Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 5 Chapter 45: Miyata

The Qing Emperor projection, in front of countless people, seems to be soliciting the ancient sea!

"Ha, ha ha ha, into Dayan? Give me the Duke?" Gu Hai suddenly sneered.

"What? My Duke of the Dayan Dynasty, Mr. Gu could not look down on it?" Qingdi stared at Gu Hai with a smile.

"Qing Emperor, do you want to be virtuous, or do you want to save this Miyata? If you save this Miyata, don't even think about it. Today, no one can save him!" Gu Hai suddenly looked cold and murderous. He shot out.


The muzzle of the blasting cannon blasted towards Miyata.

Miyata's face suddenly changed. This is the Lord who is not afraid of the heavens, killing the angel and abandoning the Bodhisattvas, and the Bodhisattva also killing the disciples of Manchu Taoism. If it was not for the Halloween Assembly, I do n’t know how many people would kill him, but he did it regardless.

The Qing emperor frowned slightly when he saw Gu Hai's attitude.

"Mr. Gu!" Qingdi seemed to want to say something.

"What's going on?" A cold drink sounded in the air around him.


Almost at the same time, most of the soldiers were kneeling on one knee, while others were respectful.

"See you holy, holy holy live holy live holy live!" The Quartet yelled respectfully.

Although I didn't see the Dagan Sheng, the sound was enough. In the court of heaven, no one dared to pretend to be the Dagan Sheng. This is the voice of Dagan Sheng.

"Sheng Qisheng, I just heard the gunfire just now. I waited to investigate and saw that this person had set up a monstrous array. I concealed me and other patrols and banned the main circle of Wanyu County. On, Wanyu County's host was in the danger center. In order to ensure the county's foolproof, he will release a purple signal to notify the Quartet to come to help! "A general yelled.

For the safety of Wanyu County Lord, release a purple signal?

There is no blame on Dagan Sheng, but coldly: "Oh? Qing Emperor!"

The Qing Emperor slightly spoofed a gift: "I forgive the Lord Dagan, the lonely courtier, without rudeness, not intending to offend Wanyu County Lord, but with the ancient sea of ​​Yipintang Lord, there is personal grudge!"

The Qing emperor wanted to excuse Miyata, but Miyata was afraid to talk.

"Old man, this kid is hurting me and my brother-in-law!" Long Wanyu cried instantly.

"I didn't ...!" Miyata stared anxiously.

The soldiers around him were all respectful, afraid to get in.

Old man? Directly call Dagan Sheng as the old man, how many people in this world dare?

Qingdi frowned slightly and looked at Miyata, trying to trouble himself.

"The master of Yipintang!" The majestic voice of Dagan Sheng came again.

Gu Hai took a deep breath: "Miyata did come for me, but in the heavenly court, ambush the Dagan marquis, as a death sentence. Although it does not hurt the county master, but the county master is in a trap and not hurt, how can he rely on him? Depending on the word? If he wants to be clean, he will do everything! "

"Gu Hai, you defile me!" Miyata stared suddenly.

Gu Hai ignored it, but solemnly said: "As soon as the Qing Emperor's projection arrived, he was bought by me as the Duke of the Dayan Heavenly Kingdom. Take photos of the Quartet to show the power of the great! "

Gu Hai sang aloud, and the eyes of the emperor were narrowed.

Miyata's face changed.

"On Dagan Sheng, I am innocent. I didn't want to deal with Long Wanyu. I and Gu Hai are just personal grievances. I am the official of the Dayan Heavenly Kingdom. "Miyata anxiously begged for mercy.

However, at this moment, there was no voice from the Holy Lord.

With this momentary pause, Gu Hai said coldly: "Mu Chenfeng!"


The sky-fired gun exploded, and a sky-fired thunder came to Miyata in an instant.

"Emperor, help ~~~~~~~!"


Miyata exploded and opened.

