Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 5 Chapter 6: Back to Silvermoon City

"Qing Emperor?" Gu Hai's eyes were still dull, but in his heart he had already rolled up huge waves and hated the sky.

"Father Emperor, the baby wants to go to Yinyue City!" Gu Qin called immediately with red eyes.

Gu Hai was silent for a while and said, "Well, you go down first, the Prince left!"

"Yes!" The crowd nodded and backed out.

When everyone left, Gu Qin could no longer restrain his emotions: "Father, the child is going to Silvermoon City and kills the emperor demon!"

"You go? Do you have the ability to go now?" Gu Hai Shen cried.

"Yes, the vengeance of killing the mother, don't wear it together, I must kill him!" Gu Qin suddenly said with red eyes.

"Kill him, it's not your turn!" Gu Hai said coldly.

"Father Emperor!" Said Gu Qin anxiously.

"Well, you guard the borderless sky, I'll go check it out!" Gu Hai Shen said.

Three days later.

After Gu Hai explained Dahan's government affairs, he took Mu Chenfeng, Mo Yike, and Bing Ji to the flying boat, and took a group of officials to the north.

Qin Zibai naturally follows Mo Yike and protects him personally.

On the flying boat, Gu Hai did not mention the Qing Emperor to Mo Yike and Bing Ji, but held an invitation in his hand and looked up.

Bing Ji and Mo Yike stood aside.

"Emperor, this is the invitation to the Halloween Convention sent by Tianting City?" Mo Yike laughed.

Gu Hai nodded.

"The Halloween Convention is rarely sent to private individuals. The Halloween Convention is divided into four competitions: piano, chess, books, and paintings. The emperor's chess, piano, and calligraphy are all brilliant in recent years. Naturally there will be His Majesty's Invitation! "Mo Yike laughed.

"Halloween Convention? Qin chess, calligraphy and painting, but what is the use?" Gu Hai wondered.

"This is a grand event for worshippers throughout the day. There must be some people participating in the three heavens and the three holy places. There will also be representatives from countless academies, qinyuans, chess academies, and painting academies! The Halloween Convention is once a thousand years The last time was hosted by the old man watching chess at Yi Tiange. "Bingji explained.

"Once a thousand years? Why?" Gu Hai wondered.

"It seems I heard that once every 1,000 years, what temple of the Taoist Temple opens, once every one thousand years, cultivators can enter, and the Halloween Conference is just to choose who enters!" Bingji recalled.

"Wen Tao Temple?" Gu Hai wondered.

"I've heard of Wendao Temple, but I haven't seen it!" Master Liu Nian shook his head.

Gu Hai was silent for a while, nodded, and carefully accepted the invitation.

The flying boat flew towards Silvermoon City.

Bingji and Mo Yike have guessed from the attitude of the ancient Qin that day that Silver Moon City had something about the ancient sea, but neither of them said much.

After more than a month. Feizhou slowly flew near Silvermoon City.

The Silver Moon City is still the old days, but the Silver Moon Sea outside the city is filled with fog, and the inner part is not clear!

"Lord, this is what I did when I left. I asked Yunmo, the owner of Yinyue Mountain Villa, that he didn't make this fog!" Mu Chenfeng frowned.

"Yeah!" Gu Hai looked at Yinyuehai, which was filled with fog.

"Emperor, you have revenge against the emperor?" Bingji couldn't help but worry.

"Oh?" Gu Hai looked at Bing Ji.

"On that day, Chen has already seen a clue, but I'm not sure, if the emperor came to the emperor to seek revenge, it is best, best ........." Bingji worried a little.

"What's the best?" Gu Hai chuckled.

"The young emperor is the world's strongest man, only stronger than the Xixi Emperor!" Bingji worried.

"Greater than Xiyu, only stronger or weaker?" Gu Hai eyelids.

"Yes, he used to go to the Sun Temple in the past and had a fight with Tai Chi. Although he did not win in the end, he did not lose! Moreover, he was not as pure as Emperor Xiyu. Deep! But it's my Dahan now .........! "Bingji worried.

"Is Dahan unable to deal with it now? Hahaha, Bingji, how can you be sure that I have resentment against him?" Gu Hai laughed.

Bingji looked at Gu Hai with a complex look. He could not see the mood and anger on Gu Hai's face. In the end, he could only smile a little bitterly: "Maybe I'm too sensitive!"

Gu Hai smiled slightly and nodded.

Turning his head, Gu Hai looked at Yinyue Hai again.

"The emperor, the fog of Yinyuehai, should it be a formation?" Mo Yike frowned.

"Maybe!" Gu Hai nodded.

Turning his head, Guhai no longer cares about Yinyuehai, but instead looks at Yinyue City. Although the enemies are deeply impressed, Guhai is not stunned by hatred.

Yinyuehai is an industry of Yinyue Shanzhuang. There are also a lot of formation methods in Yinyue Shanzhuang. You must go to Yinyue Shanzhuang to find out the situation.

"Go to Yinyue Mountain Villa!" Gu Hai Shen cried.

"Yes!" The official answered behind.


The flying boat flew towards Silvermoon City. Soon flew to the gate of the city.

At this moment, the guards at the gate of Yinyue City showed a look of anxiety, and looked at the city from time to time.

Suddenly a flying boat came.

Suddenly the guards of the city screamed, "Stop, flying boats are forbidden in the city.

Get off the flying boat and take the crane crane? Gu Hai didn't want to delay for a moment. Naturally, he didn't want to, and he took out the Yipintang token and let people hand it out.

Before he handed it out, a guard officer next to him blinked his eyes, and then he slaps his head and yells at the guard just now: "Blind your dog's eyes, Mr. Gu no longer knows? Mr. Gu entered the city and still wants to register you?"

"Ah?" The guard of the city looked blank.

The head of the guard greeted him with great enthusiasm: "Mr. Gu, you are finally back. It's great. Thanks to Mr. Gu, you haven't lost the five senses! This is a newcomer. Don't know Mr. Gu. Don't blame him. "

"Anyway!" Gu Hai smiled.

"Mr. Gu, please, please!" The head of the guard promptly and politely invited Feizhou to enter the city.

"Leader, no one in the city is allowed to fly, this is the rule set by the city owner!" The former guards anxiously said.

The guard's eyes widened: "The rule of the city? Mr. Gu said, everyone in the city listened to Mr. Gu. Do you believe it?"

"Ah?" The guard was silent.

Gu Hai smiled a little, didn't care much, and drove the flying boat towards the city.

"Mr. Gu, it's great that you can come back. Yinyue Mountain Villa has an accident. It has been down for half a month, and I heard that the owner of the house is almost unbearable!" Said the chief guard worried.

"Yinyue Mountain Villa? What's the matter?" Gu Hai frowned.

"Someone came to challenge Yinyue Villa, and Qindao confrontation was like Mr. Gu's last time!" Said the guard chief worried.

"Challenge Yinyue Mountain Villa? Why?" Gu Hai wondered.

"It seems I heard that it was for revenge for Waner!"

"Waner?" Gu Hai was surprised.

"Oh, I remember, they seem to be self-proclaimed violinists!" The chief guard recalled.

"Too good? Too strong? Wanshou Taoism?" Gu Hai's face sank.

ps: This is more than two thousand words, the word count is less, and the second one is added at night. There are also some trivial matters, forgive me.

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