Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 5 Chapter 61: Five hundred referrals

"Acceptance!" Gu Hai smiled at Dan Wang slightly.

"Huh?" Dan Wang raised a brow and immediately looked down.

Thirty heavens and squares chess game? At the beginning, the king of Dan still had a different appearance, but soon, Gu Hai could understand it. The king's thirty chess game was too regular.

Basically just follow the book, don't understand the changes. It's far worse than Momo.

Watch chess nine? Perhaps it has been inherited by the old man who watched chess. However, when he played chess, he didn't know how to be flexible. The only thing he could tell was that Dan did not have that chess power at all, but he was playing that chess.

Not only Gu Hai saw it, but Jiugongzi and Wuyazi also saw it. They smiled slightly and didn't care.

In the end, after Gu Hai gave in a sentence.

King Dan actually looked down and looked unbelieving.

"Oh, it seems that you are not one of the nine chess players!" Gu Hai shook his head.

"Huh? Lost? Gu Hai, this game is not finished yet!" Dan Wang frowned.

At this moment, the chessboard has not yet won, so where did you lose?

Not far away, Qingdi raised a brow and said lightly, "Dan King, you lost!"

The voice entered into the ear of Dan Wang densely, and there was noisy surroundings. No one paid attention to the Qing Emperor's mouth.

However, the King of Dan changed his face.

The emperor said that if he loses, he must not be wrong, but this game clearly has his own advantage. He has to win.

"I don't believe it, Gu Hai, go on, I don't believe I lose!" Dan Wang Shen said.

"Slap!" King Dan dropped all of a sudden. Looked angrily at Gu Hai.

Such a good opportunity, except for a large group of painting practitioners, all the Taoist practitioners are aimed at the ancient sea. Under such interference, as long as they win, Qunsheng recommends itself.

How did you lose? how come?

The King of Dan is not convinced to continue.

Gu Hai smiled slightly, and with him, he fell.



In a blink of an eye, a large number of white raptures were taken, and the whole game of chess changed drastically, and the king of Dan suddenly fell down.

"You, you ...!" King Dan stared at Gu Hai.

"It seems that in the previous dozen or so rounds, you have come down to these 30 games. You have almost won so many rounds in a game, and you should almost lose. Moreover, it is also because of your poor chess skills. Thirty chess games, otherwise, you are not just staring now! "Gu Hai shook his head.

"Gu Haisheng!" Jiugongzi said.

"Hum!" The Saints snorted for a while.

"Mr. Gu has won again!" Said the Quartet, and a large number of people were surprised.

At this moment, as Gu Hai stood up, the Taoist monk who insulted the saints behind him became more and more intensive, and the saints who scolded each other were angry.

"Mr. Gu, how about that? This painting is okay for me?" Changsheng suddenly came forward excitedly.

Under the shining of Changsheng's paintings, Guhai's whole body is dazzling with golden light.

Looking at the picture, sitting on the chapel himself, Gu Hai was speechless.

"This is the Chaohui you painted?" Gu Hai curiously said.

"Yes, you see, in order to make you look good, I also painted the children of this group of saints!" Changsheng pointed at the pregnant saints in excitement. In the painting, these pregnant saints have already held children.

Gu Hai: "………………!"

What does it mean, `` I painted children for the saint to make me look good ''? Why are they pregnant when they are pregnant? It's not that I made them pregnant.

Gu Hai tangled for a while.

Looking up at the group of saints, there was a moment of speechlessness, this group of saints, at this moment can be considered to hate themselves completely.

"Are you saints, can you choose a recommender?" Master Liu Nian suddenly spoke to the sky.

"Huh!" The sage snorted for a while.

"You saints in painting, now, there are 13,400 participants in the paintings in the field, including Gu Hai. All the paintings of the painting practitioners have been exposed. Please ask the saints for judgment, and recommend them to the saints!" Speak again.

"Recommendation, I'm waiting for the old man to be mad. I still want the old man to recommend it. Don't even think about it!"

"Recommend Guhai? Huh, I ca n’t recommend it when I am dead. Recommend this group of people? Disgrace me as a beast, taint my habit of breaking my sleeves, and think of it, and I recommend you!"

"Don't think of me recommending, you guys, I don't recommend, one doesn't recommend!"




The saints painting the road, staring at each other, cracked and roared.

Still want us to recommend? Stop thinking!

"Hosted by me, now the saints who paint the Tao will answer immediately. Are you sure, don't you recommend anyone? Are you sure?" Master Liu Nian drank again.

"No recommendation, we don't recommend it!" The saints in the paintings immediately drank.

The paintings of the saints are angry, how can it be recommended at this moment, but because it is not recommended, it immediately changes the countless practitioners in the Quartet.

"Not good, these saints have been fooled!" Conte's face not far away changed.

"No recommendation? Is this a conspiracy of the Daqian Dynasty?" Qing Di sank.

"Huh, what a big conspiracy!" Tai Shang Juzi in the distance sank.

