Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 5 Chapter 7: Large raptor

The Dahan Dynasty, the skyless capital!

Gu Qin stood outside the Chongtian Hall, looking at the north, and a flash of anxiety and helplessness flashed in his eyes.

"Father Emperor, you will not let the son-in-law go to Yinyue City. The son-in-law knows that you are protecting the son-in-law, but Dahan must not have the father-in-law, father-in-law, you must return safely!" Gu Qin sighed slightly.

"Prince, Master Chen has collected a batch of materials. I don't know when to start the battle?" A subordinate walked behind Gu Qin.

Gu Qin turned his head and nodded, "Let's go!"

"Yes!" Said the subordinate respectfully.

Gu Qin left with his subordinates, but did not find that, beyond the borderless sky, in a cloud in the distance, on a flying boat, at this moment a man in red is watching Gu Qin from afar.

The man in red wore a scar on his forehead, his eyes narrowed, and stared at Gu Qin: "Oh, Gu Qin? Are you alive!"

Behind a group of subordinates, carefully serving.

On the flying boat, a banner was erected, writing a huge scarlet letter ‘Don’!

"Master Tang, this is all the information about the Dahan Dynasty that you asked us to query. We have tried our best, and I don't know what else to miss!" A subordinate worried.

Master Tang in red looked at the information on the table next to him.

"I've already seen it and missed it? Oh, tell me about Gu Hai's life!" Said Master Tang faintly.

"Yes, according to the information we have searched, Gu Hai came from an unknown family, and suddenly appeared at the age of thirty. He married Chen Xianer, who lives in the mortal kingdom Chen Guo, but Chen Xianer could n’t give birth, so he adopted two sons, Ancient Qin and Ancient Han. After Chen Xianer died of illness, Gu Hai went to the doctors to ask the immortal, and finally set foot in the practice world with the help of Long Wanqing, the master of the class! Then ......... Subordinate respectfully.

Master Tang gently tapped on the handrail of Feizhou, listening to Gu Hai's life, showing a hint of sneer.

"Two righteous sons? Oh, old man, oh, you are so lucky that you haven't died so many times? How long can you live?" Master Tang whispered, showing a hint of sneer.

"Master Tang, we have been delayed here for a while. Do you want to keep going? Otherwise, the delay is long. The emperor blame it, but I wait ...!" The subordinate worried.

Lord Tang turned his head, glanced at his subordinates, and said lightly, "Let's go north and go to heaven! The emperor has to wait long!"

"Yes!" The subordinates answered.


The flying boat circled around the borderless sky and quickly blasted towards the north.

There is no city in the sky. Almost everyone has not found this flying boat. There is only one person, the East is undefeated. When the flying boat left, he gave a puzzled glance.


Outside Silvermoon City, Silvermoon Sea.

Fog over the Silver Moon Sea. At this moment, on the periphery of the fog near Silvermoon City, a group of men stood on the flying boat, listening to the voice from Silvermoon City.

For the first one, a white robe showed a slight smile.

"Big fierce bird kills the song? Oh, people who are too close should hate Yinyue Mountain Villa. With such a fierce bird bombardment, Yinyue Mountain Villa can still resist, and it is indeed the legacy of Mr. Yinyue!" The white robe man sneered Road.

The man in the white robe said, and another man in the purple clothes laughed, "Seven kills, you are the emperor's celestial organ. You can hear clearly, what happened in Silvermoon City? That ’s too close, how did you use the fierce Poultry killing song? "

The man in the white robe killed the seventh indifferently and said, "Do your thing well, it doesn't matter, don't inquire!"

"Uh!" The man in Ziyi looked stiff, and then looked at Qisha's face for a while, but he didn't say much.

The crowd ignored the Seven Kills, only one kills seven, listening to the movements in the city.


In Silvermoon City.

The ancient sea flying boat quickly flew towards Yinyue Mountain Villa, and not long after, it was not far from Yinyue Mountain Villa.

"Mr. Gu, that's where, that's where, look!" The captain of the gate leading the road suddenly pointed out in the distance.

"唳!" "唳!" "唳!" ………………

A group of hundreds of giant vultures made a sharp cry, dived down, and slammed into Yinyue Mountain Villa.

Each vulture is as big as a hundred feet, with blue light all over its body, crashing into a large array of enchantments outside Yinyue Mountain Villa.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom ...............!"

The violent bird hit the enchantment and burst into a blast. Make a loud noise.

The loud noise was fierce, and it seemed that there was a big fierce breath, which made people hear a tremor.

Yinyue Shanzhuang shook violently, and seemed to be broken at any time.

The vulture burst out, strangely in a ripple, suddenly reborn.

"These vultures are fake? They have been transfigured with the sound of a piano?" Mo Yike frowned in surprise.

Sure enough, these vultures are all transparent. Around Yinyue Mountain Villa, the sound waves are ups and downs, forming ripples. At the junction of these sound waves, vultures are gathered. Outside Yinyue Shanzhuang, it was the ten white-clad violinists who turned the vultures by sound waves.

