Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 5 Chapter 16: Qingdi idea

Silvermoon City.

At the invitation of the ancient sea, the Silvermoon City Army gathered 500,000 to go to Yinyuehai to avenge the people who lost their lives not long ago. For a time, the whole city was watching the situation of Yinyuehai.

The people waited and waited for the news. The owner of Yinyue Mountain Villa and Yunmo Village also showed concern.

After all, only Yunmo knows the situation of Yinyuehai best. In addition to a seven kill, there is also Miyata. That is the strongest of the heavenly palace. More importantly, Miyata is also a master of formation law. The whole Yinyuehai Wrapped in a super array, Mr. Gu went, was n’t he dead?

After thinking and thinking, Yun Mo still came to the back of the mountain. Outside the Hall of Yangxin, Yun Mo took a moment to salute, respectfully said: "Mr. Six Fingers!"

"What's wrong?" A six-finger voice came from the Yangxin Hall.

"Mr. Gu has great gratitude in Yinyue Mountain Villa. This trip to Yinyuehai may be dangerous. Could Mr. Liuzhi ...!" Yun Mo worried.

"Huh, this is what he asked for, who blame? Okay, don't bother me!" Six fingers said coldly.

Yun Mo was anxious for a while, but in the end he was helpless.

Gu Hai didn't let himself go, but Yun Mo was very worried after all. After thinking and thinking, Yun Mo still left the villa with a group of musicians and went to Yinyuehai. After all, there is a large piano harp there, I hope I can help Mr. Gu.

Six fingers sat in the Hall of Yangxin, showing a sneer: "Gu Hai himself is trying to die? You actually have to die? Oh, Yinyue Villa is indeed not as good as one generation!"

Six fingers were somber, but they didn't mean to help.

No one can hear Yin Yuehai's voice, but the ears of the six fingers are very careful.

"Oh? Book of war? Peculiar, this ancient sea is really pedantic, all face to face, but also book of war? It is actually possible to set up the Dahan Dynasty, but it is to death to the extreme, hum, or die, and bring a group of people to death "You can't help it!" Six fingers sneered.

Hearing, the six fingers suddenly froze.

"Well? Poisoned? Guhai poisoned?"

"Is that Miyata and the Seven Kills stupid? I don't know if the ancient sea is poisoned? What kind of poison is this? Uh, a big belly?" Six fingers again stiffened, and he stood up suddenly, his face blanked--

Silver Moon Sea.

Miyata and Seven Kills held their stomachs up, exerted their final strength, and widened their eyes to kill Gu Hai in an instant.

But who would have thought, Gu Hai took out five paintings from Changsheng again, and immediately spread them out, immediately exposed to the eyes of Miyata and Seven Killer's eyes.

Seven kills, Miyata bear the brunt, and saw five eggs in an instant.

Five eggs?

"Do not!"

At about the same time, the Seven Kills and Miyata felt like they were blind.

During pregnancy, it is the most sensitive. For a moment, Seven Kills and Miyata feel five strengths in the stomach.

"Gu Hai, you scumbag!" Seven Kills growled.

At this instant, the Seven Kills had the urge to cry, countless fights, and never had such a shameless defeat. The twins instantly became the seventh.

Gu Hai clutched the knife, waving five eggs, and Miyata and Qishou closed their eyes.

"Wednesday!" The sword slashed away.


Seven kills, Miyata didn't dare to fight at all, and instantly went backwards.

"Oh!" Miyata covered her stomach and fell from the air.

There is no energy, even the strength of flying is gone, seven births, the stomach is expanding rapidly.

"Quick, save us, save us!" Seven Kills exclaimed.

"Master Gong, I'm here!"

"Master Seven Killer, here!"




A group of Tsing Yi subordinates flew anxiously.


Five scrolls were suddenly transferred to their sight by the ancient sea.

"Oh, my belly is too big, I can't move, help!"

"Master, help!"





There was no time to save Miyata and the Seven Kills, and everyone's stomachs were too weak for a moment.

Several subordinates in Tsing Yi rushed to Gu Hai to fight.



Suddenly, a group of Tsing Yi subordinates exploded.

The ancient sea approached Miyata coldly.

In the distance, the Sima City Lord waited for the generals, at this moment, his eyes had widened and his jaw dropped.

Everyone was still worried before they came. Unless Mr. Gu led the team, everyone would not dare to come, but now, look at this group of powerful people, suddenly how ridiculous.

Was that the murderous seven kills in Silvermoon City?

This, this big belly, such as the expression of funeral test, really brought disaster to the Silver Moon City?

"Slap, slap, slap ........."

The strong men fell onto the sea with no energy, sweating all over, and their expressions were like constipation. Let the ancient sea approach.

Sure enough, Mr. Gu was right. Following it, there was no danger at all. The purpose of his army's arrival was only to create an atmosphere of confrontation between the two armies. It was only to attract all the strong men in the big team at once. That's it.

"Oh, my belly!"

"Sir, I'm giving birth, I'm giving birth, what should I do? I'm a man and can't give birth!"

"Ah, I'm pregnant with twins!"




A series of anxious and painful sounds sounded in the Quartet.

Gu Hai approached Miyata with a long knife.

"Why, why is this? I have a big team, and you let me go to the big team!" Miyata yelled in surprise.

