Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 5 Chapter 60: Longevity's second painting

Thirty heavens and squares chess game?

Dan's starting hand is the layout of the chess game, and immediately surprised the host Jiu Gongzi and the boundless son aside.

The world chess game was created by the old man who watched chess. Generally speaking, only the disciples of the old man who watched chess had the inheritance. Is he also one of the nine players who watch chess?

The ancient sea chess is gradually dignified.

"Slap!" "Slap!" "Slap!" .........

The two settled, you come and go, countless chess practitioners in the Quartet looked at the two settled, gradually showing their worries, but they were worried about the ancient sea. Because, with the wrath of the saints. Numerous Taoist practitioners greeted Gu Hai with his artistic Taoist artistic conception.


Gu Hai's body looks like a colorful sun, blooming with all kinds of light.

"So many paintings of Taoism, Gu Hai can still play chess? Is his concentration so high?" The future Buddha frowned and folded his hands.

"Huh, the ancient sea is not affected by the paintings? This group of paintings practitioners are all waste!" Too cold eyes.

Too early to stare at the ancient sea.

The ancient sea was unmoved and still in the middle of it.

Not to mention that the artistic conception of Shu Dao is useless to Gu Hai. Gu Hai's current chess course has given Gu Hai a super strong fixation. Yizi and Dan Wang are playing against each other.

Dan King is also very careful, because Dan King understands the current situation, as long as he wins the ancient sea, the heavenly saint, there must be countless willing to recommend himself.

"Mr. Gu seems unaffected?"

"Mr. Gu is really amazing. So many paintings and artistic moods can still settle down safely?"

"Yitangtangzhu, really amazing!"




The people all around admired it.

The saints all over the sky are staring at the ancient sea.

"Huh, I see how long you can hold on!" A sage painted a cold voice.

Even though the ancient sea is not affected now, but the saints are sure that the ancient sea will definitely not be able to stand. This is almost 10,000 Taoist practitioners, and they are not ordinary people. They are all Taoist practitioners who can draw illusions. No one can hold on for a long time, no, even a sage in the sky will certainly not hold on for too long, let alone the ancient sea?

As the King of Dan, the painters, and the saints all over the sky looked forward, a loud voice made a sound throughout the audience.

"Ha ha ha ha, Mr. Gu, I'm done, look at my painting, my painting is done!"


Hearing this voice, almost all the saints were violently excited.

Looking around one by one, this is longevity? That scourge, he drew another picture?

Originally, a group of saints still wanted to see what the painting of Changsheng was, but the one hundred pregnant saints who passed out on the side suddenly reminded them that no one dared to see Changsheng's painting.

Is it another picture? That scourge was painted again?

Changsheng's voice seemed to stop the entire Tianyin City in an instant. Five hundred million people and one hundred thousand participants were all dumbfounded.

What is it drawn?

However, no one dared to watch, at least Mu Chenfeng, Mo Yike, and Bing Ji did not dare to watch.

Changsheng's paintings are extremely evil. Who dares to see them?

"Mr. Gu, what about my painting? Mr. Gu ...!" Changsheng rushed over holding the painting.

Gu Hai naturally heard Changsheng's painting, but ‘Egg Picture’ Zhuyu was in front. Guhai really did n’t dare look at it, but it was not good for Changsheng ’s interest. Pretending not to hear, continue to fall.

"Mr. Gu, my painting is ready. Look, you are painting at the Chaohui, yes, you are playing chess, forget it, let me save you!" Changsheng anxiously said.

Speaking of this, Changsheng turned the painting towards the ancient sea. From the painting, a golden light burst out suddenly and headed for the ancient sea.


"What's on the painting?" After all, the people turned around curiously.

Seeing Changsheng's paintings, almost everyone looked dumb.


"How dare he!"

"He actually painted saints?"

"Can this also be painted? He's crazy?"




Many people saw the painting and were suddenly surprised.

I saw it in Changsheng's painting. It is extremely magnificent.

In the picture, Gu Hai is wearing a dragon robe, sitting on a dragon chair, and there are countless officials standing in two rows. These officials are not bystanders, but they are more than 10,000 contestants of painting.

Changsheng painted all these paintings into ancient Haichenzi.

More importantly, in the center of the chapel in the painting, five hundred saints were also painted. They are painting saints. There are one hundred holding children and kneeling in front of the ancient sea in the painting. The other four hundred are all bruised and dying. Bound, as if only to be ordered by the ancient sea in the painting, all beheaded.

Those who saw the painting were completely shocked.

"This is depicting the majesty of the ancient sea?"

"All five hundred saints have become prisoners and detained. Is this a picture of judging saints?"

"He, he doesn't want to play anymore? Even the judges dare to slander?"




Countless people screamed.

But when I saw Changsheng tremble, in the picture, there was a loud shout: "Those who are contaminated with the same concubine, the Jiu tribe!"

