Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 5 Chapter 8: Play the whole city

Outside of Silvermoon Villa.

The strong man from Taishangdao attacked Yinyue Mountain Villa with "Big Killing Birds" and trapped everyone in it.

Under the sound of attack, it is a sound wave of a hundred kinds of fierce birds, fiercely impacting Yunmo's resistance. As long as you are not careful, you will be scared by the breathless horror of this sound, lose your courage, and even be scared to death.

Yinyue Mountain Villa, without the old owner, was supported by Yunmo. Although it barely blocked it, it was like a lone boat on the stormy sea, which was drowned by the waves at any time.

The surrounding people fled in horror.

Although the sounds of Taishang Tao were mainly attacking Yinyue Shanzhuang, a little bit of aftershocks spread out, which made the people frightened, their courage disintegrated, and fled quickly.

Under this piano sound, it seems that there is an instinctive fear.

Tai Shang Dao is the first person. He is a Jurassic man, known as Feng Tong Lao, playing the tune with his face full of faces, and directing hundreds of luthiers to play the song "The Big Killing Bird" along with it, to be here for the fairy Fairy. The grievances are vengeful.

Yinyue Mountain Villa, although a scandal happened a few years ago, made Yinyue Mountain Villa famous, but Yinyue Mountain Villa is the pride of Yinyue City after all.

At this moment, Yinyue Mountain Villa was about to fall, and the entire people of Yinyue City looked at the group of foreigners with their enemies. However, no one can approach, because the timid piano sound directly acts on the spirit, and once approached, it will be hurt.

"Lord of the city, let's get over, the owner of Yunzhuang will not be able to hold on!" Outside, a team of soldiers shouted at the host of a scholar.

It was the new town owner of Silvermoon City, and now he looked grimly at the remote Qindao showdown.

The new town master has not spoken yet, and in the distance Feng Tong seems to hear the call from the rear and turns his head. The musicians' ears are amazing.

Feng Tonglao sneered: "Sima City Lord, we are the distinguished guests invited. Now, we have settled our personal grudges. You better not interfere in any way!"

Daqin invited guests? There was a twitch in the main face of the new city, and it was indeed a cadre who invited to attend the Halloween conference. It was really difficult for him.

"Citylord, let's get out of the way, let's teach this group of Xiaoxiao!"

"City Lord, my Silvermoon City, when were you afraid of outsiders?"




The generals shouted angrily on Thursday and Monday. Why Yinyue City is famous all over the world, the people in the city are proud of the people of Yinyue City, it is because of Yinyue Mountain Villa and Qindao Holy Land. Now, someone wants to destroy their pride. Even if this pride has made a mistake, it is still irreplaceable in the hearts of the people. If someone **** on your head, what else should be taken into account?

The new master of the city is a grind.

"Citylord, let's go, Yinyue Mountain Villa cannot be destroyed!"

"City Lord, that is the sacred place of my Silvermoon City, and Silvermoon Villa cannot be lost!"




Suddenly, the people in the Quartet shouted. One shouted, ten shouted, one hundred, ten thousand, one hundred thousand, one million.

At this moment, the whole city seemed to be calling.

At this moment, the owner of the new city suddenly found out the position of Yinyue Mountain Villa in the hearts of the people. I am still too naive. At this time, still thinking about power and pros and cons? Today, even if the pros and cons are weighed, in the end the people in the city hate themselves.

"Let's go, generals, drive this group of outsiders out of Silvermoon City, and return me to Silvermoon Quietness!" The new town owner yelled.

"Yes ~!" Countless soldiers shouted in excitement.

"Arrow the arrow!" There was a scream from the long distance.


Tens of thousands of arrow feathers shot at Taishangdao crowd. The arrow rain was fierce, and it seemed that it was necessary to shoot a group of musicians into a sieve in an instant.

Feng Tonglao turned his head, revealing a sneer: "Oh, before he left, the giant had explained that he must not harm civilians for no reason, so our piano sounds did not let go of the city. But this time, it is you who stir up Yes, you asked for it? It's no wonder that we are, big killing birds. Everyone listen, let go of the shackles and play the whole city! "

Feng Tong sighed coldly, and all the virtuoso musicians sang loudly: "Yes ~!"

"Don't!" Yunmo of Yinyue Mountain Villa suddenly exclaimed.


The rolling sounds burst out, centered on the ethereum violinist, the sounds of the sounds soared into the sky, forming a sonic storm, and in an instant, the sky rushed to all directions, above the sky, it suddenly condensed a rolling black cloud cover. Next, a great depression atmosphere shook the city.

"Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow!" ……………………

Suddenly, the number of fierce birds that previously surrounded Yinyue Mountain Villa suddenly skyrocketed ten or hundred times.

Tens of thousands of arrows rain came, and it seemed that they were about to rush to a group of over-the-top violinists, and the fierce birds immediately welcomed them.


A vulture, a frightful bird, screamed sharply.


Suddenly, a high-frequency oscillation suddenly formed above the arrow feathers, bursting out in the buzzing.


