Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 5 Chapter 4: World event

Dagan Tianchao, Tianting City, study!

"Holy Ram, I asked you to preside over the sermon convention. How are you planning?" Dagan Sheng said lightly.

Beyond the curtain, the ram saint respectfully said: "Halloween convention, piano, calligraphy and painting, each one for a while, the sermon, rest assured. The minister has handled it properly, and there are some trivial things, waiting for the day of the Halloween conference It's all right, but is it possible for the minister to preside over the shudao conference? Qindao conference, chess conference, and huadao conference, will they ...?! "

"Qin Dao, Chess Dao, Hua Dao, you already have candidates, you don't need to worry about it!" Dagan Sheng said lightly.

"Yes!" Ram Ram nodded.

"Have you received the replies from all parties?" Dagan Shengshan asked.

"Yes, there are letters from the three sacred places, and the other two heavenly dynasties. The sun temple, the first pulse comes from the people. Wanshou Taoism, the first pulse comes from the people. The emperor personally led the team to come. The Emperor Huang, the Confucian Emperor personally led the team. Others, as well as the major colleges, representatives will come! "Gongyang Saint respectfully said.

"Too high? Too early? Future Buddha? Green Emperor? Confucius? Oh, it is really a grand ceremony of literary and morality!" Dagan Sheng tapped his finger on the desk.

"This Halloween conference is held in Dagan, and it must be a grand event in the world!" Ram Ram nodded and smiled.

Dagan Sheng nodded.


In the west of Shenzhou, there is a mountainous forestland full of righteousness.

There are a group of buildings on the hill. Among the buildings, a group of people in scribes blue shirts look down at a valley below.

In that valley, there was enchantment in the enclave, and no sound was heard inside, but one could see the inside, one by one, holding the piano, exposing the color of pain.

The people on the mountain appeared blank.

"Well a life and death piano, they all pretend to be in this enchantment, regardless of victory or defeat, and never open the enchantment. What is going to happen?"

"This person is so good. The masters of my academy can't stand it. What a powerful voice?"

"Look, the violinist is so intoxicated, it must be a powerful piece of attack!"

"Yi Qin members, masters of Qin Academy of our academy, you shot, quickly play the track, then the Qin Master has been blocked, what else do you worry about?"




The man on the mountain looked blank, looking at the weird scene in the valley.

But within the soundproofing realm, a young man sang and danced intoxicatedly.

In front of him, a group of scribes rolled around holding Guqin.

"Don't sing, don't sing, help!"

"Go to your mother, what are you singing? Help, don't sing, don't sing!"

"All my mana is in my ears. To capture all your music, you let us listen to this? Don't, don't sing, help, I'm deaf, deaf!"

"My joy, my joy! You die for me, ah!"




Every master of the piano collapsed and looked at the singer.

The singer is not someone else, but Gu Hai's celestial harp.

It was difficult to finish a track.

Gou Chen exhaled: "Really comfortable, didn't you say you were looking for me? Why don't you play the piano? My general order, Canon, and sorrow are all the same. Only I sing is the best. Yes, how? "

A group of Qindao masters looked as if they were silly.

"Let's talk about the Qin Qin Tao. What about the word Qin Qin?" An old Qin Tao master froze.

Gou Chen's face sank, "How happy were I that day when I played to nearby people? But you weren't allowed to listen, why? You asked me to come to Dou Dao Road and say I lost, to all of you. People scratch their heads and apologize? Come, who are afraid of who, you play! I moisten my throat, come again, to see who is great! "

Gou Chen drank tea and seemed to be singing again.

"Don't, don't, don't sing ........." Suddenly, all the piano masters shouted in disintegration.

Douqin? We originally wanted to steal your "Cannon", "Sadness", and "General's Order". We originally wanted to steal music while fighting the piano, but when you sing that song, we can't play it. Fleece? The sense of music has collapsed, and can still pop up, and fight with you?

We all vomit blood when you sing your little carrot.

That old violinist looked at his disciples with blood on their ears not far away, and his face was horrified.

"I am ~~~~~~~!" Gou Chen opened his mouth and sang.

"Don't, we're grateful for the downwind. We gave up, don't sing!" The old man exclaimed.

The old man shouted, no one is holding on anymore, which is listening to songs? This is fateful.

"Did you just lose?" Gou Chen said with a stunned expression, eyes full of perseverance.

"Yes, master, your piano is unparalleled in the world. We sit in the sky and watch the sky. Don't sing. No one here is your opponent. Really, we are compared with you, just like the light of the firefly and the sun and the moon. Same! "Exclaimed the old man.

Gou Chen looked regretful and sighed slightly: "Well, I still have dozens of songs!"

"Ah?" The pianist's face changed greatly.

"There is another song that can be sung by Tian Lei. Well, it's really difficult to find a rival with a good fanfare!" Gou Chen sighed slightly. A lot of musicians wiped their foreheads with cold sweat.

"However, it doesn't matter. Your piano path needs to be improved. I will live with you first. Give me some advice. Don't thank me!" Gou Chen blinked his eyes.


All the musicians buzzed suddenly, what? Would you like to stay and point us?

"The master, the world's piano master, will all go to the 'Halloween Convention'. You should go there, where the masters such as clouds are the peak matchup of the master piano masters. You are with us, wasting time!" Road.

"Yeah, yeah!" The pianists nodded.

"Uh? Halloween?" Gou Chen froze slightly.

