Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 5 Chapter 48: Buddha's Heart Broken

Since Gu Hai arrived at the central square of Tianyin City, he was destined to be concerned by all parties! At least those forces that have already established hatred are staring at the ancient sea.

The future Buddha is in the small courtyard. A group of monks stood high, staring at the central square in the distance.

However, I saw that in the distance, the ancient sea put a writing brush in the hands of Bingji, who confusingly, dictated by himself, and let Bingji write and crack the Bodhi of the monk in the early Yuan Dynasty.

"The ancient sea is really talkative!"

"The monk at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, although not my disciple of the Holy Mountain Holy Land, has a superb Buddha nature, and a slang of" Bodhi "is full of endless Buddha nature.

"Unfortunately, the last time I sent someone to ask a monk at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty to enter my spiritual mountain sacred place, he refused.

"Bing Ji is already in a coma, looks like that, can you write a character?"

Monks showed disdain.

In another courtyard.

The Qing Emperor stared at the central square with a group of subordinates.

"Emperor, isn't that ancient sea crazy? Let Bingji write?" Qi Kill stunned.

"Don't make a noise!" Qingdi said coldly.

"Yes!" Everyone wondered.

But seeing the ancient sea in the distance let Mo Yike read the slang of the monk in the early Yuan Dynasty, and at the same time asked Bingji to write.

"A linden tree in my heart!"

This is the first sentence of the monk at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, and it is also the state of Buddhism and Taoism of the monk at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty. Although it is five words, it has ‘made’ out of the bodhi tree.

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, the monk's words were magnificent, endlessly, and righteousness revolving at high altitude, like a storm.

With the reading of the ancient sea, Bingji crookedly wrote five words.

"Bodhibon is treeless!"

The crooked characters are extremely ugly, and it is difficult to express the artistic conception of the scripture. However, when these five characters come out, they seem to be full of immense vitality. A huge golden Buddha light is drawn from the five crooked characters. Blooming.

If the Buddhist and Taoist artistic conception of the monk in the early Yuan Dynasty was to have the Bodhi tree ‘ha’ out of his heart, then the ancient sea ’s Bodhi tree without a tree is to ‘ha’.

‘Yes’ and ‘No’ are antithetical. At this moment, we ca n’t see the outcome, but everyone can see that although the same Bodhi tree is the same, it is an antithetical collision of books.

In the same way, for a moment, the mighty righteousness like a flood suddenly whistled from the place of Bingji and washed away in all directions towards the entire central square.


Hao Ran's righteousness erupted, just like when the monk wrote "Bodhi" at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, countless literary practitioners in the Quartet debated and discussed in various places, and were instantly interrupted by this courageous Ran Hao Ran's righteousness and turned around one by one.

"Well? No more chess over there? Do you fight again?"

"Look at it and fight with" Bodhi "? Is it another Buddha's light and righteousness? Who is this? Is it the Dahan Dynasty?"

"I don't lose a monk at the beginning of Yuan!"

"Antithetical? This is antithetical? I haven't seen such a tit-for-tat article for a long time!"




Sifang Wendao practitioners quickly gathered around.

Originally, only 10,000 people watched, most of them were chess practitioners. At this moment, Shudao practitioners were also quickly attracted. Not only Shudao, Qindao and Huadao practitioners also turned their eyes curiously. After all, the book was literary. The base.

The future Buddha courtyard.

"Bodhibon doesn't have trees? Guhai, is this a publicity?"

"In opposition? Tit against each other? You say yes, I say no? Did Gu Hai think of it temporarily?"




A group of monks showed surprise.

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, the monk folded his hands, his face was gloomy, and he stood in opposition to each other? This is an arguing article, and it is also one of the most entangled. How good can you write temporarily? joke.

"Spirit is a mirror platform!" The monk in the beginning of Yuan chanted the second sentence.

This time, without Mo Yike's chanting, the monk at the beginning of the Yuan uttered the second sentence himself. As he read it, the gold characters at high altitude became more and more radiant.

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, the monk read that it seemed to be instilling a concept that people had to convince.

Spirituality is the mirror that sees the essence of everything, the mind is Bodhi, the spirit is the mirror, and it can shine through everything and pass through the other side. This is a kind of Buddhism, which is pointing out a clear path to the Buddha.

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, the monk confidently looked at Gu Hai. Only his own clear path was correct.

Gu Hai ignored it, but Bing Ji warily wrote the second sentence read by Gu Hai.

"Neither the mirror nor the stage!"

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, the monk abruptly raised his eyelids.

The crooked five words, but once again pitted themselves against each other, nor is it a mirror? This is to say that what is in the mirror is only a phantom, which does not exist at all. Simply put, if you can see a person clearly, you cannot see the surface. If you are confused by the surface, is it difficult to go deep?

This is not even my second sentence?


As soon as the crooked five words came out, Jinguang soared more than ten times again, lighting up the sky in an instant. The billowing righteousness, like the tide of the sea, suddenly soared into the sky, and went straight to the gold word of the monk in the early Yuan Dynasty, and seemed to break the surrounding righteousness.

The two upright spirits collided with each other. A thunderous roar.

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, the "Bodhi" always said ‘yes’, and the ancient sea Bodhi ’s always said ‘none’.

In the distance, the small courtyard of the future Buddha.

Monks are no longer underestimated the ancient sea.

"Antithetical text? I don't believe it, Guhai can still write!" All the monks showed an uncomfortable expression.

Obviously, you can also see the cleverness written by Gu Hai.

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, the monk picked his eyelids and read the last two sentences.

