Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 5 Chapter 28: Degree Magic Book

"Western Lingshan Holy Land?" Gu Hai sank.

Holy Mountain Holy Land, the ancient sea has been heard for a long time, together with Wanshou Taoism, the Sun Shrine is called the three holy holy places, Qin Yun of the former Yuan Dynasty, but just learned a method of Lingshan holy land, closed eyes on the world Zen, destroyed the Holy Land The corpse blocked the axe.

Today, Gou Chen and the people in Lingshan Holy Land are arguing?

"What's going on, no, I have to go right now! Prince Ao Shun, and hope to show me the way!" Gu Hai's face changed.

Gu Hai is still very important to Gou Chen. If facing ordinary people, Gu Hai would not worry about Gou Chen, but it is a holy place in Lingshan. Gu Hai had to worry.

"Directing the way? No, I'll take you there. I planned to stop it before, but it was too late!" Ao Shun shook his head.

Gu Hai glanced at Ao Shun.

Ao Shun was enthusiastic about himself, and Gu Hai could guess about it. In the eyes of others, Ao Shun's imprisonment on the Jiuwu Island was humiliated. At least from the beginning, Ao Shun thought so. But why would the Dragon Tribe Ao Tianhuang appreciate the ancient sea?

Not only Ao Tianhuang, Ao Shun also realized it.

After being detained for a few years, Ao Shun saw a lot of world affairs, and he also removed the bad edges of his body. For the prisoner, Gu Hai did not humiliate herself, but she also opened herself up to all outside information, which is a kind of teaching to herself.

Just now, Ao Shun couldn't come, and Gu Hai could indeed kill Lin Shizi, but here, after all, there is the Longchen Hall, with a group of elders of the Dragon clan.

Ao Shun is returning favor.

"Okay, there is labor!" Gu Hai laughed.

"Lord, we are going too!"

"Lord, let me go too!"




Shouted all the disciples in Yizhong.

After going through the scene just now, all the disciples of Yipintang have worshiped the ancient sea to the extreme. Even if there is danger of the Holy Mountain Holy Land, everyone doesn't care, just follow the owner.

"Well, Mu Chenfeng, you take the sky gun, select a hundred disciples of Yipintang, and set off immediately!" Gu Hai Shen said.

"Yes!" Mu Chenfeng said excitedly.

"Prince, what about us?" The dragons immediately eagerly said.

"Tiancheng City, was granted a Holy Mountain Holy Land by the Holy Lord. That place, even the Dragons are not convenient to enter, you can't go all, up to a hundred people, follow me, each dragon army, ten representatives!" Ao Shun Shen said.

"I go!" "I go!" "I go!" ...............

Suddenly, the group of dragons were noisy, one by one eager to pass.

However, in the end, there were only a hundred people, and other dragons were helpless for a while.

"Well, let's go!" Gu Hai took out the flying boat.

"Time is tight. If Mr. Gu does not give up, otherwise, will I take you there?" Ao Shun said.

"Okay!" Gu Hai nodded.

The speed of an ordinary flying boat is only the speed of Xiatian Temple. How can Ao Shun be fast?

Ao Shun threw his big sleeves and immediately took everyone to the sky.


Turned into a meteor, blasted away towards the distance in an instant.

In a blink of an eye, the Yipintang Square was quiet.

The group of dragons also went back. In the distance, the Tianchen City Lord took an upset and directed the army to leave, and the people around did not dare to easily enter the boundary of Yipintang.

Not to mention the ruthless ancient sea, even Prince Ao Shun also spoke earlier. Who dares to run wild at this time?

The people slowly dispersed, but there was a long time in their hearts that they could not calm down.

"Where did this ancient sea come from? Who knows?"

"Does anyone know the past of Gu Hai?"

"Who heard of Gu Hai?"




For a time, the whole city was exploring the news of Guhai.


Ao Shun took it with great speed. He quickly flew over Tianchen City and headed towards Tiancheng City.


A guard snorted immediately.


Ao Shun had flew away in an instant, and the guard general did not stop it.

"No, someone is running in the heavens, please tell the lord!" Said the soldier anxiously.

"Notify you, are you blind? That's Prince Ao Shun, do you dare to stop?" A nearby soldier called.



Ao Shun covered everyone with a mask and watched the city flying near in the distance.

"Ao Shun, you said you saw a dispute between Gou Chen and Lingshan Holy Land? What is the dispute? Where is in Tiancheng?" Gu Hai frowned.

"It seems to be a dumb kid. Specifically, I didn't delve into it and had no time. However, where they are, it is more troublesome. In the palace area of ​​Lingshan Holy Land, the city guards are not easy to intervene, and, In Tiancheng City, there are countless Buddhas, and most of the people believe in Buddhas. Although they are not devout to the Holy Mountain Holy Land, if the two forces compete, most of them stand on the side of the Holy Mountain Holy Land. Because they all practice Buddhism! "Ao Shun Explained.

"Buddha countless?" Gu Hai frowned slightly.

"Yeah, the dynasty is not like the ancestral gate. It is full of seas and rivers. As long as it can be used by my masters, Buddha and demon, you can be a minister. Do n’t you know Master Liunian? Is n’t he a Buddha cultivation? In Tiancheng City, There are many Buddhas and temples. I heard that when the Holy Land of Lingshan came to the people, Tiancheng City was almost welcomed by people, and all people were empty! "Ao Shun explained.

