Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 5 Chapter 63: Demons and monsters

The boundless chess style has changed! In a blink of an eye, the growth of this chess power was exposed to Gu Hai at an extremely scary speed.

"Slap!" "Slap!" ...............

Gu Hai and Wuji Zi kept falling, and that chess power instantly made the mood of a game of chess go straight up.

I used this 19-board chessboard to perform a 30-day game of vertical and horizontal games.

Outsiders couldn't understand, but Jiu Gongzi seemed to feel it.

"Really, really you?" A panic flashed in the eyes of Jiugongzi.

In this world, how many people can make Jiugong panic? The dead old man who watched chess was one of them.

Not far away, Qingdi and Kongdi all left the writing brush at hand, and with a stare, they were surprised.

"No, it can't be you. Eight hundred years ago, you were dead!" Orient's early childhood suddenly sat upright, looking at Wuyazi's eyes suddenly cloudy.

In the south, Taishang Juzi's face sank: "Old man watching chess? Is it you? Impossible, those who are going to die in heaven have never escaped!"

In the West, the Buddha in the future clasped his hands together, and the Buddha behind was confused, as if to say something, but in the future, the Buddha would interrupt immediately: "Don't talk too much!"

"Yes!" The Bodhisattvas were blank for a while.

"Mr. Gu, so good at chess!" Wuyazi lowered his head softly.

"Mr. chess is good too!" Gu Hai's eyes were solemn for a while.

Others don't feel that deep, but Gu Hai feels it clearly. This boundless son's fall, one son beats one son, one son is better than one son. Such a game is the most powerful opponent of ancient sea chess.

Chess path practitioners are the happiest only when they meet their opponents. For a while, Gu Hai slowly sinks into the chess game, and he falls into his heart.

No one was qualified to go all out in the past, but now it's okay.

The ancient sea is on the horizon, and the game is constantly changing and becoming more and more complex.

For ordinary people, this game of chess is just a change of chess pieces. The only change is that the eyes can't stand it.

"On that little chessboard, why do I look dizzy? I don't know how to play chess!"

"So am I, a little dazzled, as if I can't see how the pieces are arranged!"

"Look at it, those contestants, why are their faces red?"




The people were shocked, but they saw that the group of chess practitioners around the ancient sea were flushed because they knew chess.

The more you understand chess, the deeper you fall into it. From the chess game of Gu Hai and Wuji Zi, it seems that there are thousands of troops and horses.

The King of Dan even had his eyes wide and sweaty, as if he saw thousands of soldiers crashing.

"Ah, don't!" Dan Wang yelled in a sudden panic.

"Puff puff!"………………

The dozen or so chess players who were next to each other had almost exhausted their hearts and were suffocated. They were called by Dan Wang and suddenly burst out with blood. Withering down.

The person who vomited blood came awake.

"Don't watch, you guys don't watch, there is something wrong with this game!" Exclaimed Qi Xiu, who woke up.

"What's going on? I saw thousands of troops?"

"I saw the Divine Dragon coming at me!"

"I saw thousands of snakes eating their hearts!"

"Can't watch, I'm dizzy!"




One chess practitioner was horrified.

But Gu Hai and Wuji Zi fell into love and fell into the chessboard.

Peak warrior, hand to hand. Peak chess repair, chess pieces.

You and I come and go, it seems to be fighting to the extreme.

Above the sky, the saint of the five hundred chess lanes stared at the game.

Seeing this game of chess, the previous sage of the Five Hundred Chess Sages disappeared suddenly, and it became a shock.

"This game of chess? Watch the chess of the old man?"

"Boundless son? He, he is the heir to the old man who watched chess?"

"Just like the year, a great game!"




The sages of the Five Hundred Chess Road looked at the game below in horror.

Obviously, the old man who watched chess left a profound memory for the saints. At that time, even for thousands of years, no one had forgotten it, and it was even more profound.

There are only saints. At this moment, they can still keep up with the chess game of the ancient seas. After exclaiming, they watched the game with their breath.

The old man who watched chess was able to enter the Temple of Wendao in the past. Obviously, he was not only recognized by the chessmen, but also more likely to subdue the chessmen.

The world's first chess master is not only 800 years ago, but also ancient.

Nowadays, Gu Hai's descendants have followed his footsteps, making the holy people of Qidao seem to have forgotten everything for a while.

Gu Hai and Wuji Zi's descendants touched everyone's heart.

But at this moment, a figure ran over.

"Master, not good. People in Qindou District have already created good songs one after another. They are going to attack you. Master, what are we going to do now?" It was Gou Chen anxiously running.

In the Qindou District, the saints compose the proposition of 'little man' to stigmatize the ancient sea. At this moment, all the masters of Qindao have already prepared the tunes. Qindao masters from all over the world are at the moment ready to go.


Suddenly, a piano sound suddenly sounded.

"Xuan En?" Numerous practitioners in the Quartet suddenly sank.

Is it robbery again?

Disturb Mr. Gu, and while Mr. Gu can't open his hands, sneak up on Mr. Gu with the piano.

