Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 5 Chapter 62: Change in the style of the boundless child

In the first round of painting duel, the scene that the sage didn't want to see happened in front of him. He didn't want Gu Hai to get a referral, but Gu Hai won a Grand Slam!

Even if the sage burns in the wrath of the saint, it does not help, the wood has become a boat, unable to return to heaven.

You can only ask other saints, never recommend Gu Hai.

Other saints are also quite angry at the ancient sea at this moment, especially the chess saints.

From the previous dissatisfaction, gradually became disgusted. The previous dissatisfaction was because Gu Hai disrespected the saint and insulted the saint. Although he was not humiliated by himself, it could not promote his crookedness. So I don't want Gu Hai to win, but Gu Hai wins a game every time. In the end, the final battle.

The chess sages looked at Gu Hai and Wujizi coldly.

"Mr. Gu, please!" Wuyazi smiled slightly.

"Mr. Wuyazi, please!" Gu Hai nodded.

"Slap!" "Slap!" "Slap!" .........

The two started to settle down.

"Oh? Yours is also the starting position for the Thirty Heavens and Earth Chess game?" Gu Hai frowned slightly.

"Mr. Gu is a chess player, and he will not hide it with Mr. Gu. In the past, he has watched the old man's inheritance of chess. He has been pondering for a long time, and I hope Mr. Gu could not hesitate to enlighten me!" Wuyazi solemnly said.

"Guitar watching nine?" Gu Hai raised a brow and glanced at the host Jiugong.

Jiu Gongzi seems to have known for a long time.

And all around, the surrounding chess practitioners widened their eyes.

Watch chess nine? Was that Dan king impersonating? This boundless child is one of the nine chess players?

"Don't dare to enlighten me, Mr. Wujizi, please go all out!" Gu Hai smiled slightly.

"In this round, there is no time limit, the two can do whatever they want!" Jiugongzi said.

"Slap!" "Slap!" ...............

The two started to fall off.

Wujizi is one of the nine players who watch chess. The voice is not loud, but it is spread out instantly. Everyone who hears it looks right.

I do n’t know the old man who watched chess. All the old man who watched chess changed his face.

Eight hundred years ago, the old man who watched chess played a game of heaven, but he could turn the world upside down, and the heavens would drop the heinous guilt.

Not far away, Qingdi's eyes narrowed for a moment: "Oh? You are also one of the nine chess players? Eight hundred years ago, the nine chess players have been appearing continuously? Is this the rhythm of something big?"

Kong Di raised his eyebrows slightly: "Nine sons of watching chess? Oh, Wuyazi, but you hide it from me? But tell the truth to Gu Hai?"

Ye Hua and Xuan En all changed their faces.

Five hundred million people talked slightly, and suddenly burst into turmoil.

"Old man watching chess? The world's first chess master? In the past, no one was his opponent, but he challenged heaven and played against it!"

"What do you know? The old man who watched chess wanted to be a god!"

"The old man who watched chess was dead. He divided the inheritance into nine parts.

"Wuyizi is one of the nine players who watch chess? The chess power must be extremely powerful!"

"How is that possible? Didn't you lose to Gu Hai last time?"

"The last time Wuyazi did not go all out, it was already halfway down. This time, Wuyazi must have gone all out!"

"Mr. Gu met his opponent!"




Just watching the name of one of the nine chess players has caused a commotion in the Quartet.

The future Buddha, Taichu and Taishang Giant are all gloomy.

Above the sky, the saints also heard the voice of Wuyazi.

"The disciple of the old man watching chess?"

"Isn't the old man watching chess destroyed by heaven?"

"That is the legacy of the old man who watched chess. A thousand years ago, did you remember the battle of the old man who watched chess?"

"Oh, that fierce chess game?"

"Chess, I haven't served anyone. Then I watched chess!"




A group of sages looked solemnly at Wujizi.

Wujizi and Guhai Luozi continue.

Among the set, Gu Hai glanced at Wuyazi, indeed, Wuyazi's chess power is much better than Dan Wang, and the chess game in thirty days and nights has been used by Wuyazi, and even Guhai can see it Wuqizi's chess power should be stronger than Mo Yike.

Mo Yike's strongest is national political means, followed by playing chess. The boundless son is focusing on chess, and the style is even more fierce.

"Mr. Gu, do you think that chess is also a cultural practice, why can we only stick to a small chessboard, and only by consuming countless spiritual stones to arrange chess arrays, can we achieve the world-like effect of piano, calligraphy, and painting? "Wu Zizi laughed.

"Oh?" Gu Hai showed a hint of doubt.

"Eight hundred years ago, this was not the case. As soon as eight hundred years ago, when the chess course came out, whoever was competing with it, it was like the one I fell, and one son fell, it could gather thousands of horses in the chess lane, and kill with your fingers!" The boundless son solemnly said.


When Wuyazi fell down, Gu Hai raised his eyebrows. With Guhai's chess power, he naturally saw the momentum of this son. However, Wuyazi said that he would gather thousands of troops and horses?

"Mr. Wuyazi, what do you mean? I do not understand something!" Gu Hai puzzled.

"Congenital endgame, can Mr. Gu remember?" Wuyazi laughed.

