Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 5 Chapter 15: Blind dog eyes

Uh ...............!

The sound of the drums of war rang out of Yinyue Overseas, and a blast of killing rushed into the foggy Yinyue Sea.

The owner of Sima City was slightly worried. Looking at Gu Hai, Gu Hai still looked cold and looked at a group of Tsing Yi men in front of the fog.

"What? Your master, dare not come out?" Gu Hai said coldly.

Outside the large array, a group of men in Tsing Yi showed a cold face: "Miscellaneous things, my grown-up is what you want to see?"

"Oh, in the land of Dagan, killing the people of Dagan, even if the emperor came, I can't protect you!" Gu Hai said coldly.

"Huh! Have the courage, try it out!" The first man in Tsing Yi said coldly.

Break into the battle? Gu Hai did not intend to do so.

"Continue to beat the drums, I don't believe, they are willing to be head turtles!" Gu Hai said coldly.

"咚, 咚, 咚 ..................!"

A lot of soldiers in the Silvermoon City kept drumming, and the soldiers were not aware at the moment. After all, the seven kills had caused too much damage in the Silvermoon City. If only one city owner was here, many of the soldiers would probably run away.

However, the ancient sea is different. The ancient sea is at the forefront, and the generals have a sense of peace of mind.

"Huh, it's up to you, and I want to get trouble with adults? Revenge for the big people? Joke, I killed more than a hundred people, come to me? All of us here have killed Dahan people, and you How? Huh! "A Tsing Yi man glared and rushed forward.

The man in Tsing Yi clutched a bronze hammer in his hand, and immediately approached, facing the flying boat where Gu Hai was located, slamming a hammer.

Yuan Yingjing's peak of strength, smashed with a hammer, bringing out a huge squall.

The master of Sima City changed his face. This time, Gu Hai moved, but he saw Gu Hai's hand pulling out the sword on his back.

"Wednesday!" Gu Hai grunted.


Suddenly, a purple light illuminated the sky.

In the big battle, Seven Kills and Miyata suddenly stared.

"Sword domain? How is that possible?" Miyata was surprised.

"Well!" Seven Kills sank.


The outside purple light suddenly converged, disappeared, and the Health Knife returned to its original position. However, the sound of the explosion just now was that the copper hammer man and the copper hammer exploded and opened, filled with blood and mist.

"Roar!" The soldier behind Gu Hai shouted excitedly.

The ancient sea was gloomy. The subordinates of these young emperors did not show any sympathy.

One sword cut a peak of Yuan Ying Jing, clean and neat, and all the other Yuan Ying Jing who rushed forward were all calmed down.

A group of Tsing Yi people suddenly changed their faces, among which there was even a strong man in the Heaven Palace, but at the moment did not mean to step forward.

"Did you inform the adults?" The man in Tsing Yi who opened the palace stared.

"Yes, it's gone!" The next person answered suddenly.

Gu Hai looked at the opposite coldly, and saw a crowd of Tsing Yi people who had been shocked, but took a deep breath: "Mu Chenfeng!"

"Church master?" Mu Chenfeng approached.

"I told you before, and now, no one should dare to embarrass you, go and send them the war books!" Gu Hai Shen said.

"War books? Is it necessary?" Sima Chengzhu said blankly.

You've already killed each other, and now you're starting to play?

"What I just killed is a thing that doesn't have long eyes. There is a rule for the big man. The young emperor they represent, after all, the ceremony must not be abolished!" Gu Hai said coldly.

"Okay!" The owner of Sima City looked blank. Why is Mr. Gu so pedantic?

But I saw that Gu Hai took out a scroll, and the scroll was already rolled up, with the words 'War Book' written on it.

Mu Chenfeng grabbed the scroll of the war books and slowly flew to the fog in the distance.

In the thick fog, a crowd of people in Tsing Yi showed their faces, but when they saw Gu Hai not far away, they stared coldly and did not rush forward.

"Well, when you come out, don't even want to run any of you!" A crowd of Tsing Yi shouted.

Gu Hai stared grimly.

Mu Chenfeng flew to the fog with a hint of worry.

At this moment, Miyata and the Seven Kills also flew to the edge of the battlefield in anger.


There was a sudden burst of mist in a large array, and Miyata, Seven Kills, and others were suddenly exposed, one by one showing their faces, staring at the flying boat in the distance.

Mu Chenfeng saw the fog spread a little and suddenly shouted: "Listen to the people and the thief. Listen, Yipintang Guhai, on behalf of the people of Yinyuecheng, formally wrote the book to Er and so on, and then!"

"Huh!" Seven kills a cold hum, and the detective waved.

Suddenly a slap appeared in the void to pat Mu Chenfeng.

Mu Chenfeng's face changed, throwing the scrolls of war books, and suddenly backed away.


Even so, Mu Chenfeng was still struck by the slaps of the palms, and flew out of the air.

"Hum, it's hard to beat!" Qishou sneered.

"Slap!" Detective Miyata took over the 'Book of War' scroll.

Holding the battle books, Miyata looked coldly at the group of people across.

"Church master!" Mu Chenfeng flew in pain.

"Master Mu Ruo, you have worked hard!" Gu Hai solemnly said.

"It's okay, haha!" Mu Chenfeng smiled slightly.

"The power of the Seven Kills? Is he opening the palace?" The Sima City Master frowned and worried.

"That's right, the one who followed the battle is also the Kaitian Temple!" Gu Hai said lightly.

