Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 5 Chapter 20: Ao Shun returns

Master Liu Nian accompanied Mo Yike and Bing Ji to Tianting City. Gu Hai stayed in Yinyue City for two days. He took Mu Chenfeng and also set foot on a flying boat. Mu Chenfeng and other wooden rudder disciples led the way and went towards Tianting City.

Tianting City, a huge square.

There are a large number of soldiers stationed around the square. There are dragons hovering in the sky. It is a residence of the dragons in Tianting City. Call ‘Longchen Hall’.

Longchen Hall must not be approached by anyone, even by the officials of Dachen. Long Wei infinite, big dry country beast, look down on the world.

At this moment, a man in white is standing far away from Longchendian Square and is watching the towering palace group in front of him quietly.

The man is not a stranger, but the former Prince Long, Ao Shun, who was imprisoned in the Dahan Dynasty in the past.

"Longchen Hall? Oh, I'm back!" Ao Shun smiled slightly.

"Stop!" Suddenly, a large number of soldiers stopped Ao Shun's road ahead.

"Who are you? Dare to break into Longchen Temple?" A soldier glared angrily.

"Oh? Look at his forehead, there is a mark of sin, he is a sin dragon!" Another soldier surprised.

"Dare to guilty of the dragon, dare you leave the job and return to the heavenly city? Don't want to live? Quickly, inform the dragon family." The generals stared.

"Well, isn't this His Royal Highness?" Suddenly, a sudden voice sounded.

But a man in armor suddenly flew.

"Leader Chen, this sinful dragon wants to break into Longchen Hall, so ........." the generals suddenly called.

Chen Tongling laughed: "This is Prince Dragon, don't you know?"

"Ah?" The faces of the generals changed.

"Prince Long, aren't they Prince Ao Sheng? Why ...?" The generals looked at Ao Shun in astonishment.

"Yeah, it's Prince Ao Sheng, but this one is the previous Prince, but unfortunately, he was deprived of his position as a dragon of sin, right? Prince Chen, Ao Shun sneered.

If in the past, Ao Shun had already been provoked, but in the years of imprisonment of the Dahan Dynasty, Ao Shun's temper had been worn away a lot, and he smiled slightly and did not take it seriously.

"Do you know me?" Ao Shun laughed.

"Why don't I know you? Oh, by the way, Prince Ao Shun definitely doesn't know me. In your eyes, I am just a humble ant. I remember that Prince Ao Shun led the Dragon race to return to the West and return to a demon. Shoes Dirty. At that time, they were stepping on my head and rubbing the dirt on the shoes. Hahahaha, now? I am already one of the guards of the Longchen Temple, and you, a sin dragon, a prisoner, more Followed the rebellious King Lu Yang, ha ha, how dare you come back? "Chen Tong sneered.

Ao Shun smiled slightly: "Go, pass on my brother and say I'm back!"

"Hahahaha, it is said that Prince Ao Sheng, who do you think you are? You can see whoever you want to see? You are a dragon of sin, and it is also a shame of the dragon. I heard that you were so stupid as to take the dragons to Qiandao The sea was sent to death, and I was deceived by myself. Hahahaha, do you know? The face of the dragon clan has been lost to you. Any dragon of the dragon clan is not what you want to see, but also the prince? Yes, Here used to be your palace, but now it's Prince Ao Sheng. "Chen Tong sneered.

"The shame of the Dragons? Oh, maybe, well, you go and inform!" Ao Shun didn't feel shame because of ridicule, but smiled a little and said it again.

Ao Shun gathered more and more people, and suddenly a dragon hovering in the sky seemed to see the noise here, and flew over.

"What's going on?" The dragon yelled coldly.

Chen Tongling turned his head and shouted, "Lin Shizi, this sin Long Aoshun, did not listen to the Holy Order, came to Tianting City without permission, and said that he wanted to see the Prince, I am teaching him!"

"Sin Dragon Ao Shun?" The dragon stunned slightly, looking at the white man Ao Shun in the center of the crowd.