"Shameless man!" Mu Chenfeng stared in the distance.

"Xuan En!" Bing Ji looked cold.

The people in the Quartet even showed annoyance.

The saint of chess avenues focused on the game of ancient seas, but the saint of qindao did not.

Especially the happiest medical piano sage that has been called before.

"The harp is long and hidden, and it is a piece of music that describes 'little man'. Let me hear it. What is the melody, if it works well, we don't mind recommending it to you." The medical piano saint laughed.

"Thank you saints, this song is called" Sad Charm "! Four little ghosts, with the villain as a companion, and the villain as a fight!" Xuan En laughed.

While talking, he quickly raised his hand.

"Ding Ding Ding Ding ……………………………………!”

Qin Yin is very melodious, coming straight to the ancient sea, but there is no illusion, but the void in front of Xuan En seems to be shaking.

"Roar! Roar! Roar! Roar!"

Four screams roar in the trembling void.

"Look, the void is moving, shaking, ah, a monster crawling out of it!"

"A very ugly monster, ten feet high, such a tall monster!"

"Not one, four, what kind of monsters? Four hands, ugly faces, so disgusting!"

"What a powerful breath, this breath, should have the strength of Zhongtian Temple?"

"Yiqin popped up the strong man in Zhongtian Temple?"




The horror of the people suddenly came from the Quartet.

The four monsters slowly climbed out of the void, roared upward, and immediately let the contestants who were not far away paint the road scared and climbed, and receded to the side.

"Boom, boom, boom .........!"

When the steps came, the earth was shaken.

"Yinqin? Xuan En's Qin Dao has such a great achievement?" Long Shenwu said in surprise.

"Holy, Xuan En made a monster out of the Qin Tao and seduced the charm. This is to deal with the ancient sea. Can the ancient sea cope with it now?" Sima frowned frantically.

Dagan Sheng didn't speak, and Bei Mingshou shook his head and said, "If the person playing chess with Gu Hai is him, then don't worry!"

"Oh?" The officials froze slightly.

"Master, what should I do? What song should I play!" Gou Chen looked anxious.

That is the peerless powerhouse of Zhongtian Temple. Which one of his own songs can be used?

Not far away, Mu Chenfeng's face changed: "Ready to blast into the sky!"

To deal with the Zhongtian Temple, you can only use the blaster.

"No!" Mo Yike stopped immediately.

"But what about those four monsters?"

"During the competition, no outsiders are allowed to interfere, don't disturb the emperor, when the emperor wants to bomb the sky gun, he will say!" Mo Yike shook his head.

"But ..." Mu Chenfeng looked anxiously.

"Master, master .........!"

With the continuous rushing of 魑 charm 袭, Gou Chen became more and more anxious, while the opposite Xuan En showed a sneer, playing more and more quickly in his hands.

Mantianqin saint looked coldly.

Seeing that, the charm of the four ghosts is about to kill the ancient sea.

Guhai frowned slightly. Before he spoke, Wujizi next to him smiled slightly, "Mr. Gu, remember what I said to you just now?"

"Huh?" Gu Hai frowned slightly.

"Thirty games, can Zhang Sanfeng from Zhongtian Temple and Dongfang undefeated?" Wuyazi laughed.

"Good!" Gu Hai nodded.

"What about thirty-one?" Wujizi laughed.

"Oh? Thirty-one?" Gu Hai frowned slightly. Because the conditions do not allow, Guhai has never been arranged.

"Thirty-one, you can consolidate the heavenly palace!" Wuyazi laughed.

During the conversation, Bai Zi in Wuyazi's hand fell gently.


A child fell, and from the chessboard, a white mist suddenly emerged. When the mist came out, a white figure suddenly condensed, and a great cold burst out from the white figure.


A cold wind rolled up across the central square, and a heavy snow fell in the sky.

But it is the boundless chess power that unites a person.

"Emperor Xiyu?" Mo Yike in the distance almost exclaimed.


Anyone who has seen Emperor Xiyu immediately became upset.

The scene of heavy snow and white clothes winning snow suddenly stunned countless people.

With chess power, the emperor Xiyu of the Heavenly Palace was united?

"It really is him!" Dagan Sheng frowned.

On the opposite side, the mysterious enchantment of the four enchanted ghosts with the Qin Tao is also open.

But he saw that Emperor Xiyu, who was bound up by Chess Power with chess power, looked coldly at the charm and stabbed a finger.


A ten-foot-old evil spirit was instantly smashed by a finger.

"Is it really Emperor Xiyu? Didn't you say that there is no rule of chess in heaven and earth?" Gu Hai was surprised.

"That's someone else, I'm different from others, Mr. Gu, continue to fall off!" Wuyazi smiled slightly.

As Wujizi spoke, Emperor Xiyu rushed across the three evil spirits rushing with a knife.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

The other three powerful evil spirits exploded.

The enchantment exploded, and immediately formed a storm, rushing into all directions.

The future Buddha, Taishang, and Taichu all changed their faces.

PS: Come at night, wait a moment.

This book's first release comes from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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