Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 5 Chapter 9: "Hundred Birds Phoenix"

This is the second more! ——

Silver Moon Sea!

Celestial Qin, seven kills, stood against his shoulders, looking at the Silver Moon City covered by dark clouds.

Seven Kills revealed a sneer: "Feng Tong Lao? You really have the courage to kill the whole city? Forcing Yun to die? What kind of gentleness are you to that, but you are really infatuated. Unfortunately, you are a Juras, too Paranoid, what do you know about Waner's disapproval? "

The Seven Kills sneered listening to the voice of the city: "Yinyue Mountain Villa? The skinny dead camel is bigger than the horse. Even if it doesn't end here, the people are still attached. When Mr. Yinyue was alive, the world's piano master, who dare to come to Yinyue The villa is wanton? What a pity, what a pity ...! "

Seven Kill's ears can hear the sound of the city, but there is no meaning to help Yinyue Mountain Villa. Just listen.

Hearing, his eyes narrowed suddenly.

"Mr. Gu? Gu Hai? How could the people look so expectant?"

In Silvermoon City.

"Big Killing Birds" played the whole night of the city, and the ancient sea flying boat quickly separated the inside and outside with sound barriers.

Rolling fierce birds suddenly appeared on all sides of the city, and the fierce scene suddenly changed the faces of everyone on the flying boat.

This is not a physical attack. If it is an ordinary bird, Bingji can solve it. This is a mental attack. It cannot be touched at all, only the spirit can be touched. As soon as you touch it, your heart is instantly struck by lightning.

In all directions, someone had fallen.

Hundreds of people huddled to the ground in sorrow, some scared to death, some scared, and no one could escape. Both humans and animals are shocked.

escape? A flying boat just soared into the sky. Instantly blasted by the high-frequency sound waves of the fowl. The flying boat fell.

"Emperor, can this song be dealt with?" Bingji suddenly looked at Gu Hai.


In the ancient sea's mind, there were several tunes on the earth flashing, but those tunes are useful? This master of piano is a fake, and every time I guess, I guess.

Gu Hai smiled slightly bitterly before she had time to speak. Suddenly ten fierce birds found the ancient sea flying boat. Come crashing.


There was a loud noise, and the high-frequency sound wave instantly shattered the sound barrier. The flying boat suddenly shook and seemed to fall.

As soon as the enchantment broke, the sound of rolling violins suddenly burst into the ears of everyone.


Gu Hai suddenly heard a loud noise, as if the thunder exploded in his ears. For a moment, all the fur on Gu Hai was erected. At that moment, the sound of the piano sounded into the ear, as if the soul was shaking.


In the eyebrow, Tianzhen Shenxi suddenly slammed a town, and immediately calmed down the shaking spirit.

"What a great piano sound!" Bingji's face changed.

Mo Yike's face turned wild, and his heart fluttered. Others are even worse.

"Mr. Gu, you are ready to go, Mr. Gu, you can save the people, Mr. Gu, Mr. Gu!" The guard at the side of the city gate called anxiously.

Mr. Gu?

The nearby people huddled to the ground, and looked tremblingly with their voices. Suddenly saw a flying boat. Above the flying boat, a black brocade man was standing at this moment.

"Ancient sea?"

"It's Mr. Gu, Mr. Gu!"

"Mr. Gu is back, Mr. Gu, help!"




Hundreds of people suddenly showed ecstasy.

The people were ecstatic, but Guhai was helpless. Can their own songs be used?

"Emperor, a great song!" Mo Yike's face turned wild, and it seemed difficult to stick to the general.

"Emperor, help!" The other subordinates also cried in horror.

The courage collapsed, and everyone was frightened and looked at Gu Hai in horror.

Feizhou fled, it was too late, and countless fierce birds in the Quartet seemed to have discovered the ancient sea. Successors flew in.

Are we destined to be scared to death? The emperor, isn't the emperor's piano very powerful? Ask the emperor for help.

For a moment, Gu Hai became the focus of everyone.

"Mr. Gu, hurry up, hurry up and save the people in the city, Mr. Gu!" Yun Mo shouted excitedly.

At this moment of despair, Mr. Gu arrived? Saved!