The ancient sea brows are deeply locked, which is obviously quite tricky. Tiancheng City is different from Tianchen City, where the people are standing side by side with the Holy Mountain Holy Land.

"Lingshan Holy Land, who came this time? Are they all attending the Halloween Conference?" Gu Hai wondered.

"The people in Lingshan Holy Land have just arrived. They were invited by the Holy Spirit to come to the Halloween Convention. The leader is the future Buddha! They brought a large number of Bodhisattva and Luohan, but most of them were invited to Tianting City at this moment. In the future, the Buddha went to meet the holy. However, those who remained in the palace also had one or two bodhisattvas and a group of Luohan, so ... "Ao Shun smiled bitterly.

"Future Buddha?" Gu Hai frowned.

The ancient sea has some understanding of Lingshan Holy Land. There are three Buddhas in Lingshan Holy Land, past Buddha, present Buddha, and future Buddha. The world's top group of people. Even if it is not as good as Dagan Sheng, they are not far behind, after all, they have not fought.

"When the future Buddha first arrived, he gave a lecture in Tianli City and won the support of countless Buddhas in Tianli City. When he arrives, Mr. Gu be careful and try to appease Chen Chen as much as possible!" Ao Shun shook Shook his head.

Gu Hai did not speak or promise. If Gou Chen was wrong, Gu Hai would stop Gou Chen. If it was not Gou Chen's fault, why should he appease Gou Chen?

Gu Hai didn't speak, Ao Shun glanced at Gu Hai, and smiled bitterly.

Over the years, Ao Shun can also understand the character of Gu Hai. Gu Hai cannot compromise his ideas because of anyone's words.


The crowd flew into Tiancheng City instantly.

Because Ao Shun was ahead, the Quartet guards did not stop it.

"Mr. Gu, that's where!" Ao Shun shouted pointing at the distance.

However, I saw a large square in the distance, surrounded by a large number of ordinary people and soldiers, just like the previous Yipintang, staring at the battle in the field one by one.

However, unlike Tianchen City, most of the onlookers at this moment have a subjective stand and look coldly into the field.

"That was listening to the Buddha Temple Square. Before that, the future Buddha was listening to the altar of the Buddha Temple Square." Ao Shun pointed to the huge palace at the entrance of the square.

The name of the hall is ‘listen to the Buddha’.

Listening to the entrance of the Buddha's hall, a group of people dressed in crickets stood with a kind-looking middle-aged man, looking at the center of the square with compassion.

In the center of the square, at this moment, there were five hundred monks in golden light sitting in a circle, and surrounded Gou Chen and a teenager around the center.

"The demon, the Buddha's light is universal, and the evil is turned, the Buddha is on the top, and he is given the holy text, and the sentient beings are ...............!"

Five hundred monks read the sutras in their mouths.

When the Buddhist scriptures were read from the mouth, it seemed that a golden rune spit out from the monk's mouth, and the rune shape was '卍'!

Five hundred monks spit the '卍' scriptures slowly, floating slowly, like rivers converging to a high altitude and a sea, converging into a super huge '图案' pattern, which radiated directly above Gou Chen and the boy Golden light.

In all directions, no hundred people and soldiers looked at Gou Chen and the boy coldly.

"Hmm, evil, in the 500-strong Luohan battle, they dared to resist, I don't know if they live or die!"

"The Buddha is compassionate, evil spirits do evil, but they have to spend time, and so on, and so on!"

"The Immortal Buddha!"




The people kept counting Gou Chen.

Gou Chen kept the boy behind him, and the space between the probes continued to move, and for a moment, the sound of the space piano began to sound.


Under a wave of sound, millions of elves suddenly emerged out of thin air, rushing towards all directions.

However, the five hundred Luohan sat in a circle, as if forming a large formation of enchantment, the elf flew forward, and was suddenly blocked by the golden light enchantment.

Gouchen's piano sound was suppressed by the five hundred monks' chanting.

On the one hand, the teenager was terrified, but Gou Chen hummed coldly: "Don't be afraid, I have the tunes that my master gave me, hum, these bald donkeys are not good things, watch my" Sadness "!


Gou Chen Ling played the piano, and the piano sound suddenly formed a fighter. He looked up at the huge "卍" seal in the sky and rose to the sky.


The golden rune of the 卍 word was suppressed, and the violin fighter was suppressed, and there was no resistance.

Gou Chen's face turned wild.

The boy covered his ears and was in great pain, but Gou Chen was playing his piano constantly and disturbing the impact of the recitation on the boy.

"Bald donkeys, have the ability to one-on-one, come with me, recite the scriptures to me, what a skill not to recite the chanting skills for a juvenile!" Gou Chen anxious.

Gou Chen was angry, beside the five hundred monks, there was a woman in white. The woman had a pretty face, but her eyes were full of cold and meanness.

"Wuliang Shoufo, Tian Qin, Gou Chen? Who is your master, we are demonizing demons. If you are entangled again and again, blame me and wait for you together!" The woman in white said coldly.

"Well, demon, you are the demon. Lao Tzu has Baoding today, what a 500-strong Luohan battle, and what" Devil Sutra ", Lao Tzu would not believe it. Do you want to spend me? Come, you come!" Gou Chen face exposed Lu shouted.

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