Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 5 Chapter 19: The brutality of Shangguanhen

Feng Jingzhuang shouted aloud, and instantly transmitted the voice to the entire family through the mysterious snake god. The huge snake head twisted, looking at Shangguanhen and others!

"Meet the Supreme!" A crowd of Xuan Wu worshipped Feng Feng in excitement.

"咻!" "咻!" "咻!" ……………………

Yinyuehai's Quartet suddenly flashed, but the nearby Xuanwu tribe heard the sound and flew excitedly.

"Extreme, seeing the supreme, seeing the supreme!" Xuan Wu, who flew by, saw how the giant snake burst into tears.

Although the snake looks a little different from the original, this breath can't be wrong.

All the new Xuanwu were immediately excited.

Feng Ye Supreme did not pay attention to the masses of basalt, but looked coldly at the giant black turtle transformed into Shangguan mark.

"Shangguan marks? Oh, ha ha ha ha, now, you can't help it? I have been split from your body and will no longer be controlled by you. The energy of basalt beads, you take half, and that half should be Mine! "Feng Jing Supreme eyes were cold, flashing a sense of killing.

The huge black turtle's body flickered, and it suddenly became the human figure of Shangguan mark again.

Shangguanhen flew to the side of the ancient sea, and looked coldly at the black snake: "Hmm, Fengye, you split me up, you know, that ’s incomplete me, and my practice will be affected, even God It is also divided into two. Do you do this to split the Xuanwu tribe? "

"Huh, there's so much nonsense!" Feng Jing said coldly.

Amidst the cold voice, Feng Ye sent out a chill of Mori.

"You want to kill me and take energy from me? Hahaha, you come, kill me! You are my split, two lives are the same, I die, you must die, you dare to kill me? Come?" Shangguan The traces were cold.

Feng Jue looked at Shangguan marks coldly, spit out a snake letter in her mouth, and her eyes were cold.

"You're right, I can't kill you, but what about the others? What about the ancient sea? Huh, get me to take the ancient sea!" Feng Jing said with a grunt.

"Yes!" All Xuanwu should drink immediately.

At this moment, regardless of Gu Hai's previous salvation, the supreme words are orders.

Xuanwu immediately culled up.

"Presumptuous ~~~~~~~!" Shangguan marks stared.

Suddenly, a mysterious atmosphere of Xuangui emerged, a divine repression, all Xuanwu's face suddenly changed wildly, their bodies were all bowed down.

"Extremely forgive sins!" A group of Xuanwu suddenly bitterly.

Shangguanhen looked at the basalts coldly: "Do you still recognize me? Oh, okay, now listen to me. Who dares to move the ancient seas and treat them as rebellious Xuanwu tribe?

Xuanwu's face changed, and he turned to look at Fengye Supreme.

Feng Jing Extremely looked at Shangguan Mark coldly: "Oh, you are a **** of black turtles, and they do n’t dare to move, how can I move? Today, I just want to kill the ancient sea, I see how can you help me?"

Gu Hai's eyes were narrowed, and she looked at Feng Jing Extremely coldly.

Shangguan Hen sneered, "Feng Feng? Are you afraid of the ancient sea? Are you going to kill everything?"

Shangguan marks trembled Fengye, but Fengye did not get fooled, but said coldly: "Perhaps you are right, in Gu Hai, I saw the shadow of the old man watching chess, the old man watching chess killing, Never do it. You can kill people by simply mobilizing people. Gu Hai also has this ability. Today, I will not kill him. In the next day, he will definitely count for you, or he will die here now! "

Shangguan Hen sneered, "You want to kill him, if I must protect him?"

"Protection? You can't keep it. You have the power to open the Tiangong Palace now, but only Xiatiangong, hahaha, in front of me, who can you keep?" Fengjing Supreme moved forward again, disdainfully looking at Shangguan mark .

In Fengye's eyes, no one can stop himself here and kill the ancient sea easily. Even if you have countless intrigues and tricks, I can't save anyone if I try to drop it for ten sessions.

However, Fengjing Supreme just moved forward a little, but suddenly his face stopped.

"Shangguanhen, are you crazy?" Feng Jing Extreme exclaimed suddenly.

"Oh, now, can I keep the ancient sea?" Shangguan Hen sneered.

However, I saw that Shangguanhen did not know where to take a sword and put it on his neck, as if to commit suicide.

"You ...!" Feng Jing's eyes widened.

"Dare you come forward, I will die in front of you, no, I die, you will die too, big deal, hahahaha!" Shangguan's face smiled wildly.

"Do you dare, for your sake, you want to commit suicide?" Feng Jing glared supremely.

Shangguanhen said coldly: "I committed suicide. I believe that the emperor will find my soul one day. I believe that he can resurrect me. And you, what do you have after you die? Who can save you? "

"Gu Hai can bring the dead back to life? The ghost believes it!" Feng Jing Extremely exasperated.

"I believe it!" Shangguanhen said forcefully.

Feng Jing's face was cloudy for a while.

"I said, I want to protect him, I can certainly protect him. If you want to kill him, you may not be able to kill him!" Shangguanhen sneered.

"Huh!" Feng Jing snorted with extreme glare.

Obviously, it is impossible to take another shot, but I didn't expect that Shangguanhen is such a ruthless man, who committed suicide? To protect someone from suicide? Although he is the embodiment of evil, he does not have the heart of death.