This is the sound coming from the painting.

However, under this weird sound, the golden light in the painting suddenly soared 10,000 times. It went straight to the body of the ancient sea, and immediately masked all the other lights on the ancient sea, and transmitted the light of the painting along the Quartet to the golden light. Wan attacked Gu Hai's painting Taoist body.


Ten thousand Taoist practitioners were immediately shrouded in golden light.

Almost at the same time, 10,000 painting saints are all exciting. Entered the artistic conception of Changsheng's painting.

The artistic conception of Changsheng's painting shows the boundless majesty on the court, as if Tianwei immediately stunned all the artists' minds. The painters forgot everything and really thought they were the courtiers of the ancient sea.

Just like the illusion seen by Gu Hai, these paintings not only saw, but also went straight into the heart.

"Tongtong!" "Tongtong!" ………………

Suddenly, 10,000 paintings fell on his knees.

"The emperor forgive us, we have nothing to do with these saints!"

"The emperor, these saints must not die, the minister has nothing to do with them!"

"I have nothing to do with them, these saints who eat shit!"

"I ask the emperor to decapitate all these saints!"

"No, please the emperor hang their heads on the tower!"

"Emperor, these saints are not human."

"The emperor, this group of sage pigs and dogs is better, kill them!"




Under the emperor 'Tianwei', the painters pointed at the saints in the sky, verbally insulting them, insulting them as pigs and dogs, insulting them as things, insulting them as animals, and a variety of insults.

"You guys, you dare!" The saints snarled for a moment, almost stunned.

For many years, I have never suffered such an insult. For thousands of years, tens of thousands of years, which time was not the ancestral offering of the participants of the Halloween? Which time is not begging myself to look at them more.

Do you dare scold me? Still scolding so bad? Didn't have a son? Did you scold me?

The four hundred saints were furious.

A super farce broke out in the central square, attracting participants from the book fighting area, the piano fighting area, and the chess fighting area, and they looked surprised.

Five hundred million people in the Quartet suddenly became an uproar.

There are surprises, laughter, and noisy.

"Longevity? One artist's artistic conception of painting overwhelms all contestants?" Kong Di, not far away, squinted.

The Qing Emperor's face also sank: "Longevity? I see. It's him, it's him, and that Ziwei? Are they both?"

In the east, the angels looked in amazement.

"God, is that man's artistic conception so powerful?" A six-winged angel said in astonishment.

"Fighting for Taoism, rushing against the artistic conception, the loser lost a thousand miles, and the winner reversed the enemy's heart. This person's artistic painting of the artistic conception is really powerful, heavenly paintbrush? That painting was made by Gu Hai for him?" .


"Giant, Gu Hai, they ca n’t go crazy. How can they draw this kind of painting? Would you like to judge it?" A too good disciple frowned.

Taishang Giants yelled in his eyes: "Is this all the same? Huh, Gu Hai is so hard-hearted that he knows that the saint will not choose him, but he goes the other way, letting all participating paintings insult the saint and the saint It ’s better for the beasts to keep the saints from choosing them? ”


"Wuliangshou Buddha! Swearing is too horrible. The saints have escaped the world and actually insulted them as inhumane. This group of participating artists are also good and bad!" A Bodhis sighed slightly.

"A good drawing does not mean good character, alas, it's just a trick, this year's Halloween Convention has changed a bit!" The future Buddha smiled slightly.

Smelly? More than smell.

The painting practitioners who worshipped the ancient seas were increasingly abusive to the saints. In order to clarify the relationship with the saints, they even prepared some peach-colored events and broken sleeves for the saints. The four hundred saints who listened were almost fainted.

"Shuzi, dare you!"

"Dare you, if the old man can come down, he will split you!"

"Ignorant child, **** things!"

"Old man fights with you!"




The saints in the sky roared, but there were more than 10,000 Taoist practitioners drawn below. People talked so much that the four hundred sages couldn't get back to their mouths, and even a few self-righteous people saw the saints who had a greater reputation than their lives. They were stigmatized by this "disgraceful" story and passed out.

Longevity is smug.

The ancient sea sitting aside was a bit of cold sweat from his forehead, showing a bit of grin. Longevity this time, you are a big cow.

"Longevity is playing again!" Mu Chenfeng not far away said blankly.

"These saints are considered to hate the emperor completely!" Mo Yike smiled bitterly.

Bingji didn't know how to deal with it, but could only smile bitterly: "At least it proves that Changsheng's painting is really powerful, and one person overpowers everyone!"

The master of the fleeting years presided over the painting road, now dumbfounded.

This is the first time I have seen that during the competition, judgement is a big draw. All contestants in the paintings kneel and scold judges. How can this continue? Can anyone teach me what should I say?

"Accepted!" Gu Hai suddenly said.

This book's first release comes from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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