Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 5 Chapter 50: The serial office on Dagansheng

Tianyin City, Long Wanyu's Palace!

The group came back from the central square and quickly stopped.

"Bing Ji, you can rest assured that you have to rest and rest, you don't need to worry about other things!" Gu Hai comforted Bing Ji.

"But, that monk at the beginning of the Yuan ...!" Bingji was quite worried.

The monk at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty was arrested, but he and Dahuang Tianchao turned their faces.

"It's all right, everything is mine, rest assured!" Gu Hai comforted.

"Okay!" Bingji nodded with a bitter smile.

"Wan Yu, in the next period, you will take care of Bing Ji!" Gu Hai said to Long Wanyu.

"Brother-in-law, you can rest assured, I will find the best medicine for Sister Bingji!" Long Wanyu immediately packed the ticket.

Long Wanyu took care of Bing Ji, and Gu Hai nodded in peace.

"By the way, let people invite Ziwei and Longevity to come. The Halloween Convention is imminent. I need them to help!" Gu Hai said.

"I'll call someone tomorrow!" Long Wanyu said immediately.

Gu Hai nodded, and also came out of Bing Ji's room.

Bingji looked at Gu Hai leaving, and was quite reluctant.



"the host!"

Mo Yike, Mu Chenfeng, Gou Chen and others were waiting outside the house.

"Mu Chenfeng, next, Yipintang is responsible for inquiring about all the situations in Tianyin City. People from all walks of life, who are some people, can inquire as much as I can!" Gu Hai ordered.

"Yes!" Mu Chenfeng answered.

"Mr. Mo!" Gu Hai looked at Mo Yike.

"Being there!"

"I need to bother you, question the monk at the beginning of Yuan!" Gu Hai solemnly said.

"What does the emperor need to know?" Mo Yike curious.

"Everything about Bing Ji, as well as these forces from the Dahuang Tianchao!" Gu Hai solemnly said.

"I try!" Mo Yike nodded.

"It's not as much as possible, it is necessary! People from the dynasty of the dynasty may come to rescue him soon, you don't have much time." Gu Hai shook his head.

"Yeah, I don't know much about the monk in the early Yuan Dynasty. He didn't know if he would refuse to speak." Mo Yike smiled bitterly.

"Anyway, Gou Chen helps you!" Gu Hai glanced at Gou Chen.

"Uh? Gou Chen?" Mo Yike nodded slightly.

"Master rest assured, I must help Mr. Mo!" Gou Chen was excited.

"By the way, Qin Zibai? In your distress, wasn't Qin Zibai protecting you personally?" Gu Hai frowned.

Mo Yike said, "Qin Zibai, I let him avoid it first!"

"Oh?" Gu Hai wondered.

"He said that he should avoid the future Buddha. Er, here in Tianyin City, the minister is worried about miscellaneous ears, so he can talk to the emperor again in the next day. Okay?"

The ancient sea looked, the future Buddha? Closed Eyes Pure World Zen? In the past Qin Yun also practiced the closed-eye Jingshi Zen.

Gu Hai nodded, no longer asking.

The crowd arranged, and Gu Hai returned to the study that Long Wanyu had prepared for herself.

Since knowing that the ancient sea is coming to heaven, Long Wanyu has made a lot of preparations early. The arrangement for the ancient sea was extremely good.

Sitting in the study, Gu Hai looked at the materials that have remained in Yipintang for generations. Watched for a while.


At the door, there were two sounds of flapping wings. Gu Hai dropped the scroll and waved his hand.


The study door slammed shut, but just now, a bat flew into the room suddenly.


The bat shook slightly, suddenly turned into a human figure in black, and fell in front of the ancient sea.

"Changming meets the emperor!" The bat-changing man respectfully worshipped the ancient sea.

But it is the commander of the blood clothing guard of the Dahan Dynasty, Chang Ming.

"Say, there's a sound barrier in this room!" Gu Hai Shen cried.

"Yes, emperor, that day, after the emperor left with the remains of Zheng Faming's family, I have been there, and when it really came, I followed all the way ...!" Chang Ming respected.

"Staring at Zheng Faming's second force? The first is Feng Tonglao's Wanshou Taoism. Who is the second ...?" Gu Haishen said.

"Chen followed all the way, came to a palace, saw that person was reporting to a person, saw that person, Chen did not continue to chase!" Chang Ming frowned.


"It's Ye Shen Needle!" Chang Ming said with amazement.

I thought about it before, including the Sun Temple, Lingshan Holy Land, Wanshou Taoism, and even Qingdi. Yes, but I don't want to be Ye Shenzheng.

"Ye Shenzhen? Dagan Tianchao Ye Shenwei command?" Gu Hai's face sank.

Ye Shenzheng is responsible for the intelligence work of Dagan, similar to Chang Ming, and controls a secret agency of Dagan. Absolutely loyal to Dagan Sheng, the former metropolis, Ye Shenzhen has protected Long Wanyu.

"The second force is actually Daqian Tianchao?" Gu Hai's eyes narrowed.

Gu Hai didn't expect the second force to be the Dagan Heavenly Kingdom before, because this doesn't make sense. Why should Dagan's realm be so mysterious?

"You go down first, I know!" Gu Hai Shen cried.

"Yes!" Chang Ming turned into a bat again, opened a crack in the door, and flew out instantly.

Gu Gu left alone, sitting in the study and thinking alone.


Heavenly City. Go to the study.

Dagan Sheng sat in front of the desk with ten brands in front of him, each with one or two characters on it, like a surname. The ninth is ‘Sima’ and the tenth is ‘Ancient’!

A screen screen divided the study into two.

Dagan Sheng looked at ten brands. On the other side of the screen, it was Ye Shenzheng who stood there.

