Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 5 Chapter 27: Ao Shun's transformation

A huge storm swept through, instantly rolling up the dragons, slamming the body of the dragons.

"Who!" Qun Long looked angrily.

However, the next moment, Qunlong's face became rigid.

"Prince Ao Shun?" Qun Long surprised.


Ao Shun arrived at this moment, and a strong wind swept across the entire square where Yipintang is located.

Keeping his body in shape, Ao Shun stood in a Tsing Yi over the area of ​​Yipintang.

A burst of breath burst out, and everyone around the square suddenly changed his face.

Gu Hai also sank, turning his head to look.

This breath?

Gu Hai is certain that this breath should go to the Temple of Heaven.

Prince Ao Shun, doesn't he only have the breath of Xiatian Temple? this is……?

"Sin seal is gone?" Mu Chenfeng suddenly changed his face.

But he saw that Ao Shun's brows disappeared.

At this moment, Ao Shun, with his long hair covered, is majestic.

In the distance, the mouth of Longchen Temple.

"Here, Prince, Ao Shun is here!" A subordinate said respectfully to Ao Sheng.

Ao Sheng narrowed his eyes and whispered, "Sin Seal? Huh, father is still partial!"

In another promenade, a group of elders of the dragon clan rose up in excitement.

"The restoration of Ao Shun is restored, the divinity is restored, and it is the invincible Prince Ao Shun of the past!" Elder Gen was quite excited.

"I knew it, I knew it, Supreme would never punish Prince Ao Shun!" Said Elder Lin excitedly.

"Prince Ao Shun's sin seal disappeared, and the former practice was restored. Then, this time, the ancient sea will be miserable!"

"Yeah, Guhai was on the Jiuwu Island and suffered humiliation. Now that he returns, how can he give Guhai a good look? In the past, Prince Ao Shun even dare to take action, why did he care about the identity of a good master?"




The elders sighed.

Although Prince Ao Sheng's face was gloomy, there was no mercy when he looked at Gu Hai, only a snorting cry.

In the distance, in the restaurant. Li Shenji's eyes narrowed.

"Ao Shun, who has won every battle, is back?" Li Shenji's eyes narrowed slightly, revealing a sneer.

The stronger Ao Shun is, the more the ancient sea has no resistance.

You are amazing in the ancient sea. You can chop up all the angels, bombard the city master, and scream the dragons, but this is Prince Ao Shun. The bomber is useless to him.

The shame you gave Ao Shun in the past, today, it's time to pay it back. No one can save you.

Tianchen City's eyes brightened when he saw Ao Shun.

Ye Hua first looked at Ao Shun's eyebrows in surprise. The seal of sin disappeared. The breath just now has reached the heavenly palace?

However, after being surprised, Yehua was more happy. Gu Hai is dead this time.

"Prince Ao Shun, you are back!"

"Prince Ao Shun, Supreme has unlocked your sin? Great, great!"

"This ancient sea has used tricks to frame Xiaolinzi. We are about to shoot together!"

"Prince Ao Shun, you can be out of breath now. He was prisoner of Jiuwu Island in the past. Now it's time to get revenge!"




The group of dragons shouted in excitement, but let the people around them understand everything, ancient sea? Imprisoned Prince Ao Shun? really?

People who didn't have much impression of the ancient sea before, suddenly seeing the ancient sea as a monster at this moment, it is no wonder that the dragons hate the ancient sea so much. Is this house mainly against the sky?

Slaying the six-winged angel, shelling the city master, fighting the dragons alone, and imprisoning Prince Ao Shun? Here, where does this come from?

The people looked at this scene in astonishment.

The disciples of Yipintang showed panic. Some people are even sweating on their foreheads. Mu Chenfeng was also anxious, but he never moved the manipulator.

Gu Hai looked up and looked coldly at Ao Shun in the sky.

Ao Shun's face arrived in an instant, and looked coldly in the field.

"Prince, let's do it for you and kill the ancient sea!" A dragon cried immediately.

"Stop!" Ao Shun roared again.

"Uh?" The dragons froze slightly.

All the dragons are stunned. Ao Sheng, the elders of the dragons, Li Shenji, Ye Hua in the distance, and the people around them all show a daze.

What do you mean?

