Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 5 Chapter 49: Win or lose

"Emperor!" Bing Ji cried with red eyes. As if to cry out all the grievances in my heart.

"Just wake up!" Gu Hai smiled slightly.

"Being incompetent, shame on the emperor!" Bingji grieved.

"You didn't embarrass you, your article defeated the monk in the early Yuan Dynasty!" Gu Hai laughed.

At this moment, Bingji noticed the crooked paper in her hand.

"Bodhi has no tree, neither the mirror nor the Taiwan. There is nothing in it. Where can it cause dust! This, this is what I wrote?" Bingji was surprised.

The ancient sea smiled slightly and nodded. At this moment, the paper slang is still blooming with Buddha light and Hao Ran's righteousness, and it has also broken the Hao Ran's righteousness of the monk in the early Yuan Dynasty, straight into the sky.


Hao Ran's righteousness waved slightly, as if resonating with this article.

The monks who had talked about it for a long time have been quiet for a long time.

One by one looked surprised at the ancient sea.

Temporary? Is this also the first article? That's right, it must be the first text. This is Emperor Dahan? Shudao strong?

"See? This is my master, isn't it great?" Gou Chen was excited to Zheng Faming aside.

Zheng Faming nodded immediately, also excited.

The people brought by Gu Hai were all proud, only Long Wanyu, her brows suddenly raised, her mouth narrowed. Because Bing Ji has been falling in the ancient sea, I do not know why, there is a sour feeling.

"He is my brother-in-law, my sister's husband, how can other women fall in the arms of my brother-in-law?" Long Wanyu muttered.

"Sister Bingji, I'm here to help you, don't let my brother-in-law help!" Long Wanyu grabbed immediately and pushed away the ancient sea to lift Bingji.

Bingji seemed to be reluctant, but so many people around suddenly turned red again, and Long Wanyu was pushed up by the boat.

Gu Hai smiled slightly and didn't care.

"Sister Bingji, you don't know. When my brother-in-law taught you to write poems, how many people said that my brother-in-law must lose, but you can see how much her brother-in-law taught you to write ........." Tell the things to Bing Ji.

"The emperor spoke, did I write?"

Bingji glanced at Gu Hai, then grabbed the roll of paper, and put it away very carefully.

The "Bodhi" dictated by Gu Hai is put away. Suddenly, the Quartet Haoran was righteous.

However, the literary works that could not write any good text in Luo Guhai before were all flushed.

at the same time.

A small courtyard too.

The Taishang Taoist giant stood at a high place, followed by a group of Taisang Tao elders, watching the ancient sea in the distance and writing poetry.

"Buddhist slang? This is the ancient sea?" Taishang Daozi narrowed his eyes.

Xuan En, who hurried back, stood aside.

"That's right, it's him, giant, Feng Tong was killed by him!" Xuan En said in a deep voice.

"Feng Tonglao? Oh, this time Xuandu is out of customs, it's going to get angry!" The giant sneered.

"Yeah, giant, that ancient Hai Buddha Taoist slang is quite powerful, as well as" Will Go Wine "," Xia Ke Xing ", and even the" Grand Tragedy "not long ago. Will this Halloween convention destroy our plan? Xuan En worried.

The giant eyes narrowed for a moment: "Book of Tao! The victory and defeat of the Holy Book of Songs, poems, words, tunes, slang? These are all small roads. The road is right. "

"Yes!" Everyone nodded behind him.


The future Buddha's courtyard.

"Buddha, how could the ancient sea Buddha nature be so strong? Great tragedy, Bodhi? Are you sure that his previous life was not Buddha reincarnation?" A monk crossed his hands and crossed the road to a small house.

The voice of the future Buddha came silent for a while in the room: "The whole ancient sea has no Buddha nature, even no breath of writing. It is not the reincarnation of the Buddha, nor is it ........."

In the future, the Buddha felt that he could not speak anymore.

The monks clasped their hands together and dare not refute. However, there was clearly an unbelief in that look.

No Buddhahood? Can he write such a Buddhist article? Write over and over again?

No breath of book? With the crooked words of Bing Ji, can the heart of the master of the early Yuan Dynasty be broken up?


Qingdi small courtyard.

Qingdi frowned and looked at the center of the square in the distance, looking at the ancient sea, a glimmer of appreciation flashed in Qingdi's eyes.


In the square.

Gu Haidou defeated the early Yuan masters. After handing over Bing Ji to Long Wanyu, she walked towards the Yuanchu master in vomiting blood step by step.

"Don't come over!" Exclaimed the attendants.

The ancient sea was cold and looked at the monk at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty: "The master has a great method? How does my Dahan dynasty interfere with you? Do you want to kill yourself and trap my courtier?"

Guhai, this is after the fall.

Wenxiu around, although he did not agree with Gu Haiqiu afterwards, after all, the master of the early Yuan Dynasty was so miserable, but he did not object, after all, this was what he provoked.