"Yeah, just in the Dagan Heavenly Kingdom, Tianting City, now, we have an invitation card from the Halloween Conference, I'm waiting for myself, I will give you this invitation, I hope the master will be great at the Halloween Conference Brilliant, win the first prize! "The old man hurriedly took out an invitation and handed it out.

This invitation from the Daqian Heavenly Kingdom is expensive and expensive. In the past, it was impossible to show it to anyone, but now, in order to send away this plague god, no one has stopped it.

"Well, it's a pity, I can't give you any pointers!" Gou Chen sighed slightly.

"Don't use it, don't delay the splendor of the master's fame! By then, all the world piano masters will converge on the Halloween conference, and they will all respect the master!" The old man was excited.

"Okay! Forget it, I just made it difficult!" Gou Chen sighed slightly and took the invitation with joy.

All the pianists wiped the sweat off their heads.

The victory has been divided and the enchantment has withdrawn.

Everyone on the mountain looked at the masters of the Qinyuan with a horrified look, and they showed their astonishment together.

"With this go, will you conquer the elders of Qinyuan in one song?" The man on the mountain said in astonishment.

Gou Chen was holding the invitation and happily headed for Dagan Tianchao.


The Dahan Dynasty, the borderless sky. Go to the study.

Gu Hai looked at the elder Xuanwu standing in front of him, Miao Chen.

"Elder Miao, Shangguanhen, do you know?" Gu Hai Shen cried.

"Yes, I didn't expect, I didn't expect the Supreme to still have an evil body? Alive, the evil Xuanwu Supreme?" Miao Chen complexed.

"I have sent someone to search for Shangguan marks with all my strength. There is no news for the time being, but the evil Xuanwu Supreme has appeared. I wonder what attitude you have towards Dahan?" Gu Hai looked to Miao Chen.

Miao Chen frowned and said, "Evil Supreme occupies Shangguanhen Supreme Body. Presumably, it will definitely appear again in the near future, and then the Xuanwu tribe will definitely be reconvened. At that time, Xuanwu tribe must follow. Although he is an incarnation of evil, But after all, supreme! "

"What about you? Will you follow him?" Gu Hai said in a deep voice.

Miao Chen was silent for a while, then shook his head and said, "I want to stay in the skyless city for the time being!"

"Oh?" Gu Hai wondered.

"Evil thoughts? It should be the dark side separated from the Supreme. He was only the dark side of the Supreme, not the true Supreme. I only recognize the righteous Supreme. If the Xuan Wu God fully approved of him, I have nothing to say, but the Xuan Wu God really approved. It ’s Shangguan marks, so I listen to God! ”Miao Chen solemnly said.

The ancient sea ordered a little: "I remember that Shangguanhen once devoured the Xuanwu Supreme Snake Head of the previous generation, just outside the Silver Moon City. Perhaps this evil idea is in the snake head!"

"Emperor, I would like to ask, will you save Shangchen?" Miao Chen solemnly said.

"Yes, and must be saved!" Gu Hai nodded surely.

"That being the case, then the Xuanwu that I led is still the Great Han Kingdom Beast, waiting for the return of the Supreme Lord Shangguan!" Miao Chen solemnly said.

Gu Hai stared at Miao Chen for a while, and finally nodded: "I will do my best!"

"Xie Xie!" Miao Chen thanked.

As Miao Chen talked with Gu Hai, the voice of a guard suddenly came outside the study.

"Emperor Qiyu, the Prince asked for a meeting!" The guard said respectfully.

"Oh? Let him in!" Gu Hai wondered.

He did not summon Gu Qin. why did he come here?

Soon, Gu Qin walked into the study with a happy expression.

"Father Emperor, good news, good news. Just now, two messengers came to my borderless city!" Gu Qin excited.

"Oh?" Gu Hai wondered.

"The Emperor Xiyu slumped, the territory of the Emperor Yuan Dynasty has become an ownerless thing, and it was collected by the Daqian dynasty, and naturally it can be swallowed up slowly, but somehow, the King of Shenwu was suddenly very anxious. It was soothing, and they also sent troops to attack the city. In this way, a lot of civil strife in the Yuan Dynasty were aroused. Just now, two messengers of the city came to bring the letter and the book of the people, saying that they are willing to submit to the Dahan Dynasty My Dahan people! "Gu Qin said excitedly.

"Books of peoples?" Gu Hai stunned slightly.

"Yes, Father Emperor, you once promised Mr. Shen Wuwang and Mr. Mo not to send soldiers and soldiers to the Dayuan Realm, but those cities are willing to join the Dahan Dynasty. Do we have no reason to push them? We have not A soldier is dead! "Gu Qin said excitedly.

"Good!" Gu Hai smiled with satisfaction.

PS: On the 15th wedding of Guanqi, I would like to take three days off from you, 14, 15 and 16 days. I'm very sorry, I have no time to write a book in these three days. However, the honeymoon for watching chess has been postponed temporarily, and the update is resumed three days later. In addition, these three days, WeChat public account, Sina Weibo will broadcast live marriage matters. The WeChat public account will send a red envelope to everyone on time at 12 o'clock on the 15th, as well as the candy for watching chess. The readers will be selected in the WeChat public account and sent to everyone. There will be live broadcast photos of these three days on Weibo. Everyone is interested. If you want candy or red envelopes, please add the WeChat public account: aiguanqi. Want to watch the three-day live broadcast of Jia Weibo 『柏跃跃』! Remember, Sina Weibo: Bai Yueyue. WeChat public account: aiguanqi

This book's first release comes from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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