Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 5 Chapter 64: Sage breaks in

With boundless power, Wujizi congregated the Emperor Xiyu, and instantly wiped out the enchanting charm.


A spurt of blood spurted, and Xuan En stared in horror at Emperor Xiyu in the distance.

Not only Xuan En, but the practitioners in other parties also changed their faces.

Is this a match between chess and piano?

Qin Dao condenses the charm and charm of the Fa, and Qi Dao condenses the appearance of the Emperor Xiyu, fighting each other?

Obviously, chess is better. There was an uproar around the people.

But the Quartet's peerless powerhouse was sinking.

Because the four-way peerless powerhouse understands that it is not the piano that loses to chess, but the player who plays the piano loses to the people who play chess.

Wujizi is probably the old man watching chess. Old man watching chess? You are an elder elder and want to fight him?

Xuan En covered her chest.

Wujizi urged Guhai to drop off, but Guhai turned to look at the Emperor Xiyu surrounded by heavy snow. checkerboard? Is it enough to unite such a peerless powerhouse?

Above the sky, the faces of all the saints sank.

"A thousand years ago, the old man who watched chess was like this. The old man who watched chess used the chess course to consolidate chess moves and counteract the masters of qindao. Is it like this a thousand years ago, is it still the same today?" .

You know, what they are dealing with is Gu Hai. What kind of hand do you want to intervene?

"Continue, you continue to play, everyone plays!" The medical sage saint.


In the Qindou area, countless musicians immediately touched the piano with both hands.

Seven kills looked at Qingdi.

At this moment, the emperor stared at Wuyazi. After the initial surprise, he changed into a chuckle.

"Emperor?" Seven Kills said.

"Play, how is that lone song compared to this Emperor Xiyu!" Qing Di said lightly.

"Yes!" Seven Kills yelled.

"Ding Ding Ding Ding ...............!"

With the command of the saint, all the masters of the piano began to play the tunes.

With the "little man" proposition, the mood of the tune is rather gloomy. For a time, dark clouds rolled over the entire central square. In the lightning flashes and thunders, there seemed to be hundreds of millions of demons to rush from the dark clouds.


Suddenly, there were black snakes bursting out of the dark clouds, opening their blood basins and rushing towards the ancient sea.

"Hum!" Emperor Xiyu hummed.


With a palm of his hand, the black snake suddenly exploded.

Under the melody, there are even a few evil spirits crawling out of the ground, all of them rushing to the ancient sea, and all the filthy things show the sinister ‘little man’.

Qinqu is gloomy and even more demon. For a while, there were countless fiendish monsters running across the central square, with only one target, shattering the ancient sea in the center.

The saints of the sky are all looking forward to.


Emperor Xiyu hummed.

The detective waved.


The blizzard rushed straight out, and all the evil spirits and demons were frozen into ice sculptures. The prestige of the heavenly palace is invincible.

"It turns out that chess is so powerful!"

"That's because the chess player is very good. You play chess, is there a fart?"

"Look, what did that guy play?"




In the discussion among the people, the Seven Kills also officially played a track of the Qing Emperor.

"Ding Ding Ding ………………!"

As soon as the track was played, the sound suddenly surpassed all the piano sounds.

"Oh?" The heavenly saints stared sideways.

But I saw that in the face of the Seven Kills, a sudden blue rush came out of thin air. The cyan breath slowly formed a vortex, and the vortex sent out a terrifying breath, and once the breath came out, it seemed that it was going to swallow all the living beings around, and some Qindao demon evaded.

"This song is so strange." A saint frowned.

"A kind of dead song?" Another saint said in astonishment.

"Living Songs?" Countless practitioners all changed their faces.

"Wu Shou Buddha, a song of passing away? A song that sends people into reincarnation? Is this a passing song created by the emperor?" The future Buddha frowned.

"What is the song of death?" Mu Chenfeng saw a gloom from the horrified eyes of the four strong men.

"Living Songs, Singing Curses, Singing Songs. Such sounds, rumors should not appear in this world. They are sounds in reincarnation, which can reincarnate people's souls and souls. Rumors, songs of death can give souls and souls an overpowering power The dead song can even give birth to a superhuman! "Mo Yike's face changed.

"Please enlighten me in" Aoki's Rebirth "!" Qi Qi said coldly.

Aoki continued to play the song, and the breathtaking breath was taken in the direction of the ancient sea.

Emperor Xiyu blocked in front of Gu Hai for a moment, and his detective palm was about to go toward the blue vortex.


However, the suction was too weird. The power of Emperor Xiyu seemed to have failed for a moment. The body was sucked suddenly, and at the entrance, it was about to be sucked in.

"Not good. After all, Emperor Xiyu is only a chess figure, a physical body, and the last song has the most effect on it!" Bei Mingshou, in the distance, said in a deep voice.


Emperor Xiyu was struggling for a while, but the blue vortex was still being sucked frantically, and seemed to devour him.

"Qing Di, this Qin Tao proposition is" Villain ", not" Longevity ". You have deflected the topic and stop immediately, otherwise, you will be disqualified!" Ding Ding sighed.

Ding Ding is in charge of Qin Tao's presidency and must stand up at this moment.

