Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 5 Chapter 37: Break the zen

Caution Bodhisattva Bleeding!

Everyone calmed down, staring blankly at this incomprehensible scene.

"Stop the Bodhisattva, what's wrong?" The monks were anxious.

The people around were also very at a loss, and this sounded like a buzz?

Only Gu Hai, Long Shenwu, Mu Chenfeng and others understood what was going on.

"This ringing bodhisattva is a true hero!" Lamented a general behind Long Shenwu.

"Yeah, Gou Chen looks like he already sang ten songs, and he can still sit there safely, Niu Ren!"

"We couldn't stand a song before we finished listening!"

"Sitting your mouth still, you really have a reputation!"




The generals looked at the ringing Buddha in shock.

"The Bodhisattva wants to drag Gou Chen, but how does he know that Gou Chen does not need to be dragged at all!" Sima Changkong looked strangely.

Below, with the applause of the little beggar, Gou Chen sang even more, and the people who were drunk in the song looked so long for the people around him, if only we could listen.

But, why did the Bodhisattva bleed to Qiqiao?

"It must be so nice. The Bodhisattva was moved like this!" Someone made a noise.

"Oh!" The Bodhisattva spit out old blood. Moved fart! The old man is going crazy!

"Exercise the Bodhisattva, have you gone into the devil? Quickly, calm down, at this time, don't lose!" Exclaimed the Zizhu Bodhisattva anxiously.

Caution Bodhisattva trembling in his hands, as he conjoined, he kept meditating on the Buddhist scriptures and looked at the ecstasy that had been forgotten.

You evil, you evil! Where is the evil that comes out? Can't you take a break Still singing?

Caution Bodhisattva wanted to cry. After so many years of practicing Buddhism, this is the first time I have encountered such a desperate situation, Buddha, what should I do?

Ripped Gou-Chan's mouth? Destroyed him? Had it not been for the piano fight, the Bodhisattva had already shot.

But, in order to get the Holy Mountain Holy Land, and to get the little beggar, the Bodhisattva had to endure this torment.

The self-styled ears are useless, the six-style self-styled, and useless. If you apply too much force, all the seven tricks are injured, but they are useless.

Gou Chen is still singing.

Everyone was staring at the field, wondering what was going on.

"Isn't it necessary to warn the Bodhisattvas into evil?"

"It must have gone into flames, and Gou Chen sang so nicely. Look at the little beggar's intoxication. The seven tricks and bloodshed of the Bodhisattva must have nothing to do with him!"

"Retribution, shameless, arrogant, and mocking Goshen, right now?"

"Deserve it!"




The ruthless numbers of the people fell.

The monks stared blankly.

Even Heavenly City and the future Buddha are silent. What does this mean?

"Keep silent, do you still have a chance to get into the magic?" Dagan Sheng wondered.

"It shouldn't be!" Said the future Buddha blankly.

At this moment, among the sound barriers, Gou Chen finally finished singing another song.

"Papapapapam!" The beggar clapped excitedly.

"Yes, Zheng Faming, you are very savvy. Well, if you like it so much, I will sing to you a song I just created, called" Bald Head, You Do Not Know Love "!" Gou Chen proudly said.

After finishing speaking, Gou Chen sang: "Don't use the big bald head, do you understand love? Don't understand love ~~, listen to the Buddhist temple to fall down ~~~!"

Gou Chen Gang sang two sentences.

The ringing was finally unbearable.

"Demon, suffer ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

The ringing suddenly drank from the sky, and from the ringing mouth, a gush of skylight burst forth, as if the Tianhe collapsed and the tsunami fell down, a mighty destruction of the earth suddenly burst out from the mouth of the ringing Buddha.

As soon as the monstrous power came out, the whole listening hall was suddenly shaken by a super storm.

A horrible power reaching the heavenly palace came all around in an instant, and the golden light spouting from that mouth was like the light of destruction, like a golden river of destruction, to destroy everything in heaven and earth.

The mighty power radiated, and the people's faces suddenly changed and their hearts trembled.


Gou Chen He had faced such a terrible blow, and suddenly shouted in horror.

The sound barrier broke at the sound, and the void echoed, ‘Demon, death ~~~~! ’Super loud.

"Miscellaneous account!" Long Shenwu in the sky looked cold, and the detective was about to call.

"Er dare!" Ao Shun also stared, and punched out with a punch in the direction of the ringing Buddha.

Mouth-mouthing blasted through the entire city of Tiancheng.

"Protect the people!" The Lord of the Heavens suddenly shouted and ordered the Quartet to guard the people.

"Don't warn the Bodhisattva, don't!" A group of monks at the Buddhist Temple suddenly exclaimed.

"Mu Chenfeng!" Gu Hai exclaimed.

Mu Chenfeng's explosive sky gun aimed at the crazy ringing Buddha.

Many forces from the Quartet rushed to the Bodhisattva.

Caution Bodhisattva to spit the golden river, it seems that you can hit the Gouchen place instantly.

"Multitude Life Buddha ~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

The Buddha's horn suddenly sounded in the void, but the voice of the future Buddha suddenly sounded.