"Ancient sea?" Feng Tonglao suddenly looked cold when he heard the name of ancient sea.

"Which ancient sea are you? Is it the ancient sea that scorns Waner's sister?" Feng Tonglao suddenly showed his face.

In the past, Guhai was in the metropolis, saying that Waner was his wife. Feng Tong always wanted to kill Guhai, but he never had a chance. Now, he comes by himself?

"Mr. Gu, I am a disciple of the Sima family. The chief of the minority clan, Sima Changkong, has explained. If there is a crisis, if Mr. Gu is present, everything depends on Mr. Gu!" The distant new town master suddenly exulted.

Gu Hai's eyelids leaped wildly, everyone looked at himself, but could he do it?

"Try it, is there a piano?" Gu Hai frowned.

"Emperor, piano, there is a piano over there!" Mo Yike pointed to the first piano building in the distance.

It was a platform for the ancient sea to play the piano. Although the ancient sea was gone, the piano was still on it.


Suddenly a fierce bird dived down, crashed into the piano, and high-frequency sound waves hit.


That piano instantly exploded into powder.

"I have a guqin, use mine!" A musician shouted below.


Suddenly, a large number of fierce birds rushed away and could not be delivered at all.

On the flying boat, everyone hurriedly flipped their own things, but nothing.

"No, no, why not?" The crowd was anxious.

The former city gate guard turned his hands and took a suona from his waist.

"Mr. Gu, there isn't Guqin, can this Suona work?" The guard of the city gate said bitterly.

"Suona?" Gu Hai froze slightly, but, having no time to think about it, took it over immediately.


Gu Hai's head reflected a lot of tunes just now, with Suona, there is exactly one tune.

After practice, Gu Hai's body coordination ability is extremely strong. Although the musical instrument is complicated, it is extremely easy to get started with Gu Hai's current agility, not to mention, Suona is not complicated.

Blow yourself?

Useless, Guhai has no artistic conception of Qin Tao.

"All the luthiers, learn from me with Qin Tao's artistic conception!" Gu Hai shouted suddenly.

Bingji quickly turned on the sound reinforcement array.

Learn from you?

Numerous musicians froze slightly, but, in terror, they didn't have much thought at all.

"Go with me, kill him, fierce birds, fierce birds!" Feng Tong boss yelled.

During the speech, the guqin played by Feng Tong's hands was also extremely fast, one by one the violent birds rushed away. At the front was a group of vultures, roaring. Before the mighty power arrived, the people on the flying boat were instantly trembling.

Gu Hai grabbed Suona and blew against her mouth.

"Mia Miramira Miramah ~!"

Suona's voice carried a weird sense of shouting. The first sound of it sounded like a terrifying blast, like a ground-breaking voice.

It's a pity that the suona sound of the ancient sea has no Qindao mood in it, that is, the ordinary music. At first glance, I was shocked, but it had no other effect.

Feng Tonglao sneered: "There is no mood in Qin Tao, and he still has a face to fight with me? Go to death, Gu Hai!"

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm! ...............!"

The bald vultures rushed forward, showing their fierce light, as if the ancient sea and the flying boat were to be disintegrated in high-frequency sound waves in an instant.

The suona of the ancient sea can only surprise people. It is just that there is no Qindao mood, but what if there is a Qindao mood?

As the sound of the ancient sea spread out, the first one to be imitated with the guqin was Yun Mo.

"Mia ~ Mira Miramira!"

The melody filled with Qin Dao's artistic conception suddenly made the vultures rushing towards the ancient sea slightly stagnant.

It was a little stagnation, a group of vulture vultures, as if suddenly trembling, stopped in a daze.

"What?" Feng Tong's old face changed. How did his own fowl stop?

"It's done?" No one in the city suddenly showed ecstasy.

Because, in addition to Yun Mo, there are many musicians who also learn the sound of the ancient sea's suona, playing it, and it became instantaneous. They swooped down to their own frightful birds, and stopped suddenly, showing their confusion.

"It's done?" Said the new town owner excitedly.

The Seven Kills are also frowning deeply on the sea of ​​Yinyue: "There is no reason for this person to have no artistic conception. Why is this song so strange?"

