Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 5 Chapter 5: Sixty city

"Books of peoples?" Gu Hai stunned slightly.

"Yes, Father Emperor, you once promised Mr. Shen Wuwang and Mr. Mo not to send soldiers and soldiers to the Dayuan Realm, but those cities are willing to join the Dahan Dynasty. Do we have any reason? A soldier is dead! "Gu Qin said excitedly.

"Good!" Gu Hai smiled with satisfaction.

"The emperor agreed, and the child arranged for them to meet the emperor!" Gu Qin immediately laughed.

"No!" Gu Hai frowned slightly.

"Oh?" Gu Qin wondered slightly.

"Mo Yike is solely responsible for this matter!" Gu Hai shook his head.

"Master Mo?" Gu Qin said unexpectedly.

Gu Hai nodded: "You don't care about this, let Mr. Mo handle it. Even if he pushes these city masters and people's books away, no one can complain!"

Ancient Qin froze, respectfully said, "Yes!"


On the next day's pilgrimage, Gu Qin mentioned the messenger again. Gu Hai officially arranged for Mo Yike to deal with the matter in the presence of a hundred officials.

In the eyes of many officials, this is an opportunity for the emperor to stand up to Mo's prestige, but in the eyes of Mo Yike, only a bitter smile is left. The emperor gave it a hot potato.

Mo Yike understands that the emperor cares about his feelings. Even if he drives these messengers away, the emperor cannot blame himself, but can he do this? Not to mention that he is already a Dahan courtier, he must focus on Dahan's interests. Even those messengers who saw themselves begged like saviors, could not bear to refuse.


With a slight sigh, Mo Yike accepted the messenger's Wanmin Book.


Metropolis, in the hall of the Great Hall.

Long Shenwu looked at the scrolls from the Quartet scrolls, his face was gloomy.


In anger, Long Shenwu slapped his palm on the desk. The scrolls fell to the ground.

"Miscellaneous accounts, ancient sea!" Long Shenwu said with a gloomy face.

Long Aotian and Sima Changkong picked up some and looked up.

"Ancient sea? He is inferior? He said he wouldn't hesitate to Yuanyuan territory, he is a villain!" Long Aotian glared.

Long Shenwu's face was gloomy.

"Master Wang, are you angry because of that? Then Lord Wang is wrong!" Sima Changkong smiled bitterly.

"Huh?" Long Aotian and Long Shenwu looked at Sima Changkong.

"Gu Hai originally wanted to change Qin Zibai, only promised to the territories of the Great Yuan, without a single soldier. Now, it is the cities around the city crying and crying to join Dahan? Gu Hai has not broken his promise! Sima Changkong smiled bitterly.

Long Shenwu's face was gloomy.

"It's wrong to charge the Yuan Yuan Realm. You see, how many cities are there? There are already ten cities? Why? Our soldiers fight to death and siege the city with countless deaths and injuries. Only then can he get a city. Do it! "Long Aotian stared.

Sima Changkong shook his head: "Holy permission allows Dagan to take Dayuan with our alliance, that is to say, Dahan also has the right. Guhai did not send a soldier and a soldier, but fulfilled his promise to the Lord. Why? The people's hearts are toward Dahan, and there is no other way! "

"Sima Changkong, which side are you on?" Long Aotian said coldly.

"Aotian, don't be rude!" Long Shenwu said in a deep voice.

"Huh!" Long Aotian snorted.

"How about Mr. Yi?" Long Shenwu frowned.

"I once advised Lord Wang not to be too aggressive, otherwise civil aggression would be aroused, but ..." Sima Changkong sighed slightly.

Long Shenwu shook his head: "The Halloween Convention is imminent, and the Holy Order has sent an urgent order. I can only speed up the progress and slowly appease it later!"

Sima Changkong nodded his head: "Time is really urgent. There are two hundred cities in Dayuan. After all, there are too many Dahan to receive the city, but it is not easy to handle. It is obviously impossible to prevent Dahan from closing the city. We can only try to make them collect less. We must collect all the cities bordering Dahan as soon as possible, and then the other cities are separated by our defense line, and there is no chance to invest in Dahan! "

"Okay!" Dragon God Wuying said.


The Dahan Dynasty, the borderless city of heaven, went to the study.

In the study, there are only Gu Hai and Gu Qin.

"Father Emperor, Mr. Mo has collected fifteen cities, but Long Shenwu's army has responded quickly and is quickly attacking the cities that border us!" Gu Qin worried.

