Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 5 Chapter 17: Lord Tang's attitude

On the coast of Yinyue, on a sudden flying boat, a man with a red scar looked coldly at the ancient sea, and the ancient sea looked at the man with a scarred scar.

"Master Tang, save your life, Master Tang!" Shouted all the subordinates of Miyata.

However, Master Tang simply ignored it, but stared at the ancient sea.

"Master Tang, let's get out of the way, there is something for the emperor in the big array, fast!" Qi Kill cried anxiously.

"Noisy, throw you down!" Lord Tang murmured coldly.

Drop it? Throw it to Gu Hai?

The Seven Kills suddenly stared and closed his mouth.

Lord Tang turned to look at Gu Hai. The ancient sea was a long sword, and it seemed to be cut again.

"Hum, go!" Lord Tang snorted.

"call out!"

The flying boat blasted away.

"Cut!" Gu Hai cut it again on Thursday.

Lord Tang once again flew a cyan bead in the direction of the ancient sea.


The cyan beads exploded. Countless smokes were emitted to the four sides. The ancient sea was suddenly in shape, and the flying boat had reached the horizon.

"Master Tang, bring us, Master Tang, don't leave us!"

"Master Tang, help!"




A group of subordinates in Tsing Yi shouted in horror. However, Lord Tang's flying boat had already flown away.

Gu Hai stood in the smoke, watching the flying boat leave, his face was gloomy.

"call out!"

Mu Chenfeng and others flew quickly.

"Churchmaster? Who is this person? So powerful?" Mu Chenfeng was surprised.

"Mr. Gu, just now, why don't you chase?" Sima Chengzhu said blankly.

The owner of Sima City could see clearly before. Gu Hai seems to have identified Miyata, and there is an endless hatred. However, why not just chase it?

"The poor Kou Mo chase!" Gu Hai shook his head, unwilling to explain more.

"Eh!" The Sima City Master was slightly surprised.

Gu Hai turned his hands and put away five egg picture rolls.

The master of Sima City did not understand it, and Mu Chenfeng did not understand it. Why did the emperor not show these five pictures just now to Lord Tang? Did he get pregnant, didn't everything work out?

However, Gu Hai has already made a decision, and everyone is hard to say anything.

"Mr. Gu, these, what about these Tsing Yi people?" Sima Cheng looked at Gu Haidao.

"Oh, didn't they all say that before? Each of them was stained with the blood of Dagan people. Since they have killed Dagan people, what's left for them? Wait for Miyata and the Seven Kills to save them in the future "Gu Hai said coldly.

"Gu Hai, what do you want to do?"

"Gu Hai, you dare, the emperor will not let you go!"




A crowd of Tsing Yi people exclaimed.

"Kill and kill revenge immediately for the innocent people!" Gu Hai said coldly.

"Good!" A crowd of soldiers in the distance should drink.

The owner of Sima City frowned slightly, and there seemed to be other thoughts, but everyone was applauding, and he was hard to stop himself.

Suddenly, every man in Tsing Yi was beheaded and killed by a large number of Silvermoon City soldiers.

In the distance, another flying boat flew fast, but the owner of Yunmo came.

Along the way, Yun Mo was anxious. After all, Gu Hai had great gratitude to Yinyue Mountain Villa. He might not be able to go there by himself.

Even though the danger was heavy, Yun Mo still brought people to fly, hoping to make a difference.

But when I came near, I saw that the soldiers of Silvermoon City in the distance were slaying and killing the emperors.

"Eh? How could this happen?" Yun Mo exclaimed.

"call out!"

The flying boat approached instantly.

"Oh? Master Yunzhuang? Why are you here?" Gu Hai wondered.

"I'm worried about Mr. Gu's accident, so I can't rest assured, so ... it seems that I'm more attentive!" Yun Mo smiled bitterly.

The ancient sea froze slightly, then looked at it, and solemnly saluted to Yun Mo: "Duoxin Yunzhuang cares!"

Although Yun Mo did nothing, he came to help himself regardless of life and death. This heart must be appreciated.

"Mr. Gu is polite, I didn't do anything, but I don't want to. In my opinion, Miyata and the Seven Kills, which can't be dealt with at all, have been solved by Mr. Gu in a short time!" Yun Mo grinned.

At the same time, Yinyue Shanzhuang is behind the mountain and the heart-raising hall.

"Hum, pedantic!" Six fingers hummed.

Obviously, the Six Fingers were so reckless to help Yun Mo to help, very disdainful.


On the flying boat of Lord Tang.

"call out!"

The flying boat quickly flew towards the north.

"Oh, my stomach, hey!" Miyata said, clutching her stomach in pain.

"Master Tang, why didn't you solve the ancient sea? Why didn't you take the shot? You have the ability, you have the ability!" Seven Kills covered his stomach, staring at Lord Tang and yelling.

Lord Tang looked at the two coldly: "I have the ability, but I have no obligation to help you. Huh, dare me to be extravagant. I will send you back. Do you believe it?"

"Uh?" Miyata and Seven Kills looked stiff. But dare not refute.

Obviously, Lord Tang has such a strong force that they dare not refute.

Lord Tang turned his head and looked far away, his eyes narrowed: "Oh, is that ancient sea?"

