Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 5 Chapter 14: Drumming outside Silvermoon City

Silver Moon Sea! The fog filled.

A monstrous array shrouds the entire sea. In the sea in the center of the interior, the sea water is separated towards the four sides. In the center of the sea, a golden egg with a diameter of a thousand meters is floating. Among them.

Shangguanhen's face had been completely distorted, half embarrassed and half serene.

Behind Shangguanhen, there seemed to be two huge ghosts, a black turtle and a black snake.

Black turtles and black snakes are devouring the energy in the golden eggs, and at the same time, they stare at each other.

"Shangguanhen, you inferior thing, you said you gave me your body, do you still want to take it back?" A wicked voice roared out of Shangguanhen's half body.

"Feng Ye, you are the supreme Xuanwu of the previous generation, but you want to take my flesh, isn't it too much? Oh, yes, I lent the flesh to you, but you haven't been able to keep it. ? "Shangguan marks a quiet cold side.

"I didn't keep it? If your body was too weak, would I run out of energy for you to deal with that stinky bat? Huh!" Feng Jing said coldly.

"Mine is mine. I just borrowed it from you. Hmmm, Fengye Supreme has ridiculed that year. It's a miracle that you can live, don't be content!" Shangguanhen said coldly.

"Oh, if it weren't for me, how could you find the basalt beads based on that memory? Okay, okay, okay, I won't talk nonsense with you, who can laugh to the end!" Feng Jing said coldly.

Shangguan marks sits cross-legged and resists Fengjing's supreme consciousness in the body. However, the consciousness confronts, but the flesh is absorbing the power of the golden egg.

Thousands of golden eggs are basalt beads, and at this moment the two are wrapped in this billowing energy.

Outside, at this moment there is some basalt, showing anxiety.

The appearance of the two insiders was already enough for the basalts to be happy. After all, the basalt **** appeared, the Supreme reappeared, and the Xuanwu tribe was about to return.

However, suddenly two Supremes came out, how did this happen? Who should we listen to?

Xuanwu worried about the Shangguan marks inside the Xuanwu beads, and watched the strong man suddenly appearing on the island of Quartet, who was trapped here.

"Come again, they're here again!" Exclaimed Xuanwu.

This is a weird array. Under the array, it is very difficult for Zhongxuanwu to shoot, because once you deviate from here, you are lost in the array. This is how a few of the previous kinsmen were lost.

It was Miyata and Seven Kills that came to the Xuanwu clan again.

"Stop!" Suddenly Xuanwu glared.

Miyata sneered: "This is my world, and no one is qualified to stop me!"

Speaking, the big sleeves fluttered.


The heavy fog immediately enveloped the masses of basalt, and instantly pushed the masses of basalt into the distance. The basalt, which had reached the strength of Kaitian Temple, was so vulnerable in the large array.

In the basalt beads, Shangguan marks suddenly opened his eyes, and both eyes stared coldly at the opposite person.

"Feng Fengxuan, Shangguanhen, oh, we said before, how could the two have thought about it?" Miyata sneered.

"Subject to the emperor? Oh, when I was still in the past, the emperor dared to talk to me like this?" Feng Jing said coldly.

Miyata smiled slightly: "At this moment, the reputation of the former emperor is not obvious, and now you have fallen into the dust, haven't you? Following the emperor will not insult you, it is better than following that dynasty?"

Shangguan marks his eyes narrowed: "Oh, do you know my dynasty?"

"The Dahan Dynasty, isn't it? Without the Emperor's shot, I or the Seven Kills can turn it over and destroy it, believe it or not? Shangguanhen, the Dahan Dynasty is not suitable for you. Following the Emperor is your best choice. "Miyata advised.

"Oh, ha ha ha, you, or the seven kills? Can the Dahan Dynasty be destroyed?" Shangguan marks showed a scornful smile.

"Oh, we say to you kindly that it is the favor of the emperor, otherwise, if you have been stubborn, don't blame us, you are not welcome, Xuanwu God, I think a lot of supreme want, emperor does not want to use you strong, also Don't know what to do! "Qisha stared.

"The emperor said, if you are willing to follow the emperor, the emperor allows you basalt to be the first beast, to start the country in the future, and the basalt tribe is the emperor's beast!" Miyata said again.

Feng Ye smiled evilly: "It's not impossible to talk, but are you the stance of negotiation? Imprison us, how can we talk? You will take the big team out before you talk!"

Shangguanhen said faintly: "Feng Fengjing, you don't have to play any conspiracy with them, my attitude is just impossible, hum, it won't be long before the emperor will come to save me, what are you worried about?"

"The ancient sea came to save you? Hahahahaha, just the Yuanying Realm? Do you still expect him to save you?" Qi Kill sneered.

"Oh?" Shangguanhen stared at Qi Qi with a narrow gaze.

"That ancient sea, I've seen it, now in Yinyue City, Qin Dao is pretty good, unfortunately, it's just Yuanying Realm. I'll kill him now, what do you think about breaking you?" Seven Kills sneered. .