"Want to separate Dahan with a line of defense? Oh, this time began to separate Dahan? It's too late. If you can't help it, just give it to Mr. Mo!" Gu Hai shook his head and smiled.

"Yes!" Gu Qin laughed.

Gu Hai slowly took out a scroll and handed it to Gu Qin.

"Father Emperor, what is this?" Gu Qin wondered.

Speaking, Gu Qin gently opened the scroll. I saw extremely complicated graphics on the scrolls. Gu Qin studied for a while, and was surprised: "Father Emperor, is this formation? Not chess formation?"

Gu Hai nodded: "Why the annihilation of the annihilation is because of it!"

"Oh? What kind of picture is this?" Gu Qin stunned slightly.

"Ashura's mysterious entrance forged map!" Gu Hai Shen said.

"Asura entrance?" Gu Qin wondered.

"According to this picture, you preside over the secret construction!" Gu Hai Shen cried.

Gu Qin studied for a while and frowned, "Yes, just, the forging map of the entrance to the mystery is more difficult than the original battlefield where the borderless sky was floating in the sky. It's not that bad. It takes a lot of materials and it takes a lot of time to collect! "

"I will arrange Chen Tianshan to be responsible for collecting these materials. You can do your best to build them!" Gu Haishen said.


"From the various signs of the Daqian Heavenly Dynasty, I feel that there may be something big happening on the land of Shenzhou. The Dahan dynasty is too weak. Under this big thing, if you are not careful, it will die out. Dahan must become strong as soon as possible. The forged map of Ashura's mysterious entrance is a key thing, and no mistake can be made! "Gu Haishen said.

"Father Emperor rest assured, the child will go all out!" Gu Qin solemnly said.

Gu Hai nodded.

"Your cultivation seems to be rising very fast? Almost to reach Yuan Ying Realm?" Gu Hai looked to Gu Qin.

Gu Qin nodded: "Yes, in the inheritance of the old people who watch chess, there are some secret methods that make me practice particularly fast, but I just have a bad feeling!"

"Oh?" Gu Hai wondered.

"These secret methods I practice ... how do you say? Uh, it seems as if a secret door has been left, and I can't say what the hidden dangers are, but there is always a strange feeling!" Qin frowned.

"Secret door?" Gu Hai frowned slightly.

Looking at the nine chess players, the first nine boys may have discovered the so-called secret door, so they repeatedly wanted to find substitutes? Passing on to others?

Secret door?

"If it's dangerous, don't practice it. The Dahan dynasty now has countless exercises ...!" Gu Hai frowned.

Gu Qin shook his head and smiled bitterly: "For other exercises, how can the old man watching chess leave fast? And once he practices, he can't stop! Children don't want to change!"

Staring at Gu Qin for a while, Gu Hai nodded.


Since the success of the city's surrender to the Dahan dynasty, the news spread to the square cities of the Yuan Dynasty like wings.

Emperor Xiyu was buried with the emperor's ceremonies, and the people did not thank Dragon God Wu, instead they thanked the Dahan Dynasty.

There was a great deal of resistance against the Dagan, and when the dragons and martial arts took over the city, they were even more aggressive. The good governance enjoyed by the people of the Dahan Dynasty came. For a time, more and more cities wanted to join the Dahan Dynasty.

Of course, there are those who are unwilling to join the Dahan Dynasty.

Until the Long Shenwu army completely cut off the borders of the Dahan Dynasty and isolated the Yuan Dynasty, the Dahan Dynasty received a total of 35 cities, plus the empty cities that were included in the Dahan Dynasty in the past, a total of 36 cities.

At one time, the number of Dahan Dynasty cities reached as many as sixty.


In the palace hall, Long Shenwu shot on the desk case with one palm.

"Thirty-five cities? A bunch of waste!" Long Shenwu glared angrily.

Sima Changkong smiled slightly bitterly: "Master, in fact, the heads of the legions have done their best, only 35 cities, and finally cut off!"

"The Emperor Yuan Dynasty has only two hundred cities in total. His ancient sea is really a dog dog. Thirty-five, more than his Dahan Dynasty land!" Long Aotian was also depressed.

Long Shenwu got angry for a while, slowly suppressing the anger in his heart.

"Nothing, just thirty-five, thirty-five, hum!" Long Shenwu could only helplessly.


The city of the Dahan Dynasty reached sixty, and its territory has almost doubled.

The borderless sky is in the study.

Gu Hai sat at his desk, and the commanders of the army stood on both sides.