"Imagination and everything, bright dust!"

When I read it, the golden text on the beginning of the text stunned the entire central square in an instant, and almost everyone in the square turned his head.

Above the sky, Hao Ran's righteousness formed a fierce tornado storm. In the storm, there seemed to be endless fierce beasts roaring.

The two lines of the Buddhist scripture inherited the last two lines. The heart is Bodhi and the spirit is the mirror. Only in this way can we see everything, know the true heart, and transcend the confusing phenomena of the material world.

This is a Buddhist path, a visible Kangzhuang Avenue.

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, the monk folded his hands and radiated golden light around his body. It seemed to be integrated with the twenty golden characters of "Bodhi" in the sky. Ji pressure came.

"Previously, Bing Ji was crushed by the giant Buddha statue to break down the book Taoist artistic conception of" Will Go Into Wine ", Bing Ji was hit hard and fell into a coma! The emperor was careful!" Mo Yike called.

Gu Hai didn't bother, but also read the last two sentences, which were written by Bing Ji fans stupidly.

"Nothing at all, where is the dust!"

In the afterlife, there are no worries and fetters. The dust is inside, the heart is outside, and the worries are nothing. Don't care, why not worry?

As soon as the cross came out, the golden light of the Buddha suddenly added some purple. As soon as the purple light came out, it seemed to form a black hole, and swept towards the golden light of the Buddha.


All the golden light emanating from "Bodhi" instantly collapsed and disappeared, and the golden light went straight to the statue of a giant buddha in the early Yuan Dynasty.


The giant Buddha shouted with a roar, and stepped under his feet. It seemed like the earth would be broken up, but when we encountered the black hole, it suddenly broke up strangely.

The giant Buddha's foot broke?

In the distance, the future Buddha is located in the small courtyard.

Monks widened their eyes and were speechless. In the room behind him, the sound of the future Buddha suddenly came.

"Bodhi has no tree, and the mirror is not Taiwan. There is nothing. Where does it provoke dust? A good thing has nothing, where does it provoke dust? What a Buddhist and Taoist realm! After all the words Bodhi has been exhausted, no one will Dare to say Bodhi. "The future Buddha lamented.

"Look, the statue of the giant Buddha has shattered, completely shattered. Why?" The monk finally exclaimed outside the house.

In the courtyard of the Qing Emperor.

The Qing Emperor's eyes looked at Gu Hai in the distance, "Gu Wenxiu, when so powerful?"

Above the central square.

Numerous literary people also read the ancient Hainan slang.

"Not the opposite, Mr. Gu is far more clever than the monks in the early Yuan Dynasty!"

"Look, the giant Buddha statue of the monk in the early Yuan Dynasty has shattered!"

"It's terrifying and righteous!"




In the astonishment of the monk Taoist monk, the statue of the giant Buddha burst and burst open. From the crooked two crosses in the hands of Bing Ji, suddenly a mighty spirit like a volcano erupted.


It seemed like a violent blow, straight into the tornado-like beginning of Yuan Yuan, and the tornado stopped under the volcanic eruption and stopped turning momentarily, and the wind stopped instantly.


At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, the mighty righteous tornado of "Bodhi" suddenly disappeared and disappeared, so it disappeared out of thin air, as if it no longer existed.

In the sky, the "Bodhi" is more like an instant eclipse, and a golden word is not bright.

"Abandoned? That piece of Buddhist altar is abolished?"

"Mr. Gu's" Bodhi "abolished Master Bo's" Bodhi "?"

"Mr. Gu's" Bodhi "has become the avenue, but the Master Bodhi of the early Yuan Dynasty has become a false Tao?"




When Wen Xiu was shocked all around, the purple-gold Buddha light rushed towards the master of the early Yuan Dynasty. At the beginning of Yuan Dynasty, the master was shocked.


At the beginning of the Yuan Master, a black gas was suddenly emitted.


A burst of blood spewed out suddenly, and the monk in the early Yuan Dynasty covered his chest, and vomited blood and looked at the ancient sea: "No, no, impossible, my Buddha, my Buddha!"

"Yi Tong!" Master Yuan Chu fell to the ground.

"Master!" A group of servants surrounded him suddenly.

At the beginning of Yuan Dynasty, he stared at Gu Hai, showing a deep hatred.

"Emperor, your" Bodhi "subverted the Buddhist faith of the monk at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty. His Buddhist practice was mostly abolished?

"I see. The" Bodhi "was written in the early Yuan Dynasty because the Buddha in his heart cultivated it that way. That was his belief. But the master completely broke his belief, and his belief collapsed. Did the Buddha ’s heart fall short? ”Gou Chen's eyes brightened.

Wen Xiu still looked at Gu Hai in shock.

Gu Hai was holding Bingji, staring at Bingji with a flash of worry in his eyes.

"There was nothing, and where did you provoke dust? There was nothing, and where did you provoke dust?" Bingji Nana's closed eyes suddenly shed two tears.

Visible to the naked eye, Bing Ji's chest, like a stagnation of black gas, suddenly dispersed. As if all the troubles were spreading out, Bingji was awake from the artistic conception of Shudao.

Eyes opened slightly, and tears still slipped. After everything looked away, the whole world suddenly became bright. The previous cold, loneliness, and fear were all gone, leaving only this warm embrace?

Bing Ji, who opened her eyes, found that Gu Hai was held in her arms.

"Emperor!" Bing Ji cried with red eyes. As if to cry out all the grievances in my heart.

"Just wake up!" Gu Hai smiled slightly.

This book's first release comes from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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