In the city, not far from Yinyue Mountain Villa, in a restaurant, a powder-coated man was sitting at the moment, and others were scared and frightened, but this powder-coated man was sitting safely at the restaurant window, drinking fine wine, watching Outside war. It seems that the sonic impact has no effect on men in general. Men's posture is normal, the only difference is the left hand, which has one more finger and six fingers than ordinary people.

"Oh? Suona track? In this first sound, there is a breath of kingship? No, it should be the breath of kings of poultry? This is, Phoenix?" The six-finger powder-painted man frowned.


That's right, the ancient sea played "Hundred Birds and Phoenix". The name of this tune is not very loud, but the Huaxia of the Earth in the ancient seas has been heard by almost everyone. This is a song that has been incorporated into the bones of all people. The earth has been passed down for hundreds of thousands of years in the past. It is enduring. As long as someone is married, carrying a sedan and other happy events, it is all this song. Fine, thousand years of endless repertoire.

Although folklore, the enduring millennium must have its uniqueness.

Gu Hai blew down and played drums in her heart, but as Yun Mo played, Gu Hai's heart was let go. Sure enough, this tune also works.

"Duck, what do you stop? Continue playing and destroy the ancient sea for me!" Feng Tonglao glared angrily.

A plethora of virtuosos played quickly.

"Ugh! Ugh!" ...............

A loud roar rang from the Quartet, one by one, the fierce birds rushed towards the place where the ancient sea was located. In that scene, thousands of birds rushed and fiercely fluttered at their faces.

If before, this scene would be enough to scare many people to death.

However, at this moment, countless musicians played "Hundred Birds and Phoenix" in front of the ancient sea. For a time, countless piano and Taoism artistic conceptions converged, and not far from the ancient sea, a **** was condensed. An extremely ordinary tit.

The **** cheered out, and all of a sudden, the flames of all the birds were suppressed.

This is the first paragraph of the song "Hundred Birds and Phoenix", and the **** wailed.

As soon as the **** wailed, the small **** was flying around, aimlessly, but innocent and extremely joyful. The scene immediately made the atmosphere that was extremely depressed just now happy.

The rhythm of the fowl seems to be disrupted by the **** in an instant.

"What? Quickly, why did you stop it? Go and kill it!" Feng Tonglao anxiously said.

However, the anxiety of Feng Tong was useless, and all the top piano musicians suddenly sweated a lot, because as the mood of the piano of the hundred birds turned towards the phoenix, it seemed to be interfering with "Big Killing Birds", one This kind of weird interference.

Seeing the **** stopped abruptly from each of the fierce birds, it can be seen that the sound of the century-old phoenix is ​​in the raid sound zone.

The **** appears happily, no, it's not just cheerful, it's more like a joke, it flies around, it will fly to the peacock's tail to coat its hair, and it will fly to its bald head to stand. Not afraid of these fowls at all.

"It's blown up, fast. The peacock playing over there has blown up that tit!" Feng Tonglao was furious.

"Out of control, the peacock is out of my control!" Said some anxious piano teachers anxiously.

"What?" Feng Tong's face changed.

Outside of Silvermoon City, the Seven Kills suddenly sank: "The interference of the piano channel? Manipulating the other piano channel? Who is this person? When did Silvermoon City have such a character?"

In a blink of an eye, enter the second paragraph of "Hundred Birds", spring back to the earth.

As the quartet pianist continued to play, the **** in the air suddenly spread its wings, as if suddenly a green sound ripple spread out.

"Quick, block, block his sound!" Exclaimed Feng Tong's eyes with a stun.

But this green sound wave could not be blocked at all, and it spread throughout the city instantly, and went straight to the dark clouds.

In a blink of an eye, all the birds were infected with green sound waves.


The **** flirted everywhere, and wherever they flew, the bad birds forgot everything and accompanied the **** to play.

The vicious birds stopped attacking the people of the Quartet as if they had forgotten everything. Tricked by teasing tits.

"Hmm! Hmm!" .........

The roaring birds roared cheerfully.

"Atmosphere, is something wrong?" The Seven Kills outside the city froze.