"Ah?" The owner of Sima City showed a hint of worry.

In the distance, Miyata took over the battle books, and looked at Gu Hai and his group gloomily.

"You are the ancient sea? Have the courage to come into my battle?" Miyata said coldly.

"It's made clear in the war books, won't you wait to see it?" Gu Hai chuckled.

War books?

It ’s all already face to face, do you give us a battle book?

Seven Kills, Miyata's eyes looked slightly opposite, but it showed a blankness, but since the battle book was sent, why not take a look at it?

The book of war was slowly opened by Miyata. Miyata frowned and looked up at the battle book.

"Uh? Wrong?" Miyada stunned slightly.

"What's wrong?" Seven Kills also looked puzzled.

But I saw that there was no font written on the war books, only a weird egg-shaped pattern.

An egg?

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha, are you crazy? Why do you give me a picture?" Miyata laughed.

"Ah? Wrong?" Sima Cheng suddenly looked worriedly at Guhai.

Mu Chenfeng said blankly, "Don't you make a mistake?"

Gu Hai sneered: "Ignorance, I don't understand my war books, ridiculous!"

Gu Hai resolutely sneered, letting Miyata and the Seven Kills in the distance suddenly and unconsciously give him another glance, but there is really only one egg on the top of the war.

"Hm, pretend to be a ghost, do not control yourself, and break the war books? What's the use?" Miyata gave a cold drink and threw the war books to a group of people.

The subordinates immediately grabbed and looked up.

"Really just an egg?"

"The color of this egg seems to be getting lighter!"

"Let me see, let me see, it's really getting shallower!"

"This is the War Book? The Xuan Wu that we forced to ask before blows the ancient sea into the sky. Can you get this War Book wrong?"

"It's better to meet each other!"




A group of subordinates showed disdain, and the egg pattern disappeared completely.

"Oh, the Seven Kills, they didn't dare to come and stop talking to them. How about you going to arrest them?" Miyata looked at the Seven Kills.

"I'm going? What about you?"

"I want to preside over the large array, I promised the emperor that I would never step out of the large array." Miyata shook his head.

"Okay, a bunch of things that come in disgrace, let me do it!" Seven Kills sneered.

When the Seven Kills sneered, suddenly, a subordinate shouted, "Oh, no, they are poisoned, my stomach hurts!"

"Gu Hai poisoned us? My lord, my stomach hurts!"

"I also have a stomachache, sir, help!"




A group of subordinates suddenly screamed and covered their stomachs.

The Seven Kills suddenly changed his face: "Ah, me, my stomach ...!"

Miyata's face changed, and her sleeves fluttered: "Gu Hai, you mean man, dare to poison us?"

When the big sleeves were thrown, a sudden burst of fire started, and the thick fog covered the surroundings to isolate the gas.

"Ah, ah, ah, sir, my belly has grown!"

"I feel like two forces are growing in my belly!"




"Well, I can't force it. What kind of poison is this?" Miyata's face changed.

The Seven Kills were also suddenly soft, with a look of horror: "My belly, what's in my belly?"

The master of Sima City, Mu Chenfeng, and even the generals of Silvermoon City, widened their eyes, but saw the belly of all the people suddenly getting bigger, their clothes broke, and all of a sudden, everyone was out of shape.

"Mr. Gu, when did you start? Why don't I know?" Sima Chengzhu said blankly.

"When the next battle!" Gu Hai said indifferently.

"The war book? The painting above? Ah? Is it the same painting as Kongkong City? Pregnant?" Sima City Master suddenly exclaimed.

"Who sees who is pregnant?" Mu Chenfeng said in amazement.

"Ah? I'm not talking about the next book, why ...?"

"Why don't I follow the rules? Oh, follow them, don't need to follow the rules." Gu Hai's eyes reddened.

While speaking, Gu Hai flew towards the crowd across.

"Sir, I'm weak, I'm out of strength, ah, my stomach is getting bigger and bigger, I feel it, I feel it, is it a baby?" A Tsing Yi man exclaimed suddenly.


There was a moment of silence, because everyone felt the baby in their stomachs, one by one in horror.

"My stomach is getting bigger, sir, help!"

"Sir, that ancient sea is here!"




The crowd was extremely anxious.

Both Miyata and the Seven Killers glanced at each other. Naturally, the twins were in their stomachs. At the moment, the two were in shock.

"We've been fooled. Quickly, seize Gu Hai. He's just Yuan Yingjing. While we still have the strength, catch him first, no, kill, fast!" Miyata exclaimed with a look of eyes.

They are twins, and they have n’t grown to the fullest.


The Seven Kills and Miyata rushed towards the ancient sea at about the same time.

"Mr. Gu, be careful!" The owner of Sima City exclaimed.

"Teacher, be careful!" Mu Chenfeng also exclaimed.

However, they saw that Miyata and Qishou had a big belly, staring at them, and killed them suddenly. Even with their big belly, the two were still imposing, and they saw that they were going to the ancient sea.

But I saw Gu Hai suddenly slammed his sleeve, and five pictures suddenly flew out of his sleeve, floating in front of Gu Hai. Each picture is an egg.

Seven kills, Miyata bear the brunt, and saw five eggs in an instant.

Five eggs?

"No ~~~~~~~~~~~!"

At about the same time, the Seven Kills and Miyata felt like they were blind.

This book's first release comes from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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