Ao Shun shouted for the first time, didn't he shout at Gu Hai? Was he shouting at Qunlong?


But he saw Ao Shun's figure flicker, and he reached the square in front of Gu Hai. Turning his head, he glanced at Lin Shizi, who was awake in the horror on the ground, and took a deep breath. Turning his head, Ao Shun looked at Gu Hai.

The ancient sea looked coldly towards Ao Shun.

Ao Shun's solemn expression suddenly burst into a bitter smile.

"Thank you for your mercy!" Ao Shun suddenly solemnly salutes Gu Hai.


There was a sudden silence all around, Prince Ao Shun, saluting the ancient sea? Hasn't he restored it?

Still saluting the ancient sea where he was imprisoned?

"Prince, what are you ...!" Said the dragons in surprise.

"Shut up for me!" Ao Shun asked coldly.

"Uh!" Qun Long froze slightly.

At this time, Lin Shizi also woke up in a horrified fantasy, and suddenly stunned his spirits, and in a cold sweat, he opened his eyes and saw Gu Hai standing beside him.

"Gu Hai, you dare to intimidate me! Ang!" Lin Shizi roared suddenly, rushing towards Gu Hai suddenly.


With a loud noise, Lin Shizi did not rush to the ancient sea, but was shot and flew out by Ao Shun.

"Ah!" Lin Shizi screamed, but not much hurt.

Turning his head to see who hit him, he was suddenly surprised: "Prince, why did you hit me?"

Ao Shun looked at Lin Shizi coldly: "Why did I hit you? Well, if it wasn't for the mercy of Master Gutang, you are already a dead dragon!"

"What? Impossible!" Lin Shizi suddenly shouted in disbelief.

Ao Shun stared abruptly. Lin Shizi's body suddenly shrank, and he dared not refute.

In turn, Ao Shun looked at Gu Hai: "Gutang, this is one of my juniors, not sensible, and hope not to blame. Earlier, I really thank my fellows for their mercy!"

Gu Hai stared at Ao Shun for a while, and from Ao Shun's eyes, Gu Hai saw sincerity and nodded his head: "No, I was not prepared to really kill the ring. After all, kill this small group, over there Longchen Hall, there is a group of old people waiting for it! "

Gu Hai smiled towards Longchen Temple with a smile.

In the distance, Ao Sheng and the elders suddenly sank.

"Prince Ao Shun, has the Qianlong tribe been killed by the ancient sea, and you have been imprisoned by the ancient sea? Forget it? Your dragon tribe is too boneless? The enemies are here, but dare not act?" Ye Hua stirred Ao Shun.

Ao Shun turned his head and looked at Yehua in the sky, sneer: "Yehua? It ’s my turn, it ’s not enough for you to be an outsider to get in, right?"

"Huh?" Ye Hua sank.

"I do n’t care what you and the owner of the ancient church, but if you want to confuse my dragon clan against the ancient sea, do n’t blame me. I do n’t care if you are the first son, annoy me, and immediately kill you, you believe Don't believe it! "Ao Shun looked at Yehua coldly.

"Do you dare!" Ye Hua stared.

"Well, I killed you. My dad went to talk with Taichu, so I will become a sin dragon again. You can try it!" Ao Shun's tone was murderous.

Not far away, Li Shenji's eyes narrowed: "Ao Shun, who is not afraid of the sky, and not afraid of the ground, is back!"

Ao Shun looked at Yehua coldly, and the eyes of the group dragons looking at Yehua and the angels were not good either.

Ye Hua stared at Ao Shun desperately, trying to refute, but Ao Shun's murderous eyes made Ya Hua's heart tight. Others were not aware of Ao Shun, but Ye Hua knew the old Ao Shun. He has this strength, and his character is the same. Talk to him, only you suffer.


Ye Hua slammed his sleeve and snorted.

"Also, where there are dragons, you are not welcome. If you are okay, leave Tianchen City immediately!" Ao Shun said coldly.

Ye Hua showed a cold face, staring at Ao Shun for a moment.


With a roar, Jewa flew away with all the angels.

Yehua is gone.

Ao Shun turned to look at Longchen Temple in the distance, and looked at Ao Sheng in Longchen Temple Square. Ao Shun's brows frowned slightly. There seemed to be a sense of blame in his eyes. The dragon messed up.