With the third paragraph of "Hundred Birds and Phoenix", Ying Ge Yan Wu.

The atmosphere of the entire Silvermoon City was biased. The previous fierce spirit, shocked, and instantly turned into a cheerful, extremely joyous scene.

Is that still the most aggressive fierce birds before? Is this all amused?

Feng Tonglao feels dumbfounded. My song, obviously a sad and frightened song, why did it become joyful? Can anyone tell me why it is so joyful?

"Scared them, scared them?" Feng Tonglao played the song desperately.

However, the atmosphere at this moment is weird and joyous.

"Mr. Gu, it's done, your tune, it's done!" Yunmo followed Gu Hai in excitement.

In a blink of an eye, "A Hundred Birds Phoenix" entered the fourth stage, and the forest was playing.

While playing in the forest, the **** suddenly returned to normal and no longer teased. Instead, they began to shuttle among the hundred birds, and to the place where the peacocks were killed. Alas, give the tits, the **** stick them to themselves.

Then, the **** flies to various other venomous birds. Every time it comes out, the venomous bird takes out its best feathers to the tit, and the **** puts it on itself.

Hundreds of evil birds each presented the best feathers. In a blink of an eye, the **** is no longer a tit. The **** gathers all the beautiful feathers of the evil birds. In a blink of an eye, it has become a huge phoenix.

The "Hundred Birds Phoenix" also entered the fifth paragraph, the 100 Birds Phoenix.


The phoenix stood on the side of the ancient sea and gathered the most beautiful feathers of the hundred birds. At this moment, a mighty prestige radiated and rushed directly to a group of fierce birds.

Although the hundred kinds of fierce birds no longer danced joyfully, suddenly it seemed as if they felt a great oppression, and the breath of the emperor of a hundred birds was overwhelmed.

The roaring birds immediately screamed at each other, as if worshiping the phoenix.

"唳, 唳, 唳, wow, wow, wow, woo, woo, woo, 叽, 叽, 叽, 喳, 喳, 喳, 喳 .........!"

Hundred birds are facing the phoenix, Qi Ming worships.

"What? My killer, my killer, what are you doing?" Feng Tonglao screamed in surprise.

Silver moon at sea.

"Is this the ancient sea song that specifically targeted the killing song of the big bird? Parasitized into the other song's track for assimilation control?" Seven Kills stared.


The Seven Kills flickered and rushed towards Silvermoon City.

In the city, Feng Tong's old face turned wild. how can that be?

A hundred birds are rising?

"Hundred Birds and Phoenix" is not over yet. In the blink of an eye, it enters the sixth stage. The Phoenix spreads its wings.


When the wings of the phoenix were unfolded, they displayed a splendid brilliance, shining in all directions of Yinyue City. Suddenly, all the people in Yinyue City felt a warm feeling. The courage that had collapsed in their hearts suddenly recovered.


The wings of the phoenix slammed into the final stage of "Hundred Birds and Phoenix" and flew into the sky.


The phoenix flies and the birds worship. Suddenly, Phoenix stared at Feng Tong old.

Numerous fierce birds instantly listened to the phoenix's order, turned the birds' heads, and ten thousand birds showed fierce evil spirits, looking at the virtuosi.

"What ~? Manipulate my piano sounds, deal with me? No, impossible!" Exclaimed Feng Tonglao.

A group of virtuoso musicians also changed their faces.


The phoenix blew a long time, as if giving orders. In a split second, millions of violent birds swooped down toward Fengtong's old place.

In the blink of an eye, the birds flocked, and a great fright that surpassed all the previous ones, confronted the Supreme Masters.

"Ah ~!"

In the great horror, there were several souls that were suddenly frightened by the Taoist musicians.

"Stop stopping playing the piano, stop playing, stop playing!" Exclaimed Feng Tonglao.

Stop playing?

No. At this moment, all the virtuosian musicians have stopped playing. But why didn't the rogue birds in the sky disappear? Why is it still there?

"No, no, no ........." Exclaimed Feng Tonglao, Wan Niao rushed forward under the leadership of Fenghuang.

"Boom ~!"

ps: Something happened today, updated in advance, and added a thousand words yesterday.

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