"Yes, ah, it hurts!" Miyata pained, clutching her stomach.

"Ancient sea? Oh, he should have received an invitation from the Halloween Conference. Want revenge, wait until the heaven court, you revenge!" Master Tang said lightly.

"But there is something in the Silver Moon Sea, there is something for the emperor!" The Seven Kills anxiously.

Lord Tang looked at the two coldly: "Lost of the emperor? Lost, but also your two are not doing well, oh, I don't understand. Miyata, you are a master of dharma, fighting with the ancient sea. The formation? "

"Uh!" Miyata froze.

"And you, Seven Kills, you are a celestial piano, why don't you use the piano?" Master Tang said coldly.

"Eh!" The Seven Kills also looked stiff.

"Two stupid idiots!" Lord Tang showed a slight disdain.

Seven Kills, Miyata: "...............!"

Who could have thought at the time? No, the scene of the confrontation between the two armies created by Gu Hai is too late, and it is not suitable to use matrix and piano.

"Ah, aw!" Miyata covered her stomach in pain.

"My belly, what should I do? What should I do? Master Tang, help me, help me!" Qi Qi said in pain.

Lord Tang and everyone on Feizhou looked at the duo's stomachs, all looking rigid.

"Sir, do you want to ...!" One of the subordinates seemed to step forward to investigate.

Master Tang's eyes narrowed, a flash of cold light flashed, and the man suddenly stunned, backed away, no longer plugged in.

"Master Tang, hurry, ah, it's too bloated, help me soon!" Miyata anxiously said.

Master Tang looked at it coldly: "Your big belly, I dare not help you, bear with me, and fly for two more days. Someone with you, looks like King Dan is there, let him help you see!"

"Ah? Two more days?"

"Do not!"

They screamed while covering their stomachs.

Lord Tang ignored it at all. The flying boat flew towards the distance quickly.


Silver Moon Sea.

All the subordinates of the Qing Emperor were killed in an instant, and there was a cloud of mist in front of them. The ancient sea looked coldly.

"Churchmaster, would you like to go in?" Mu Chenfeng asked.

Gu Hai shook her head and remained silent.

Seven kills, Miyata left, all the emperor's subordinates were beheaded and killed, but are there any other emperor subordinates in this battle? Gu Hai is very cautious.

"Ready to set up and break up!" Gu Hai Shen whispered.

Nowadays, the chess team can only be arranged to crack the big team in front of it.

"No need, Mr. Gu, here is a large array of my piano in Yinyue Mountain Villa. Miyata has already left. Without him, I should be able to break his formation with a large array of piano!" Yun Mo laughed .

"Oh? Then there is Lao Yun, the owner!" Gu Hai smiled suddenly.

Yunmo nodded. The detective took out a guqin.

"Ding Ding Ding Ding ……………………!"

As Yunmo played the ancient tune, the seawater not far away suddenly trembled. At the tremor, a large amount of seawater soared to the sky, and some of the mist was immediately dissipated.

However, the whole sea is too big, and it takes a long process.

"Ding Ding Ding Ding ........."


With the sound of the harp, the sea water was frantic, and the waves crashed into the sky one by one, quickly melting the mist of the Quartet. For a time, the Yinyue Haizhong set off a massive tsunami.

"Run away, go!"

"I can't control it for a while, help!"

"Come on!"




Figures skyrocketed from the fog. Fleeing in all directions.

"Sure enough, there are people!" Mu Chenfeng sank.

"Arrow!" Shouted the owner of Sima City.


Suddenly, arrow feathers shot in all directions.

Some Tsing Yi people were shot dead in screams, while others fled.

Gu Hai didn't bother, waiting.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~!"

A super loud noise, Qin Dao burst suddenly opened Miyata's big burst, a moment, the monstrous tsunami swept the Quartet, bursting the rolling fog as much as possible.


Qin Yin fell, the sky fell, and the sky was clear.

"Mr. Gu, it's a shame!" Yun Mo laughed.

"Thank you, Owner Yun!" Gu Hai thanked.

"Mr. Gu is polite!" Yunmo shook his head.

Everyone's eyes quickly turned to the sea, and they instantly saw the huge golden egg.

"That's the basalt pearl!" Yun Mo said, looking at the golden eggs in the distance.

Sima Chengzhu and others have widened their eyes because they can see the center of the golden egg, with a huge ghost of a snake and a turtle facing each other.

Around, there are a lot of basalt around.

The ancient sea quickly flew forward.

Some basalts were bruised all over, but they had been severely tortured for confession.

At this moment, the Xuanwu saw the ancient sea flying, and suddenly showed ecstasy, but after the ecstasy, the look of each one became complicated.

"Bye, worship, see the emperor!"

After tangling for a while, the Xuan Wu shouted the title of ancient sea respectfully.

The appearance of Supreme Master Feng Yu has complicated the whereabouts of the Xuanwu tribe. No one knows that they are not allied with the Dahan Dynasty. The look of the Xuanwu toward the ancient sea is complicated, but after all, the ancient sea saved everyone Xuan Wu finally worshiped the ancient sea.

Gu Hai nodded and turned to look inside Xuanwu Zhu. The expression on Shangguan had been distorted.

This book's first release comes from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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