"Natural memory is still fresh. There, as long as you get a golden chess piece, you can manipulate the rules of the heavens and the earth to condense your own cloud beast to defend the enemy!" Gu Hai Shen said.

"I remember Jiu Gongzi telling me that Mr. Gu used a piece of chess to gather thousands of troops!" Wuyazi laughed.

"Oh?" Gu Hai's eyes narrowed slightly.

When Wuyazi said this, Gu Hai seemed to have guessed something.

"Qin chess, calligraphy and painting, chess course is not the weakest. On the contrary, chess course is the most powerful attack! Mr. Gu, have you ever thought that the" Undefeated East "," Zhang Sanfeng ", and" Dugu Solitative "you gathered together, Can you walk anywhere in the world without relying on the array of magic stones you piled up? "Wuyazi laughed.

"Mr. Wuyazi, what do you mean?" Gu Hai Shen cried.

"Mr. Gu should have guessed. In fact, the rules of chess in the congenital endgame are not set by old people who watch chess, but in the old days. This can be done in heaven and earth. The chess power is achieved. It can consolidate the strong and guard the whole body. The horse killed the enemy for you. Wen Dao should not just be a plaything, Shou Yun Shen Wen Ling, no one loses to anyone! "Wuyazi shook his head and said.

"Oh, Mr. Wuyazi, what you said is indeed very dreamy, but unfortunately, I have checked countless classics, but I have never found this one. The rules of the chess course can be used to consolidate the peerless power without using a spiritual stone?" Sound channel.

"Yi Tianqi, can you?" Wuyazi laughed.

The ancient sea has his eyes narrowed, and Yi Tianqi can mobilize the forces of heaven and earth to arrange a large array of thirty heavens and earth. This is the case of the ‘trapping knife’ that gathers those fragments, which consumes very little spirit stone.

"It was okay, but unfortunately, it is not possible now, it is because of the old man watching chess, huh ...!" Wuyazi looked at the sky.

"The old man who watched chess? You mean, the old man watched chess with a chess fight, which caused Tianru to destroy the old man who watched chess. At the same time, he also took away the rules of chess between heaven and earth?" Gu Hai's face sank slightly.

"Mr. Gu is an understanding person!"

"Oh, took away the rules of chess between heaven and earth? That was only eight hundred years ago? Why is there no record in this world?" Gu Hai shook his head, expressing disbelief.

"Because of heaven!" Wuyazi Shen said.


"Heaven took away the rules of chess, and similarly, he took away all the written records of the rules of chess, and also took away almost everyone's memory of the rules of chess!" Wuyazi explained.


Gu Hai's pupils shrank.

Numerous chess practitioners in the Quartet also changed their faces, and Wuyazi was crazy?

God took away all the memory of the rules of chess?

Only a few people had their eyes fixed. In the distance, Qing Emperor and Kong Emperor frowned.

"Wuyizi, how could he save that memory?" The future Buddha revealed a hint of surprise.

"It must have been left by the old man who watched Chess!" Tai Shang Juzi's face was gloomy.

"Viewing chess nine, is this restless?" Taichu sneered.

"Holy, this boundless son's tone is a little elusive! Is this the short day of the sky? He is not an old man watching chess, he has the courage?" Bei Mingshou sneered.

Dagan Sheng tapped the dragon chair with his upper finger. Eyes stunned: "Old man watching chess? Oh, you're so far away! If you don't succeed, will you seek another one?"

Around the square, no hundreds of people showed disdain, but they didn't believe Wuyazi said. Only a small part showed curiosity.

Gu Hai stared endlessly.

"Mr. Wuyazi, why do you tell me this?" Gu Hai Shen whispered.

"Chess is a literacy that requires an opponent. Only the stronger your opponent can make you stronger. Mr. Gu, I hope you will not let me down!" Wuyazi took a deep breath and solemnly said.

"Huh?" Gu Hai suddenly looked up.

Wrong, Wuyaozi's tone is different. how……?

Gu Hai's face looked sinking towards Wuyazi.

But Wuyazi lowered his head and stopped talking.


Suddenly, Wuyazi broke away from all the chess pieces and suddenly pressed into a bare area.

"Tianyuan?" Sifang Xiu's face changed.

"Why does Wuyazi fall on Tianyuan?"

"A lot of kids have been played. Is this a change of style?"

"This is a dead end, what is Wuyazi doing?"




Countless surprises from the Quartet.

In the distance, the Qing Emperor suddenly changed his face, and a writing brush held in his hand suddenly snapped off.

"It's impossible, isn't that boundless child?" There was a hint of horror in Qingdi's eyes.

Conte also raised a brow, showing a hint of consternation.

Jiu Gongzi's face also changed, and there seemed to be a flash of panic in his eyes.

"Isn't it a chess game in thirty days and a half, it's a thirty-one chess style?" Gu Hai's pupils suddenly shrank.

"It's not right, holy, why is that boundless child suddenly, as if there is something different?" Bei Mingshou whispered in surprise and looked up at Dagan Sheng.

For the first time, the eyes of St. Gangan also flashed with surprise.

"You're not dead? Old thing!" Dagan Sheng narrowed his eyes.

The sound is very low. No one seems to hear.

This book's first release comes from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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