"The sacred Buddha is improper!" The future Buddha sighed slightly.

"Oh, don't recommend them? They are fainted!" Too cold at first.

Where the Dagan holy place is located, all the big officials are immediately excited.

"Good!" Long Shenwu's eyes brightened.

"Ha ha ha ha, funny, funny, no longer recommended!" Bei Ming Shou burst into laughter.

Even Dagan Sheng exhaled softly.

"Well, you're wrong!" Suddenly a saint called.

"Huh?" The paintings of the saints stunned slightly, and then their faces changed.

I still have time to speak again.

"Initiate God, the rules of the Halloween Convention, the saints in various areas, judge and recommend the contest, each saint, one referee, ten thousand saints, ten thousand recommenders, according to the final number of referees, The victory of the conference. Today, the first round draws the saints and gives up the recommendation. According to the rules of the Halloween convention, the saints give up the referrals and their referrals are handled by the corresponding host. The contestants Gu Hai and Gu Hai were recommended by the sages of the Five Hundred Paintings Road, please show it to heaven! "Master Liu Nian pointed his right finger at Gu Hai, and said to the sky solemnly.


The master of the fleeting years, suddenly soaring into the sky, a white light. Straight into Hao Ran righteousness.

The whole sea of ​​righteousness was violently sloshing. Obviously, when the master of the previous years was examined in the temple of Wendao, he also received some kind of induction from the temple of Wendao.

The sage does not recommend the referral to the host.

Suddenly, Hao Ran was righteous in the air, and five hundred white runes appeared, like a ‘wen’ character, but there were a lot of grain patterns on the periphery. This is the referral.

Five hundred recommendation symbols, like shooting five hundred white beams of light in an instant, go straight to the ancient sea in the hand of the master of the fleeting years.


The ancient sea seemed to be covered by a spotlight lantern, and the whole body was full of light in an instant. The beam of light did not disappear, but it was like a spotlight, always shining on the ancient sea.

Gu Hai got five hundred referrals.

Five hundred referrals? The equivalent of five hundred paintings of the saint recommended the ancient sea.


"Recommend him?"

"Asshole, in passing, we don't recommend Gu Hai at all!"





More than three hundred painting saints almost fainted. Fighting over and over, his final recommendation sign, actually came to this ancient sea? You cheat, cheat.

There were a few saints in the stomach who woke up slowly, and suddenly looked down to see that their own recommendation signs, all strangely, were cast to Guhai.

Voted for that ancient sea that made his stomach bigger?

"No ~~~~~!" After a scream of despair and remorse, he passed out again.

The person you least want to refer to has got his own referral?

The saints painting the road are going to collapse, and the other saints are also angry.

"Dare you cheat!" The Doctor Qin Sheng angrily.

"I wait for everything to come in accordance with the rules of the Halloween Convention, saints, how can you talk about fraud?" Master Liu Nian said lightly.

Indeed, Master Liu Nian asked as the host, and they did not answer. This is at best just a hole in the Halloween Convention, and it is not a fraud.

However, as a result, the saint was more than angry.

Dagan people are cheering.

"Mr. Gu, that's great!"

"Hahahaha, it turned out to be this way?"

"Painting five hundred saints, five hundred recommendation signs, all got by Mr. Gu!"




The four sides cheered.

The future Buddha smiled slightly bitterly.

Tai Shang Juzi's face was gloomy, and there was a slight disdain of play on Tai Chu's face.

Cheering officials.

Dagan Sheng calmly sat on the dragon chair.

"Holy, it seems that Long Wanyu's prediction is correct. The painting is all-inclusive, more than the old man who watched chess last time!" Bei Mingshou laughed.

In the central square, Gu Hai smiled slightly bitterly.

How do you feel angry when you get this recommendation? Fortunately, the people are on their side.

"Changsheng is right?" Bingji laughed.

"Yeah, if Changsheng had driven the heavenly saints crazy, the saints would not have been stunned, thanks to Changsheng!" Mu Chenfeng sighed.

"Thanks to longevity, unfortunately, it will be dangerous next time. There are 10,000 referral symbols, and now the emperor has got five hundred? Will the remaining saints be so abandoned?" Mo Yike smiled bitterly.

Sure enough, the sage and the other sages were constantly begging for the madness to draw the madness.

"Zhang Qinsheng, please, don't recommend Gu Hai that villain anymore!"

"Chen Qisheng, please, don't let Guhai villain win! Make up for my mistakes."




The paintings were anxiously asking for help.

The saints in the sky, at this moment looking at the ancient sea, are not happy.

"Mr. Gu, how about, let's win!" Jang Sheng immediately said to Gu posters.

"Yes, thank you Mr. Changsheng!" Gu Hai smiled slightly.

At this moment, what does Gu Hai say? The scene was a bit out of control. Changsheng this time can be considered crooked.

"Well, the final round of chess matchup, Gu Hai, Wuyazi, take a seat!" Jiugongzi said.

This book's first release comes from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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