Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 5 Chapter 46: Tianyin City

Mu Chenfeng's flying boat was put away, and everyone went to the ancient sea flying boat and headed towards Tianyin City!

After the previous purple alert, the ancient sea flying boat has become the focus of the Quartet strongmen. At this moment, there is no need to worry about who dares to attack the ancient sea again. Along the way, the strong men are staring everywhere.

Feizhou flew in a hurry. Finally, in the attention of the surroundings, he arrived outside the city of Tianyin.

Tianyin City, located not far from Tianting City, was a heavy place in Heaven, but it was allocated by the Dagan Saint to be dedicated to the Halloween Assembly.

"Brother-in-law, here you go!" Long Wanyu cried.

At this moment, the sky of Tianyin City was filled with a mighty atmosphere, and the white mighty atmosphere was connected into a slice, like a white cloud. However, in the center of this white cloud, a vortex is formed, and in the center of the vortex, there is something looming.

"What is the center of the whirlpool?" Gou Chen curious.

"The old man said, the center of the vortex is the Temple of Wendao!" Long Wanyu explained.

"Wendao Temple?" Gu Hai raised a brow, showing a hint of surprise.

What is looming is the Temple of Wendao? What is the ultimate purpose of Halloween?

"Wen Tao Temple, what is that?" Gou Chen wondered.

"I don't know, I just heard that it is a forbidden field in heaven, which contains the world's most precious cultural treasures!" Long Wanyu explained.

"A forbidden area in heaven?" Gu Hai wondered slightly.

Long Wanyu nodded, but only seemed to know this.

Mu Chenfeng didn't know as much as Long Wanyu, and naturally had no socket.

Zheng Faming stood behind Gou Chen, looking curiously.

The flying boat flew outside Tianyin City.

In the Quartet, the soldiers in the city defended for a moment, and someone seemed to come forward to investigate.

"Are you blind? That is Wanyu County Master, do you dare to check it?" One person yelled.


All the guards to be checked became quiet immediately.

The flying boat was about to enter the city, and Gu Hai suddenly frowned slightly: "Stop!"


The flying boat stopped outside the city.

"Brother-in-law, what's wrong?" Long Wanyu wondered.

The ancient sea was with his eyes narrowed, looking at the whole city of Tianyin.

In Tianyin City, although the Quartet has a mighty atmosphere filled with dimness, the ancient sea still sees a strange place.

"Array formation? What a chess formation formation, this is ...!" Gu Hai suddenly squinted.

"What chess lineup?" Long Wanyu puzzled.

"Wan Yu, has the Yin City been transformed this day, are those cities and streets ...?" Gu Hai looked at Long Wanyu in doubt.

"No, I haven't done it since I remembered it." Long Wanyu shook her head.

"Churchmaster, maybe Wanyu County Master is not yet born, but I seem to have seen the transformation of Tianyin City!" Mu Chenfeng interjected.


"A long time ago, er, it should start from five hundred years ago, and the transformation of Tianyin City began one after another. It was not until 100 years ago that everything was rebuilt. No one knows why. At the beginning, how many people were relocated in Tianyin City Writing to the court, accusing the city owner of disturbing the people, how many courtiers opposed it, but they were suppressed by the Holy Spirit! "Mu Chenfeng explained.

"Replanning hosted by Dagan Sheng, this whole Tianyin City is a chess game? No, it looks like not only chess game!" Gu Hai's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Master, I feel that there is a Qindao formation method, which feels similar to the original Yinyuehai!" Gou Chen said blankly.

"Qindao formation method?" Gu Hai frowned. Gou Chen is a celestial harp, and you can feel the Qin Tao formation method, which is definitely true.

"Um, speaking, I also feel a little bit. The last time we were trapped in Mr. Dongfang's birthday, there was a little that kind of atmosphere in Yincheng!" Long Wanyu frowned slightly.

"Shoudao formation method?" Gu Hai's eyes narrowed. Long Wanyu is a congenital life master, and she certainly can't be wrong about her life.

Gu Hai still don't know what kind of formation method, but from the layout of Tianyin City, she felt a hint of unusualness.

"Let's go!" Gu Hai shook his head.

The flying boat slowly continued towards the city.

The ancient sea Feizhou entered the city, but there was a lot of attention in the city.

In the courtyard of the Qing Emperor.

The Qing Emperor watched Gu Hai fly far into the city. Behind them stood a group of subordinates.

"Emperor, the ancient sea is here!" Seven Kills stared glumly at the ancient sea in the distance.

The Qing Emperor's eyes narrowed slightly: "Arrange manpower to continue to investigate the bottom of the ancient sea for Gu, Gu must understand why Gu Hai is so hostile to Gu!"

"Ah? Isn't it because Miyata assassinated him?"

Qingdi shook his head: "It's not that simple!"

"Yes!" A group of subordinates should answer.

"Emperor, you said, Gu Hai offended the three holy places and offended us. Now it seems that the Huanghuang Tianchao has also resented Gu Hai. Will Gu Hai revenge with him?" Dan Wang curiously said.

"Confucius? Oh, with the ancient sea character, surely will!" Qing Emperor sneered.

"But Guhai is purely looking for death. The three holy places in the world, the three heavens, and Guhai alone have offended the three holy places and the two heavens? Did Dagan Shenghui and support him? This is almost a world full of enmity, Isn't he too stupid? "Qi Kill said blankly.