Qin Yin seems to be controlled near Yinyue Mountain Villa, but it can't be transmitted, but playing it again and again makes the fierce vultures of hundreds of blooming vultures more fierce.

"Oh!" "Oh!" ………………

The vulture shouted as if carrying a frightening thriller.

"Just, just, right there, every time I hear the monster's cry, I'm frightened!" The guard at the gate of the city gate said with a cold face.

"This is the piano channel, frightened! The extremely shady piano channel!" Bingji frowned.

"Fearful?" Gu Hai frowned at Bing Ji.

Bingji nodded and said, "In the Qin Dao, there are many effects. Some piano sounds can break the five senses, just like Waner Fairy's former" Tragedy World ", and some piano sounds can break people's emotions. However, it should be "guts"! Once a person loses his courage, if he is light, he will continue to practice without recklessness, even going backwards. If he is serious, he will be completely scared to death! "

"Broken?" Gu Hai's face was gloomy.

"If I'm not mistaken, this should be the 'Big Killing Birds' by Wanshou Taoism!" Bingji frowned.

"Big fierce bird killing music?" Mo Yike frowned.

"Big fierce birds kill music, there are a hundred kinds of fierce birds, but I don't know, they can play the first one!" Bingji worried.

Sure enough, as hundreds of vultures blew themselves up, they made a shocking explosion.

More masters of the Quartet played the piano.

"Oh!" "Oh!" ………………

Another group of white harpists played, and suddenly, among the ripples of the piano, one peacock popped up again, ferociously rushing to the enchantment of Yinyue Mountain Villa like a vulture.


The sound of bangs made the residents of the Quartet flee everywhere and fled towards the distance.

Under the influence of embarrassment, ordinary practitioners inexplicably showed fear.

There are hundreds of musicians playing outside of Silvermoon Villa.

Peacocks, vultures, eagles, and all kinds of fierce birds rushed to the enchantment of Yinyue Shanzhuang, and the sound of fierceness moved the world.

Above the enchantment, a large number of cracks appeared.

Within the enchantment, Yun Mo's face was playing with ugliness, and a group of disciples of Yinyue Shanzhuang behind him, at this moment also followed Yun Mo to play the tunes, one by one showing anxiety. sweating a lot.

Some people have blood on their fingers, but don't dare stop for a moment. Some disciples of Yinyue Mountain Villa who were lowered to the bottom showed the color of horror and shivered. One more, as if scared to death.

"Feng Tonglao, are you going to kill me at Yinyue Mountain Villa?" Yun Mo cried angrily.

Outside the realm, the white jazz master is in charge of a jurassic man who is only a child tall but old. The man's face was ugly, and he was even more embarrassed.

"Hurry up and kill? Giggle, Yun Mo, it was Waner you killed that you almost died? Robbing Waner's body, ready to give you the old owner of Yinyue Mountain Villa, that old guy's body to take away? Huh, you dare to kill me Waner? I want you to die! "Jurassic Fengtong's old face was sulking.

"I have already apologized to her!" Yun Mo said anxiously.

"Apologize? Giggle, what about apologizing? I'm going to kill you! What about the old owner? What about the old thing? He's dead, you don't need to exist in Yinyue Mountain Villa!" Feng Tong said coldly.

"Give me bombs, a hundred kinds of fierce birds, greet me all and kill them!" Feng Tong said coldly.

"Yes!" Hundreds of musicians continued to pluck the strings.

"I, I can't stand it, help me, help me!" A disciple suddenly appeared in Yinyue Mountain Villa, frightened, and quickly fled to the outside world.


Enchantment didn't seem to stop the appalled frightened disciple, letting it go out instantly.

"Wow, wow, alas, alas ........."

In an instant, hundreds of fierce birds wrapped them up.

"No ~~!"

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~!"

Hundreds of fierce birds burst into flames, and the man who had just escaped immediately fell down.

"This blew up and didn't blow him up?" The former city gate captain horrified.

"These violent birds are all fake. No, they are just a kind of spiritual venomous bird, which was exploded in his heart. The explosion just now was not his physical body, but his spirit. Go, scared to death! "Bingji said with an ugly face.

"So, the enchantment of Yinyue Villa is not to block the real objects, but to block the sound wave?" Gu Haishen said.

Bingji nodded strangely: "Emperor, your piano is so powerful, you should know that this enchantment is simply the piano shield that Yunmo played."

Gu Hai did not explain why he was unclear, but it did not hinder Gu Hai's understanding.

"So, in fact, this is not an enchantment. It is just the contact surface between the internal and external sound waves. It is like the encounter of water and oil. The junction is formed at the junction. Submerged? As soon as Yunmo stopped, the enchantment disappeared, and all the fowls exploded in their hearts? Are they finished? "Gu Hai said in a deep voice.

"Huh!" Bingji looked at Gu Hai in doubt, and nodded.

PS: Sorry, it's late today, there are still more trivia, a thousand words difference, I'll make up tomorrow. Today QQ chat is temporarily unavailable. These days, when I have cleaned up my chores, I start to break out.

This book's first release comes from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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