Shangguanhen's eyes brightened, "The emperor is in Silvermoon City? Hahahaha, just be there, just be there!"

Shangguan marks had a rescued expression, and the seven kills and Miyata were depressed.

"Are you crazy? Do you really expect a Yuan Yingjing to save you?" Qi Kill sneered.

"You said that the emperor's piano is good? Well, I can get a heaven-grade piano to say so, presumably you have fought with the emperor, and you have lost very badly? Hahaha!" Shangguanhen smiled happily.

The face of the Seven Kills suddenly cooled down.

"Kill the emperor? You go, you can't help it!" Shangguan marks sneered.

Miyata and Seven Kills looked at each other, all eyes blank? What does Shangguan Mark feel confident about? A Yuanying Realm, we made him go to him as if we were looking for death. That ancient sea is just Yuanying.

"Huh, what you said, okay!" Qi Kill said coldly.

Immediately after the Seven Kills, a Tsing Yi subordinate flew in.

"Master Seven Kills, Master Gong, the army of Yinyue City, arrived in Yinyuehai, clamoring for revenge for the people who died in the city, let us hand over the heads of the Seven Kills to sacrifice the people who died in the city!" Shouted a subordinate in Tsing Yi.

"What?" Seven kills, Miyata suddenly appeared blank.

"The owner of Silvermoon City? He has a convulsion?" Qi Kill stared.

How big is the owner of this city. If it was n’t six hands before, he almost destroyed the entire Silvermoon City, then the Silvermoon City dared to bring an army to fight against it?

Miyata threw a big sleeve.


Suddenly, the surrounding clouds condensed, and the outside scene was instantly revealed.

Sure enough, there are ten huge flying boats outside the Yinyuehai. There are soldiers wearing armors standing on the flyingboats, one by one looking at Yinyuehai with fierce faces, standing above the first flyingboat, standing in front. Yes, it is Sima Chengzhu.

A master of Sima City stood with a man in a black brocade.

"Ancient sea?" Qisha suddenly stared.

In the basalt beads, Shangguan marks suddenly saw the ancient sea in the distance, and his eyes suddenly flashed.

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" Shangguan marks closed his eyes slowly in a laugh.

Shangguan marks closed his eyes, but his face suddenly changed.

"Shangguanhen, are you so confident?" Feng Jing said in a cold voice.

"Oh? Maple Supreme, can you read my consciousness?" Shangguan Hen frowned suddenly.

"Well, although I can't read it, but I can feel a trace of overflowing emotions, do you think the ancient sea can clear me?" Feng Jing said in a cold voice.

"I didn't say anything. If you think about it, it's better to absorb the power of this basalt pearl. Whoever takes the body will depend on his ability in the future!" Shangguan marks coldly.

"Well, you can't lie to me, I don't know why you are so confident in Gu Hai! But, I'm not afraid of anyone." Feng Ye said in a chilly voice.

While talking, the flesh of Shangguanhen suddenly burst into red light.

"What are you doing?" Shangguan marks exasperated.

"I can't help you now, but I also know about Gu Hai's life, in case of accident, I must take precautions and wait for Gu Hai to solve a group of ants outside, so that he can't target me!" Cold channel.

During the conversation, the red light on Shangguan's flesh was getting more and more, as if burning.

"Miscellaneous, what do you want to do? Xuanwu splits Dafa? Miscellaneous, you want to split my body?" Shangguanhen exclaimed suddenly.

"Huh! The ancient sea is here, and the ants will be finished immediately, and I'm just in case." Feng Jing said in a cold voice.

"Stop, jerk, stop!" Shangguan marks exclaimed.

The conversation between Shangguanhen and Fengjing was passed on to the outside world.

Miyata and the Seven Kills are all depressing at this moment.

"Without the six fingers, just a bunch of things beyond their control, do you think we are inferior to them?" Qi Murdering angrily.

"A group of people, the highest is only Yuan Yingjing? Oh, Xuanwu Supreme, do you look down on us too?" Miyata also glared angrily.

Shangguanhen and Fengjing didn't bother at all, as if fighting for something in the body, the whole body became more and more red and hot, and the body seemed to melt.

"Hum!" Seven kills, Miyata gave a sigh of sorrow.

The two stared at the outside. In the eyes of Xuanwu Supreme, is he so vulnerable?

"A bunch of things beyond your control!" Qi Zai looked at the flying boat coldly.

Yinyue overseas, flying above the boat.

The owner of Sima City looked at Gu Hai: "Mr. Gu, shall we come like this, okay? But there is a huge array in front of me?"

Gu Hai stood up against his shoulders, looking at the distant array, and chuckled: "Don't worry, I'll deal with it. You follow, just to cheer me on!

"Cheering?" Sima Chengzhu puzzled.

"Making the drums!" Gu Hai looked away.

Although the master of Sima City did not understand, he nodded his head and waved his hand above the flying boat, and the drums struck.

"咚, 咚, 咚, 咚 ...............!"

The sound of drums rang out to Yinyuehai in the distance.

ps: all the sweets have just been sent out, everyone is waiting to be checked!

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