Of course, Ao Sheng was Prince Long after all, and Ao Shun didn't say anything after all.

Even so, Ao Shun's blaming eyes made Ao Sheng's face distant.

"Huh!" Ao Sheng murmured, but he was extremely upset.

Ao Shun's eyes left Ao Sheng, but he looked at Tianchen City Lord who was not far away.

"Tianchen Lord, what's wrong with you?" Ao Shun frowned at Tianchen Lord.

"Prince, before ...............!" Lin Shizi turned into a human form, and said everything immediately before.

"Tianchen City Lord, although my Ao Shun is degraded to Fanlong, it is not as expensive as you, but after all, I want to say a few words to you. In the past, when you became the Lord of Tianchen City, someone said to me that you were not capable, It was because of the support of Prince Dagan that he became the owner of the city, but I did not expect that you made this mistake. Yipintang is the Foreign Affairs Department of Dagan, and it is the hall of the Marquis of the Holy Ghost, no matter who is the master. They are all marquises. In his own home, the marquis has the right to deal with the intruders. Who gave you the courage to break into a product hall? "Ao Shun frowned.

"Eh!" Tianchen City's face looked rigid.

"Those who have committed crimes against me must be stubborn from a distance, but they must be stricken from a distance. The angels are responsible for killing them. What is wrong with the ancient masters killing them? But you are helping outsiders to disturb the Dagan outline?" Ao Shun Shensheng Road.

"Ah? No, no, it's just ..."! The master of Tianchen City changed his face and suddenly called.

"The owner of the ancient church didn't investigate it. Just now, if you bombarded you directly and there was no guilt in the presence of the Holy Spirit, can you know?" Ao Shun Shen said.

Tianchencheng's face changed.

"Well, who are these soldiers guarding? No need to gather here, you can withdraw!" Ao Shun Shen said.

"Yes!" Tianchen Cheng smiled bitterly.

In Tianting, although he is expensive as a city master, there are too many people higher than his status. Ao Shun in front of him, even if he is not a prince, he is also the supreme eldest son of the Dragon tribe. Moreover, there are many dragons here, most of them are based on other horses. They can't beat the will of the dragons.

Tianchen City Lord can only quickly withdraw a group of city guards.

At this moment, Yipintang disciples are no longer afraid, and Ao Shun's eyes are also friendly.

The people around looked at Aoshun in amazement at this moment. How could enchantment be like this? Earlier Qun Long said, are they all fake? Where is the humiliation of imprisoning Ao Shun? This Ao Shun, but the ancient sea is maintained everywhere.

"Why is this happening?" Li Shenji's face turned wild with anger in the distance.

Longchen Diankou.

Ao Sheng glanced gloomily at Ao Shun.


Swinging his sleeves, Ao Sheng walked back to Longchen Hall.

Ao Shun handled everything and looked at Gu Hai.

"Mr. Gu, don't come without a break in the past?" Ao Shun laughed.

"Prince Ao Shun, so prestigious!" Gu Hai laughed.

"Mr. Gu is polite, compared to Mr. Gu, it's just a reckless husband." Ao Shun shook his head.

The menacing group of dragons that had been around in the past was tangled at this moment. How can this happen?

"Prince Ao Shun, please inside!" Gu Hai laughed.

Ao Shun frowned suddenly: "I suddenly remembered that I have to tell you something!"

"Oh?" Gu Hai wondered.

"I was in Tiancheng City just now and saw Gou Chen!" Ao Shun frowned.

"Go Chen?" Gu Hai was surprised.

"It should be him, your tianqin. That sings very, uh, it's ... he. It's in Tiancheng. Now, it seems to be arguing with a group of bald heads. I just tried to stop it, but suddenly Here's your news. Worry about something, you'll be right back! "Ao Shun frowned.

"Arguing? Bald? Is it a monk?" Gu Hai wondered.

"Yes, it should be the messengers from Lingshan Holy Land! It seems there is a bodhisattva!" Ao Shun nodded.

"Western Lingshan Holy Land?" Gu Hai sank.

PS: Fortunately, no delay. Get it ahead of time!

This book's first release comes from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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