The arrow feathers instantly exploded into powder.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom ...............!"

One arrow feather followed by another arrow feather. All of the arrow rain that was shot all burst into shreds under high-frequency sound waves.

"What?" The distant master suddenly changed his face.

The people and soldiers of the whole city also changed their faces.

Previously, it was just some aftermaths, and the people were frightened and frightened, but now, it is all the sound waves that burst out, covering the entire Silvermoon City.

The sky was overcast with clouds covering the city.

Among the dark clouds, there seemed to be black, black piano-shaped clouds.

"Lyme?" The face of the new town's face changed.

But when he saw the virtuoso pianist playing the piano below, the dark cloud and black piano in the sky followed.

"唳, 唳, 唳 ..................!"

Overwhelmingly, the endless violent birds suddenly flew over the Silver Moon City. For a time, the violent birds rushed towards the city in all directions, towards hundreds of people.

"Wow, wow, wow .........!"

The babies and children shuddered in horror at first.

"Don't, don't, help, ah ........."

The sound of the huge piano sound scared hundreds of people and showed a thrill, and kept shouting no.

"Sound barrier, quickly, open the barrier!" Exclaimed Yunmo's owner in Yinyue Mountain Villa.

The people were so frightened because of themselves, and Yun Mo was extremely anxious in his heart for a while, but this group of virtuoso musicians was too powerful.

Sound impaired? Countless places in the city have started the small sound barrier array method.

However, there are too many people, and it is impossible for everyone to arrange the formation. The people protected by the sound barrier are less than one ten thousandth. Other people could only be scared and screamed.

It is useless even if there is a sound barrier, Yinyue Villa has a sound barrier, why is it still so embarrassing?

But I saw a place with sound barriers, and suddenly three fierce birds dived down and crashed into the sound barrier.


The fierce bird exploded on its own, and the huge high-frequency vibration instantly broke the sound barrier enchantment.

"Do not!"

The people inside horrified.

For a moment, hundreds of people in the city showed horror, holding their heads and huddling, horrified.


At this moment, the Silvermoon City surrounded by countless fierce birds did not even have the courage to escape, and countless people were crying with fright. Some luthiers played the harp, but many of the pieces were useless.

Some even played the ancient "Sadness"! However, the Qin Tao is complicated, and the sadness is the fighter's unyielding destiny, but now it is not fate oppression, but the horror fright. The sadness is resistant to external oppression, but this fright comes from the heart and is useless at all.

Anyone who is touched by a furious bird is instantly frightened and instantly killed.

"Dad, dad, no, dad, don't you die, ah!"

"You killed my mother, ah, help, ah!"




The sound of panic pervaded the city. Only a few people close to the gate fled. The others were horrified and terrified.

The new town owner was even more anxious: "Dare you! Damn, stop!"

Holding a writing brush in the hand of the New Town owner, a volley of empty paintings, all the gold light rushed straight out. However, the big poultry kills the song too fiercely, and there are countless fierce birds. Even the new town owner can only hide in the sound barrier, exposing thriller color.

Scared, scared, scared!

The people showed despair. Like the end of the world, it was a panic, and everyone was shaking.

Feng Tonglao sneered, "You asked for it! Hum! You can't help it!"

Yun Mo's eyes became wet instantly. In the past, he made mistakes. Yun Mo felt that all people in the city looked at himself with contempt. He even felt inferior in his heart. The people in the city are still very concerned about themselves. When they are in trouble, everyone is trying to protect themselves.

Instantly, the eyes became red, and a warm air flowed in my heart.

Yun Mo instantly understood the words of the old owner.

"Yun Mo, Silvermoon City is our root, our home, and a place worthy of our life to defend!"

Yunmo realized that he felt a sense of belonging to Silvermoon City for a moment. These people are worthy of defending, but they brought them into the abyss.

"Feng Tonglao, you must not die!" Yun Mo shouted angrily

"Huh, it's not easy to die? But I have never died, but you, you do not die, this group of people will accompany you to suffer, or else, how can you decide on your own?" Feng Tong Lao sneered.

"Zhuangzhu, don't!" Exclaimed a crowd of Yinyueshanzhuang disciples.

However, Yun Mo looked at the people with red eyes and lost his courage in horror. All the horrors were going crazy.

So desperate, but helpless. Yun Mo smiled bitterly, but his eyes slowly firmed, as if to make a certain determination.

"Mr. Gu, you are ready to go, Mr. Gu, you can save the people, Mr. Gu, Mr. Gu!" Suddenly, an anxious shout came from the sky.

Mr. Gu?

The nearby people huddled to the ground, and looked tremblingly with their voices. Suddenly saw a flying boat. Above the flying boat, a black brocade man was standing at this moment.

"Ancient sea?"

"It's Mr. Gu, Mr. Gu!"

"Mr. Gu is back, Mr. Gu, help!"




Hundreds of people suddenly showed ecstasy.

ps; the next change, ten minutes later!

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