Feng Jing turned into a human shape with a sneer.

Shangguan marks exhaled secretly. Turning his head to look at all the basalts: "Listen to all basalts, no matter if you listen to me or Fengye Supreme, now I will order all basalts with the will of the basalt gods. From today on, no matter how basalt, no one can embarrass the ancient sea, no big trouble. If everything in the Han Dynasty is violated, it will be punished as a traitor, and there will be no forgiveness! "

A group of basalts looked at each other, and then looked at Fengjing Supreme, and finally respectfully said, "Yes!"

Shangguanhen looked at Xuanwu coldly, and turned to the ancient sea aside: "Lord, let's go!"

"You can't go!" Feng Jing chuckled suddenly.

"Huh?" Shangguanhen said in a deep voice.

"What if you are killed outside? So you are not allowed to leave and stay with me!" Feng Jing said coldly.

"Did I say I'm leaving? Huh!" Shangguan marks snorted coldly.

"Extreme Shangguan, why not go to my Yinyue Mountain Villa and sit down!" Yun Mo said with a smile.

"OK!" Shangguan Mark nodded.

To Silvermoon City?

At this moment, Fengjing Supreme didn't stop, after all, Yinyue City was next to her, and within her sight.

Shangguanhen and Guhai left for Yinyue Mountain Villa.

The way back to the main city of Sima City was very daunting.

Xuanwu Supreme? Resurrected? Will she be stationed in Yinyuehai? Is this a blessing or a curse?

A group of basalts turned into humanoids, following the Shangguan mark under the sign of the Supreme Master Fengjing.

Silvermoon City!

The army of revenge for the people returned to the city and greeted the city with cheers. However, Gu Hai had no time to pay attention, but went to a hall of Yinyue Mountain Villa together with Shangguanhen.

There are only two people in the hall, Guhai and Shangguanhen. And the use of sound insulation.

"Shangguanhen, just now, thank you very much!" Gu Hai smiled.

"Where does the emperor say? The emperor came for me regardless of life and death, and I threatened Maple Supreme. What's more? Moreover, I am not wrong. If I die, will the emperor revive me?" Shangguanhen laughed.

"You must be resurrected!" Gu Hai affirmed.

resurrection? How easy it is, but if Shangguan marks really died of himself, he must go all out.

"So, I'm also relieved. At least when we formed the alliance, I didn't choose the wrong one! I can escape from the imprisonment of Feng Jing, all hope lies on you, so I must do it just now." Shangguanhen solemnly .

Gu Hai nodded solemnly.

The two talked to each other about what happened during this time, and sighed for a while.

"What are you going to do next? Always follow Feng Jingxuan?" Gu Hai Shen said.

Shangguanhen laughed: "I'll stay in Yinyuehai for the time being. The strength of Xiatian Palace, there is still a lot of energy in the body is not refined, now go out, it is a humanoid treasure! I don't know how many red-eyed people lead me. Beside, he dare not treat me! "

Gu Hai was silent for a while. Although Shangguanhen said it easily, Guhai could hear the deep helplessness of Shangguanhen.

"Be assured, I will help you find a solution soon, surely!" Gu Hai affirmed.

Shangguanhen was silent for a while and nodded.

"The Dahan dynasty is developing rapidly, or you can stay in Yinyuehai, help me protect Yunmo of Yinyue Mountain Villa." Gu Hai solemnly said.


"Because of Yunmo, the Dahan dynasty will usher in an explosive development. Therefore, Yunmo's security is of paramount importance. The entire Xuanwu tribe must gather in Yinyuehai. It should not be difficult to protect Yunmo, and I will leave it to you! "Gu Hai solemnly said.

"Rest assured, Yunmo is here with me!" Shangguan marks solemnly said.

Gu Hai nodded.

"The emperor is next, going to the Halloween Assembly?" Shangguan marks puzzled.

Gu Hai nodded: "The Halloween Convention is about to start. I will see a lot of people and kill a lot of people here. I must start as soon as possible!"

Shangguan marks nodded.

"By the way, Feng Jing's resurrection, I have a guess!" Gu Hai frowned.


"Are all these things calculated by the old man who watched chess?" Gu Hai Shen said.

"Huh!" Shangguan marks stood up suddenly, his face horrified.

Gu Hai shook his head: "I don't know if it is, please be careful yourself! I will find a way for you as soon as possible!"

Shangguanhen's eyelids jumped for a while, and finally nodded.

"So, everything is settled, I will go north to Tianting City immediately!" Gu Hai took a deep breath.


Two days later, Dagan was facing a small courtyard in a city.

Lord Tang brought a group of subordinates and carried two dying men with wooden boards and placed them in the center of the yard.

Around the courtyard was a group of people, the first one with skin and hair of gold. When he saw two dying stomachs landing, he was astonished: "Master Miyata? Seven Killer, how did this happen?"

"King Dan, the emperor asked me to bring them back, and now I leave them to you, I don't care anymore, you handle it yourself!" Master Tang said lightly.

"Ah? Lord Tang, what's wrong with them?" Dan Wang was surprised.

"See for yourself!" Lord Tang said impatiently.

Leaving two people, Lord Tang left the courtyard with a group of subordinates.

This book's first release comes from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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