At this moment, no one can save Miyata, and the words of the ancient sea seem to be tacitly acknowledged by the holy god. In the eyes of everyone, all the officers and men did not speak up, and it seems that they have recognized Miyata's crime of death.

Even the emperor stood still, did not go to save Miyata, but took a deep breath and turned to Gu Hai: "Mr. Gu, good means, hahaha!"

The emperor's laughter didn't make any sense, but it was rather weird.

"Thank you!" Gu Hai looked at Qingdi with a slight smile.

Is this the first confrontation with the emperor? He himself killed the emperor in the presence of the emperor through the authority of the Great Lord. However, for some reason, Gu Hai was not happy at all.

"On Dagan Sheng, my people don't know how to be polite, and it's troublesome for you! The Emperor apologized on behalf of Dayan Tianchao." Qing Emperor Shen said.

After speaking, the Qing Emperor projected his sleeve, and did not wait for Dagan Sheng to reply, and shot into the distance instantly, and returned to Tianyin City.

After all, the Great Emperor Tian Dynasty represented by the Qing Emperor, although it was Miyata himself who was in trouble this time, it was the representative of the Great Emperor Tian Yan who lost face, and naturally the Qing Emperor would not have a good attitude.

Of course, Dagan Sheng cannot be held accountable, after all, he is the representative of the Dayan Heavenly Dynasty.

"Return to their own duties!" The voice of Dagan Sheng came lightly.

"Yes!" A respectful gift from the army of the Quartet, then slowly retreated.

The army slowly retreated, and Dagan Sheng will certainly not make any more noises, but Gu Hai's eyes have been staring at the departing emperor.

In particular, the Qing emperor faced Dagan Sheng without any restraint, and even apologized casually. Without a farewell, he left his sleeve?

There are only two possibilities for expressing emotions in this way. One is to be angry for the Dayan Dynasty, and the other is to have enough patience to be angry with the Dagan Saint.

"Qing Emperor?" Gu Hai frowned deeply.

"Brother-in-law, that Miyata is dead, we should go on!" Cried Long Wanyu.

Gu Hai nodded.

Feizhou slowly continued towards Tianyin City.

The Quartet army retreated, but there are still countless soldiers staring at the ancient sea on the flying boat. Thirty-three cities, at this moment there are countless strong men staring at the ancient sea. There was a hint of solemnity.

Not far from the mountains.

Ye Hua stunned slightly: "In the presence of Qing Emperor, kill Miyata? Gu Hai, how dare you?"

Another mountain forest.

"It's a good idea to kill someone with a sword, Gu Hai!" Xuan En's eyes narrowed.

Both were very fortunate that they did not take the risk with Miyata before. In the case just now, the two were convinced that Gu Hai would definitely use the topic to play, and use the power of Dagan to kill himself.

Looking at the back of Gu Hai's departure, the two eyes were cold.

Another forest corner. Li Shenji's eyes narrowed: "Huang Tianlei, another one, and two more!"


Tianchen City.

Longchen Diankou.

Dragon Prince Ao Sheng frowned and looked into the distance.

"Prince, Gu Hai bombarded another party. Is that a man of the Dayan Dynasty?" A subordinate said blankly.

"Yeah, the emperor's subordinate, Miyata, still killed Miyata in the presence of the emperor!" Ao Sheng frowned.

"Sun Temple, Wanshou Taoism, Lingshan Holy Land, Dayan Heavenly Kingdom? Oh, my subordinates don't understand, how can this ancient sea be so enemies?" The subordinate said blankly.

Ao Sheng shook his head and said he couldn't understand.

Another place, in a small courtyard.

Ao Shun came here after leaving the ancient sea. There was still a person sitting in the courtyard.

Just now, the two also saw the ancient sea bombarded Miyata with their own eyes.

Ao Shun frowned slightly: "Father, the baby can't understand!"

Ao Tianhuang held a glass of wine and looked at the impertinence of the ancient sea in the distance. He took a deep breath and said, "Shuner, this time you have returned from the Jiuwu Island, you have really changed a lot, and I am very happy for my father!"