In front of Gou Chen, a golden giant palm phantom suddenly formed. The giant palm phantom protected Gou Chen, and immediately blocked the strength of all parties, and a palm crashed into the golden river that the vomiting Buddha vomited.

"Booming ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

A super huge collision sounded in the air, and a huge shock wave suddenly overturned all the people around. The whole city of Tiancheng was shaken suddenly.

A super air stream swept across the Quartet, seeming to instantly level most of Tiancheng City.


In the future, the golden palm of the Buddha's palm is dim, and all the aftershocks of all power are caught in the palm of the palm.


With a muffled sound, all the aftershocks of the forces burst apart.

The practitioners who shot all around also had a meal. Everything stopped.

Hundreds of people rose from the ground.

"It's okay to warn the Bodhisattva, and sneak attack?"

"It's so dangerous, Gou Chen was almost killed by the commanding Buddha!"

"Don't you say Qindao showdown? Why the killer?"

"It's hard! Shameless!"

"Can't afford to lose, you have to kill?"




The people were angry all around, watching the ringing Buddha one by one.

"Frightened the song!" Gou Chen said in a panic.

Gou Chen is okay, but Gu Hai, Ao Shun and others are no longer so angry. After listening to Gou Chen singing for a long time, it was too difficult for him.

"Stop the Buddha, what are you doing?" Exclaimed Zizhu Bodhisattva.

"Stop the Bodhisattva, why did you suddenly kill?" A group of monks were also dazed.

"The evil spirit, the evil spirit, suffer death, suffer death ..." The ringing Bodhisattva still pointed at Gou Chen as if he was mad and said to himself.


The ringing Bodhisattva exudes a golden breath, and suddenly suddenly collapses and falls to the ground.

"Exercise the Bodhisattva, have you lost power? That has been done!" A monk exclaimed.

"The ringing Bodhisattva has spoken, and the closed meditation Zen has been broken? How is it possible that Gou Chen just broke the closed meditation Zen?"

"Spitting the Golden River just now is to dispel all the power of the Bodhisattva, and all of it is lost? The Bodhisattva of the Bodhisattva has ceased to become an ordinary person!"




A group of monks ran over anxiously, holding the ring Buddha.

"Frightened the song of God, you can't kill me, do you still want to punch me?" Gou Chen exclaimed suddenly.

"Master, he is going to kill me, he is ashamed, he is going to kill me!" Gou Chen suddenly looked at Gu Hai.

Gu Hai glanced at Chen, wasn't it all you? So sorry to sue me?

"Just now, it ’s really timely for the Buddha to make a shot in the future. Otherwise, not only will the Bodhisattva be killed at this moment, but the Holy Land will be prosecuted here."

The ringing Bodhisattva still pointed at Gou Chen, and in his mouth he whispered ‘Demon”!

"Cut the Bodhisattva crazy?" Mu Chenfeng said blankly.

After finishing talking, Mu Chenfeng looked at Gou Chen, and his heart was cold. Gou Chen's song can really sing crazy?

"Enough, quit!" The majestic voice of the future Buddha exploded all around.

First and foremost is to command the Buddha.

The Bodhisattva slammed the spirit suddenly, and seemed to wake up a lot from the state of madness.

"I, I, I broke my power? I broke my power? 噗 ~~~~~!" The Bodhisattva could not accept the state at the moment, and spit blood again.

"Hum, ring, what's going on with you? During the piano fight, you dare to tick off the killer without permission?" The voice of the future Buddha was cold.

"Future Buddha, he, it is he, this demon, he sings, he sings ...!" The Bodhisattva abruptly stunned the whole body, trembling with chills all over his body, terrified.

"Speak well, what did Gou Chen sing? You suddenly went crazy?" The angry voice of the future Buddha came.

"He sings, he sings" Bald, you don't understand love ", he sings too, too ... I can't stand it, I can't stand it, I .........!" The Bodhisattva is all crazy.

"Song name, isn't that good? That's it, you want to kill people?" The future Buddha said coldly. ,

Command the Bodhisattva: "...............!"

"I, I can't stand it, I can't stand it, ah ~~~~ ah ~~~~~!" Ringing suddenly burst into tears and cried.

That sad look, aggrieved look, the faces of all the menacing people who had been in the original look froze. Is this the wicked's first complaint? Or is the Bodhisattva a storyteller? Say you do n’t understand love, what ’s wrong?

The angry people frowned together towards the Ring Buddha.

The voice of the future Buddha also came to a sudden end. There is a kind of speechlessness. You do n’t have to do any work, why are you crying?

"Well, take the ringing Buddha down!" The voice of the future Buddha was helpless.

Long Shenwu, Sima Changkong and the generals sighed a little, but no one blames the Bodhisattva for warning, but just looks coldly.

"Future Buddha ...!" Suddenly a majestic voice sounded in the void.

"Wu Shou Buddha, this game should be lost for the commandment of the Bodhisattva, willing to gamble to lose, the little beggar returned to a shop!" The future Buddha sighed slightly.

PS: As a reminder, the WeChat public account will be issued a red envelope tonight, around nine o'clock. WeChat public account: aiguanqi

This book's first release comes from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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