"Trapped your courtier? Ha, ha ha ha, Gu Hai, today, what do you want to do to break my Buddha's heart?" Master Yuan Chu disobeyed.

Gu Hai's eyes narrowed for a moment: "I just heard that Tianyin City's central square is a private battle for the sake of peace. If Mo Yike is not blocked by chess, would you take Bingji? Prisoner Bingji?"

"What's the matter?" Yuanchu monk glared.

"Come here, take me to the early Yuan monk! Take away!" Gu Hai said coldly.

"Yes!" Yizhong Yipin disciple rushed forward.

"Bold! Presumptuous!"

"Do you know who we are?"

"We are the messengers of the rhubarb heaven!"




A group of servants immediately stood in front of the monk in the early Yuan Dynasty, and pulled out the sword and sighed coldly.

"Did you use martial arts? Oh, Mu Chenfeng!" Gu Hai looked cold.


Suddenly, Mu Chenfeng explored his moves, and all the disciples of Yipintang took out a blaster, and the blaster of the blaster aimed at the monk at the beginning of Yuan.

"Booming Sky Cannon?"

"Quick, notify the emperor!"

"The emperor went to meet Dagan Sheng, what now?"

"Come on!"




All the attendants said anxiously.

The sky-fired artillery seems to have been heard by a large number of people in the Huang dynasty. Moreover, even if they don't pay attention these days, some people know a little news, and their faces suddenly change.

The ancient sea wanted to forcibly remove the monk at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, just as if he had forcibly taken away the Bingji.

"Early Yuan, did you follow me yourself, or did I have someone to help you? Or let my artillery come to please you? It ’s not a rule for Yiwen to fight each other, is n’t it? Go!" .

"Cough cough cough!" Yuan Chu monk coughed while covering his chest.

Wenxiu frowned for a while, but no one came forward. Previously, the monk in the early Yuan Dynasty was such a strong Bingji. Now the other way around?

"Mr. Gu, be calm and restless!" A sudden voice came from one side.

But Wuyazi, who has been sitting aside, suddenly spoke.

"Huh?" Gu Hai turned his head.

"The emperor, the previous situation was extremely urgent. I blocked it with chess. Originally, they did not want to, and Mr. Wuyazi came forward and agreed to discuss chess again!" Mo Yike explained.

"Oh?" Gu Hai froze slightly.

Boundless child? He comes forward and talks about chess again? In any case, this person helped Bing Ji.

"Mr. Wuyazi, do you have any advice?" Gu Hai said slightly.

"Don't dare to see it, but it has already been learned in the early Yuan Dynasty, and asked Mr. Gu to forgive it once!" Wuyazi begged.

Gu Hai looked at Wuyazi and shook his head: "Mr. Wuyazi, thank you for your words, but at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, I must take them away, just like they did before!"

What is the contradiction between Bingji and the rhubarb heaven? Gu Hai needs to catch the monk at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty and question it clearly, so he must take it back.

Ask Bing Ji? Gu Hai is not sure that Bing Ji will tell the truth to himself, so start with this early Yuan.

"Okay, I talked a lot, but before, I allowed Mr. Mo to judge the success or failure of the game, and then fight again with Evan. Only at this moment, the game is not over and the battle is not divided. Doesn't Mr. Gu want to break the rules by himself? Wuyazi smiled bitterly.

Gu Hai looked at Wuyazi and nodded: "As Mr. Wuyazi said, thank you Mr. Wuyazi earlier, let alone, I follow the rules. Mr. Wuyazi wants to save Yuan with chess early?"

"Exactly, Mr. Mo has played against me, and we haven't decided yet. How about we win? Or can you guys play against me to win?" Wujizi solemnly said.

Mr. Mo looked at Gu Haidao: "Emperor, boundless chess, I have done my best. Now, for the time being, there is no tie!"

Gu Hai looked at the board in front of him. It was a board of nineteen vertical and horizontal. Although there were not many chess pieces, it was extremely complicated.

However, this complexity is nothing to Gu Hai.

Qindao, Shudao, Guhai borrowed resources from the earth. The chess course is a real skill.

In the chessboard, Kuroko and Baizi did fight against each other. With equal fanfare.

"Yes, sir!" Gu Hai nodded.

"Oh? Is Mr. Mo continuing, or is Mr. Gu reopening a game with me?" Wuyao Zi stunned slightly.

"I'm coming, and I don't need to re-set the game. How about using this endgame?" Gu Hai pointed to Mo Yike and Wu Zizi playing half the game.


"How?" Gu Hai asked.

"Good!" Wuyazi nodded.

There is no end to this endgame, so it is not impossible to continue.

On Thursday and Monday, the practitioners of chess revealed a scepticism.

"Mr. Mo plays chess with Mr. Wuyazi, that's pretty much the same, is ancient sea OK?"