The moment he saw Ao Shun, Lin Shizi's face suddenly changed.

"Prince, Prince, you are back!" Lin Shizi exclaimed.

Ao Shun smiled slightly and nodded.

"Lin Shizi, he is a sin dragon, sin dragon! Because of him, many dragons have died of dragons. Come to Beijing without permission, and be put into the prison." Chen Tongling gave his heart a stun.

"Fuck your mother!" Lin Shizi yelled at immediately.

Chen Tongled's face changed.

"Father, Uncle Gen, Prince is back, Prince Ao Shun is back!" Lin Shizi turned his head and yelled at Longchen Temple.


The Longchen Hall was square, almost all the dragons roared and soared into the sky.

"Xiao Linzi, what did you say?"

"Xiao Linzi, dare to lie to me, I'll kill you!"

"Prince Ao Shun is back? Really?"




In an instant, all the dragons around the Longchen Hall boiled, soaring into the sky together, flying towards Ao Shun outside the square.

Chen Tonglian's face changed: "What? He, isn't he the shame of the Dragons?"

In the palace of Longchen.

Prince Ao Sheng was sitting at his desk at the moment, approving some Dragon government affairs with a writing brush.

"His Royal Highness, you are so diligent. The Dragons are convinced by you now!" A subordinate smiled.

"Perhaps, in the hearts of the Dragons, the obsession with my elder brother is too deep!" Prince Ao Sheng smiled slightly.

"No, Ao Shun? It is already a plus for sin to betray the Dragons and ally with King Luyang. On the island of Jiuwu, leaving such a shame on the Dragons, the entire Dragons should be chilled. Prince, now, I should only recognize you, you must have surpassed him, haven't you seen it? Every time you return, half of the dragons come to greet you, and sometimes even one or two elders come in person! This is the dragon to the Prince Your approval is getting more and more! "The subordinate laughed.

Another subordinate laughed aside: "Yes, Prince, the old slave remembers that when you first took over the prince, every time you returned, almost no dragons came to greet them. Now, with the prince's diligence, more and more dragons I was overwhelmed by the prince. Half of the dragons came to greet the prince. This year, Ao Shun may not have such support! "

The subordinates praised Ao Sheng, and Ao Sheng showed a proud smile. Although he didn't say anything, his heart was very useful.

At that moment, a sudden shout rang out of the hall: "Father, Uncle Gen, the Prince is back, and Prince Ao Shun is back!"

Lin Shizi's roar made Ao Sheng, who was holding the writing brush, get a hand on his face, his face sinking.

"Ang, Ang, Ang, Ang ...............!"

The loud sound of the dragons from the outside rang out.

"Where? Where is Prince Ao Shun?"

"Xiao Linzi, you are going to lie to me and kill you!"




The sounds of excitement sounded from all sides of the palace group, and a dragon flew towards the distance.

In Ao Sheng's study, the subordinates' faces changed.

"Ah? It's Elder Gen's voice. Isn't Elder Gen retreat? He's retreat and never comes out halfway, unless the Supreme comes, why ...?"

"Elder Lin's voice? Didn't Ao Shun betray him last time Yinyuehai? Why was his voice so excited?"

"Are they all crazy? This, almost all the dragons are out? How is this possible?"




Urgent voices sounded outside the hall. The subordinates listening to Prince Ao Sheng bowed their heads and did not dare to speak.

Just now I said that Prince Ao Sheng returned and half of the Dragons would go to meet him. When Prince Ao Shun returned, almost all the Dragons went out?

Isn't he the shame of the Dragons?

Why do those Dragons still support Ao Shun so much?


In the study, the writing brush in Ao Sheng's hand made a crisp sound, and was subconsciously pinched by the gloomy Ao Sheng.


Chen Tong led his mouth open and looked at the dragons who whistled.

A lot of dragons, even Prince Ao Sheng, will not come out to greet him. This, how come all this excited when Ao Shun returns?

That look? How could this be?