The Qing Emperor turned to look at Tianting City in the distance: "No, you only see him stupid, but you don't see his ability."


The Qing Emperor shook his head without explanation.


Tianyin City, a small courtyard with a sacred place in Lingshan.

"Buddha, the ancient sea is here! The Fa-ming is here too." A group of monks respectfully said to a small house.

"The disciples of Lingshan are restricted. No one is allowed to act for the time being, and no further investigation is required!" The voice of the future Buddha came from the courtyard.



Tianyin City rules, flying boats are not allowed to fly over the city, everyone can only change the crane crane when entering the city, and at this moment, a number of Dahan officials have come to welcome them.

"Emperor!" Said all the officials respectfully.

"Get on the train and say, what happened to Bingji and Mo Yike? What happened before?" Gu Hai Shen cried.

The officials immediately got on the crane crane.

"The emperor, as soon as I arrived, the host of Wanyu County arranged for us, and we scattered around the city to explore it, but until Lord Bingji encountered a group of people from the Huanghuang dynasty, they seemed to recognize Master Bingji and argued with Master Bingji. When I arrived, Master Bingji was writing the emperor's "Will Enter the Wine" and argued with a monk in the other party. I heard that the monk was called Yuan Chu, Yuan The first monk was also very good, and also wrote a "Bodhi", which instantly dispelled the ritual of Master Bingji. Master Bingji was suddenly backsucked, vomiting blood, and then fell into the state of Bodhi, unable to extricate himself. Road.

"Oh? Bingji also has the artistic conception of Shudao?" Gu Hai stunned slightly. It was not previously thought.

"Yeah, but Lord Bingji uses the Emperor's" Will Enter the Wine ". Unfortunately, this is no longer the original text, but" Bodhi "is the first text. Although countless scribes have read" Will Enter the Wine " Gaoming, but "Bodhi" has taken the lead in the first text, and it is not the book of the original author. Therefore, Bingji is a talented person ...! "

"How is Bing Ji hurt?" Gu Hai Shen cried.

"Still stuck in" Bodhi "and unable to leave the country, Lord Mo said that Lord Bingji was trapped in the book and forcibly awakened, which would hurt his mind. Therefore, temporarily preventing us from waking up Lord Bingji, but Lord Mo is based on chess. Stalemate with the other side, dragged the group of people in the Huanghuang dynasty, waiting for the emperor to come! "The official explained.

"Bodhi? What did you write?" Gu Hai said with a dull expression.

"There is a linden tree in the heart, the spirit is a mirror stand, all things are transformed, and the super-dust is clear!" The official explained.

"Oh? A Buddhist slang?" Gu Hai frowned.

"Yes, we listened to other scribes who were watching. This article said that Bodhi is in the heart. Everything is sensed by the spirit. All things are the result of the illusion of the heart. Only by understanding the nature of the heart can we transcend the material world. Thousands of phenomena confuse and reach the other side to become a Buddha! "The official explained.

"Oh?" Gu Hai frowned.

"They said that Lord Bingji was trapped in this world of Vientiane. Unless he can understand the nature of his heart, he can escape from this poem safely, otherwise he will be trapped in it forever!" The official smiled bitterly. .

"Oh, look for something dead!" Gu Hai flashed a chill in his eyes.

"Bing Ji fell into the Bodhi realm. They wanted to take Bing Ji, but were stopped by Mr. Mo. The other party came out as a master of chess, but the man seemed to be on the same road as the Dahuang Tianchao. He talked for us and helped us to delay ! "The official explained.


"The man is Wuyazi, and Mr. Mo said he played chess very well!" The official explained.

"Wuyizi? Mr. Mo's chess course, but can't beat him?" Gu Haining solemnly said.

What is Mr. Mo's chess ability? Not to mention the old man who hasn't seen Guanqi, as far as Guhai has seen so far, except for the nine sons who haven't explored the bottom, Guhai hasn't encountered anyone who can surpass Mr. Mo.

But even so, can someone hold Mr. Mo?

"Wuyizi and Mr. Mo have played for a few days and have not separated the results, but countless scribes around are not in a hurry, because the two of them are playing too much. Many chess practitioners draw their chess records. Keep repeating myself, still amazed! "

"Of course he is amazed. How can Mr. Mo's chess ability be comparable?" Gu Hai said in a deep voice.

However, Gu Hai was curious about that boundless son. Mr. Mo is at the level of the ‘30’ chess game. Is there anyone who ca n’t make a difference?

The crane crane flew towards the city. Along the way, there was Long Wanyu, and no one from the Quartet guarded it.

However, on this day Yinyin City has a very strong cultural atmosphere, especially the largest square in the center. At this moment, it is already full of people. When the ancient sea arrived, the cultural scholars did not seem to know the ancient sea and his party. They were immersed in the atmosphere of Wen Dao, and did not care about the movement of the ancient sea in heaven these days.

Sifang Wenxiu, divided into small groups, communicate with each other and learn from each other.

The square is too big. Gu Hai and his party were led by officials for a while before arriving at Mo Yike, who was surrounded by nearly 10,000 people.

PS: Something happened today, the second is more likely to be late!

This book's first release comes from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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