Ye Shenzheng is extremely respectful, as if describing something on Dagansheng.

"Well, you continue!" Dagan Sheng said lightly.

"Yes, the nine candidates have been described earlier. The last one is Gu Hai, which was added some time ago!" Ye Shenzhen respectfully said.


"Yes, during this time, in accordance with the requirements of the Holy Spirit, I waited for the game. When Gu Hai just arrived, I arranged Li Shenji to notify the angels of the Sun Temple! Gu Hai's clean and powerful artillery Boom angels, beheading the angel group at Yipintang mouth. Bomb the city master. Occupy by reason. ”Ye Shenzhen solemnly said.

"Kill the angel, hate the Sun Temple? Oh!" Dagan Sheng smiled slightly.

"However, Chen found that Li Shenji had a deep grudge against Gu Hai itself!" Ye Shenpin frowned.

"carry on!"

"Yes, because of the game, several simultaneous events, Tiancheng City, let Ao Tianhuang Supreme call Ao Shun to Tiancheng City, and let him find the difficulty of Gou Chen, but the difficulty of Gou Chen, but because of the Fa-rectification Ming. This is when I discovered a doubt in the early years and kept it for use by other people, but that happened to go with Chen and he was used to test the ancient sea. The Lingshan Holy Land has been looking for Fa-ming. We were on time to disclose the news of Fa-ming Ming to the group of monks 'inadvertently', which caused them conflicts, and asked Ao Shun to bring the ancient sea, and the ancient sea came. It also bombarded the Zizhu Bodhisattva, hitting a thousand Luohan and breaking the ring. Moving the Bodhisattva's silent meditation won the Qiu Lingshan Holy Land! "Ye Shenzhen solemnly said.

"Monk Dou? Qiu Lingshan Holy Land? Okay!" Dagan Sheng tapped his finger on the desk.

"The ancestral Fengtong of Wanshou Taoism is another person who wants to get the Dharma. The minister took this opportunity to introduce him to the ancient sea, and the ancient sea itself is also setting up a bureau, pushing the boat down the river. Old, sipping Xuan En, and revenge on Wanshou Taoism! "Ye Shenzheng explained.

"Kill the nephew of Xuandu? Revenge with Wanshou Taoism? Good!" Dagan Sheng became even more satisfied.

"In the news from Yinyue City, Gu Hai had resentment with Miyata and the Seven Kills. The minister had already arranged the man's side to provoke the wrath of the two. Unfortunately, the Seven Kills did not dare to violate the order of the emperor. Miyata went, and the minister asked Li Shenji to contact the parties to try again. Unfortunately, only Miyata went, but it was also enough. The ancient sea beheaded Miyata. God is aware of it! "Ye Shenzhen solemnly said.

"Revenge against the Great Yan Dynasty, do not sacrifice the power of the Qing Emperor? Yes!" There is a sense of satisfaction in the voice of Dagan Sheng.

"Bing Ji, the Holy Lord should remember that Chen invited the nine sons to persuade Wuyazi, and set up this bureau in the central square to wait for the ancient sea to come. The Holy God invited Confucius to come here, so that the ancient sea faces Wuyazi and the monk Wuyazi promised to wait for me, and then dragged the game until Guhai arrived. Guhai lived up to her hopes. With "Bodhi", the Buddhist heart of the monk in the early Yuan Dynasty was abolished, and he was even taken away! As for Wuyazi , Luo Zi did not do his best, and eventually retired! "Ye Shenzhen solemnly said.

"Revenge the rhubarb dynasty? Etan Bingji's life experience? Not bad!" Dagan Sheng appealed.

"These ten people selected by the Holy Spirit were extremely superb. During this time, according to the Holy Spirit's request, the minister created grievances with the three holy places and the other two heavenly dynasties, except for Sima Changkong because of his fatherhood. The other eight, facing the three sacred places or the two heavenly dynasties, shrank more or less, but this ancient sea has never gone forward without fear! "Ye Shenzhen solemnly said.

"Sima Changkong and Guhai?" Dagan Sheng looked again at the sign on the table in front of him.

"Just, Chen is curious, this ancient sea is so offensive to all forces, is he trying to die? Or, he saw a trace of the holy intention, so deliberately?" Ye Shenzhen frowned.

"I see your intentions? Intentionally? If you have the patience, why not see them? This time is a big deal. I don't want to make a plan and finally make a wedding dress for others!" Dagan Sheng said in a deep voice.

"Yes, Gu Hai has enmity with the various parties, and he is brave and credible, but in the end, the details are not clear. Holy, everyone else knows the roots, they are all my old ones! Compared with Gu Hai, more ...!" Ye Shenzhen frowned. Road.

"Knowing the roots? Not necessarily credible." Dagan Sheng shook his head.

"Uh, yes!" Ye Shenzhen smiled bitterly.

"Guhai?" Dagan Sheng looked again at the brand of Guhai.

"Holy, in addition to the ancient sea, there is Sima Changkong. This humane is extraordinary, the piano and calligraphy are good, and the time spent by him to observe him is the longest ...!" Ye Shenzhen solemnly said.

"He is the son of Sima Zongheng. He can believe him, but he is not suitable for this matter!" Dagansheng shook his head.

"Yes!" Ye Shen asked.

"Jiu Hai was chosen. In this case, Sima Chang went to Gu Hai to tell him that the Halloween Conference must not be lost!" Dagan Sheng said in a deep voice.

"Yes!" Ye Shen asked.

PS: Watching Qi ’s 30th birthday today, there are more guests at home, the update may be a little unstable, this is the first more, the second is more likely to be late, try to watch as early as possible. Forgive me.

This book's first release comes from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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