said in a deep voice.

"Yes!" The ministers answered.

Suddenly, there were a large number of officials and guards who went to the tomb of the people who died in Chaoge and informed the people there.

The ancient sea flying boat slowly carried everyone out of the tens of millions of graves.

People all around saw the ancient sea one after another.

"Thank you, Emperor, for revenge on my father!"

"Thank you Emperor, take revenge for my son!"

"Thank you, Emperor!"




The people worshiped gratefully. At the same time, they looked at Gu Hai with extra respect.

More than a month ago, Chaoge City was suddenly filled with countless lucks. The luck was getting bigger and thicker, and it was not used for people's notification. The people would understand that it was Emperor Xiyu who died.

The emperor went to Da Yuan to avenge the death of the people. The people were indeed grateful, but they did not have much hope for the emperor to kill Xi Yu.

That was Emperor Xiyu, and it was still in his capital, who could have that confidence?

But the emperor did it.

At this moment, the eyes of the people looking at the ancient sea are full of surprise.

At the mouth of thousands of graves, the people stood quietly.

Officials from the Ministry of Rites sent wine bottles to Gu Hai.

Gu Hai picked up the fine wine, and fell down gently against the tens of millions of graves.

"This wine respects all the dead, your enemies have been reported to you, and Emperor Xiyu has already died, you must rest in peace!" Said Gu Hai solemnly.

Ordinary people can't see it. On the graves, a personal soul is standing at this moment. Seeing the ancient sea came to toast, those dead souls suddenly worshipped.

"Thank you Emperor, Dahan Dynasty, Long live long live long live!"

Thousands of souls worship respectfully.

Others couldn't see it at all, they could only see, above the graves, it seemed that a cloudy wind was blowing suddenly, and then a golden light emerged from the cloudy wind, straight into the body of the ancient sea.

"It's merit? It's qi? It's my father. He saw it, he saw it!" Someone who was alive suddenly surprised.

"A lot of merit, it's my mother!"

The people living around said with excitement.

After Gu Hai toasted, he turned to look at Mo Yike.

"Mr. Mo, Chang Sheng and Qin Yun's tomb are there!" Gu Hai pointed to a grave area not far away.

Mo Yike nodded, and behind him a group of Mo family, carrying two coffins, slowly walked to the grave area, and his own officials quickly cast a tomb for him.

"Father, mother, and baby, make your own claim and move your grave here. Father, Da Yuan is gone. Next to you is Chang Sheng, Qin Yun. You were brothers before your death, and you will be partners after death!" Mo Yi Ke Zhuang solemnly.

Then, the coffin was slowly buried in the tomb for migration.

Gu Hai has been waiting patiently.

After everything was completed, Gu Hai flew everyone to Jiuwu Island, a huge floating city.

"Welcome to the emperor!"

"Long live the emperor live long live!"




When Gu Hai and his party flew to the Nine-Five Islands, the four sides rang out cheers from the people.

In countless congratulations, Gu Hai flew to Chongtiandian Square.

Chongtiandian Square, the undefeated eyes of the East looked slightly towards the ancient sea.

"Emperor Xiyu? You were killed?" Dongfang Undefeated said with a hint of surprise.

"That's right!" Gu Hai smiled slightly.

Oriental's undefeated pupil shrank. At that time, Emperor Xiyu, who was undefeated in the East, had seen it, but he was not sure, but was destroyed by the ancient sea?

Aside from Qin Zibai and Mo Yike, their faces changed. Is this the East undefeated?

"Thirty days and a long time?" Mo Yike was surprised.

Gu Hai nodded.

"Father Emperor, look?" Gu Qin solemnly said.

The ancient sea is slowly walking to the trap of the knife.


Probing, Gu Hai grabbed the handle of the trapped knife.

"The Chaoge City is turned into ruins, but Dahan will never die, and Chaoge will be destroyed. There will be another city above Chaoge. The island of Jiuwu will float directly above the ruins of Chaoge City!" Said the ancient sea.

"Yes!" The ministers answered.


Through the trap, Gu Hai controlled the entire Jiuwu Island to move slowly, and completely moved directly above the ruins of Chaoge City.

Gu Haigan Gang was arbitrary, and no one dared to say anything.

"Tell Dahan Han Dynasty all over the world!" Gu Hailang whispered.

