Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 5 Chapter 38: Little beggar

"Wu Shou Buddha, this game should be lost for the commandment of the Bodhisattva, willing to gamble to lose, then the little beggar returned to Yipintang!" The future Buddha sighed slightly.

In the future, the Buddha has finished speaking, and all the dust is settled. Of course, the Buddha in the future cannot say anything else. Lingshan Holy Land can't do it yet.

"Bulgarian Buddha!" ​​The monks listening to the mouth of the Buddha's hall said sadly and indignantly.

A thousand Luohan was battered by the great tragedy curse, and the Purple Bamboo Bodhisattva was bombarded and vomited blood, and the ringing Bodhisattva was driven crazy. Listening to the crowd of Buddhas at the Temple Square, the army was almost annihilated. Even the future Buddha's intervention, eventually lost the beggar.

A group of monks were sorrowfully thinking of the Buddha, and looked at Gu Hai and his party not far away with a hint of hatred.

However, the world cannot revolve around the Holy Land of the Holy Mountain. Gu Hai turned his head to look at the monks coldly, and turned to look at the dragon **** Wu in the air.

"Shenwu King, I would like to thank Shenwu King for justice!" Said Gu Hai slightly.

Long Shenwu nodded with a complex look: "Mr. Gu came from afar, and would like to drive over to my house, and Shen Wu sweeps the door to welcome him!"

Long Shenwu's openings made some officials and people in Tiancheng City appear curious, and the third prince invited people in person, which is very rare.

"Thank you for your good intentions. I just returned to Yipintang, and there are still many things to deal with. If there is time in the future, please let me disturb you!" Gu Hai laughed.

The Lord of the City of Heaven looked at Gu Hai and the invitation of the third prince with a look of incomprehension, but it was a great honor for Tianda. You actually refused?

"Hahaha, okay, in this palace, always open to Mr. Gu!" Long Shenwu laughed.

The ancient sea was a little gift.

After a brief exchange, Long Shenwu slowly left with his army.

Leaving Tiancheng City Lord with a group of city guards looking at the ancient sea, but at this moment, Tiancheng City Lord did not dare to find Guhai trouble even if he had the guts.

Although it was just the battle between the ancient sea and the ringing Bodhisattva, it can be seen with a little brain. This has risen to a small confrontation between the Dagan Heavenly Dynasty and the Lingshan Holy Land. The red man in the eyes of the Holy Ghost, at least the Holy Ghost has a very good impression of the ancient sea? At this time, trouble with Guhai is no longer needed, and there is no need for Dagan Sheng to make a statement. A large group of officials will jump out to participate in a book. In addition, the people around are very grateful to the ancient sea, and if they have resentment, they cannot be enemies with the people.

"Well, we should go back!" Gu Hai said.

"Xiao Ming, follow me! We will never come back in the future!" Gou Chen called.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh!" The little beggar opened his mouth and couldn't speak, and he kept making gestures.

Gu Hai revealed a hint of doubt.

"Master, Xiaoming said, he wants to say goodbye to his parents, grandparents!" Gou Chen said.

Gu Hai: "……………………!"

Does this translate too?

"Okay!" Gu Hai nodded.

Directed by the Fa-rectification, Feizhou slowly left the listening hall.

Feizhou left, and all the monks bit their lips, with a look of hatred. People around were paying respects to the ancient sea Feizhou.

At least, the practitioners are extremely grateful for the great tragedy curse that Gu Hai has just made. Moreover, the people came to their senses and stopped worshipping Lingshan Holy Land. They immediately felt that the ancient sea glorified the country and respected them.

"It's amazing, do you know Gu Hai?"

"Yipintang was only famous under the leadership of Princess Xiaoyue in the past. After the death of Princess Xiaoyue, I thought Yipintang was gone, and there was an ancient master again!"

"Great ancient church owner, who knows the past of the ancient church master?"




People inquired inquisitively.

In a restaurant in the distance, there was a group of people standing at the moment, staring at the flying boat and leaving.

For the first one, if Gu Hai saw it, he must recognize it at a glance. It was a Jurassic child from Wanshou Taoism. In Yinyue City, he attacked Yinyue Villa with "Big Killing Birds", but was destroyed by Gu Hai's "Hundred Birds and Phoenix". Before being investigated, Xuan En of Wanshou Taoism was taken away.

At this moment, Feng Tonglao was standing on a stool, and a group of people respectfully stood behind him, staring at the flying boat leaving Guhai together.

"Is that the little beggar?" There was a craving in Feng Tong's old eyes.

"Yes, Master, it is him. You saw it just now, the Taoist body. What we found with all our hardships, the disciples also spent a lot of trouble, only to get to where we are today. I didn't expect to be in the Holy Land Seize the opportunity, but, okay, was just taken away by that Pintang person, that person ...! "A man with a black birthmark on his face frowned.

"That man, Gu Hai? Huh, I want to kill him too soon!" Feng Tong said coldly.

"But, Master, now the physique of that little beggar has been exposed, Dagan Sheng knows it, and the future Buddha knows, do we need to **** it again?" The birthmark man frowned.