Gu Hai ignored it at all, his eyes shot red silk, and a gush of glee spewed out.

In Silvermoon City.

There was a weird six-fingered face: "Is this solved?"

The Six Fingers had thought of many possibilities before, and the ancient sea would surely die. There was no doubt that they could fight one battle at the end, and finally fell down on Yinyuehai, but I heard it in my ears. Why is this the case?

Haven't played yet, but the opponent has lost all? What spell did Gu Hai cast?

It's no wonder that when the Seven Kills were in the midst of wanton chaos in the city, there was no fear in the ancient sea. Maybe Guhai could resolve the crisis of Yinyue Mountain Villa without having to do it yourself?

Silvermoon seaside.

"Protect adults, quickly, protect adults!" A group of subordinates with big stomachs rushed to the ancient sea.

"Boom, boom, boom ...............!"

Not to mention that during the heyday, they were not Gu Hai opponents. At this moment, they were holding their stomachs, and they were no longer Gu Hai's opponents. They slashed their swords, and all the subordinates in Tsing Yi exploded.

The ancient sea is getting closer and closer to Miyata.

A heartfelt revenge suddenly burst into my heart.

Regardless of the seven kills, Gu Hai now only needs to kill Miyata.

In the past, accompanied the emperor, he killed his wife Chen Xianer. There is him, Miyata, and today, he must be killed.

Gu Hai's eyes reddened, but Miyata was more and more fearful and full of horror.

"Don't, don't!" Miyata fled back in horror.

"No? It's a little late, huh!" Gu Hai's sword was getting closer.

"Emperor, save me, emperor, save me!" Miyata screamed suddenly.

A death threat threatened Miyata's mind.

"Calling the emperor? It's useless!" Gu Hai finally came near, cutting off with a blast.


Just at that moment, Miyata's heart suddenly burst into a blue light. Once the blue light came out, it rushed out of the body's surface in an instant, forming a blue light shroud Miyata.


The health knife was chopped on the blue light cover, and a sudden loud noise was made. The light cover shuddered suddenly, but it blocked the health light knife.

"Huh?" Gu Hai sank.

But it was Miyata's eyes that suddenly appeared a glimmer of blue, and his expression was no longer afraid, and a spirit of killing emanated from Miyata's body.

"The emperor, the emperor can save your life!" The Seven Kills suddenly burst into ecstasy.

"Miyata, how can your body become so filthy? The solitary idea cannot enter your body, what's the matter?" A majestic voice came out of Miyata's body.

"Qing Emperor?" Gu Hai's eyes narrowed suddenly.

Is it a hint of Qing emperor?

Gu Hai will never forget this voice, it is the Qing Emperor, that is him.

"Thursday!" Gu Hai stared again.


Extremely powerful, banged heavily on the glaucoma. However, the glaucoma shook strongly for a period of time, and it was not broken.

How powerful is a ray of thought?

"Presumptuous! No matter who you are, you dare to move again and lonely your nine races!" The emperor's voice came again.

"Cut!" Gu Hai cut it again.


The goggles shook again. Blocked Gu Hai once again.

On the other side, the face of the Seven Kills changed: "Emperor, it's ancient sea, it's ancient sea!"

Gu Hai turned his head and looked coldly at the Seven Kills, but the Seven Kills suddenly became agitated and dared not speak.

"Who, you're looking for death!" Qingdi's voice came again.

"It's over, Miyata is pregnant, her body is dirty, the emperor's thoughts cannot come at all, the emperor, save your life, the emperor save your life!"


The Seven Killing Eyebrows glowed glaucoma, and the body surface suddenly formed a glaucoma.

"It's also a foul body? What did you encounter? Oh? Fortunately, he's here, let him rescue you back, hum!" Qingdi hummed.


The ancient sea was cut to Miyata again.

At this moment, Miyata and the Seven Kills have no resistance at all. Seeing that the glaucoma on Miyata's body surface is about to shatter, and a group of subordinates have no courage and strength to come.

Gu Hai looked coldly, and seemed to be cut again.

"call out!"

At this moment, a streamer suddenly flashed, but a flying boat radiated from a distance. On the flying boat was a large flag, and on it was written a large 'Tang' character.

"Master Tang? It's Master Tang, Master Tang, help!" The subordinates of Tsing Yi who fell to the ground showed ecstasy.

The huge flying boat crashed in the direction of the ancient sea.

Gu Hai's face sank, and he turned his head, and the sword in his hand was chopped off.

"Thursday!" Gu Hai snarled.

Before Feizhou, a man in red was standing. The man had a scar on his head. When he saw the ancient sea's sword cut, his face suddenly changed, and a green bead suddenly flew out of his hand.

"Boom ~!"

The knives exploded and smashed the blue beads, and the flying boat reached the ancient sea not far away.

The seven kills and Miyata wrapped in the blue light were dragged by the Qing emperor's thoughts and instantly dragged onto the flying boat.

"Bring them back!" Qingdi thought coldly.

After that, the blue light that wrapped the Seven Kills and Miyata disappeared instantly.

"Okay!" Lord Tang in red should drink.

Gu Hai clutched the knife, turned his head, and looked at Master Tang with his face open.

That Lord Tang also looked at the ancient sea coldly.

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