"He is so good at writing, chess is definitely not good!"




Everyone looked unbelieving.

Wujizi sat down and asked, "It's Kuroko's turn now, Mr. Gu, please!"

Gu Hai looked at the chessboard, his eyes narrowed, and he analyzed it deeply. Picking up a sunspot, the detective landed on the 'ninth five-year plan'.


"The Ninth Five-Year Plan? How did Mr. Gu land there?"

"It's normal to fall there, but in this way, you lose yourself, this sunspot is wasted!"




Chess practitioners shook their heads one after another.

Wuyazi grabbed Baizi and seemed to fall. Because this position is also expected by Wujizi. The sunspots fall, and the whites can fall against them.

"Mr. Gu, you can sit down!" Wujizi frowned before looking at Gu Hai.

I ’m sitting, are n’t you being polite when you are playing chess?

Gu Hai smiled slightly and shook her head.

Wujizi felt a little uncomfortable, but he didn't say it after all. Just wait to win the opponent in the chess game, let's talk later.

Bai Zi is about to fall.

But, the moment Bai Zi was about to fall on the chessboard.

"Well?" Wuyazi suddenly glared in his eyes, stopped suddenly.

"Uh?" The chess practitioners around him also showed curiosity.

"No, no, how could it be this one? Here, there is an ambush!" Wuyazi sank.

Mo Yike also stared at the chessboard, and his face changed: "The chess style of the entire board is about to change? At first glance, this child is very ordinary, but it is a" leading chess ". As long as When Bai Zi fell, the whole chessboard pattern changed completely? "

"Where does Baizi fall? Er, it doesn't work here, it doesn't work here, it doesn't work here ........." Mo Yike seems to have got a magic wand. At this moment, he is completely standing by Bai's side to find a solution, but the one in Guhai. Sunspot, it's too evil.

There is nothing unusual about the sunspots falling, but it is in the pits. At this moment, unless the sunspots leave and let the sunspots fall again, they can resolve the embarrassment in front of them, but that is impossible. It is the turn of the sunstrips, but the sunspots cannot fall. .

"What's the matter?" A crowd of chess practitioners all around appeared blank.

"Take the monk in the early Yuan Dynasty!" Gu Hai Shen cried.

"Don't, Mr. Wujizi, sir, save Master Yuanchu!" Exclaimed the servants of the Dahuang Tianchao.

But Wujizi stared at the chessboard, looked at it for a while, but ignored it.

Until the wounded Yuanchu monk was completely bound by the capture, Wuyazi breathed a sigh of relief, a flash of horror flashed in his eyes.

"Sir, help!" Exclaimed the attendants.

But Wujizi didn't bother at all, but looked at Gu Hai, stood up and gave a small gift to the ancient sea: "It's a big deal, Mr. Gu came first, but it drove me completely into a dead end. This game is a loss. It's up! "

"Wow ...............!"

There was a sudden uproar among the chess practitioners on Thursday and Monday.

One son, this ancient sea only lost one son and won? How can it be?

Wuqizi's chess power can only keep up with a few people, and those who practice chess are also wide-eyed.

"Mongolian, Guhai must be Mongolian!" A chess practitioner shouted in disbelief.

"Mr. Wuyazi wouldn't help Gu Hai on purpose?"

"How could that be, Wujizi would be that kind of person?"




There was a burst of astonishment. However, Wujizi conceded, leaving all the Taoist practitioners confused for a while, and then all studied the one in Guhai.

One son falls, leaving Wuyazi nowhere to go?

No wonder Gu Hai refused to sit down and play chess. It turned out that he had already won, so why sit down again?

"Is it Mongolian?" Numerous chess practitioners were incomprehensible.

"Mr. Wuyazi is free and easy. If you don't give up in the future, come to me and sit down, and Gu Hai will settle down to welcome!" Gu Hai laughed.

"Must be disturbing Mr. Gu in the future, please make another set with Mr. Gu!" Wuyazi solemnly said.

"Sure!" Gu Hai nodded.

"Mr. Wuyazi, you can't let Master Yuan Chu be taken away by them. How can the emperor return?" Anxiously said the servants.

"I've done my best, there is nothing I can do, how to explain, I don't need you much trouble!" Wuyazi said lightly.

"Uh?" The attendants were at a loss for a while.

"Mr. Mo, was defeated by Mr. Gu's son just now, and he was unwilling. You are Mr. Gu's minister. I wonder how Mr. Gu's chess ability is."

"Now the chess course is taught by the emperor! The chess power of the emperor is one hundred times that of me, and one thousand times that of me!" Mo Yike solemnly said.

"Oh?" Wuyazi raised a brow, revealing a hint of unbelief.

However, Gu Hai and his party detained the monk at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty and have slowly withdrawn from the central square.

PS: QQ chat at night, definitely arrived, a little later.

This book's first release comes from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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