"Really? Then you ask the judgment of the sky, have I missed the question?" Qingdi said lightly.

Today, Emperor Xiyu is trapped. Obviously, Aoki's Passion of Life is even more powerful. The saints in the sky are embarrassed by the ancient sea. How could it be possible to refute the emperor at this moment.

"Ding Ding, we are the judges. We are not partial. You are not the final say." Aoki Awakening "is very good. Why is it so?" Dr. Qinqin said coldly.

Ding Ding's face sank.

"Go on, ha ha ha, a good Aoki Song, what about the others? Are you all stupid? The track continues, don't stop!" The medical doctor saint once again yelled.

Now that Emperor Xiyu has been held back, how can such a good opportunity be given up?

"Ding Ding Ding Ding!"

Suddenly, all the piano contestants played again, especially Xuan En who was injured just now, and played again.

"Ding Ding Ding Ding!"

魑 charm 魍 魉 popped up, and suddenly, the four evil spirits previously destroyed by Emperor Xiyu emerged again, coming in the direction of the ancient sea in roar.

"Ancient sea? Hahaha, now what else can you do!" Xuan En, Seven Kills, etc. all showed their faces.

"Mr. Gu, let's play chess with ease, noisy piano, I can drop another one!" Wuyazi chuckled.

Between words.


One son fell, and from the chessboard, a silver fog suddenly emerged, and the fog once again condensed a chess style.

"Who is this time? Can you stop the thousands of harems?" No one in the hundreds showed curiosity.

Among the people's worries, the chess way became clear.

Gu Hai turned his head, but he was a strange old man, a silver robe, silver eyebrows, a bland look, and a man of detached spirit.

The old man held a guqin in his hands, looked up at the rolling clouds in the sky, and sighed slightly.

"Who is he?"

"I do not know!"

"Who knows who this is? Is it better than Emperor Xiyu?"




Countless people show curiosity and obviously do not know. The curiosity also appeared on the Dagan Sheng.

Only Gou Chen and Ding Ding changed suddenly.

"Tongtong!" Gou Chen immediately knelt down, his face horrified: "Ah, ah, sir, you, you, are you alive?"

Gou Chen gave an exclamation, which slightly surprised Gu Hai.

Not far away, Ding Ding seemed to have to worship it, but it stopped unceasingly. Even so, his eyelids were jumping wildly.

"Mr. Yinyue?" Ding Ding horrified.

Mr. Yinyue, the founder of Yinyue Mountain Villa, created Gouchen, Pojun, Dingding and Six Fingers.

Wujizi actually used chess to consolidate such a law.

"Mr. Yinyue? How is it possible that Wuqizi's chess power has condensed this old monster?" Qisha's face changed.

However, he saw that Mr. Yinyue fiddled with the piano, and watched Wu Mei rush forward, Mr. Yinyue waved gently.

"Ding Ding Ding Ding ……………………!"


It looks like a multi-million silver-moon-shaped scimitar rushes straight out, and instantly smashes the puppet and all the monsters around it.

"Well, what about Mr. Yinyue? This is no longer your era." Seven Killer stared.


As soon as he played in his hand, the blue vortex Hu Long sucked the Emperor Xiyu completely, and then the vortex came straight to Mr. Yinyue.

"Ding Ding Ding Ding ...............!"

Mr. Yinyue played the tune, strangely, there was a cyan swirl in front of Mr. Yinyue.

"My" Aoki Past Songs? "Qing Di sank.

It was Mr. Yinyue who copied this song in a blink of an eye and made changes, and the power was even stronger.

The Qing Emperor's face was gloomy.

The Seven Kills is a mad face: "It's impossible, you're just a harem!"

Mr. Yinyue ignored and continued to play. The effect of the dying song is getting stronger and stronger.

"It's bad, it's bad!" Xuan En screamed in surprise.

For a moment, all the Qin Tao contestants could not move, it seemed that the spirits would be deprived.

In this battle, obviously all piano contestants are going to lose.

"Huh!" The medical sage sighed coldly above the sky.

In the cold hum, the body fluttered, and a white light emerged from the body, straight into the body of a piano master.


Master Qin Tao's playing of the piano suddenly exploded more than ten times, and a super giant rushed to the whirlpool.


The whirlpool of the deceased exploding from Mr. Yinyue exploded.

"Sage, what do you want to do to enter the contestant's body? What are you trying to do for him? Are you trying to cheat?" Ding Ding yelled.

The body of the medical sage saint is still in the air, but all the thoughts have entered the body of the master of the piano. At this moment, he turned his head and looked at: "I want to fully test the ability of this piano repair, the rules of the competition are allowed!"

"Huh?" Ding Ding sank.

"Ha ha ha ha, yes, Qin Tao sometimes can't hear clearly, but I can think of the possession and feel the feelings in his music, I can!"

"I can too!"

"I can too!"




The five hundred Qindao saints suddenly thought straight down and entered the Qindao master. In the name of the master Naqin Tao, against Mr. Yinyue, against Gu Hai!

For a moment, the competition changed a little.

The judges broke into the arena to cheat.

Mr. Silver Moon vs Five Hundred Sages.

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