"The emperor pardoned the crime, and the court only accepted 35 cities!" Mo Yike smiled bitterly.

"No, sir is doing very well, because sir, I have doubled the territory of Dahan. What's so strange about it?" Gu Hai laughed suddenly.

Mo Yike shook his head and said, "No, there is no minister, the emperor can receive these cities, the minister did nothing, but unfortunately, he failed to charge more!"

"More? Hehe, Mr. Mo, the thirty-five seat is already the limit of Dahan, isn't it? Only the gentleman can grasp this degree, if others ..., hehe!" Gu Haiwei smiled.

On the side, Chen Tianshan, the commander of the Second Corps, frowned: "What? Mr. Mo intentionally only charges so much?"

On the one hand, Bing Ji, the third army commander, said silently: "Mr. Mo's wisdom, thirty-five, is indeed the limit that I can collect. If there are more, it will be jealous!"

Gu Hai nodded: "Dahan is still developing, let's take it slowly!"

"Yes!" The commanders of the army responded.

As the people discussed, the voice of a guard came from outside the house.

"Emperor Qilu, the prince brought Mu Chenfeng to see the emperor!" The guard said respectfully.

"Oh? Mu Chenfeng? Isn't he from Silvermoon City? Let them in!" Gu Hai frowned.

Mu Chenfeng, the master of Yipintang's wooden rudder, used to cast the first piano building on the street with the ancient sea in Yinyue City. Later, Guhai Town defended Yinyuecheng Industry and was in charge of contacting Yunmo, the owner of Shaozhuang of Yinyue Mountain Villa.

Soon, Gu Qin entered the study with Mu Chenfeng.

"Father Emperor! Mu Chenfeng found me earlier, and the situation was urgent, and the children and officials put down the government affairs at hand and came forward." Gu Qin respectfully said.

"Oh?" Gu Hai looked at Mu Chenfeng.

"Mu Chenfeng, meet the host!" Mu Chenfeng respectfully said.

"Mu Chenfeng, is there something wrong with Yinyue City?" Gu Hai wondered.

Mu Chenfeng frowned and looked at everyone in the study.

"All my uncles, say it!" Gu Hai Shen whispered.

Mu Chenfeng nodded and said, "The emperor, you used to send letters to the Quartet. There was news of Shangguan marks. The first time I reported it, I was worried about something on the road, so I came here in person!"

"Shangguan marks?" Gu Hai looked.

"Yes, the owner of Yunmo Village told me that he saw Shangguan marks on the property of Yinyue Mountain Villa and Yinyue Sea. There is still a lot of basalt." Mu Chenfeng solemnly said.

"Shangguanhen worked with you for a while in Yinyue City. Since the owner of Yunmo said that he saw it, he can't be wrong, Yinyuehai? Knowing where it is, that's fine." Gu Hai nodded.

"Listen to the owner of Yunmo Village. At that time, there were still a bunch of men and women who went to see Shangguan Mark. The first one seemed to be ..., Qingdi. Yes, it was Qingdi!" Mu Chenfeng recalled.

"What? Qing emperor?" Gu Qin glared suddenly and exclaimed.

Who is the Qing Emperor? Gu Hai has already told Gu Qin. According to the information found a few years ago, when Gu Hai was still mortal, the emperor took a group of strong men to Jiuwu Island, and they killed Gu Xian's wife, Chen Xianer. It is this Qing emperor who lost the ancient Tang and ancient Ming among the four ancient Qin brothers.

Qingdi? Dayan days, Emperor strongman.

Gu Qin's red-eyed exclamation made all the heads of the army feel ashamed, somehow.

"Qing Emperor? Oh!" Gu Hai smiled slightly.

However, no one has found out that Gu Hai's fist under the desk has shook his muscles.

PS: I will change it today. I ’m very sorry. The day after tomorrow we ’re getting married. Someone has arrived today. There is no way to code. There are still many things. The update was resumed on the 17th. In addition, these three days, WeChat public account, Sina Weibo will broadcast live marriage matters. The WeChat public account will send a red envelope to everyone on time at 12 o'clock on the 15th, as well as the candy for watching chess. The readers will be selected in the WeChat public account and sent to everyone. There will be live broadcast photos of these three days on Weibo. Everyone is interested. If you want candy or red envelopes, please add the WeChat public account: aiguanqi. Want to watch the three-day live broadcast of Jia Weibo 『柏跃跃』! Remember, Sina Weibo: Bai Yueyue. WeChat public account: aiguanqi

This book's first release comes from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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