"The baby was not sensible before, it was too reckless!" Ao Shun smiled bitterly.

"Recklessness has the benefit of recklessness! Without recklessness, you would not have achieved today!" Ao Tian said indifferently.

"Oh?" Ao Shun looked at his father puzzled.

"You don't call it reckless, but you call the young and vigorous, because you are so strong, you will be like a bamboo shoot, go straight to the heavenly palace, practice, do you think it is just qualifications?" Ao Tianhuang indifferent.

"Ah?" Ao Shun looked at his father doubtfully.

"More often than it is mind nature, a kind of indomitable mindset. That's what you were like in that year. You are young and full of vigor, and you can never go forward. It's like a bamboo shooter. Seeing your mindset for your father helps you clear the countless thorns on the sky. You Only to this day, because of the indomitable nature, you can go straight to the heavenly palace and not be restrained by the customs! You have not let down your father! "Ao Tianhuang laughed.

"Ah? My mind was developed by my father on purpose?" Ao Shun frowned slightly.

"No, it's you who have this mindset. I helped you to **** it. Only today, your second brother doesn't have this mindset. I just want to help him **** him and have no chance!" Ao Tianhuang sighed .

"Second brother, Ao Sheng?" Ao Shun frowned slightly.

"In the face of the Quartet forces, Gu Hai is unyielding. His indomitable nature is stronger than you. As far as I can see, he can only be compared with him!" Ao Tianhuang frowned.

"An indomitable mind? Mr. Gu? But ...!" Ao Shun frowned slightly.

"But he's only a baby boy? Oh, Shun'er, Gu Hai is much better than you. Why do you let me plant it after you go to heaven? Do you know?" Ao Tianhuang said in a deep voice.

"I ...!" Ao Shun frowned slightly.

"It's a good thing to be young and young, but not young when you are young. When will you stay? But now, you are not young anymore, and you have more eyes on the dragons. At a certain stage, you must adapt to this stage of identity, If you are naive, it will only harm you. Therefore, you will no longer **** you for your father, so that you can see the world clearly. Unfortunately, you have been placed in the crown prince, and you have been sealed as a dragon of sin. Still unable to wake up, until the ancient sea appeared, he helped me sober you, so it was only for the father who helped him destroy the bat ancestors! "Ao Tianhuang explained.

"Yes!" Ao Shun smiled slightly.

"This ancient sea is different from you. He has an indomitable mindset. All the difficulties he has encountered have been solved one by one. He doesn't seem young and vigorous, but he is more terrible than young. You can solve it with ease. The three sacred places, the Dayan Dynasty, can never be unattainable in front of him, but treat it flatly. Do you know how terrible it is? At that time, he didn't reach this mentality, but he did. Of the people I know, only Dagan Sheng can do it! "Ao Tianhuang said in a deep voice.

"My father said Mr. Gu so well, but after all, he offended the strongest forces in the world. At this moment in the heavenly court, wouldn't he leave the heavenly court for a lifetime?" Ao Shun worried.

"Do you think Gu Hai is stupid?" Ao Tianhuang laughed.

"Uh, how could it be that he is stupid, how many intelligent people are there in the world?" Ao Shun frowned.

"Then why do you think he's stupid? You didn't figure it out, it doesn't mean he didn't figure it out. Besides, I guess Gu Hai might have guessed something, so this time in heaven, it is extremely powerful!" Ao Tianhuang's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Guess what?" Ao Shun puzzled.

Ao Shun watched the flying boat leaving Gu Hai for a while, and after a while, his eyes froze: "Everyone thinks he is stupid, don't you know, after a while, those who think he is stupid are really Stupid! Gu Hai, he really dares to play with fire! "

"What is Gu Hai doing? Father, the baby doesn't understand!" Ao Shun frowned.

Ao Tianhuang shook his head and did not explain.

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