"Win, you must win, do you know how long I waited for this day? My soul can only be entrusted by the avenger, Jurass, Jurassic, I hate Jurassic, because Jurass, Waner will not Give me one more look, even if I have a super talent, I don't even look at it. I found it, the phage, and he is here. Would you let me give up? "Feng Tong's old eyes looked at the birthmark man coldly.

"No, I dare not, forgive me for the sin!" The birthmark man horrified.

"Hum, just find this phage, look at his eyebrows, it's considered handsome when he grows up, it's him, find a chance and let me take the body!" Feng Tong Lao coldly said.

"So, Shizu once said that the recent time is more sensitive, let's keep ourselves safe and let me ...!" The birthmark man whispered.

However, talking about it, the birthmark man's words are gone, because the eyes of Feng Tong Lao seem to kill the birthmark man.

"Yes, Master, I listen to you!" The Birthmark man looked ugly.

"Hum!" Feng Tong always hummed--

After three hours.

A very deserted place in Tiancheng City is like a large garbage dump. There is a small thatched cottage next to the garbage dump.

Outside the hut, there are four small graves, no tombstones, and very desolate.

The little beggar kept hoeing among the four graves.

Gu Hai and others stood outside the tomb, standing with their hands up, waiting for them.

Ao Shun stood aside, at this moment, Lin Shizi flew over.

"Prince, master of the ancient church, find out clearly!" Lin Shizi of that dragon tribe respectfully.

"Oh?" Ao Shun looked at him.

"Just now we sent people to inquire, it was clear that this little beggar was twelve years old, and it was also bumpy. When he was born, his mother had a difficult delivery, and his father met a band of robbers on the way back. He was killed and killed by his grandparents! The little beggar used to be very wealthy at home, but only moved to this garbage area when he was born! "Lin Shizi explained.

"Oh? Is the family wealthy?" Gu Hai revealed a hint of doubt.

"Yes, after his father and mother died, his grandfather did no funeral, but simply buried his parents, and then brought him here with all his wealth, but suddenly encountered misfortune, I do not know what thief, everything All were stolen, and when the beggar was ten years old, his grandmother died of illness. Last year, his grandfather died of illness too! Then he walked around without help and begging on the streets and alleys for a living! "Lin Shizi explained Road.

"Died one after another? All of them died of illness? To be wealthy in Tiancheng City, they should all have a certain practice, died of illness?" Gu Hai frowned.

"Some people say that it was the beggars who were too hard to kill them!" Lin Shizi explained.

"Doesn't it mean bad luck?" Ao Shun frowned.

"The church owner, the little beggar searched the house, nothing unusual!" Mu Chenfeng approached and explained.

Gu Hai frowned at the four graves.

"Open a coffin for autopsy!" Gu Hai Shen cried.

"But it's been a long time!" Ao Shun stunned slightly.

"I always feel strange, how can there be such a coincidence?" Gu Hai Shen whispered.

"Yes!" Yizhongtang said.

"Ah ah ah ah ah…………!"

The little beggar kneeling in front of the grave immediately stopped at a group of disciples in Yipintang to prevent them from destroying the grave.

"Xiao Ming, follow me, remove their graves and give them a better coffin! Come to us and bury them again?" Gou Chen advised.

The beggar was silent for a while and nodded.

Suddenly, all the disciples of Yipintang began to dig up the grave, and a rotten coffin was dug out. Open slowly.

"It's only bones left. It's decayed for more than ten years. It should be the father of the beggar?" Ao Shun frowned at the bones.

"Ah .........!"

The little beggar scratched his head at the coffin, and his mouth rang "Ahhh", as if talking to the bones.

"Your father's?" Gu Hai asked.

The little beggar nodded.

"Prince, Baigu's hand, holding a jewel? In his family, it should be very precious!" Lin Shizi frowned.

"The beggar's father encountered a robber? He killed his father, but did not **** the orb in his hands?" Gu Hai narrowed his eyes.

Carefully place the bones into the new coffin. Then quickly opened the other three graves.

"This is the beggar's mother. Look, there is a knife mark on her bones around her neck. Was it killed? Isn't it difficult to give birth?" Mu Chenfeng's face changed.

"This is Granny the little beggar. The bones under the neck are black, and some rotten flesh is also black. It was poisoned to death, not sick?" Lin Shizi's face changed.

"The grandfather of the little beggar was also poisoned. He still holds a silk cloth in his hand. Quickly, take it out to see, the church owner, there is a word, there is a word on this silk cloth!" Mu Chenfeng was surprised.

The silk cloth was unfolded with a small line of words: "Let my grandchildren go! Please!"

Let go of my grandchild! I beg you?

Everyone saw the silk cloth, and they felt a chill in their hearts, and there was a moment of silence.

"Fuck, someone is going to kill Xiaoming and kill his family!" Gou Chen growled suddenly.

PS: If you go to the field today, the update is unstable, and the second one is more likely to be later. This book's first release comes from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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