With a loud shout, Dahanqiyun Yunhai suddenly tumultuously, in the tumbling, suddenly passed the voice of the ancient sea to the ears of all the people of the Dahan Dynasty.

All the people in the twenty-five cities of the Dahan dynasty were suddenly stunned.

Is this the voice of the emperor?

"The ninety-five island of the Dahan dynasty floats above the ruins of the city of Chaoge. From now on, the nine-five islands have been renamed as 'the borderless city of heaven'. The Dahan dynasty, the longevity is boundless!" Gu Hai's voice wore out again.

Sky without borders? Everyone in the world heard the rename of Jiuwu Island and seemed to guess something.

"To date, the capital has been relocated to the" Boundless Sky Capital ", the Dahan Dynasty, and the Boundless Sky Capital!" Gu Hailang yelled.


The sea of ​​air fortune suddenly tumbling again, and suddenly, soared towards the sky. Obviously, from the ruins of the Chaoge City, the capital was relocated to `` the borderless city of heaven '', and air transport had a great change.


The news raged all over the Dahan Dynasty.

There are no people in the sky, no hundreds of people meditate.

The news of Wudu Tiandu seems to have wings spread to all directions.


Tianting City, in the study.

On the first floor, the curtain is separated from both sides of the upper study room. Outside the curtain, the rams, Sima Zhuang, Ye Shenzhen and other dignitaries stand respectfully. Within the curtain, vaguely saw Dagan Sheng sitting on a dragon chair, looking at a memorial in his hands.

"There's news from the Prince, the Second Prince, and the Third Prince?" Dagan Sheng said lightly.

Ye Shenzheng listed: "Yes, the officials have all been placed on the desk of the Holy Lord. The eldest prince, sent his troops bravely, sang all the way, went straight to the Daxuan Emperor. Two months ago, he officially killed the Daxuan Emperor and destroyed it. Xuandi Dynasty of the National University! "

"Two months ago? Boss? Yes, the boss is quite forbearing, but he has hidden strength, bravery and ingenuity, both of which are good. Two months ago? Is it his full strength! The second child?" Dagansheng nodded.

"Prince II, with the assistance of Shaotianzong, the great cause of the imperial dynasty is in chaos. One month ago, he officially killed the great cause of the great empire and destroyed the great cause of the great empire!" Ye Shenzhen respectfully said.

"The second child is not as brave as the boss, but he has more wisdom. As long as he has time to deal with him and destroy the great cause of the emperor sooner or later, and with the help of shaking the Heavenly Sect, he can destroy the great cause in such a short time. Saint nodded.

"Yes!" Ye Shen nodded.

"Where is the third child? The third child's current position is lacking in force and intelligence, but it is not his own body, which is at a disadvantage. He is allowed to fire the axe once to make up for the defect. What happened to Dagan Sheng? .

"Three Princes, three months ago, they have already entered the metropolis, the Yuan Dynasty, and the kingdom is gone!" Ye Shenzhen smiled bitterly.

"Oh? A month earlier than the boss?" Dagan Sheng was surprised.

Ye Shenpin nodded respectfully, but on Dagan Sheng it was the memorial that picked out the dragon **** martial arts, and looked carefully.

After looking at it for a while, Dagan Sheng was slightly silent: "Is it the Yuan who destroyed the ancient sea?"

"Yes, he tried his best to force the death of Emperor Xiyu, but Gu Hai was horrible, holy ...!" Ye Shenpin looked at Dagan holy in anxiety.

"Sacred God, the ancient sea moved the capital, called‘ Boundless Heavenly Capital ’! Its ambition is not small!” Sima frowned frantically.

Dagan Sheng shook his head: "I know, but this is a good thing!"

"Uh?" Everyone looked at the holy **** behind the curtain a little bit unclearly.

This shows that the ancient sea was ambitious, how could it be a good thing?

"Where is Yunfuzong?" Dagan Sheng said lightly.

"Yunfuzong already had people inside us. This time the army captured Yunfuzong, please surrender! Just half a month ago!" Ye Shenzhen laughed.

Dagan Sheng nodded his head: "Handle these theaters as soon as possible, the Halloween Assembly is about to begin, Ram Ram, I'll let you preside over the Book Conference, how are you preparing?"

PS: It's approaching, and there are so many things, it's even later, it's more likely to be later, sorry!

This book's first release comes from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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