Isn't Ao Shun the shame of the Dragons? He is a sin dragon, and is no longer Prince Long. Why are you still so supportive?

Lin Shizi has already become a human figure, and walked to Ao Shun excitedly.

"Prince, you are back, Xiaolinzi is waiting for hardship!" Lin Shizi said excitedly.

Ao Shun smiled bitterly: "I'm no longer a prince, just call me 'Shun Brother'!"

"No, in my heart, you will always be a prince, and you will always be a prince!" Lin Shizi said inexorably.

"Prince, Prince, you are back!"

"Prince, I'm Xiao Dongzi, Prince!"




Groups of dragons turned into humanoids with excitement.

The soldiers who had stopped in the past suddenly shrank their heads, and quietly retreated as earthy faces.

In addition to the younger generation of dragons, there are also a group of dragon elders.

In particular, Uncle Gen, Lin and others who appeared on the Jiuwu Island in the past. The elders saw Aoshun's white suit.

"How do I feel, Prince Ao Shun feels like he's washed up?"

"Me too, as if Prince Ao Shun was born!"




A group of elders flew with a smile, but Ao Shun was already surrounded by the younger generation of dragons, and the elders laughed and did not lean forward.

"Prince, why don't you go in, go, let's go in, where you are, we reserve for you, no one dares to move, just wait for you to come back!"

"Yeah, Prince, walk around, let's go in!"




The dragons held Ao Shun.

Ao Shunwei smiled, nodded, and was about to step into the square with the crowd. Suddenly, Ao Shun slightly smiled, "My shoes seem to be dirty again?"

"Uh?" Qun Long froze slightly.

Ao Shun looked at the former Chen leader.

Lin Shizi suddenly became furious: "Miscellaneous things, can't you find death? His Royal Highness?"

Although Lin Shizi did not know the passage, he also guessed about it, and immediately looked at Chen Tongling angrily.

"you wanna die!"

"Look for something dead!"




Qun Long suddenly stared at the leader Chen.

"I am wrong, I am wrong, prince, me, I will be a stool for you!" Chen Tongled came up in horror, bowed his head, and asked Ao Shun to step on his head and wipe his shoes like before Dirt.

Looked at the leader Chen, kneeling in front of him, trembling. Ao Shun didn't step on it, but smiled slightly: "Forget it, I won't step on it this time, I just want to remind you that any grievances of the Dragon clan will not turn you into an outsider's chaos!"

"Yes, yes, yes!" Commander Chen bowed his head in horror.

"Let's go!" Ao Shun laughed and was swarmed into the depths of Longchen Temple Square by the dragons.

"Hmm!" Qunlong led Lengheng to Chen Tong for a while.

A group of junior dragons listened to the orders of Ao Shun, while a group of elders of the dragons looked at each other.

"Ao Shun is not as proud as before?"

"No, but I feel that Ao Shun's arrogance is even sharper!"




A group of elders watched in awe as Ao Shun dealt with the grievance just now. Proud, so proud. It's just not as reckless as it once was.

The group of dragons went away, and Chen Tong was lying on the ground trembling for a while, then calmed down.

At this time, another leader came over: "Xiao Chen, are you crazy? Do you dare to ask Prince Ao Shun for trouble? If you want to change Prince Ao Shun's old temper, you have already died!"

Chen Tong led his face bitterly and said, "I, how could I think of this? Isn't he the shame of the Dragons?"

"Shame a fart, you know a fart, do you know that Prince Ao Shun was before? He is the pride of the entire Dragon clan, next time you put your eyes on the bright spot, don't try to kill yourself, and even affect us!" The leader said coldly.

Chen Tongled his face froze.

On the other side, inside Longchen Hall.

"Come on, let's meet my elder brother!" Prince Ao Sheng took a deep breath.


The door of the Longchen Hall opened, and Ao Sheng stepped out of the Longchen Hall. He immediately saw that almost all dragons in the distance were enthusiastically crowding back Ao Shun. This book's first release comes from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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